15,691 research outputs found

    Companion cropping for organic field vegetables (OF0181)

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    Typical organic crop rotations are extensive with at least one year in four as a fertility building crop. However, the economic viability of organic systems may be compromised by having 75% or less of the farm productive at one time, limited further by the absence of the Arable Area Payments Scheme, particularly Set-aside, for vegetable crops. In addition, the system gives rise to a high fertility/low fertility sequence which is inefficient in terms of nutrient management (particularly nitrogen). To try to address this, the use of permanent beds of companion crop grown alongside the vegetable crops has been developed under various conditions around the world and is perceived as a possible alternative in organic husbandry. Companion crops also have the potential to reduce the impact of pests and weeds. A potential disadvantage of companion crops is competition with crop plants for space, light, water and nutrients. The companion crop, therefore, is likely to have to be mown or grazed to control competition and encourage nutrient transfer. On the positive side, companion crops have the potential to reduce the impact of pests, and weeds. The challenge is, therefore, to develop appropriate crop layouts and machinery to balance these interactions and result in profitable crop production. Project OF0181 was delivered with Elm Farm Research Centre and was guided by a Steering Group. The core of the project was the further development and evaluation of a seven-crop companion crop system initially developed by Professor Martin Wolfe at Wakelyns Agroforesty, Fressingfield, Suffolk, a Soil Association registered organic farm. The system was based on 1.5 m beds, with three 20 cm vegetable rows alternating with 30 cm leguminous companion strips. Within each bed, there was a seven-course crop rotation: potatoes, alliums, Umbellifers, spring oats, legumes, brassicas and spring wheat. To establish and manage this system, Martin Wolfe and his co-workers (P. J. & M. J. Wards) had by spring 1999 developed a range of purpose-built machinery including a strip rotavator, 3 row precision seed drill, straight tine or L-blade strip cultivator with/without discs, rotary strip mower, strip irrigator and a strip compost spreader. Two large experiments were established at Wakelyns in spring 1999; it was planned that these be continued for the full three years of the project. One experiment compared a factorial combination of a) three companion crops: white clover, vetch and nil, b) companion crop mowings left to fall, or deflected onto the vegetable rows, and c) the presence or absence of added composted manure. A second experiment compared factorial combinations of winter cover crops of rye and vetch grown in the vegetable rows with additional approved inputs of phosphorus and potassium. All seven crops were grown but assessments were made only on brassicas, alliums and carrots. Conclusions Companion cropping has the potential to improve economic viability, and pest, disease and annual weed control in organic cropping systems, particularly in field vegetables which are not supported by the Arable Area Payment Scheme. However, in practice, in project OF0181 these benefits were not realised: • Grass weeds were favoured and were difficult to control once established. • There were problems with seedbed preparation and crop establishment; these may be less on lighter soils. • Some crop species were better suited to companion cropping. In 2000 and 2001, there was: - a high yield in both years from beetroot, spinach, chard and kale; - a high yield in one year from Brassicas (some cabbage, swede, turnip), endive, lettuce, parsley and parsnip; - a low yield in both years from Allium crops (leeks, onions), Brassica (sprouts, some cabbage, calabrese), carrots, celeriac, broad and dwarf beans. • Clover used soil available nitrogen in preference to fixed nitrogen, starving less competitive crops such as alliums of the nutrient and resulting in very low yields. • Even with reliable yields, companion cropping in the form tested may only be suited to small-scale labour-intensive production. A system with greater spatial separation of companion and vegetable crops, with vegetables and companion crops grown alone in separate beds or strips, may give the reported benefits of companion cropping with less competition and be practical for large scale production

    Crater production on Venus and Earth by asteroid and comet impact

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    New calculations of the collision probabilities of asteroids and comets with Venus were carried out based on the orbits of the known Venus-crossing asteroids and comets. For comparison, asteroid and comet collision probabilities and cratering rates on the Earth and Moon were recalculated and the estimated cratering rates on Venus were normalized to those of the Earth

    Mapping the stability field of Jupiter Trojans

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    Jupiter Trojans are a remnant of outer solar system planetesimals captured into stable or quasistable libration about the 1:1 resonance with the mean motion of Jupiter. The observed swarms of Trojans may provide insight into the original mass of condensed solids in the zone from which the Jovian planets accumulated, provided that the mechanisms of capture can be understood. As the first step toward this understanding, the stability field of Trojans were mapped in the coordinate proper eccentricity, e(sub p), and libration amplitude, D. To accomplish this mapping, the orbits of 100 particles with e(sub p) in the range of 0 to 0.8 and D in the range 0 to 140 deg were numerically integrated. Orbits of the Sun, the four Jovian planets, and the massless particles were integrated as a full N-body system, in a barycentric frame using fourth order symplectic scheme

    Developing modern multifunctional agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification

