1,372 research outputs found

    Boundary conditions for translation-invariant Gibbs measures of the Potts model on Cayley trees

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    We consider translation-invariant splitting Gibbs measures (TISGMs) for the qq-state Potts model on a Cayley tree of order two. Recently a full description of the TISGMs was obtained, and it was shown in particular that at sufficiently low temperatures their number is 2q12^{q}-1. In this paper for each TISGM μ\mu we explicitly give the set of boundary conditions such that limiting Gibbs measures with respect to these boundary conditions coincide with μ\mu.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Study of properties of high field superconductors, ac field induced flux jumps Technical summary report, 21 Jun. 1965 - 26 Apr. 1966

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    Magnetization experiments in superimposed dc and audiofrequency ac magnetic fields on cold worked NbTi alloy samples - ac field induced flux jump

    Study of properties of high-field superconductors at elevated temperatures Final technical report, 27 Apr. - 26 Aug. 1966

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    Properties of high field superconductors at high temperatures - magnetization experiments on niobium and niobium compound

    On free energies of the Ising model on the Cayley tree

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    We present, for the Ising model on the Cayley tree, some explicit formulae of the free energies (and entropies) according to boundary conditions (b.c.). They include translation-invariant, periodic, Dobrushin-like b.c., as well as those corresponding to (recently discovered) weakly periodic Gibbs states. The later are defined through a partition of the tree that induces a 4-edge-coloring. We compute the density of each color.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Humoral immunological parameters in Italian patients with oral lichen planus

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    Serum humoral immunological parameters were determined in 25 patients with atrophic-erosive forms of oral lichen planus (OLP) (Group 1), in 28 patients with reticular-plaque-like lesions of OLP (Group 2) and in 21 healthy patients without oral lesions (Group 3). Comparing patients affected by atrophic-erosive forms of OLP (Group 1) with normal Controls (Group 3), increased levels of serum IgG approaching the statistical significance were found (Kruskal-Wallis test p = 0.0572). It was also found a significantly higher value of kappa (Kruskal-Wallis test p = 0.0017; Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni’s correction p < 0.001) and lambda (Kruskal-Wallis test p = 0.0346; Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni’s correction p = 0.013) light chains in patients with atrophic-erosive OLP (Group 1) as compared with normal controls (Group 3). However these higher levels were probably caused by strong prevalence of chronic liver diseases (40%), in patients with atrophic-erosive variety of OLP. No one of these patients was affected by autoimmune liver disease. No differences were noted between atrophic-erosive OLP (Group 1) and hyperkeratosic OLP (Group 2). This study does not confirm the suggestion that patients with OLP may have a generalized immunologic disorder and it also add some evidences that the role of humoral immunity in the pathogenesis of OLP is probably secondary to the cell-mediated reaction against basal keratinocytes.Les principaux aspects de l’immunologie humorale ont été évalués dans deux groupes de malades porteur d’un lichen plan de la muqueuse buccale, 25 à formes atrophiques-érosives (Groupe 1), 28 à formes en réseaux ou en plaques blanches (Groupe 2), et chez 21 sujets sains. Au terme de cette étude les différences les plus remarquables sont les suivantes: le taux des IgG sériques est nettement plus élevé chez les sujets du Groupe 1 ce qui est presque significatif par rapport au Groupe 3 (p = 0.0577). L’analyse statistique a surtout révélé des différences significatives entre le Groupe 1 et le Groupe 3 (contrôle) en ce qui concerne les taux sériques des chaînes Kappa (Kruskal-Wallis test p = 0.0017; Mann-Whitney test corrigé par Bonferroni p < 0.001 ) et des chaînes Lambda (Kruskal-Wallis test p = 0.0346; Mann-Whitney test corrigé par Bonferroni p = 0.013). Aucune autre différence significative entre les trois groupes n’a été observee. Nous pensons que ces résultats sont probablement dus à la présence d’une hépatopathie chronique non auto-immune qui a été diagnostiquée dans 40% des cas du Groupe 1. Cette étude ne confirme donc pas la thèse selon laquelle les sujets atteints de lichen plan buccal pourraient avoir une défaillance de l’immunité humorale. Elle nous permet de penser que le rôle de cette dernière dans la pathogénèse de la maladie est probablement secondaire à la réaction cellulaire dirigée contre les kératinocytes

    Thermodynamic versus Topological Phase Transitions: Cusp in the Kert\'esz Line

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    We present a study of phase transitions of the Curie--Weiss Potts model at (inverse) temperature β\beta, in presence of an external field hh. Both thermodynamic and topological aspects of these transitions are considered. For the first aspect we complement previous results and give an explicit equation of the thermodynamic transition line in the β\beta--hh plane as well as the magnitude of the jump of the magnetization (for q3)q \geqslant 3). The signature of the latter aspect is characterized here by the presence or not of a giant component in the clusters of a Fortuin--Kasteleyn type representation of the model. We give the equation of the Kert\'esz line separating (in the β\beta--hh plane) the two behaviours. As a result, we get that this line exhibits, as soon as q3q \geqslant 3, a very interesting cusp where it separates from the thermodynamic transition line

    Poly[[aqua­[μ-1,4-bis­(3-pyridylmeth­yl)piperazine-κ2 N:N′](μ-isophthalato-κ2 O 1:O 3)copper(II)]

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    In the title compound, [Cu(C8H4O4)(C16H20N4)(H2O)]n, square-pyramidally coordinated CuII ions are linked into [Cu(H2O)(isophthalate)]n coordination polymer chains by isophthalate dianions. These chains are connected into undulating [Cu(H2O)(isophthalate)(3-bpmp)]n [3-bmp is bis­(3-pyridylmeth­yl)piperazine] layers by 3-bpmp tethering ligands. The pseudo three-dimensional structure of the title compound is fostered by inter­layer O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding between the aqua ligands and unligated isophthalate O atoms. The selected crystal was non-merohedrally twinned. Only reflections from the major twin component were used in the solution and refinement

    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 N protein allelic variants by rapid high-throughput CLEIA antigen assay

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    We report the data obtained using an automated chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) for rapid antigen detection of SARS-CoV-2 with a number of variants

    Gelatine based gel polymer electrolyte towards more sustainable Lithium-Oxygen batteries

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    The lithium-oxygen battery has attracted wide interest thanks to its very high theoretical energy density, and as such it is considered by many as a valid battery of the future candidate. However, the challenges in its practical application are many, such as liquid electrolyte evaporation in semi-open systems, as well as solvents instability in a highly oxidizing environment. In this work, we propose to use gelatin, from cold water fish skin, a waste from the fishing industry, to prepare an efficient gel electrolyte for future Li-O2 battery applications. After a single step methacrylation in water, methacrylated gelatine is directly cross-linked in presence of liquid electrolyte through UV- initiated radical polymerization. The obtained gel polymer electrolytes present good thermal and mechanical properties, good electrochemical stability against Li metal and ionic conductivities as high as 2.51 mS cm−1 at room temperature. the Li-O2 cells assembled with this bio-renewable gel polymer electrolytes were able to perform more than 100 cycles at 0.1 mA cm−2, under constant O2 flow, at room temperature and at a fixed capacity of 0.2 mAh cm−2. Cathodes post- mortem analysis confirmed that the cross-linked gelatin matrix was able to slow down solvent degradation and therefore enhance the cell reversibility

    Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke in Patients Aged 90 Years or Older

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    none5noneM. Balestrino; L. Dinia; M. Del Sette; B. Albano; C. GandolfoBalestrino, Maurizio; L., Dinia; M., Del Sette; B., Albano; Gandolfo, Carl