159 research outputs found

    fNIRS complexity analysis for the assessment of motor imagery and mental arithmetic tasks

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    Conventional methods for analyzing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals primarily focus on characterizing linear dynamics of the underlying metabolic processes. Nevertheless, linear analysis may underrepresent the true physiological processes that fully characterizes the complex and nonlinear metabolic activity sustaining brain function. Although there have been recent attempts to characterize nonlinearities in fNIRS signals in various experimental protocols, to our knowledge there has yet to be a study that evaluates the utility of complex characterizations of fNIRS in comparison to standard methods, such as the mean value of hemoglobin. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the entropy of hemoglobin concentration time series obtained from fNIRS signals and perform a comparitive analysis with standard mean hemoglobin analysis of functional activation. Publicly available data from 29 subjects performing motor imagery and mental arithmetics tasks were exploited for the purpose of this study. The experimental results show that entropy analysis on fNIRS signals may potentially uncover meaningful activation areas that enrich and complement the set identified through a traditional linear analysis

    In Vitro Tuberization and Quantitative Analysis of Colchicine Using Hptlc in Gloriosa Superba . L an Endangered Medicinal Plant of Pachamalai Hills, a Part of Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu.

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    Gloriosa superba. L has been a source of medicine right from ancient times. The tubers of this plant are sold in Indian herbal market as an important source of an alkaloid colchicine. Surface sterilized seeds of Gloriosa superba were soaked overnight in 1% GA3 on the next day seeds were planted on germinating media containing MS basal salts with 0.5 mg/l GA3 and 1.0 mg/l BA, 1% sucrose and 0.8% agar. 72.5% of seed germination was observed. The germinated seeds were transplanted on MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l BAP, 0.05 mg/l GA3, 9.5 mg/l NAA and 6% sucrose which led to 90% tuber induction within 6 weeks of culture. Since there is a great demand of colchicine in the market, we have made an attempt to estimate the colchicine content in different parts of the plant like leaf, seed, pericarp, tuber and in vitro produced tuber using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography, using a mixture of Ethyl acetate:Methanol (10:1.3 v/v) as mobile phase and precoated silica gel F254 TLC aluminium sheets as the stationary phase. The detection of spot was carried out at 350nm. The calibration curve was found to be linear between 100 to 600 ng/spot for colchicines. The results revealed that in vitro tuber had highest amount (0.14249%) of cochicine, followed by in vivo seed (0.10900%), tuber (0.05761%), leaves (0.46470%) and pericarp (0.04574%). The proposed method can be used to determine the colchicine content in Gloriosa superba

    Complexity Analysis on Functional-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Time Series: A Preliminary Study on Mental Arithmetic

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    It is well known that physiological systems show complex and nonlinear behaviours. In spite of that, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is usually analyzed in the time and frequency domains with the assumption that metabolic activity is generated from a linear system. To leverage the full information provided by fNIRS signals, in this study we investigate topological entropy in fNIRS series collected from 10 healthy subjects during mental mental arithmetic task. While sample entropy and fuzzy entropy were used to estimate time series irregularity, distribution entropy was used to estimate time series complexity. Our findings show that entropy estimates may provide complementary characterization of fNIRS dynamics with respect to reference time domain measurements. This finding paves the way to further investigate functional activation in fNIRS in different case studies using nonlinear and complexity system theory

    Historical and Projected Surface Temperature over India during the 20th and 21st century.

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    Surface Temperature (ST) over India has increased by ~0.055 K/decade during 1860-2005 and follows the global warming trend. Here, the natural and external forcings (e.g., natural and anthropogenic) responsible for ST variability are studied from Coupled Model Inter-comparison phase 5 (CMIP5) models during the 20th century and projections during the 21st century along with seasonal variability. Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Land Use (LU) are the major factors that gave rise to warming during the 20th century. Anthropogenic Aerosols (AA) have slowed down the warming rate. The CMIP5 projection over India shows a sharp increase in ST under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5 where it reaches a maximum of 5 K by the end of the 21st century. Under RCP2.6 emission scenarios, ST increases up to the year 2050 and decreases afterwards. The seasonal variability of ST during the 21st century shows significant increase during summer. Analysis of rare heat and cold events for 2080-2099 relative to a base period of 1986-2006 under RCP8.5 scenarios reveals that both are likely to increase substantially. However, by controlling the regional AA and LU change in India, a reduction in further warming over India region might be achieved