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    Agroforestry is a land-use system that integrates trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock production. It has been identified by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD, 2008) as a ‘win-win’ approach that balances the production of commodities (food, feed, fuel, fibre, etc.) with non-commodity outputs such as environmental protection and cultural and landscape amenities. This paper will review the potential of agroforestry as part of a multifunctional working landscape in temperate regions, and will consider management and policy implications of widespread adoption of this form of land-use

    Fatigue in celiac disease: A review of the literature

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    Fatigue is increasingly recognized as a significant problem in patients with chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. In celiac disease, a chronic immune‐mediated disease triggered by dietary gluten, conflicting opinions exist regarding both the size of the problem and the effect of a gluten‐free diet (GFD) on fatigue. We reviewed the existing literature regarding fatigue in celiac disease. We conducted a systematic search in the Embase, Ovid Medline, and Cochrane databases using subject terms from controlled vocabularies. Articles were reviewed based on language, type of article, title, and abstract or full text. Eighteen articles were finally selected for review. Fatigue was significantly greater in patients with celiac disease compared to healthy control subjects. Fatigue prevalence ranged from 8 to 100%. Fatigue severity was assessed in six studies. The fatigue visual analogue scale was the most frequently used fatigue instrument with scores from 57 to 79 prior to starting a GFD and from 39 to 59 in patients on a GFD. Seven studies investigated the effect of a GFD on fatigue, including five studies that reported less fatigue while on the diet and two studies that showed no significant difference. This review concludes that fatigue is a substantial complaint in patients with celiac disease. A GFD seems to reduce fatigue, but existing data are limited.publishedVersio

    A comparison of direct and indirect methods for the estimation of health utilities from clinical outcomes

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    Background: Analysts often need to estimate health state utility values as a function of other outcome measures. Utility values like EQ-5D have several unusual characteristics that make standard statistical methods inappropriate. We have developed a bespoke approach based on mixture models to directly estimate EQ-5D. An indirect method, “response mapping”, first estimates the level on each of the five dimensions of the EQ-5D descriptive system and then calculates the expected tariff score. These methods have never previously been compared. Methods: We use a large observational database of patients diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (n=100,398 observations). Direct estimation of UK EQ-5D scores as a function of Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), pain and age was performed using a limited dependent variable mixture model. Indirect modelling was undertaken using a set of generalized ordered probit models with expected tariff scores calculated mathematically. Linear regression was reported for comparison purposes. Results: The linear model fits poorly, particularly at the extremes of the distribution. Both the bespoke mixture model and the generalized ordered probit approach offer improvements in fit over the entire range of EQ-5D. Mean average error is 10% and 5% lower compared to the linear model respectively. Root mean squared error is 3% and 2% lower. The mixture model demonstrates superior performance to the indirect method across almost the entire range of pain and HAQ. Limitations: There is limited data from patients in the most extreme HAQ health states. Conclusions: Modelling of EQ-5D from clinical measures is best performed directly using the bespoke mixture model. This substantially outperforms the indirect method in this example. Linear models are inappropriate, suffer from systematic bias and generate values outside the feasible range


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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) identify opportunities for expanding the tourism sector in southwestern North Dakota, 2) identify challenges and obstacles facing the area's tourism businesses, and 3) frame key issues and outline potential options for area decision makers (the primary clientele for the study). The findings reveal some basic characteristics of businesses in the region's tourism sector, identify some of the key constraints to expansion and development, and identify respondents' perceptions of opportunities for growth and expansion.nature-based tourism, agritourism, North Dakota, economic development, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Asteroid and comet flux in the neighborhood of the earth

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    Significant advances in the knowledge and understanding of the flux of large solid objects in the neighborhood of Earth have occurred. The best estimates of the collision rates with Earth of asteroids and comets and the corresponding production of impact craters are presented. Approximately 80 Earth-crossing asteroids were discovered through May 1988. Among 42 new Earth-crossing asteroids found in the last decade, two-thirds were discovered from observations at Palomar Observatory and 15 were discovered or independently detected in dedicated surveys with the Palomar Observatory and 15 were discovered or independently detected in dedicated surveys with the Palomar 46 cm Schmidt. Probabilities of collision with Earth have been calculated for about two-thirds of the known Earth-crossing asteroids. When multiplied by the estimated population of Earth-crossers, this yields an estimated present rate of collision about 65 pct higher than that previously reported. Spectrophotometric data obtained chiefly in the last decade show that the large majority of obvserved Earth-crossers are similar to asteroids found in the inner part of the main belt. The number of discovered Earth-crossing comets is more than 4 times greater than the number of known Earth-crossing asteroids, but reliable data on the sizes of comet nuclei are sparse. The flux of comets almost certainly was highly variable over late geologic time, owing to the random perturbation of the Oort comet cloud by stars in the solar neighborhood