121 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic field strength prediction in an urban environment: A useful tool for the planning of LMSS

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    A model for the prediction of the electromagnetic field strength in an urban environment is presented. The ray model, that is based on the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), includes effects of the non-perfect conductivity of the obstacles and their surface roughness. The urban environment is transformed into a list of standardized obstacles that have various shapes and material properties. The model is capable of accurately predicting the field strength in the urban environment by calculating different types of wave contributions such as reflected, edge and corner diffracted waves, and combinations thereof. Also, antenna weight functions are introduced to simulate the spatial filtering by the mobile antenna. Communication channel parameters such as signal fading, time delay profiles, Doppler shifts and delay-Doppler spectra can be derived from the ray-tracing procedure using post-processing routines. The model has been tested against results from scaled measurements at 50 GHz and proves to be accurate

    A phase I study with MAG-camptothecin intravenously administered weekly for 3 weeks in a 4-week cycle in adult patients with solid tumours

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    In MAG-camptothecin (MAG-CPT), the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin is linked to a water-soluble polymer. Preclinical experiments showed enhanced antitumour efficacy and limited toxicity compared to camptothecin alone. Prior phase I trials guided the regimen used in this study. The objectives were to determine the maximum tolerated dose, dose-limiting toxicities, safety profile, and pharmacokinetics of weekly MAG-CPT. Patients with solid tumours received MAG-CPT intravenously administered weekly for 3 weeks in 4-week cycles. At the starting dose level ( 80 mg m(-2) week(-1)), no dose-limiting toxicities occurred during the first cycle (n = 3). Subsequently, three patients were enrolled at the second dose level ( 120 mg m(-2) week(-1)). Two of three patients at the 80 mg m(-2) week(-1) cohort developed haemorrhagic cystitis ( grade 1/3 dysuria and grade 2/3 haematuria) during the second and third cycles. Next, the 80 mg m(-2) week(-1) cohort was enlarged to a total of six patients. One other patient at this dose level experienced grade 1 haematuria. At 120 mg m(-2) week(-1), grade 1 bladder toxicity occurred in two of three patients. Dose escalation was stopped at 120 mg m(-2) week(-1). Cumulative bladder toxicity was dose-limiting toxicity at 80 mg m(-2) week(-1). Pharmacokinetics revealed highly variable urinary camptothecin excretion, associated with bladder toxicity. Due to cumulative bladder toxicity, weekly MAG-CPT is not a suitable regimen for treatment of patients with solid tumours

    Disturbance indicator values for European plants

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    Motivation Indicator values are numerical values used to characterize the ecological niches of species and to estimate their occurrence along gradients. Indicator values on climatic and edaphic niches of plant species have received considerable attention in ecological research, whereas data on the optimal positioning of species along disturbance gradients are less developed. Here, we present a new data set of disturbance indicator values identifying optima along gradients of natural and anthropogenic disturbance for 6382 vascular plant species based on the analysis of 736,366 European vegetation plots and using expert-based characterization of disturbance regimes in 236 habitat types. The indicator values presented here are crucial for integrating disturbance niche optima into large-scale vegetation analyses and macroecological studies. Main types of variables contained We set up five main continuous indicator values for European vascular plants: disturbance severity, disturbance frequency, mowing frequency, grazing pressure and soil disturbance. The first two indicators are provided separately for the whole community and for the herb layer. We calculated the values as the average of expert-based estimates of disturbance values in all habitat types where a species occurs, weighted by the number of plots in which the species occurs within a given habitat type. Spatial location and grain Europe. Vegetation plots ranging in size from 1 to 1000 m(2). Time period and grain Vegetation plots mostly sampled between 1956 and 2013 (= 5th and 95th quantiles of the sampling year, respectively). Major taxa and level of measurement Species-level indicator values for vascular plants. Software format csv file

    A phase I clinical trial of continual alternating etoposide and topotecan in refractory solid tumours

