3,152 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an dengan Menggunakan Strategi Card Sort Siswa Kelas IV SDN Tampang Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan

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    M. Hamdan. 2013. Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an dengan Menggunakan Strategi Card Sort Siswa Kelas IV SDN Tampang Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. Pembimbing : Dra. Hj. Mudhiah, M. Ag\ud \ud Kata Kunci : Meningkatkan, Kemampuan, Membaca Al-Qur’an, Strategi Make A Match\ud \ud Pembelajaran PAI di sekolah selama ini sebagian besar masih menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang bersifat konvensional, hal ini mengakibatkan rendahnya interaksi dan perhatian siswa sehingga hasil belajar yang dicapai mereka menjadi kurang optimal. Hal tersebut juga terjadi pada SDN Tampang Kecamatan Sungai Raya\ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV semester I pada SDN Tampang Kecamatan Sungai Raya untuk mata pelajaran PAI dengan menggunakan strategi Card Sort.\ud Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus penelitian. Pada setiap siklus penelitian terdiri atas dua kali pertemuan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Tampang pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2013/20014, dengan jumlah siswa 9 orang. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui teknik observasi dan tes evaluasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah persentasi dan skala likert.\ud Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh (1) Partisipasi siswa mengalami peningkatan dari akhir siklus 1 ke akhir siklus 2 sebesar 33,33% menjadi maksimal, jika pada siklus I masih ada beberapa komponen siswa yang harus ditingkatkan yaitu kerjasama dengan siswa lain dan interaksi antara siswa dengan guru, maka pada siklus II kedua komponen tersebut sudah aktif dilaksanakan siswa bahkan ada yang mencapai sangat aktif; (2) Hasil peningkatan aktivitas guru pun secara umum juga mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari kategori baik (akhir siklus 1) menjadi kategori sangat baik (akhir siklus 2); (3) Hasil tes evaluasi kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an siswa sebesar 55,56% (akhir siklus 1), mengalami peningkatan menjadi 100% (akhir siklus 2) dengan nilai/skor siswa di atas standar ketuntasan belajar minimum mata pelajaran PAI yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 68; bahkan mencapai indikator keberhasilan penelitian yang ditetapkan sebesar 80%\ud Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi Card Sort dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan pemahaman/pengetahuan siswa kelas IV SDN Tampang, serta tingkat kemampuan kognitif anak sudah dapat diklasifikasikan

    Penyelesaian sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhul di Kota Buntok

