136 research outputs found

    A measure of kinematic limb instability modulation by rhythmic auditory stimulation

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    Abstract A mathematical method based on computations of residual absolute value sums (RAVS) was developed for the quantitative analysis of tremor-like perturbations of knee angle during the gait cycle. The method was tested on simulation data created by adding sinusoidal tremor of varying frequency and amplitude to the knee-angle graph of a healthy test subject. The method was then applied to compare knee tremor reduction, with and without auditory rhythm, in a group of "ve traumatically brain-injured patients with gait hemiparesis. Deviations from normal gait performance due to tremor were assessed by using self-comparison to a 17th-degree regression polynomial of each subject's own motion-, time-, and point-normalized knee-angle curve. With rhythmic cueing, the "ve subjects had a statistically signi"cant RAVS-measured mean tremor reduction of 39.5$22.6% (t"!3.91; p"0.017)

    Neuroplasticity and functional recovery: Training models and compensatory strategies in music therapy

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    New research developments in the recovery of function following neurological trauma as well as basic and applied research relevant to music perception and production, seem to point to the suggestion that specific music therapy interventions that irectly address the restoration of function as opposed to developing compensatory mechanisms, in certain circumstances, may now be a more appropriate treatment approach. We will address the issue of appropriate timing for the introduction of each strategy and discuss potential outcomes of each approach. As one might imagine, much of this research is published in the neurological journals, which music herapists may not regularly consult. It seems challenging enough just to keep abreast of new music therapy literature. Further, there is so much neurological research that the music therapy clinician often finds it difficult to know where to begin. This text provides an overview of a growing concept related to recovery known as neuroplasticity, and how specific training models in music therapy utilize this relatively recently identified phenomenon. Also, a framework will be provided to help guide the practicing clinician when attempting to build a lineage of systematic thought relevant to the use of music in neurorehabilitation, as well as discuss the frequently employed concept of behavioural compensation. Some music therapy literature that relates to these different concepts is outlined. Discussions surrounding the decision to use either of these two approaches are presented in relation to stages of recovery and the clinical presentation of the client

    Statistical analysis of human boy movement and group interactions in response to music

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    Quantification of time series that relate to physiological data is challenging for empirical music research. Up to now, most studies have focused on time-dependent responses of individual subjects in controlled environments. However, little is known about time-dependent responses of between-subject interactions in an ecological context. This paper provides new findings on the statistical analysis of group synchronicity in response to musical stimuli. Different statistical techniques were applied to time-dependent data obtained from an experiment on embodied listening in individual and group settings. Analysis of inter group synchronicity are described. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Cross Correlation Function (CCF) were found to be valid methods to estimate group coherence of the resulting movements. It was found that synchronicity of movements between individuals (human human interactions) increases significantly in the social context. Moreover, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed that the type of music is the predominant factor in both the individual and the social context

    Effects of motifs in music therapy on the attention of children with externalizing behavior problems

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    Recent studies highlight the role of attention (i.e., executive attention and joint attention) in the negative association between children’s externalizing behavior problems (EBPs) and self-regulation. In music therapy improvisation, “Motifs” represent a repeated and meaningful use of freely improvised or structured music. They have been reported to be effective in drawing attention toward joint musical engagement. This study aimed to examine the effects of clinically derived motifs on the attention of a child with EBPs. Video microanalysis of four therapy sessions was employed. Interaction segments with/without motifs were then selected for analysis: (a) Executive attention measurement: a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine the effects of Motifs (Factor I) across sessions (Factor II) on the duration of interaction segments. (b) Joint attention measurement: another two-way ANOVA investigated the effects of these two factors on the duration of joint attentive responses in each segment. Results showed that (a) the segments with Motifs tended to decrease in duration throughout the sessions, while (b) these segments showed a significant increase in proportions of joint attentional responses. These findings suggest a positive effect of Motifs on enhancing efficiency of joint attention execution over time, indicating the child’s recognition of the Motifs through learning

