2,256 research outputs found

    The effect of cost of credit on money demand: empirical evidence from Malaysia

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    This paper investigates the dynamic of long-run relationship between cost of credit and real money balances in Malaysia. The Johansen-Juselius (1990) likelihood ratio tests support the importance of the cost of credit in the real broad money demand function. The sample period spans from 1978:q1 through 1997:q4. The results provide empirical evidence for the long-run relationship between cost of credit and broad money balances in Malaysia

    Money, income and the Lucas critique: the case for Malaysia

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    The objective of this study is to determine the usefulness of the monetary aggregates in Malaysia for policy action purposes. Money MI and M2 were tested for weak exogeneity, strong erogeneity and superexogeneity (which implies Lucas critique) within a seasonal error-correction model framework. Our weak exogeneity and superexogeneity tests suggest that money MI and M2 are not subject to the Lucas critique and thus imply that both monetary awegates are useful intermediate targets for monetary policy purposes. The importance of money as intermediate targets is further strengthened as our seasonal error-correction model indicates that money (MI and M2) and income exhibit stable long-run relationships

    Ekstraksi Tinggi Bangunan dengan Menggunakan Foto Udara Ortho dan Data Lidar

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    Penginderaan jauh semakin berkembang khususnya dalam hal resolusi spasial. Foto udara ortho banyak digunakan karena resolusi spasial tinggi dan telah mengalami koreksi sehingga aspek relief displacement dapat dikurangi. Kemudian data LiDAR sebagai data detil yang dapat memberikan informasi ketinggian objek dengan akurasi tinggi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan ekstraksi data geometri bangunan, yaitu tinggi bangunan dan mengetahui akurasi dari ekstraksi informasi tinggi bangunan. Tahap awal dilakukan interpertasi tipe atap bangunan dari foto udara ortho. Ekstraksi tinggi bangunan dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai ketinggian maksimum bangunan dari N-DSM yang didapatkan dari kalkulasi DSM dan DTM LiDAR. Nilai tinggi tersebut dikoreksi dengan nilai tinggi objek atap bangunan berdasarkan tipe atapnyaHasil perhitungan uji akurasi cukup baik. Uji akurasi pemetaan dengan menggunakan data pengukuran lapangan menunjukkan bahwa akurasi ekstraksi tinggi bangunan sebesar 86.63%

    Estimation of the parameters of Exponential distribution using top-K-lists

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    This paper deals with the estimation of location and scale parameters of the exponential distribution based on top-k-list of a sequence of observations from a two parameter exponential distribution. The minimum variance unbiased estimates of the location and scale parameters are given. Some comparisons of the variances of these estimates with respect to that of the kth record values are given

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Soal Evaluasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital Bagi Para Guru Madrasah Aliyah Islamiah Malo Bojonegoro

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    Madrasah Aliyah Malo, Bojonegoro Regency, the media used in learning and evaluation are still relatively difficult for students to focus on learning. Included here are PAI subjects. This school has an adequate computer laboratory. Also, teachers and their students have smartphones that are no less sophisticated to be used as learning media. It's just that they have not been able to optimize these facilities. So the first problem can be formulated: how to understand teachers about optimizing ICT for learning in schools and secondly, how to grow teacher skills in optimizing the creation of digital-based learning evaluation questions. The method applied uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. The result of the implementation of this training and mentoring is that teachers have digital skills and knowledge and there is a significant change in the seriousness and understanding of students in participating in learning. As a suggestion of this training be used and practiced in learning to improve student understanding

    Metodelogi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Kaum Lansia di Pondok Pesantren Lansia Al Hidayah Kelurahah Doromukti Kecamatan Tuban Kabupaten Tuban

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    Education is one of the primary needs in life, thats means humans cannot be separated from educational activities. The purpose of education in general is to educate the nation\u27s life and develop the whole person. Educators will use different methods in each class when he teaches, such as one face-to-face and collaborate with other learning methods. The age of the students in learning influences the method used by educators. Elderly education activities (Elderly) do not occur very much in Indonesia. The institutions that overshadow and organize the education of the elderly are still lacking. Over a period of nearly 50 years (1971-2018), the percentage of Indonesia\u27s elderly population has doubled. The educational needs of the elderly are actually still large. The greatest need is education about religion. To cover the activity, there is an institution for organizing elderly education, namely al Hidayah Islamic boarding school, Doromukti sub-district, Tuban district. This Islamic boarding school organizes a special Islamic religious education for the elderly. Islamic religious education methods used in the al Hidayah Islamic boarding school in Doromukti sub-district, Tuban district include; methods of travel, lecture, support, sorogan and practice