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    The goal of this phase I study was to develop a novel schedule using oral etoposide and infusional topotecan as a continually alternating schedule with potentially optimal reciprocal induction of the nontarget topoisomerase. The initial etoposide dose was 15 mg m−2 b.i.d. days (D)1–5 weeks 1,3,5,7,9 and 11, escalated 5 mg per dose per dose level (DL). Topotecan in weeks 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 was administered by 96 h infusion at an initial dose of 0.2 mg m−2 day−1 with a dose escalation of 0.1, then at 0.05 mg m−2 day−1. Eligibility criteria required no organ dysfunction. Two dose reductions or delays were allowed. A total of 36 patients with a median age of 57 (22–78) years, received a median 8 (2–19) weeks of chemotherapy. At DL 6, dose-limiting toxicities consisted of grade 3 nausea, vomiting and intolerable fatigue. Three patients developed a line-related thrombosis or infection and one subsequently developed AML. There was no febrile neutropenia. There were six radiologically confirmed responses (18%) and 56% of patients demonstrated a response or stable disease, typically with only modest toxicity. Oral etoposide 35 mg m−2 b.i.d. D1–5 and 1.8 mg m−2 96 h (total dose) infusional topotecan D8–11 can be administered on an alternating continual weekly schedule for at least 12 weeks, with promising clinical activity

    Temporal dynamics of the shrub and herbaceous layer of an area of moist grassland in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil

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    Este trabalho avaliou a dinâmica estrutural e fl orística de uma comunidade de espécies herbáceo-arbustivas de uma área de campo limpo úmido em Alto Paraíso de Goiás, o primeiro inventário realizado em 2000 (T0) e o segundo em 2007 (T1). A diversidade de Shannon entre os períodos foi comparada pelo teste-t de Hutcheson e a similaridade fl orística, pelo índice de similaridade de Chao-Sørensen. As relações fl orísticas e a cobertura, entre os períodos e as linhas, foram avaliadas por meio de análises de correspondência retifi cada (DCA). Foram amostradas 98 espécies, 88 no T0 e 67 no T1, sendo 31 exclusivas do T0 e 10 do T1. A diversidade fl orística na comunidade foi elevada nos dois períodos, porém diferente entre esses (t = 7,12; p < 0,001), devido a variação no número e cobertura das espécies. A similaridade entre os dois inventários foi alta (Chao-Sørensen ± IC = 0,841 ± 0,074). A ordenação por DCA indicou relações entre a composição fl orística e a cobertura com o gradiente de umidade e de matéria orgânica no solo identifi cados em T0. Houve modifi cações nas linhas em zonas sazonais, as quais se tornaram mais semelhantes às linhas constantemente saturadas por água. Em um intervalo de sete anos o campo limpo úmido apresentou mudanças na composição fl orística e, principalmente na estrutura devido o aumento da cobertura de espécies perenes, cespitosas e entouceiradas, que foram favorecidas pela maior umidade no solo em resposta à elevação da pluviosidade da região. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTTh is study evaluated the fl oristic and structural dynamics of a community of herbaceous-shrub species in an area of moist grassland in Alto Paraíso de Goiás. Th e fi rst inventory was undertaken in 2000 (T0) and the second in 2007 (T1). Shannon’s diversity between the periods was compared by Hutchesons´s t-test, and the fl oristic similarity by the Chao-Sørensen similarity index. Floristic composition and cover, between periods and lines, were evaluated by detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). We sampled 98 species, 88 at T0 and 67 at T1; 31 were unique to T0 and 10 to T1. Floristic diversity in the community was high in both periods, but diff erent between them (t = 7.12, p <0.001), due to variation in species number and coverage. Similarity between the two surveys was high (Chao-Sørensen CI = ± 0.841 ± 0.074). Th e DCA ordination indicated relationships between the fl oristic composition and cover with a gradient of moisture and organic matter in the soil identifi ed in T0. Th ere were changes in the lines in the seasonal zones, which became more similar in those constantly saturated with water. During an interval of seven years the moist grassland showed changes in fl oristic composition and mainly in structure due to increased cover of the clumped tussock perennial species, which were favored by higher soil moisture due to high rainfall in the region
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