361 research outputs found

    Induced paramagnetic states by localized π\pi -loops in grain boundaries

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    Recent experiments on high-temperature superconductors show paramagnetic behavior localized at grain boundaries (GB). This paramagnetism can be attributed to the presence unconventional d-wave induced π\pi-junctions. By modeling the GB as an array of π\pi and conventional Josephson junction we determine the conditions of the occurrence of the paramagnetic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Paramagnetic effect in YBaCuO grain boundary junctions

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    A detailed investigation of the magnetic response of YBaCuO grain boundary Josephson junctions has been carried out using both radio-frequency measurements and Scanning SQUID Microscopy. In a nominally zero-field-cooled regime we observed a paramagnetic response at low external fields for 45 degree asymmetric grain boundaries. We argue that the observed phenomenology results from the d-wave order parameter symmetry and depends on Andreev bound states.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Limits on Superconductivity-Related Magnetization in Sr2_2RuO4_4 and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} from Scanning SQUID Microscopy

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    We present scanning SQUID microscopy data on the superconductors Sr2RuO4 (Tc = 1.5 K) and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} (Tc = 1.8 K). In both of these materials, superconductivity-related time-reversal symmetry-breaking fields have been observed by muon spin rotation; our aim was to visualize the structure of these fields. However in neither Sr2_2RuO4_4 nor PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} do we observe spontaneous superconductivity-related magnetization. In Sr2_2RuO4_4, many experimental results have been interpreted on the basis of a px±ipypx \pm ipy superconducting order parameter. This order parameter is expected to give spontaneous magnetic induction at sample edges and order parameter domain walls. Supposing large domains, our data restrict domain wall and edge fields to no more than ~0.1% and ~0.2% of the expected magnitude, respectively. Alternatively, if the magnetization is of the expected order, the typical domain size is limited to ~30 nm for random domains, or ~500 nm for periodic domains.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Silicon Superconducting Quantum Interference Device

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    We have studied a Superconducting Quantum Interference SQUID device made from a single layer thin film of superconducting silicon. The superconducting layer is obtained by heavily doping a silicon wafer with boron atoms using the Gas Immersion Laser Doping (GILD) technique. The SQUID device is composed of two nano-bridges (Dayem bridges) in a loop and shows magnetic flux modulation at low temperature and low magnetic field. The overall behavior shows very good agreement with numerical simulations based on the Ginzburg-Landau equations.Comment: Published in Applied Physics Letters (August 2015

    Limits on the Superconducting Order Parameter in NdFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fy_y from Scanning SQUID Microscopy

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    Identifying the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in the recently-discovered ferro-oxypnictide family of superconductors, RFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fy_{y}, where RR is a rare earth, is a high priority. Many of the proposed order parameters have internal π\pi phase shifts, like the d-wave order found in the cuprates, which would result in direction-dependent phase shifts in tunnelling. In dense polycrystalline samples, these phase shifts in turn would result in spontaneous orbital currents and magnetization in the superconducting state. We perform scanning SQUID microscopy on a dense polycrystalline sample of \NdFeAsO0.94_{0.94}F0.06_{0.06} with Tc=48T_c=48 K and find no such spontaneous currents, ruling out many of the proposed order parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; to appear in JPS

    Fermions on half-quantum vortex

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    The spectrum of the fermion zero modes in the vicinity of the vortex with fractional winding number is discussed. This is inspired by the observation of the 1/2 vortex in high-temperature superconductors (Kirtley, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 1336). The fractional value of the winding number leads to the fractional value of the invariant, which describes the topology of the energy spectrum of fermions. This results in the phenomenon of the "half-crossing": the spectrum approaches zero but does not cross it, being captured at the zero energy level. The similarity with the phenomenon of the fermion condensation is discussed.Comment: In revised version the discussion is extended and 4 references are added. The paper is accepted for publication in JETP Letters. 10 pages, LaTeX file, 3 figures are available at ftp://boojum.hut.fi/pub/publications/lowtemp/LTL-96004.p

    How to create Alice string (half-quantum vortex) in a vector Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We suggest a procedure how to prepare the vortex with N=1/2 winding number -- the counterpart of the Alice string -- in a Bose--Einstein condensate with hyperfine spin F=1. Other possible vortices in Bose-condensates are also discussed.Comment: RevTex file, 3 pages, no figures, extended version submitted to JETP Letter

    Ground state properties and dynamics of the bilayer t-J model

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of bilayer clusters of t-J model. Our results indicate a crossover between two markedly different regimes which occurs when the ratio J_perp/J between inter-layer and intra-layer exchange constants increases: for small J_perp/J the data suggest the development of 3D antiferromagnetic correlations without appreciable degradation of the intra-layer spin order and the d_(x2-y2) hole pairs within the planes persist. For larger values of J_perp/J local singlets along the inter-layer bonds dominate, leading to an almost complete suppression of the intra-layer spin correlation and the breaking of the intra-layer pairs. The ground state with two holes in this regime has s-like symmetry. The data suggest that the crossover may occur for values of J_perp/J as small as 0.2. We present data for static spin correlations, spin gap, and electron momentum distribution and spectral function of the `inter-layer RVB state' realized for large J_perp/J. The latter deviates from the single layer ground state, making it an implausible candidate for modelling high-temperature superconductors.Comment: Revtex-file, 6 PRB pages, figures appended as uu-encoded postscript. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mailing to: [email protected]

    Sub-Dominant Pairing Channels in Unconventional Superconductors: Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    A Ginzburg-Landau theory is developed for unconventional superconductors with the three relevant singlet pairing channels. Various consequences of the sub-dominant channels (i.e., s- and d_{xy}-channels) are examined in detail. (1) In the case of a d_{x^2-y^2}+is-wave superconductor, The structure of a single vortex above and below T_{DS} is four-fold and two-fold symmetric, respectively. (2) In the case of a d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}-wave superconductor, there is also a second order zero-field phase transition from the pure d_{x^2-y^2}-phase to the Time-reversal-symmetry-breaking d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}-wave phase at the temperature T_{DD'}. But the subdominant phase can (not) be induced by vortices above T_{DD'}. Below the time-reversal- symmetry-breaking transition, the sub-dominant phase in the mixed state is nontrivial: it survives at low fields, but may disappear above a field (increasing with decreasing temperature) presumably via a first-order transition. (3)By including the strong coupling effects, a time-reversal-symmetry -breaking coupling term between the d_{x^2-y^2}- and d_{xy}-waves is found to have significant effects on the low temperature behavior of d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy} superconductors. In a magnetic field, a d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy} state is always established, but the field-dependence of d_{xy}-amplitude above T_{DD'} is different from that below T_{DD'}. Above but not very close to T_{DD'}, the induced minimum gap Delta_0 proportional to B/(T-T_{DD'}).Comment: updated, 7 two-column pages with one embedded figure, one formula corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 6

    Strong interconversion of non-polar phonons and Josephson plasma oscillations induced by equilibrium Josephson currents in high T_c superconductors

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    We analyze consequences of dynamical modulations of Josephson current by non-polar lattice mode in the Josephson junction barrier. In the high TcT_c junctions, the effect of such modulations can be anomalously strong due to the proximity of the insulating barrier to the superconducting state. Accordingly, the interconversion of sound (as well as other non-polar phonons) and the Josephson plasma oscillations mediated by stationary Josephson currents, which may be present in the junction due to various reasons, becomes possible. We suggest that this effect can be employed for imaging of the stationary Josephson currents. Estimates of the effect are given.Comment: 11 RevTeX pages, no figure
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