    Wearable Haptic Devices for Gait Re-education by Rhythmic Haptic Cueing

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    This research explores the development and evaluation of wearable haptic devices for gait sensing and rhythmic haptic cueing in the context of gait re-education for people with neurological and neurodegenerative conditions. Many people with long-term neurological and neurodegenerative conditions such as Stroke, Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease suffer from impaired walking gait pattern. Gait improvement can lead to better fluidity in walking, improved health outcomes, greater independence, and enhanced quality of life. Existing lab-based studies with wearable devices have shown that rhythmic haptic cueing can cause immediate improvements to gait features such as temporal symmetry, stride length, and walking speed. However, current wearable systems are unsuitable for self-managed use for in-the-wild applications with people having such conditions. This work aims to investigate the research question of how wearable haptic devices can help in long-term gait re-education using rhythmic haptic cueing. A longitudinal pilot study has been conducted with a brain trauma survivor, providing rhythmic haptic cueing using a wearable haptic device as a therapeutic intervention for a two-week period. Preliminary results comparing pre and post-intervention gait measurements have shown improvements in walking speed, temporal asymmetry, and stride length. The pilot study has raised an array of issues that require further study. This work aims to develop and evaluate prototype systems through an iterative design process to make possible the self-managed use of such devices in-the-wild. These systems will directly provide therapeutic intervention for gait re-education, offer enhanced information for therapists, remotely monitor dosage adherence and inform treatment and prognoses over the long-term. This research will evaluate the use of technology from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, including clinicians, carers and patients. This work has the potential to impact clinical practice nationwide and worldwide in neuro-physiotherapy

    Music listening as a potential aid in reducing emotional eating: An exploratory study

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    Emotional Eating (EE) is understood as a maladaptive self-regulation strategy to satisfy emotional needs instead of hunger. Consequently, EE has been associated with negative health consequences. Enjoyment of food and music share similar neural activations in the brain and are both used by people for regulating affect. This suggests that music listening could potentially be a healthier alternative to EE. The present study was designed to investigate associations between EE, disordered mood, and music-related mood regulation. A total of 571 participants completed measures of EE, music listening strategies, and disordered mood. Associations between seven different music listening strategies and EE were examined, and also whether these regulation strategies were associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. Finally, we explored associations between music listening and EE in people with low and high (non-clinical) levels of disordered mood (depression, anxiety, and stress). The findings of this research indicated that music listening for discharge (releasing anger or sadness through music that expresses these same emotions) and EE were positively associated with one another. In addition, EE and the music listening strategies of entertainment, diversion or mental work were associated in people with low levels of disordered mood. When disordered mood was high, EE was higher, but was not associated with music listening strategies. These associations point towards the possibility of some music listening strategies being useful as healthier alternatives for EE

    A digitally-augmented ground space with timed visual cues for facilitating forearm crutches’ mobility

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    Persuasive technologies for physical rehabilitation have been pro posed in a number of different health interventions such as post-stroke gait rehabilitation. We propose a new persuasive system, called Augmented Crut ches, aimed at helping people to walk with crutches. People with injuries, or with any sort of mobility problem typically use assistive devices such as crut ches, walkers or canes in order to be able to walk more independently. However, walking with crutches is a learning skill that needs continuous repetition and constant attention to detail in order to walk correctly with them and without suffering negative consequences, such as falls or injuries. In close collaboration with therapists, we identify the main issues that patients face when walking with crutches. These vary from person to person, but the most common and hardest challenges are the position and coordination of the crutches. Augmented Crut ches studies human behavior aspects in these situations and augments the ground space around the user with digital visual cues where timing is the most important factor, without the need for a constant therapist providing manual help. This is performed through a mini-projector connected to a smartphone, worn by the user in a portable, lightweight manner. Our system helps people to learn how to walk using crutches with increased self-confidence and motivation. Additionally, our work identifies timing, controllability and awareness as the key design dimensions for the successful creation of persuasive, interactive experiences for learning how to walk with crutches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovative Computer Technology in music based interventions for individuals with autism - Moving beyond traditional interactive music therapy techniques

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    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who exhibit developmental lim- itations in social-emotional interaction and communication, are widely reported to respond positively to music therapy interventions that incorporate active and im- provisational techniques. The fundamental elements of music have been shown to bypass both cognitive and language impairments to help facilitate communication skills, form social relationships and promote cognitive progression. In recent years, computer technologies such as mobile devices and interactive motion capture systems are being developed to provide new approaches to music interaction. When included into new or existing music interventions, digital technology can enhance the music playing experience and motivate children to interact differently with their environ- ment through providing novel and engaging approaches to music interaction and creativity. This review highlights the core symptoms of ASD and presents evidence that supports the use of music therapy techniques within the autistic population, underpinned by neurological studies reporting on benefits of musical intervention. Further to this, it is explained how new technologies such as mobile devices and multi-sensory computer systems can move beyond traditional music instruments to add additional dimensions to music therapy sessions. Finally suggestions of future research are made alongside considerations in designing new and novel auditory interventions
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