2,336 research outputs found

    Acoustic vibration test detects intermittent electrical discontinuities

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    Nondestructive test method detects faulty electrical connections in inaccessible or hidden portions of electronic harness assemblies and connectors. Method employs readily available commercial equipment

    Impact phenomena as factors in the evolution of the Earth

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    It is estimated that 30 to 200 large impact basins could have been formed on the early Earth. These large impacts may have resulted in extensive volcanism and enhanced endogenic geologic activity over large areas. Initial modelling of the thermal and subsidence history of large terrestrial basins indicates that they created geologic and thermal anomalies which lasted for geologically significant times. The role of large-scale impact in the biological evolution of the Earth has been highlighted by the discovery of siderophile anomalies at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and associated with North American microtektites. Although in neither case has an associated crater been identified, the observations are consistent with the deposition of projectile-contaminated high-speed ejecta from major impact events. Consideration of impact processes reveals a number of mechanisms by which large-scale impact may induce extinctions

    Cognitive Load Theory Principles Applied to Simulation Instructional Design for Novice Health Professional Learners

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    While the body of evidence supporting the use of simulation-based learning in the education of health professionals is growing, howor why simulation-based learning works is not yet understood. There is a clear need for evidence, grounded in contemporary educational theory, to clarify the features of simulation instructional design that optimize learning outcomes and efficiency in health care professional students. Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is a theoretical framework focused on a learner’s working memory capacity. One principle of CLT is example based learning. While this principle has been applied in both traditional classroom and laboratory settings, and has shown positive performance and learning outcomes, example based learning has not yet been applied to the simulation setting. This study had two main objectives: to explore if the example-based learning principle could successfully be applied to the simulation learning environment, and to establish response process validation evidence for a tool designed to measure types of cognitive load. Fifty-eight novice students from nursing, podiatric medicine, physician assistant, physical and occupational therapy programs participated in a blinded randomized control study. The dependent variable was the simulation brief. Participants were randomly assigned to either a traditional brief or a facilitated tutored problem brief. Performance outcomes were measured with verbal communications skill presented in the Introduction, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (I-SBAR) format. Response process evidence was collected from cognitive interviews of 11 students. Results indicate participation in a tutored problem brief led to statistically significant differences at t(52)=-3.259, p=.002 in verbal communication performance compared to students who participated in a traditional brief. Effect size for this comparison was d=(6.06-4.61)/1.63 = .89 (95% CI 0.32-1.44). Response process evidence demonstrated that additional factors unique to the simulationlearning environment should be accounted for when measuring cognitive load in simulation based learning (SBL). This study suggests that example based learning principles can be successfully applied to SBL and result in positive performance outcomes for health professions students. Additionally, measures of cognitive load do not appear to capture all contribution toload imposed by the simulation environment

    Issues of scale and scope in bio-physical modelling for natural resource management decision making in New South Wales

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    Natural resource management decision making by Catchment Management Authorities in NSW is being aided by a project involving bio-physical modelling and the development of an alternative decision-making framework. The objective of the bio-physical modelling process is to generate predictions of environmental or natural resource outcomes rather than project outputs. These outcomes can then be used in an investment framework to help priority setting and project decision making. Questions that arise in bio-physical modelling include those relating to scale and scope. Scale issues include how to address the landscape impacts of particular (or a series of local) on-ground works proposals. Scope issues include assessment of multiple-attribute responses to particular changes. In a multi-disciplinary context the challenge is then to translate this information into units that can be adapted to a decision-support framework. Existing Catchment Management Authorities decisions are often based on scoring and weighting of environmental improvements using an environmental benefits index, however other economic frameworks are possible. We discuss the important context for these questions in the decision making framework.environmental benefits, bio-physical models, scale, scope, investment decisions, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    How long is a hillslope?

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    Hillslope length is a fundamental attribute of landscapes, intrinsically linked to drainage density, landslide hazard, biogeochemical cycling and hillslope sediment transport. Existing methods to estimate catchment average hillslope lengths include inversion of drainage density or identification of a break in slope–area scaling, where the hillslope domain transitions into the fluvial domain. Here we implement a technique which models flow from point sources on hilltops across pixels in a digital elevation model (DEM), based on flow directions calculated using pixel aspect, until reaching the channel network, defined using recently developed channel extraction algorithms. Through comparisons between these measurement techniques, we show that estimating hillslope length from plots of topographic slope versus drainage area, or by inverting measures of drainage density, systematically underestimates hillslope length. In addition, hillslope lengths estimated by slope–area scaling breaks show large variations between catchments of similar morphology and area. We then use hillslope length–relief structure of landscapes to explore nature of sediment flux operating on a landscape. Distinct topographic forms are predicted for end-member sediment flux laws which constrain sediment transport on hillslopes as being linearly or nonlinearly dependent on hillslope gradient. Because our method extracts hillslope profiles originating from every ridgetop pixel in a DEM, we show that the resulting population of hillslope length–relief measurements can be used to differentiate between linear and nonlinear sediment transport laws in soil mantled landscapes. We find that across a broad range of sites across the continental United States, topography is consistent with a sediment flux law in which transport is nonlinearly proportional to topographic gradient

