1,788 research outputs found

    Kinetic energy of protons in ice Ih and water: a path integral study

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    The kinetic energy of H and O nuclei has been studied by path integral molecular dynamics simulations of ice Ih and water at ambient pressure. The simulations were performed by using the q-TIP4P/F model, a point charge empirical potential that includes molecular flexibility and anharmonicity in the OH stretch of the water molecule. Ice Ih was studied in a temperature range between 210-290 K, and water between 230-320 K. Simulations of an isolated water molecule were performed in the range 210-320 K to estimate the contribution of the intramolecular vibrational modes to the kinetic energy. Our results for the proton kinetic energy, K_H, in water and ice Ih show both agreement and discrepancies with different published data based on deep inelastic neutron scattering experiments. Agreement is found for water at the experimental melting point and in the range 290-300 K. Discrepancies arise because data derived from the scattering experiments predict in water two maxima of K_H around 270 K and 277 K, and that K_H is lower in ice than in water at 269 K. As a check of the validity of the employed water potential, we show that our simulations are consistent with other experimental thermodynamic properties related to K_H, as the temperature dependence of the liquid density, the heat capacity of water and ice at constant pressure, and the isotopic shift in the melting temperature of ice upon isotopic substitution of either H or O atoms. Moreover, the temperature dependence of K_H predicted by the q-TIP4P/F model for ice Ih is found to be in good agreement to results of path integral simulations using ab initio density functional theory.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    The underlying physical meaning of the νmaxνc\nu_{\rm max}-\nu_{\rm c} relation

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    Asteroseismology of stars that exhibit solar-like oscillations are enjoying a growing interest with the wealth of observational results obtained with the CoRoT and Kepler missions. In this framework, scaling laws between asteroseismic quantities and stellar parameters are becoming essential tools to study a rich variety of stars. However, the physical underlying mechanisms of those scaling laws are still poorly known. Our objective is to provide a theoretical basis for the scaling between the frequency of the maximum in the power spectrum (νmax\nu_{\rm max}) of solar-like oscillations and the cut-off frequency (νc\nu_{\rm c}). Using the SoHO GOLF observations together with theoretical considerations, we first confirm that the maximum of the height in oscillation power spectrum is determined by the so-called \emph{plateau} of the damping rates. The physical origin of the plateau can be traced to the destabilizing effect of the Lagrangian perturbation of entropy in the upper-most layers which becomes important when the modal period and the local thermal relaxation time-scale are comparable. Based on this analysis, we then find a linear relation between νmax\nu_{\rm max} and νc\nu_{\rm c}, with a coefficient that depends on the ratio of the Mach number of the exciting turbulence to the third power to the mixing-length parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in A&

    Mpemba Effect, Shechtman's Quasicrystals and Students' Exploring Activities

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    In the 1960s, Tanzanian student Erasto Mpemba and his teacher published an article with the title "Cool" in the journal Physics Education (Mpemba, E. B. - Osborne, D. G.: Cool?. In: Physics Education, vol.4, 1969, pp. 172-175.). In this article they claimed that hot water freezes faster than cold water. The article raised not only a wave of discussions, and other articles about this topic, but also a whole series of new experiments, which should verify this apparent thermodynamic absurdity and find an adequate explanation. Here we give a review with references to explanations and we bring some proposals for experimental student work in this area. We introduce Mpemba Effect not only as a paradoxical physics phenomenon, but we shall present a strong educational message that the Mpemba story brings to the teachers and their students. This message also creates a bridge between this phenomenon and the discovery for which the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded. It leads to critical adoption of traditional knowledge and encourages resilience in investigative exploration of new things

    A large sample of calibration stars for Gaia: log g from Kepler and CoRoT

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    Asteroseismic data can be used to determine surface gravities with precisions of < 0.05 dex by using the global seismic quantities Deltanu and nu_max along with Teff and [Fe/H]. Surface gravity is also one of the four stellar properties to be derived by automatic analyses for 1 billion stars from Gaia data (workpackage GSP_Phot). We explore seismic data from MS F, G, K stars (solar-like stars) observed by Kepler as a potential calibration source for methods that Gaia will use for object characterisation (log g). We calculate log g for bright nearby stars for which radii and masses are known, and using their global seismic quantities in a grid-based method, we determine an asteroseismic log g to within 0.01 dex of the direct calculation, thus validating the accuracy of our method. We find that errors in Teff and mainly [Fe/H] can cause systematic errors of 0.02 dex. We then apply our method to a list of 40 stars to deliver precise values of surface gravity, i.e. sigma < 0.02 dex, and we find agreement with recent literature values. Finally, we explore the precision we expect in a sample of 400+ Kepler stars which have their global seismic quantities measured. We find a mean uncertainty (precision) on the order of <0.02 dex in log g over the full explored range 3.8 < log g < 4.6, with the mean value varying only with stellar magnitude (0.01 - 0.02 dex). We study sources of systematic errors in log g and find possible biases on the order of 0.04 dex, independent of log g and magnitude, which accounts for errors in the Teff and [Fe/H] measurements, as well as from using a different grid-based method. We conclude that Kepler stars provide a wealth of reliable information that can help to calibrate methods that Gaia will use, in particular, for source characterisation with GSP_Phot where excellent precision (small uncertainties) and accuracy in log g is obtained from seismic data.Comment: Accepted MNRAS, 15 pages (10 figures and 3 tables), v2=some rewording of two sentence