    2-Bromo-1,2-diphenylethenyl 4-methyl­phenyl sulfoxide

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    In the title compound, C21H17BrO2S, the two phenyl rings attached to the ethene group are oriented at dihedral angles of 76.19 (10) and 57.99 (8)° with respect to the Br—C=C—S plane [r.m.s. deviation 0.003 Å]. The sulfonyl-bound phenyl ring forms a dihedral angle of 83.26 (8)° with the above plane. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C—H⋯π inter­actions

    The design and in vivo testing of a locally stiffness-matched porous scaffold

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    An increasing volume of work supports utilising the mechanobiology of bone for bone ingrowth into a porous scaffold. However, typically during in vivo testing of implants, the mechanical properties of the bone being replaced are not quantified. Consequently there remains inconsistencies in the literature regarding ‘optimum’ pore size and porosity for bone ingrowth. It is also difficult to compare ingrowth results between studies and to translate in vivo animal testing to human subjects without understanding the mechanical environment. This study presents a clinically applicable approach to determining local bone mechanical properties and design of a scaffold with similar properties. The performance of the scaffold was investigated in vivo in an ovine model. The density, modulus and strength of trabecular bone from the medial femoral condyle from ovine bones was characterised and power-law relationships were established. A porous titanium scaffold, intended to maintain bone mechanical homeostasis, was additively manufactured and implanted into the medial femoral condyle of 6 ewes. The stiffness of the scaffold varied throughout the heterogeneous structure and matched the stiffness variation of bone at the surgical site. Bone ingrowth into the scaffold was 10.73 ± 2.97% after 6 weeks. Fine woven bone, in the interior of the scaffold, and intense formations of more developed woven bone overlaid with lamellar bone at the implant periphery were observed. The workflow presented will allow future in vivo testing to test specific bone strains on bone ingrowth in response to a scaffold and allow for better translation from in vivo testing to commercial implants

    Complementing Cancer Metastasis

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    Complement is an effector of innate immunity and a bridge connecting innate immunity and subsequent adaptive immune responses. It is essential for protection against infections and for orchestrating inflammatory responses. Recent studies have also demonstrated contribution of the complement system to several homeostatic processes that are traditionally not considered to be involved in immunity. Thus, complement regulates homeostasis and immunity. However, dysregulation of this system contributes to several pathologies including inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Unexpectedly, studies of the last decade have also revealed that complement promotes cancer progression. Since the initial discovery of tumor promoting role of complement, numerous preclinical and clinical studies demonstrated contribution of several complement components to regulation of tumor growth through their direct interactions with the corresponding receptors on tumor cells or through suppression of antitumor immunity. Most of this work, however, focused on a role of complement in regulating growth of primary tumors. Only recently, a few studies showed that complement promotes cancer metastasis through its contribution to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and the premetastatic niche. This latter work has shown that complement activation and generation of complement effectors including C5a occur in organs that are target for metastasis prior to arrival of the very first tumor cells. C5a through its interactions with C5a receptor 1 inhibits antitumor immunity by activating and recruiting immunosuppressive cells from the bone marrow to the premetastatic niche and by regulating function and self-renewal of pulmonary tissue-resident alveolar macrophages. These new advancements provide additional evidence for multifaceted functions of complement in cancer

    Additively manufactured lattice structures with controlled transverse isotropy for orthopedic porous implants

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    Additively manufactured lattice structures enable the design of tissue scaffolds with tailored mechanical properties, which can be implemented in porous biomaterials. The adaptation of bone to physiological loads results in anisotropic bone tissue properties which are optimized for site-specific loads; therefore, some bone sites are stiffer and stronger along the principal load direction compared to other orientations. In this work, a semi-analytical model was developed for the design of transversely isotropic lattice structures that can mimic the anisotropy characteristics of different types of bone tissue. Several design possibilities were explored, and a particular unit cell, which was best suited for additive manufacturing was further analyzed. The design of the unit cell was parameterized and in-silico analysis was performed via Finite Element Analysis. The structures were manufactured additively in metal and tested under compressive loads in different orientations. Finite element analysis showed good correlation with the semi-analytical model, especially for elastic constants with low relative densities. The anisotropy measured experimentally showed a variable accuracy, highlighting the deviations from designs to additively manufactured parts. Overall, the proposed model enables to exploit the anisotropy of lattice structures to design lighter scaffolds with higher porosity and increased permeability by aligning the scaffold with the principal direction of the load