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    Praktek pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian di Kota Buntok memiliki dua proses penyelesaian yakni proses lembaga hukum dan proses non-lembaga hukum. Dua proses tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya perceraian seperti perceraian qabla dukhǔl. Salah satu permasalahan perceraian yang sering ditemukan masyarakat suku banjar di kota Buntok adalah persengketaan pengembalian mahar dan “jujuran” akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl. Persengketaan pengembalian mahar dan jujuran dikarenakan tuntutan pihak suami tidak sesuai dengan pengembalian mahar dan jujuran yang diberikan oleh pihak istri. Beberapa permasalahan di atas, yang menjadi fokus penelitan dalam penulisan ini. Pertama, bagaimana makna mahar dan jujuran menurut subjek yang diteliti. Kedua, bagaimana motif terjadinya sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl di Kota Buntok. Ketiga, bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl di Kota Buntok. Tujuan penelitian dalam penulisan ini yakni mengetahui makna mahar dan jujuran menurut subjek yang diteliti, menganalisis motif terjadinya sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl di Kota Buntok dan mendekripsikan proses penyelesaian persengketaan pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl di Kota Buntok. Jenis peneltian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan socio-legal. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dalam penulisan ini, makna mahar dalam al-Qur’an adalah shaduq, nihlah, dan qinthar, sedangkan jujuran dalam perspektif hukum islam adalah hibah dan hadiah, motif terjadinya sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhul di Kota Buntok antara lain, pertama, perlakuan yang tidak pantas dari istri, membuat suami memutuskan untuk bercerai dalam kondisi qabla dukhǔl. Kedua, tidak adanya perjanjian tertulis sebelum perkawinan bagi kedua pihak. Penyelesaian sengketa pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl di Kota Buntok antara lain, Pertama, proses penyelesaian persengketaan dilakukan dengan jalur lembaga non-litigasi yakni prosedur musyawarah antar kedua keluarga. Kedua, hakam sebagai aktor penyelesaian yakni perwakilan pihak suami dan pihak istri. ketiga, pola pemeriksaan kebenaran qabla dukhul dengan mengungkapan fakta-fakta sebelum perceraian seperti hubungan suami-istri setelah menikah, jangka waktu berkumpul dan tempat tinggal setelah menikah. Keempat, model pembuktian kebenaran perceraian qabla dukhǔl dengan cara pengakuan orang tua. Kelima, eksekusi pengembalian mahar dan jujuran akibat perceraian qabla dukhǔl yakni kesepakatan kedua pihak dengan prinsip win-win solution antara pihak suami dan istri. Abstract Practice of dowry and jujuran return caused by divorce in Buntok has two settlement process, they are legal institution and non-legal institution process. That two process caused by some divorce factors like qabla dukhǔl divorce. One of divorce problem that often happen in Banjarese in Buntokis dispute of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce. This dispute happen because husband’s demand not appropriate with dowry and jujuran return which given by wife. Based on problem that mention before, the research focuses are. First, how is the meaning of dowry and jujuran according to subject that researched. Second, how is the motive that make happen dispute of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok. Third, how is the dispute settlement of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok. Research problems were to know the meaning of dowry and jujuran according to subject that researched, analyzed the motive that make happen dispute of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok and described the process of dispute settlement of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok.This research was qualitative and used socio-legal approach. Data collection technique used observation, interview and documentation. Result showed that, the meaning of dowry in Al-Qur’an was shaduq, nihlah, and qinthar, while jujuran in Islamic perspective was hibah and gift, the motive that make happen dispute of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok such as first in appropriate treatment from wife, make husband decided to divorce in qabla dukhǔl condition. Second, there was no written agreement before marriage for spouses. The dispute settlement of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl divorce in Buntok such as first dispute settlement process done with non-legal institution which meant family discussion between both family. Second, hakam as settlement actor who represent husband and wife. Third, rightness checking pattern of qabla dukhǔl with revealed the facts before divorce like marital relationship after married, time period for assemble and place after married, fourth, rightness prove model of qabla dukhǔl with parents acknowledgment. Fifth, execution of dowry and jujuran return caused by qabla dukhǔl was agreement from both with win-win solution between husband and wife

    Mars: the interaction cross-section of positive and negative muons

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    The Durham spectrograph MARS, has "been used to study the electromagnetic interactions of cosmic ray muons in iron in the range 6 - 200 GeV. Single, electrons and electron bursts of various sizes from the knock-on, direct pair production and bremsstrahlung processes were observed. The possible asymmetry in the interaction of positive and negative muons as a function of muon energy and energy transfer was investigated. Also investigated was the absolute value of the interaction probability for single electrons and electron bursts of different sizes as a function of muon energy. Experimental burst spectra for burst sizes up to 80 particles were established and compared with prediction. The results on the interaction asymmetry suggest no asymmetry for single electron production and give an asymmetry value of 1.08 ± 0.055 for production of two or more secondaries. The results on the absolute values of the interaction probability are in good agreement with expectation. Thus, it is concluded that there is satisfactory agreement with theory

    Accuracy of self-evaluation in a peer-learning environment: An analysis of a group learning model

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    There is a global competitive demand for graduates with soft skills, and higher education institutions are tasked to reduce the employee skill gap. Thus, we investigated the students' perceptions of peer assessment in facilitating engagement in soft-skill development through group work activities. Using group work to measure the effectiveness of students' feedback on their assessment, we posit that students perceive self-assessment in group work as a tool that represents fairness. By focusing on learning in a peer-assisted learning environment, the study is a two-period different observation on the effectiveness and validity of peer assessment practice. We applied a group learning model over two academic sessions to investigate if students can self-evaluate accurately in a peer-learning environment. The employed methods included both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The findings of the study differ from previous findings that students cannot self-assess accurately. Empirically, there was no significant difference between the peer marks and tutor marks. The study also found that peer learning improves students' quality of assessment as they reflect on their work better

    The electrification of newly formed clouds of water droplets

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    A survey of previous work on cloud droplet electrification was carried out. A cloud chamber was constructed and used to generate droplets of radius in the range 1-3 ÎĽm. The size and the charge of individual droplets were determined. Positive and negative droplets were observed. The average charge on the droplets was found to be about 5e. Also a photographic method was tried and discussed to determine the charge on the droplets

    Seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus and rubella among pregnant women in western Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maternal cytomegalovirus (CMV) and rubella infections have adverse neonatal outcomes. Basic epidemiological data concerning CMV and rubella is necessary for health planners and care providers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional study was conducted at El-Rahad hospital, Sudan to investigate seroprevalence of CMV and rubella infections and associated possible risk factors among pregnant women. Structured questionnaires were used to gather socio-demographic data and ELISA was used to detect CMV and rubella infections using IgG and IgM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 231 pregnant women, 167 (72.2%) and 151 (65.3%) were CMV-IgG and rubella-IgG positive, respectively. Only 6 (2.5%) and 8 women (3.4%) were CMV-IgM and rubella-IgM positive, respectively. While, high parity (OR = 14.7, 95%CI = 1.7 - 123.6; <it>P </it>= 0.01] and illiteracy (OR = 3.0, CI = 1.4 - 6.5; <it>P </it>= 0.004) were significantly associated with seropostive CMV-IgG in multivariate analysis, none of the other obstetrical and medical characteristics were significantly associated with CMV or rubella infections.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CMV prevalence was 72.2% and rubella susceptibility among pregnant women was 34.6%. Rubella vaccine and routine screening for rubella and CMV should be introduced for pregnant women in this setting. Further research is needed.</p

    Impact of solar shading geometry on building energy use in hot humid climates with special reference to Malaysia

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    External solar shading devices can substantially reduce the cooling load of buildings and large energy savings can be achieved. Hence, intercepting the radiant heat wave before penetrating to the internal environment through envelope openings is the main criterion in designing solar shading. In hot and humid climate, one draw back of using shading devices is the risk to reduce daylight level thus increases in use of artificial lighting. Therefore it is important to understand the magnitude of energy consumption for cooling and lighting when shading devices are adapted in order to analyze optimum shading as energy conservation option in high-rise office buildings. In other words, little is known about the relationship between energy use and external horizontal shading device geometry. In an attempt to elucidate these complex relationships, a simple experiment of an office room is carried out using dynamic computer simulation program eQUEST- 3 (DOE 2.2). The study indicated depth of the external horizontal overhang can be manipulated to obtain an optimum energy use in high-rise buildings. The results showed that correlation between overhang depth and energy is an important aspect compared to correlation between overhang depth with building cooling loads and daylight level, especially in tropical climate conditions


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Pengembangan Multimedia Sebagai Konten Pengayaan Pada Materi Struktur Atom dan Ikatan Kimia Menggunakan Konteks Wayang Kulit untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa SMA’ ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia sebagai konten pengayaan pada materi struktur atom dan ikatan kimia menggunakan konteks wayang kulit untuk membangun literasi sains siswa SMA. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah validasi para dosen ahli media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten struktur atom dan ikatan kimia bisa direpresentasikan menjadi multimedia pembelajaran dengan berbagai elemen media seperti gambar, animasi, video, simulasi dan dilengkapi dengan teks ringkas. Selain itu, multimedia yang dikembangkan telah terintegrasi dengan tahapan pembelajaran literasi sains yang meliputi tahap kontak, tahap kuriositi, tahap elaborasi, tahap pengambilan keputusan, tahap nexus serta tahap penilaian. Hasil validasi terhadap kualitas multimedia yang dikembangkan dinilai dari tiga segi, yakni desain audio/visual yang kurang baik, navigasi yang baik serta desain instruksional yang kurang baik. ..... The study entitled "Development of Multimedia as Enrichment Content on Subject of Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond Using the Context of Shadow Puppets to Improve Science Literacy in High School Students" aims to produce multimedia as enrichment content on the subject of atomic structures and chemical bond using the context of shadow puppets to build scientific literacy high school student. In this study, researcher used ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) models. The research instrument used in this study is the validation of media expert lecturers. The results showed that the content of atomic structures and chemical bonds could be represented as multimedia learning with various media elements such as images, animation, video, simulation and equipped with concise text. In addition, the multimedia that has been developed has been integrated with the stages of scientific literacy learning which includes the contact stage, the curiosity stage, the elaboration stage, the decision making stage, the nexus stage and the assessment stage. The results of the validation of multimedia quality developed were assessed from three aspects, namely poor audio / visual design, good navigation and poor instructional design
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