388 research outputs found

    Solvent Driven Formation of Bolaamphiphilic Vesicles

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    We show that a spontaneous bending of single layer bolaamphiphiles results from the frustration due to the competition between core-core and tail-solvent interactions. We find that spherical vesicles are stable under rather general assumptions on these interactions described within the Flory-Huggins theory. We consider also the deformation of the vesicles in an external magnetic field that has been recently experimentally observed.Comment: J. Phys. Chem. B, accepte

    Minimal graphene thickness for wear protection of diamond

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    We show by means of molecular dynamics simulations that graphene is an excellent coating for diamond. The transformation of diamond to amorphous carbon while sliding under pressure can be prevented by having at least two graphene layers between the diamond slabs, making this combination of materials suitable for new coatings and micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices. Grain boundaries, vacancies and adatoms on the diamond surface do not change this picture whereas reactive adsorbates between the graphene layers may have detrimental effects. Our findings can be explained by the properties of layered materials where the weak interlayer bonding evolves to a strong interlayer repulsion under pressure

    Mechanics of thermally fluctuating membranes

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    Besides having unique electronic properties, graphene is claimed to be the strongest material in nature. In the press release of the Nobel committee it is claimed that a hammock made of a squared meter of one-atom thick graphene could sustain the wight of a 4 kg cat. More practically important are applications of graphene like scaffolds and sensors which are crucially dependent on the mechanical strength. Meter-sized graphene is even being considered for the lightsails in the starshot project to reach the star alpha centaury. The predicted strength of graphene is based on its very large Young modulus which is, per atomic layer, much larger than that of steel. This reasoning however would apply to conventional thin plates but does not take into account the peculiar properties of graphene as a thermally fluctuating crystalline membrane. It was shown recently both experimentally and theoretically that thermal fluctuations lead to a dramatic reduction of the Young modulus and increase of the bending rigidity for micron-sized graphene samples in comparison with atomic scale values. This makes the use of the standard F\"oppl-von Karman elasticity (FvK) theory for thin plates not directly applicable to graphene and other single atomic layer membranes. This fact is important because the current interpretation of experimental results is based on the FvK theory. In particular, we show that the FvK-derived Schwerin equation, routinely used to derive the Young modulus from indentation experiments has to be essentially modified for graphene at room temperature and for micron sized samples. Based on scaling analysis and atomistic simulation we investigate the mechanics of graphene under transverse load up to breaking. We determine the limits of applicability of the FvK theory and provide quantitative estimates for the different regimes.Comment: to appear in npj 2D Materials and Application

    Slow dynamics in a model of the cellulose network

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    We present numerical simulations of a model of cellulose consisting of long stiff rods, representing cellulose microfibrils, connected by stretchable crosslinks, representing xyloglucan molecules, hydrogen bonded to the microfibrils. Within a broad range of temperature the competing interactions in the resulting network give rise to a slow glassy dynamics. In particular, the structural relaxation described by orientational correlation functions shows a logarithmic time dependence. The glassy dynamics is found to be due to the frustration introduced by the network of xyloglucan molecules. Weakening of interactions between rod and xyloglucan molecules results in a more marked reorientation of cellulose microfibrils, suggesting a possible mechanism to modify the dynamics of the plant cell wall.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Polyme

    Motion of domain walls and the dynamics of kinks in the magnetic Peierls potential

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    We study the dynamics of magnetic domain walls in the Peierls potential due to the discreteness of the crystal lattice. The propagation of a narrow domain wall (comparable to the lattice parameter) under the effect of a magnetic field proceeds through the formation of kinks in its profile. We predict that, despite the discreteness of the system, such kinks can behave like sine-Gordon solitons in thin films of materials such as yttrium iron garnets, and we derive general conditions for other materials. In our simulations we also observe long-lived breathers. We provide analytical expressions for the effective mass and limiting velocity of the kink in excellent agreement with our numerical results.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures (incl. supp. mat.

    Zero modes in magnetic systems: general theory and an efficient computational scheme

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    The presence of topological defects in magnetic media often leads to normal modes with zero frequency (zero modes). Such modes are crucial for long-time behavior, describing, for example, the motion of a domain wall as a whole. Conventional numerical methods to calculate the spin-wave spectrum in magnetic media are either inefficient or they fail for systems with zero modes. We present a new efficient computational scheme that reduces the magnetic normal-mode problem to a generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem also in the presence of zero modes. We apply our scheme to several examples, including two-dimensional domain walls and Skyrmions, and show how the effective masses that determine the dynamics can be calculated directly. These systems highlight the fundamental distinction between the two types of zero modes that can occur in spin systems, which we call special and inertial zero modes. Our method is suitable for both conservative and dissipative systems. For the latter case, we present a perturbative scheme to take into account damping, which can also be used to calculate dynamical susceptibilities.Comment: 64 pages, 15 figure

    Scaling behavior and strain dependence of in-plane elastic properties of graphene

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    We show by atomistic simulations that, in the thermodynamic limit, the in-plane elastic moduli of graphene at finite temperature vanish with system size L L as a power law  L−ηu ~ L^{-\eta_u} with ηu≃0.325 \eta_u \simeq 0.325 , in agreement with the membrane theory. Our simulations clearly reveal the size and strain dependence of graphene's elastic moduli, allowing comparison to experimental data. Although the recently measured difference of a factor 2 between the asymptotic value of the Young modulus for tensilely strained systems and the value from {\it ab initio} calculations remains unsolved, our results do explain the experimentally observed increase of more than a factor 2 for a tensile strain of only a few permille. We also discuss the scaling of the Poisson ratio, for which our simulations disagree with the predictions of the self-consistent screening approximation.Comment: 5 figure

    Moir{\'e} patterns as a probe of interplanar interactions: graphene on h-BN

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    By atomistic modeling of moir{\'e} patterns of graphene on a substrate with a small lattice mismatch, we find qualitatively different strain distributions for small and large misorientation angles, corresponding to the commensurate-incommensurate transition recently observed in graphene on hexagonal BN. We find that the ratio of C-N and C-B interactions is the main parameter determining the different bond lengths in the center and edges of the moir{\'e} pattern. Agreement with experimental data is obtained only by assuming that the C-B interactions are at least twice weaker than the C-N interactions. The correspondence between the strain distribution in the nanoscale moir{\'e} pattern and the potential energy surface at the atomic scale found in our calculations, makes the moir{\'e} pattern a tool to study details of dispersive forces in van der Waals heterostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Chirality-dependent transmission of spin waves through domain walls

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    Spin-wave technology (magnonics) has the potential to further reduce the size and energy consumption of information processing devices. In the submicrometer regime (exchange spin waves), topological defects such as domain walls may constitute active elements to manipulate spin waves and perform logic operations. We predict that spin waves that pass through a domain wall in an ultrathin perpendicular-anisotropy film experience a phase shift that depends on the orientation of the domain wall (chirality). The effect, which is absent in bulk materials, originates from the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and can be interpreted as a geometric phase. We demonstrate analytically and by means of micromagnetic simulations that the phase shift is strong enough to switch between constructive and destructive interference. The two chirality states of the domain wall may serve as a memory bit or spin-wave switch in magnonic devices.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (incl. supp. mat.); Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted
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