    Validation of the COSMIC Radio Occultation Data over Gadanki (13.48°N, 79.2°E): A Tropical Region

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    Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC), consisting of six Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Global Position System (GPS) receivers, on board the Formosat Satellite 3 (FORMOSAT-3) is providing dense observations of density, refractivity, temperature and water vapor profiles of the neutral atmosphere since middle of July 2006. Special radiosonde (Väisälä) campaign was conducted at Gadanki (13.48°N, 79.18°E), a tropical site in India, during July 2006 to March 2007 to validate these meteorological parameters. Co-located Nd: YAG Rayleigh lidar was also operated during the overpass of COSMIC and is utilized to validate the temperatures in the height range of 30 to 40 km. Atotal of 142 overpasses occurred during the above mentioned period within 300 km distance from Gadanki out of which 41 overpasses occurred within a time difference of ±4 hours of radiosonde launch. In addition, 18 overpasses occurred within the time difference of ±4 hours of lidar operation. A detailed comparison has been made with all these overpasses for the refractivity, temperature and water vapor obtained from COSMIC. The water vapor comparison has shown generally a good agreement with a mean difference of 5 - 10% below 6 - 7 km. Although there is a colder bias between COSMIC and radiosonde, a very good comparison in temperature is also found between 10 and 27 km with a mean difference of less than 1 K (RMS difference is only 0.64 K). There exists a large difference in temperature of about 8 K between 30 and 40 km (between COSMIC and lidar). Possible reasons for these large differences are given. There was one event that occurred just over Gadanki for which a detailed comparison has been made with special emphasis on water vapor retrievals. Sensitivity test is also done on the fractional difference in N for the event that occurred on 24 July 2006 between COSMIC (1D-var) and radiosonde and found that pressure plays a key role than temperature in determining the refractivity

    Modification of Extracellular Matrix Enhances Oncolytic Adenovirus Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma

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    Purpose: Extracellular matrix (ECM) component hyaluronan (HA) facilitates malignant phenotypes of glioblastoma (GBM), however, whether HA impacts response to GBM immunotherapies is not known. Herein, we investigated whether degradation of HA enhances oncolytic virus immunotherapy for GBM. Experimental design: Presence of HA was examined in patient and murine GBM. Hyaluronidase-expressing oncolytic adenovirus, ICOVIR17, and its parental virus, ICOVIR15, without transgene, were tested to determine if they increased animal survival and modulated the immune tumor microenvironment (TME) in orthotopic GBM. HA regulation of NF-κB signaling was examined in virus-infected murine macrophages. We combined ICOVIR17 with PD-1 checkpoint blockade and assessed efficacy and determined mechanistic contributions of tumor-infiltrating myeloid and T cells. Results: Treatment of murine orthotopic GBM with ICOVIR17 increased tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and macrophages, and upregulated PD-L1 on GBM cells and macrophages, leading to prolonged animal survival, compared with control virus ICOVIR15. High molecular weight HA inhibits adenovirus-induced NF-κB signaling in macrophages in vitro, linking HA degradation to macrophage activation. Combining ICOVIR17 with anti-PD-1 antibody further extended the survival of GBM-bearing mice, achieving long-term remission in some animals. Mechanistically, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and macrophages all contributed to the combination therapy that induced tumor-associated proinflammatory macrophages and tumor-specific T-cell cytotoxicity locally and systemically. Conclusions: Our studies are the first to show that immune modulatory ICOVIR17 has a dual role of mediating degradation of HA within GBM ECM and subsequently modifying the immune landscape of the TME, and offers a mechanistic combination immunotherapy with PD-L1/PD-1 blockade that remodels innate and adaptive immune cells
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