47 research outputs found

    Типизация читателей художественной литературы на этапе предчтения

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    The authors analyze fiction readers typing related to the phase of pre-reading. Special attention is given to the criteria of typing.Авторами анализируются типизации читателей художественной литературы, относящиеся к фазе предчтения. Особое внимание уделено критериям типизации


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    Objective of the study is to investigate genetic diversity of Brucella strains of various species, isolated from humans and small mammals in the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District using MLVA14, as well as to identify the correlation between the formed clusters and the place setting, the time setting, and object of isolation.Materials and methods. Carried out has been MLVA14 genotyping of 91 Brucella spp. strains isolated from patients, small mammals and live-stock animals. The sizes of amplicons were compared with MLVA Bank 5.0 database, tutorial version 1.6. Based on the data obtained, constructed was a dendrogram of phylogenetic interrelations of the studied strains. Results and conclusions. Using the data on MLVA genotyping, the studied strains were subdivided into 61 MLVA14 genotypes. Strains of B. suis, B. abortus, B. melitensis form separate clusters in the dendrogram. Strains isolated during cluster cases of brucellosis in humans have similar MLVA14 B. melitensis types, B. suis strains are confined to the epizooties among small mammals that may occur in different administrative territories. The data can be used for monitoring of brucellosis agent, including as an effective tool for retrospective epidemiological analysis

    COVID-19 Policy Response and the Rise of the Sub-National Governments

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from University of Toronto Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data used in this article are available as online Appendices C–G.We examine the roles of sub-national and national governments in Canada and the United States vis-à-vis the protective public health response in the onset phase of the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This period was characterized in both countries by incomplete information as well as by uncertainty regarding which level of government should be responsible for which policies. The crisis represents an opportunity to study how national and sub-national governments respond to such policy challenges. In this article, we present a unique dataset that catalogues the policy responses of US states and Canadian provinces as well as those of the respective federal governments: the Protective Policy Index (PPI). We then compare the United States and Canada along several dimensions, including the absolute values of subnational levels of the index relative to the total protections enjoyed by citizens, the relationship between early threat (as measured by the mortality rate near the start of the public health crisis) and the evolution of the PPI, and finally the institutional and legislative origins of the protective health policies. We find that the sub-national contribution to policy is more important for both the United States and Canada than are their national-level policies, and it is unrelated in scope to our early threat measure. We also show that the institutional origin of the policies as evidenced by the COVID-19 response differs greatly between the two countries and has implications for the evolution of federalism in each

    Seasonal hydrological and hydrochemical surveys in the Voevoda Bay (Amur Bay, Japan Sea)

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    Hydrological and hydrochemical surveys were conducted in the Voevoda Bay in May, August, and October, 2011 and February, 2012, in total 140 stations. Free water exchange of the bay with the Amur Bay is observed, with exception of its inner bights Kruglaya and Melkovodnaya. The water exchange is maintained by anticyclonic circulation with the inflow along the southern coast and outflow along the northern coast of the Voyevoda Bay. However, the opposite cyclonic circulation is observed in the Melkovodanaya Bight because of its coastal line patterns and fresh water discharge by the river. Dissolved oxygen content and partial pressure of CO2 in the bay waters are determined mostly by intensive processes of production and destruction of organic matter. There are three main groups of primary producers there, as diatom algae, sea grass Zostera marina , and periphyton. Specific chemical regime is formed in the Melkovodnaya Bight, in particular in winter when primary production depends on the ice cover and is driven by variations of photosynthetically active radiation passed through the ice. Seasonal variability of production-destruction processes intensity is discussed on the data of chemical parameters changes

    Опыт применения ингаляционной стероидной терапии у детей с коклюшем

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    The aim of study: аnalysis of the effectiveness of inhaled steroid therapy in patients with whooping cough.Materials and methods: 74 patients with whooping cough were observed, among whom 40 children included inhalations with Budesonide in complex therapy (main group). 34 patients in the comparison group received only basic therapy. The age structure in the main group was as follow: тhere were children under one years old 18 (47.4 ± 8.1%), 1—3 years — 7 (18.4 ± 6.3%); 4—6 years — 8 (21 ± 6.6%), 7—14 years — 7 (13.2 ± 5.5%) and comparable to the comparison group. To verify whooping cough were used the PCR method and serological diagnostic (IFA) using a test system “Ridascreen/Bordetella pertussis («R-biofarm AMG», Germany). Results: budеsonide was prescribed for a course of 5—7 days. Clinical analysis of dynamics of cough in main group showed, that a reduction in a number of attacks by the 4—5th day of budesonide was observed in majority of children (35/87.5 ± 5.2%). In the main group coughing attacks with a frequency of more than 15—25 times a day persisted for 2.7 ± 0.2 days, and in comparison group — 4.3 ± 0.2 (p < 0.001). Relief of broncho-obstructive syndrome was observed in shorter period of time, which contributes to a reduction in the average length of stay of the patient in the hospital.Цель исследования: анализ эффективности применения ингаляционной стероидной терапии у больных коклюшем. Материалы и методы: под наблюдением находилось 74 больных коклюшем, среди которых 40 детям в комплексную терапию был включены ингаляции с будесонидом (основная группа). 34 больных группы сравнения получали только базисную терапию. Возрастная структура в основной группе выглядела следующим образом: детей до 1 года было 18 (47,4 ± 8,1%), 1—3 лет — 7 (18,4 ± 6,3%), 4—6 лет — 8 (21,0 ± 6,6%), 7—14 лет — 7 (13,2 ± 5,5%) и была сопоставима с группой сравнения. Для верификации коклюша были применены метод ПЦР и серологическая диагностика (ИФА) с использованием тест-системы «Ridascreen / Bordetella pertussis («R-biofarm AMG», Германия). Результаты: будесонид назначали курсом на 5—7 дней. Клинический анализ динамики характера кашля в основной группе показал, что сокращение количества приступов к 4—5 дню применения будесонида отмечалось у большинства детей (35 (87,5 ± 5,2%). В основной группе приступы кашля с частотой более 15—25 раз в сутки сохранялись в течение 2,7 ± 0,2 дней, а в группе сравнения — 4,3 ± 0,2 дней (р < 0,001). Купирование бронхообструктивного синдрома наблюдалось в более короткие сроки, что способствовало сокращению средней длительности пребывания больных в стационаре. Применение ингаляционной стероидной терапии может служить способом оптимизации терапии коклюша у детей

    Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population

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    X-inactivation is a well-established dosage compensation mechanism ensuring that X-chromosomal genes are expressed at comparable levels in males and females. Skewed X-inactivation is often explained by negative selection of one of the alleles. We demonstrate that imbalanced expression of the paternal and maternal X-chromosomes is common in the general population and that the random nature of the X-inactivation mechanism can be sufficient to explain the imbalance. To this end, we analyzed blood-derived RNA and whole-genome sequencing data from 79 female children and their parents from the Genome of the Netherlands project. We calculated the median ratio of the paternal over total counts at all X-chromosomal heterozygous single-nucleotide variants with coverage ≥10. We identified two individuals where the same X-chromosome was inactivated in all cells. Imbalanced expression of the two X-chromosomes (ratios ≤0.35 or ≥0.65) was observed in nearly 50% of the population. The empirically observed skewing is explained by a theoretical model where X-inactivation takes place in an embryonic stage in which eight cells give rise to the hematopoietic compartment. Genes escaping X-inactivation are expressed from both alleles and therefore demonstrate less skewing than inactivated genes. Using this characteristic, we identified three novel escapee genes (SSR4, REPS2, and SEPT6), but did not find support for many previously reported escapee genes in blood. Our collective data suggest that skewed X-inactivation is common in the general population. This may contribute to manifestation of symptoms in carriers of recessive X-linked disorders. We recommend that X-inactivation results should not be used lightly in the interpretation of X-linked variants

    Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population

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    X-inactivation is a well-established dosage compensation mechanism ensuring that X-chromosomal genes are expressed at comparable levels in males and females. Skewed X-inactivation is often explained by negative selection of one of the alleles. We demonstrate that imbalanced expression of the paternal and maternal X-chromosomes is common in the general population and that the random nature of the X-inactivation mechanism can be sufficient to explain the imbalance. To this end, we analyzed blood-derived RNA and whole-genome sequencing data from 79 female children and their parents from the Genome of the Netherlands project. We calculated the median ratio of the paternal over total counts at all X-chromosomal heterozygous single-nucleotide variants with coverage ≥10. We identified two individuals where the same X-chromosome was inactivated in all cells. Imbalanced expression of the two X-chromosomes (ratios ≤0.35 or ≥0.65) was observed in nearly 50% of the population. The empirically observed skewing is explained by a theoretical model where X-inactivation takes place in an embryonic stage in which eight cells give rise to the hematopoietic compartment. Genes escaping X-inactivation are expressed from both alleles and therefore demonstrate less skewing than inactivated genes. Using this characteristic, we identified three novel escapee genes (SSR4, REPS2, and SEPT6), but did not find support for many previously reported escapee genes in blood. Our collective data suggest that skewed X-inactivation is common in the general population. This may contribute to manifestation of symptoms in carriers of recessive X-linked disorders. We recommend that X-inactivation results should not be used lightly in the interpretation of X-linked variants


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    The analysis of experience of the use of natural technologies harmonizing the functional systems of organism of students is Given. The results of the use of innovative grounds are shown: «In-separate education and educating», «Gender model of realization of EDU. Standard», «Integrative methods of educating and education». As a result of innovative activity improved quality train of schoolchildren with the different level of capabilities on condition of maintenance of their physical and psychical health