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil usahatani lebah madu, menganalisis pendapatan dan keuntungan di Kelompok Tani Generasi Muda Patalangan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara secara langsung dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan mencari referensi ilmiah. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa usahatani lebah madu ini awalnya dirintis oleh Ketua Kelompok yang kemudian terbentuk sebuah Kelompok Tani Generasi Muda Patalangan. Bibit yang digunakan merupakan bibit lebah madu lokal Apis Cerana. Total produksi madu selama satu bulan yaitu 47,3 Kg dengan harga jual madu per Kg adalah Rp 300.000. Secara keseluruhan usaha ini memperoleh penerimaan rata-rata sebesar Rp 1.419.000, rata-rata biaya dibayarkan sebesar Rp 466.737,5, diperoleh rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp 952.262,5, dengan rata-rata biaya diperhitungkan sebesar Rp 376.000. Sehingga usaha ini memperoleh keuntungan rata-rata sebesar Rp 576.262,5 dan analisis R/C usaha ini sebesar 1,48 yang berarti usaha ini menguntungkan dan layak dijalankan. Saran yang diberikan pada penelitian ini yaitu, sebaiknya dilakukan pelatihan budidaya lebah madu dan menambah jumlah stup. Kata kunci : usahatani lebah madu, pendapatan, keuntunga


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    ABSTRACT   This article aims to look back at the history of Islamic culture that contains elements of cosmopolitanism, which in reality has made Muslims for centuries able to absorb various cultural forms and scientific insights which come from various nations around it. In the end, this article will be able to contribute thoughts to solve various problems that are occuring today, for example, the occurrence of exclusivity in some groups of Muslims and the tendency to break away from this attitude of Islamic cosmopolitanism. Moreover, the normative and historical search for cosmopolitanism in Islamic culture lead to a valuable learning (wisdom), that cosmopolitanism is actually a series of prerequisites for the advancement of a civilization. Keywords: Cosmopolitanism, Culture, Islam.   ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat kembali bagaimana sejarah budaya Islam yang mengandung unsur kosmopolitanisme, yang pada kenyataan sejarah telah menjadikan kaum Muslim selama sekian abad mampu menyerap bermacam wujud budaya dan wawasan keilmuan yang datang dari berbagai bangsa di sekitarnya. Pada akhirnya nantinya artikel ini mampu memberikan sumbangan pemikiran untuk menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan yang terjadi dewasa ini, misalnya, terjadinya ekslusifitas di beberapa golongan umat Islam dan kecenderungan untuk melepaskan diri dari sikap kosmopolitanisme Islam ini. Serta penelusuran normatif dan historis terhadap kosmopolitanisme dalam budaya Islam mengantarkan sebuah pembelajaran berharga (wisdom), bahwa sesungguhnya kosmopolitanis merupakan rangkaian prasyarat bagi kemajuan sebuah peradaban. Keyword: Kosmopolitanisme, Budaya, Islam

    The role of monetary transmission channels in transmitting oil price shocks to prices in ASEAN - 4 countries during pre- and post - global financial crisis

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    This paper examines the vulnerability of domestic prices against oil price shocks by considering the direct and indirect effects of oil price on consumer price index, which occur through the known channels of the monetary transmission mechanism. We consider interest rate, exchange rate, domestic credit, and share price during the periods before and after the global crisis of 2007–2009 in the ASEAN-4 (Association of Southeast Asian Nations- Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) countries. Using the structural vector auto regression model and monthly data (2002 month 1–2013 month 4), the results indicate that pre-crisis—with the exception of Indonesia, which is not much influenced by oil prices—there is no indirect influence, but there is a considerable direct effect of oil price on consumer price index for all countries. Post-crisis, the oil price transmits strongly to consumer price index indirectly, although the direct effect of oil price on consumer price index is still extensive. Policymakers can target domestic prices via share prices and exchange rates