    The 190 kDa centrosome-associated protein of Drosophila melanogaster contains four zinc finger motifs and binds to specific sites on polytene chromosomes

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    Microinjection of a bacterially expressed, TRITC labelled fragment of the centrosome-associated protein CP190 of Drosophila melanogaster, into syncytial Drosophila embryos, shows it to associate with the centrosomes during mitosis, and to relocate to chromatin during interphase. Indirect immunofluorescence staining of salivary gland chromosomes of third instar Drosophila larvae, with antibodies specific to CP190, indicate that the protein is associated with a large number of loci on these interphase polytene chromosomes. The 190 kDa CP190 protein is encoded by a 4.1 kb transcript with a single, long open reading frame specifying a polypeptide of 1,096 amino acids, with a molecular mass of 120 kDa, and an isoelectric point of 4.5. The central region of the predicted amino acid sequence of the CP190 protein contains four CysX₂CysX₁₂HisX₄His zinc-finger motifs which are similar to those described for several well characterised DNA binding proteins. The data suggest that the function of CP190 involves cell cycle dependent associations with both the centrosome, and with specific chromosomal loci

    The 190 kDa centrosome-associated protein of Drosophila melanogaster contains four zinc finger motifs and binds to specific sites on polytene chromosomes

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    Microinjection of a bacterially expressed, TRITC labelled fragment of the centrosome-associated protein CP190 of Drosophila melanogaster, into syncytial Drosophila embryos, shows it to associate with the centrosomes during mitosis, and to relocate to chromatin during interphase. Indirect immunofluorescence staining of salivary gland chromosomes of third instar Drosophila larvae, with antibodies specific to CP190, indicate that the protein is associated with a large number of loci on these interphase polytene chromosomes. The 190 kDa CP190 protein is encoded by a 4.1 kb transcript with a single, long open reading frame specifying a polypeptide of 1,096 amino acids, with a molecular mass of 120 kDa, and an isoelectric point of 4.5. The central region of the predicted amino acid sequence of the CP190 protein contains four CysX₂CysX₁₂HisX₄His zinc-finger motifs which are similar to those described for several well characterised DNA binding proteins. The data suggest that the function of CP190 involves cell cycle dependent associations with both the centrosome, and with specific chromosomal loci

    The Effect of Enhanced Depression Care on Anxiety Symptoms in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Findings from the COPES Trial

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    Similar to depression, anxiety is common after acute coronary syndromes (ACS), and is an independent predictor of worse outcomes [1,2,3]. Yet, post-ACS psychological interventions have focused on treating depression. We previously reported that an enhanced depression care intervention involving patient preference for problem-solving therapy (PST), antidepressant medications, or both followed by stepped care according to treatment response was effective at reducing depressive symptoms after ACS with an effect size of 0.59 SD [4]. We report here the independent effect of this intervention on anxiety

    A closure model with plumes II. Application to the stochastic excitation of stellar p modes

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    Our goal is to improve the theoretical modelling of stochastic excitation of p modes by turbulent convection. With the help of the closure model with plume (CMP) developed in a companion paper, we refine the theoretical description of the excitation by the turbulent Reynolds stress term. The CMP is generalized for two-point correlation products so as to apply it to the formalism developed by Samadi & Goupil (2001). The excitation source terms are then computed with this improvement, and a comparison with solar data from the GOLF instrument is performed. The present model provides a significant improvement when comparing absolute values of theoretical ampplitudes with observational data. It gives rise to a frequency dependence of the power supplied to solar p modes, which agrees with GOLF observations. It is shown that the asymmetry of the turbulent convection zone (up- and downflows) plays a major role in the excitation processes. Despite an increase in the Reynolds stress term contribution due to our improved description, an additional source of excitation, identified as the entropy source term, is still necessary for reproducing the observational data. Theoretical excitation rates in the frequency range [2.5 mHz, 4 mHz] now are in agreement with the observational data from the GOLF instrument. However, at lower frequencies, it exhibits small discrepancies at the maximum level of a few per cent. Improvements are likely to come from a better physical description of the excitation by entropy fluctuations in the superadiabatic zone.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in A&