1,690 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Pelayanan Service Advisor Dengan Menerapkan Metode Quality Function Deployment Di Auto 2000 Hr. Muhammad Surabaya

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    Industri yang bergerak dibidang jasa mengalami peningkatan, demikian juga dengan industri jasa bengkel. Kenaikan tersebut sangat berdampak pada persaingan bisnis antar badan USAha sejenis. Oleh karena itu bagi jasa bengkel Auto 2000 juga ingin tetap eksis dan berkembang, dan mengedepankan kualitas pelayanan, karena kualitas pelayanan sudah menjadi tolak ukur bagi setiap konsumen pengguna jasa tersebut. Dalam pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Cluster Random Sampling, variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fasilitas service, penerimaan service, pelaksanaan service serta penyerahan dan tindak lanjut service, dan masing-masing variabel terdiri atas beberapa sub variabel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kecermatan petugas service dalam menanggapi keluhan pelanggan adalah kebutuhan yang paling dipentingkan oleh para pelanggan dengan nilai tertinggi 4,49. Kemudian perlu diketahui juga berapa kesenjangan/gap antara kepuasan dengan harapan pelanggan. Dari hasil analisa diperoleh bahwa kebutuhan pelanggan dalam kemudahan membuat perjanjian service menepati urutan pertama dengan nilai gap sebesar -0,20. Sedangkan untuk nilai gap kualitas pelayanan secara keseluruhan adalah sebesar –0,0553 yang artinya kualitas belum memenuhi harapan pelanggan

    Uji Jarak Tanam Sistem Legowo terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Padi pada Metode SRI

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    . The objectives of this study were to examine plant spacing of legowo system on growth and yield of several varieties of rice and interaction between plant spacing and varieties on growth and yield of rice. This study used a split plot design with four replicates. Factors studied were (1) varieties, consisting of three levels, namely, Pandan Wangi, Ciherang, and Cot Irie and (2) plant spacing, consisting of two levels, namely 21 cm x 10.5 cm x 42 cm and 25 cm x 12.5 cm x 50 cm. Results showed that varieties did not significantly affect number of productive tillers, but significantly affected length of panicle and yield per ha. Cot Irie Line provided greater panicle and yield per hectare than Ciherang and Pandan Wangi Varieties, while Ciherang did not provide significantly different panicle and yield per hectare, compared to Pandan Wangi. Result also showed that plant spacing significantly affected number of productive tillers, but did not significantly affect length of panicle and yield per ha. Plant spacing on basis of 25 cm significantly provided more number of productive tillers than that of 21 cm. There were no significant interaction between varieties and plant spacing on number of tillers, length of panicle, and yield per ha

    Hubungan Antara Parameter Oseanografi Dengan Kandungan Klorofil-a Pada Musim Timur Di Perairan Utara Papua

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    The aims of the research are to determine correlation between chlorophyll a distribution and oceanographyparameter at North Papua Waters dan to identify oceanography parameter which have strong correlation onchlorophyll a distribution especially on East Monsoon. The purpose of the research provide an information aboutthe pattern of chlorophyll a distribution and key oceanography paramater which most affected on chlorophyll aconcentration at the research site. Temperature and salinity were measured using CTD (Conductivity TemperatureDepth) Guildline-6000. Waters ample for measuring chemical paramater was done using Super Rosette Samplerthat have Niskin Bottle that submerge with the CTD. The result showed oceanography parameter affectedsignificantly on chlorophyll a concentration based on depth, chemical parameter. This effect was higher than othereffects in particular on surface water till 200 meter depth

    Tindakan Perundungan (Bullying) dalam Dunia Pendidikan Ditinjau Berdasarkan Hukum Pidana Islam