    Genome-wide co-expression analysis in multiple tissues

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    Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) represent genetic control points of gene expression, and can be categorized as cis- and trans-acting, reflecting local and distant regulation of gene expression respectively. Although there is evidence of co-regulation within clusters of trans-eQTLs, the extent of co-expression patterns and their relationship with the genotypes at eQTLs are not fully understood. We have mapped thousands of cis- and trans-eQTLs in four tissues (fat, kidney, adrenal and left ventricle) in a large panel of rat recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Here we investigate the genome-wide correlation structure in expression levels of eQTL transcripts and underlying genotypes to elucidate the nature of co-regulation within cis- and trans-eQTL datasets. Across the four tissues, we consistently found statistically significant correlations of cis-regulated gene expression to be rare (<0.9% of all pairs tested). Most (>80%) of the observed significant correlations of cis-regulated gene expression are explained by correlation of the underlying genotypes. In comparison, co-expression of trans-regulated gene expression is more common, with significant correlation ranging from 2.9%-14.9% of all pairs of trans-eQTL transcripts. We observed a total of 81 trans-eQTL clusters (hot-spots), defined as consisting of > or =10 eQTLs linked to a common region, with very high levels of correlation between trans-regulated transcripts (77.2-90.2%). Moreover, functional analysis of large trans-eQTL clusters (> or =30 eQTLs) revealed significant functional enrichment among genes comprising 80% of the large clusters. The results of this genome-wide co-expression study show the effects of the eQTL genotypes on the observed patterns of correlation, and suggest that functional relatedness between genes underlying trans-eQTLs is reflected in the degree of co-expression observed in trans-eQTL clusters. Our results demonstrate the power of an integrative, systematic approach to the analysis of a large gene expression dataset to uncover underlying structure, and inform future eQTL studies

    LMC X-1: A New Spectral Analysis of the O-star in the binary and surrounding nebula

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    We provide new observations of the LMC X-1 O star and its extended nebula structure using spectroscopic data from VLT/UVES as well as Hα\alpha imaging from the Wide Field Imager on the Max Planck Gesellschaft / European Southern Observatory 2.2m telescope and ATCA imaging of the 2.1 GHz radio continuum. This nebula is one of the few known to be energized by an X-ray binary. We use a new spectrum extraction technique that is superior to other methods to obtain both radial velocities and fluxes. This provides an updated spatial velocity of 21.0 ± 4.8\simeq 21.0~\pm~4.8 km s1^{-1} for the O star. The slit encompasses both the photo-ionized and shock-ionized regions of the nebula. The imaging shows a clear arc-like structure reminiscent of a wind bow shock in between the ionization cone and shock-ionized nebula. The observed structure can be fit well by the parabolic shape of a wind bow shock. If an interpretation of a wind bow shock system is valid, we investigate the N159-O1 star cluster as a potential parent of the system, suggesting a progenitor mass of 60\sim 60 M_{\odot} for the black hole. We further note that the radio emission could be non-thermal emission from the wind bow shock, or synchrotron emission associated with the jet inflated nebula. For both wind and jet-powered origins, this would represent one of the first radio detections of such a structure.Comment: 7 Figures, 4 Table

    Multiple imputation methods for bivariate outcomes in cluster randomised trials.

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    Missing observations are common in cluster randomised trials. The problem is exacerbated when modelling bivariate outcomes jointly, as the proportion of complete cases is often considerably smaller than the proportion having either of the outcomes fully observed. Approaches taken to handling such missing data include the following: complete case analysis, single-level multiple imputation that ignores the clustering, multiple imputation with a fixed effect for each cluster and multilevel multiple imputation. We contrasted the alternative approaches to handling missing data in a cost-effectiveness analysis that uses data from a cluster randomised trial to evaluate an exercise intervention for care home residents. We then conducted a simulation study to assess the performance of these approaches on bivariate continuous outcomes, in terms of confidence interval coverage and empirical bias in the estimated treatment effects. Missing-at-random clustered data scenarios were simulated following a full-factorial design. Across all the missing data mechanisms considered, the multiple imputation methods provided estimators with negligible bias, while complete case analysis resulted in biased treatment effect estimates in scenarios where the randomised treatment arm was associated with missingness. Confidence interval coverage was generally in excess of nominal levels (up to 99.8%) following fixed-effects multiple imputation and too low following single-level multiple imputation. Multilevel multiple imputation led to coverage levels of approximately 95% throughout. © 2016 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd