51 research outputs found

    Humanitarian context of the principles of the judiciary in the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of norms of the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe in connection with the identification in them of the principles of the judiciary, enshrined in the special sections on the rights and freedoms of man and citize

    State guarantees of the right to education as an element of a social state: a constitutional-comparative analysis

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    This article presents a comparative constitutional analysis of guaranteeing the right to education in various states. The authors intend to consider various approaches in different states, the constitutional consolidation of the right to education. The corresponding approach corresponds to the idea of the social state as a modern tendency of the state developmen

    Application of phase-metric compensation method for geoelectric control of near-surface geodynamic processes

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    This work is devoted to the application of the compensation method of geoelectric control using the field phase characteristics for the detection and localization of geodynamic processes. High noise immunity of the phase-metric registration method of geoelectric signals in comparison with amplitude parameters of the anomalous components of electromagnetic field, usually used to analyze the results of observations, is note

    Морфофункциональная характеристика слизистой оболочки желудка у больных с бронхиальной астмой разной степени тяжести

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    Summary. Morphological characteristics of gastric mucosa in patients with asthma of different severity with regard to corticosteroid therapy were described in this article. The aim of this study was to substantiate optimized standards of asthma treatment. Clinical and morphological investigations were conducted at the city clinical hospital № 31. We investigated all structural components of the gastric mucosa in biopsy specimens with light binocular microscopy and performed morphometric study of inflammatory infiltrates. As a result, several signs of protective effect of inhaled corticosteroids on gastric mucosa were found. We did not obtain any results that could confirm the key role of glucocorticosteroids in occurrence of gastrointestinal erosions in asthma patients. Therefore, prevention of erosive gastritis and other inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases in asthma patients should consider other risk factors besides glucocorticosteroid therapy and cover all stages of asthma.Резюме. Статья посвящена оценке и анализу морфологических характеристик слизистой оболочки желудка у больных с бронхиальной астмой разной степени тяжести в зависимости от вида проводимой глюкокортикостероидной терапии с целью выявления научных обоснований для оптимизации стандартов ведения этой категории пациентов. Клинико-морфологическое исследование было проведено на базе Городской клинической больницы № 31 Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы. Морфологически и морфометрически изучена слизистая оболочка желудка. В результате выявлены признаки гастропротективного эффекта от применения ингаляционных глюкокортикостероидов. Мнение о ключевой роли глюкокортикостероидов в развитии эрозивных процессов желудочно-кишечного тракта при бронхиальной астме не было подтверждено. Профилактика эрозивного гастрита и других воспалительных заболеваний желудка при бронхиальной астме должна ассоциироваться не только с приемом глюкокортикостероидов, ее следует учитывать на всех стадиях бронхиальной астмы

    Electrochemical Nanoprobes for Single-Cell Analysis

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    The measurement of key molecules in individual cells with minimal disruption to the biological milieu is the next frontier in single-cell analyses. Nanoscale devices are ideal analytical tools because of their small size and their potential for high spatial and temporal resolution recordings. Here, we report the fabrication of disk-shaped carbon nanoelectrodes whose radius can be precisely tuned within the range 5–200 nm. The functionalization of the nanoelectrode with platinum allowed the monitoring of oxygen consumption outside and inside a brain slice. Furthermore, we show that nanoelectrodes of this type can be used to impale individual cells to perform electrochemical measurements within the cell with minimal disruption to cell function. These nanoelectrodes can be fabricated combined with scanning ion conductance microscopy probes, which should allow high resolution electrochemical mapping of species on or in living cells

    Тяжелая форма гриппа A (H1N1) — патологическая анатомия легких

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    Twenty-five autopsy cases of influenza А (НШ1) in Moscow were analyzed. Primary pathological changes were found in the trachea and lung. The lung showed a pattern of the exudative and proliferative stages of diffuse alveolar damage. In addition, there were signs of infectious-toxic shock associated with viremia. Bacterial bronchopneumonia with confluent foci was detected in only 20% of the dead cases. Key words: influenza А (НШ1), diffuse alveolar damage.Проанализировано 25 аутопсийных наблюдений погибших от гриппа А (НШ1) в Москве. Было обнаружено, что основные патологические изменения имеют место в трахее и легких. В легких наблюдали картину экссудативной и про-лиферативной стадий острого диффузного альвеолярного повреждения. Кроме того, выявлены признаки инфекцион-но-токсического шока, связанного с виремией. Бактериальная очагово-сливная бронхопневмония обнаружена только у 20% умерших при тяжелом течении гриппа А/НШ1. Ключевые слова: грипп А (НШ1), диффузное альвеолярное повреждение

    Protection of Minor Rights in Russia and European Union Countries

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    The goal of the study is to develop the problem of minor rights and legitimate interest protection theoretically. Discussion: A comprehensive analysis of the system for protection the rights of this category of citizens was carried out to achieve this goal. At the same time, special attention is paid to the basic concepts and approaches used for the implementation of the studied legal relations in Russia and the EU countries. Result: they revealed the features of minor right protection system in the Russian Federation and some EU states

    The Role of Altered Mitochondrial Metabolism in Thyroid Cancer Development and Mitochondria-Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment

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    Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common type of endocrine malignancy. Tumour formation, progression, and metastasis greatly depend on the efficacy of mitochondria—primarily, the regulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, Ca2+ homeostasis, dynamics, energy production, and associated reactive oxygen species generation. Recent studies have successfully confirmed the mitochondrial aetiology of thyroid carcinogenesis. In this review, we focus on the recent progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of thyroid cancer relating to altered mitochondrial metabolism. We also discuss the repurposing of known drugs and the induction of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis as a new trend in the development of anti-TC therapy