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    Perundungan (bullying) dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan tindakan tercela dan diharamkan oleh Islam karena dapat melukai korban baik secara fisik maupun mental. Dalam aspek jinayah, apabila Perundungan dilakukan oleh pelajar atau mahasiswa yang sudah dewasa, sehingga mengakibatkan korban luka-luka, kehilangan atau kerusakan harta benda atau korban meninggal dunia, maka pelaku dapat dihukum dengan hukuman jinayah hudûd, ta'zir dan qishâsh. Namun, apabila Perundungan tersebut mengakibatkan korban tertekan, ketakutan, atau trauma dan lain-lain di luar kategori jinayah hudûd dan qishâsh, maka pelaku dapat dihukum dengan hukuman ta'zir. Sebaliknya, apabila Perundungan dilakukan oleh siswa atau pelajar yang masih di bawah umur, maka pelaku dikenakan hukuman ta`zir berupa diyath, kaffarah, hukuman alternatif atau penganti (‘uqubât al-badilâh) yang bertujuan mendidik atau memberi pelajaran bagi pelaku dan orang lain supaya tidak mengulanggi perbuatan yang sama

    Analisis Permasalahan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Islam

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    The increase in the price of fuel oil or fuel occurred many times due to many factors. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the increase in the selling price of fuel oil from an Islamic perspective. The method used is case studies and literature or literature review with the latest data on price increases in August 2022. The results of the analysis are that according to the government the factor in the increase in the selling price of fuel oil in Indonesia is the revocation of subsidies, there are 5 reasons: (1 ) State Budget “Earned” by subsidies; (2) subsidies reduce people's independence; (3) subsidies reduce smuggling; (4) subsidies are only enjoyed by the upper class; and (5) subsidies to reduce poverty. However, the reality is that fuel subsidies have never been given to the people, instead it is the people who subsidize the government. So the term subsidy was replaced by the difference between the international oil price and the price imposed by the government on its own people. To overcome the problem of rising fuel prices, there are two solutions that can be proposed, namely tactical solutions and strategic solutions based on Islamic law

    Physical Properties of Agarophyte Gracilaria sp. (verrucosa type) from Seaweed Culture of Takalar,South Sulawesi

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    ABSTRAK Agarophyte of Gracilaria sp. (verrucosa type) collected from Takalar, South Sulawesi, has been studied for its quality. The organoleptic test on the raw material indicated that its color was dull red and its water content was moderate, 23.53%. The impurity content was 46.2%, and mostly consisted of very fine water soluble materials. The agar yield of the raw material was 47.70%. Its physical properties, as indicated by geling point, gel surface strength and viscosity, were inferior than commercial agar: The data suggest that impurify content is the most important determinant of agar quality. Therefore, it is recommended to improve post harvest handling to obtain better quality. Keywords: organoleptic test, Agarophyte of Gracilaria s


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    Dalam sebuah plant, seperti LNG plant, petrochemical plant, fertilizer plant, nuclear plant,geothermal plant, gas plant, baik di on-shore maupun di offshore, semuanya mempunyai danmembutuhkan perpipaan. Perpipaan (piping) adalah jalur perpipaan yang menghubungkan antaraline dalam satu plant produksi. Piping mempunyai fungsi untuk mengalirkan fluida dari satutempat ke tempat lainnya. Pada perpipaan ada beberapa tegangan yang diakibatkan oleh bebansustain, beban ekspansi dan beban occasional yang mana dapat mengganggu pengoperasian padasistem perpipaan. Tegangan yang terjadi pada sistem perpipaan tepatnya di Dehydrogen UnitArea-2, PT PIM, dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan numerik. Hasil simulasimenunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi desain, tegangan akibat beban sustain maksimum yang terjadiadalah sebesar 9486,016 kg/cm2 dan tegangan akibat beban ekspansi sebesar 1143,7 kg/cm2. Padakondisi operasi, tegangan akibat beban sustain maksimum yang terjadi sebesar 9451,6 kg/cm2 dantegangan akibat beban ekspansi sebesar 9451,6 kg/cm2. Tegangan yang terjadi akibat beban sustaindan ekspansi masih berada pada batas aman yang diizinkan sesuai dengan jenis material yangtertera pada ASTM (American Standart of Testing Material)
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