183 research outputs found

    Experimental generation of complex noisy photonic entanglement

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    We present an experimental scheme based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion to produce multiple photon pairs in maximally entangled polarization states using an arrangement of two type-I nonlinear crystals. By introducing correlated polarization noise in the paths of the generated photons we prepare mixed entangled states whose properties illustrate fundamental results obtained recently in quantum information theory, in particular those concerning bound entanglement and privacy.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Motivating Factors for Nurses Aged 65 Years and Older to Extend Their Work Life

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    Nurses age 65 years and older who retire will leave a knowledge gap in the workforce unless motivated to continue working. A knowledge gap in the workforce is of concern to human resource professionals because healthcare professionals may not be able to keep pace with the increase in patients needing medical care. Grounded in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore what factors motivated nurses aged 65 years and older to extend their work life. The participants comprised 6 nurses aged 65 years and older who were still working or semiretired within the Southwest, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast sections of the United States. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and publicly accessible documents. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The emergent themes included knowledge sharing and workplace environment, financial and emotional issues of retirement, job satisfaction and recognition, flexible scheduling and job sharing, and mentoring and career planning. A key recommendation includes the opportunity for healthcare leaders to capitalize on the knowledge, skills, and experience of retiring nurses. Implications for positive social change include prolongation of older healthcare workers’ employment contributions for socioeconomic, organizational, and individual benefits by fostering continuous dialogue concerning older workers choosing to extend their work life beyond retirement

    Experimental Extraction of Secure Correlations from a Noisy Private State

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    We report experimental generation of a noisy entangled four-photon state that exhibits a separation between the secure key contents and distillable entanglement, a hallmark feature of the recently established quantum theory of private states. The privacy analysis, based on the full tomographic reconstruction of the prepared state, is utilized in a proof-of-principle key generation. The inferiority of distillation-based strategies to extract the key is exposed by an implementation of an entanglement distillation protocol for the produced state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Towards illiberal conditioning? New politics of media regulations in Poland (2015–2018)

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    In this article, we examine how media policy changes aid de-democratisation in Poland. Unfolding the logic underpinning the new politics of media regulations, this article argues that media policy paints a nuanced picture of democratic backsliding. Our Foucault-inspired discourse analysis of media policy archive focuses on the rise of illiberal trends at the cross-roads of the Polish hybrid media system, democracy and society. We find these trends display the features of centralisation of power, cultural politics, political partisanship and social polarisations. We explain these notions, using the concepts of “executive aggrandisement” and “politicisation” of public service media sector

    The Influence of Temperature on Coumarin 153 Fluorescence Kinetics

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    The influence of temperature varied in the range 183 K–323 K on the fluorescence quantum yield, fluorescence lifetime, absorption and emission transition moments and non-radiative deactivation rate was determined for the well known and largely used dye Coumarin 153, dissolved in 1-chloropropane. The Kennard-Stepanov relation connecting the absorption and emission spectra was used to check for the presence of more than one absorbing/emitting species and to investigate whether intramolecular vibrational redistribution completes in the C153 excited S1 state before the emission takes place. The emission spectrum corresponding to S1→S0 transition, was fitted at each temperature to the model function including the information on the dye vibrational modes coupling. In this way the displacement in equilibrium distance for the most active vibrational mode was determined for C153 in S1 and in S0. Using the temperature dependence of the fluorescence decay time and quantum yield, the non-radiative deactivation rate was determined. Its temperature dependence was compared to that calculated using the theoretical model with the most active vibrational mode displacement values taken from steady-state spectra analysis. The somewhat surprising dependence of the fluorescence decay time and quantum yield on temperature was related to non-trivial coupling between low-frequency vibrational modes of C153 in the excited and ground states

    Effectiveness of soybean production under the conditions of Poland

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    Przeprowadzono ekonomiczną i energetyczną ocenę technologii produkcji soi oraz obliczono wskaźniki efektywności ekonomicznej i energetycznej jej uprawy. Obliczono koszty produkcji i ich strukturę z podziałem na materiały i surowce, eksploatację maszyn i narzędzi, zużyte paliwo, nakłady pracy. Natomiast ocenę energochłonności skumulowanej przeprowadzono w czterech strumieniach: w ciągnikach, maszynach i w częściach zamiennych, w bezpośrednim nośniku energii, w materiałach i surowcach oraz w pracy ludzkiej. Przeanalizowano też udział energii skumulowanej zawartej w poszczególnych zabiegach Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że produkcja soi, pod względem ekonomicznym i energetycznym, w ocenianych zakładach rolnych była opłacalna.Economic and energetic evaluation of the technology of soybean production was performed and indices of economic and energetic effectiveness of its production were calculated. Production costs were calculated and their structure was determined with the division into materials and raw materials, use of machines and tools, fuel consumed and expenditure of labour. Cumulated energy consumption evaluation was done in four fluxes: tractors, machines and spare parts, direct energy carrier, materials and raw materials, and human labour. The share of cumulated energy related to individual practices was analyzed as well. The results of the studies show that, for economic and energetic reasons, soybean production in the investigated agricultural enterprises was profitable

    Comparison of winter wheat production costs in selected farms in the European Union

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    Przedstawiono analizę i ocenę ekonomiczną technologii produkcji pszenicy ozimej. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2004/05 - 2006/07, w gospodarstwach w Unii Europejskiej. Zakres realizowanych badań obejmował analizę i ocenę technologii produkcji pszenicy ozimej, określenie rodzaju i liczby wykonywanych zabiegów, analizę kosztów eksploatacji maszyn i narzędzi, kalkulację kosztów bezpośrednich produkcji oraz obliczenie nakładów pracy i efektywności ekonomicznej z uwzględnieniem dopłaty UE i bez. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w strukturze kosztów produkcji najwyższą wartość stanowiły materiały i surowce, a dopłaty w znacznym stopniu poprawiły efektywność ekonomiczną produkcji pszenicy ozimej.The paper presents analysis and economic assessment of winter wheat production technology. The research was completed in years 2004/05 -2006/07 in farms in the European Union. The scope of the research included: analysis and evaluation of winter wheat production technology, determination of type and number of performed operations, analysis of operating costs for machines and tools, calculation of direct production costs, and computing of labour amount and economic efficiency, with and without EU subsidies. Completed studies proved that materials and raw materials constituted highest value in production costs structure, and subsidies improved economic efficiency of winter wheat production to a large extent

    Assessment of economic and energy efficiency for the production of winter wheat and winter rape used to manufacture biofuels

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    Przeprowadzono ekonomiczną i energetyczną analizę i ocenę technologii produkcji pszenicy ozimej i rzepaku ozimego oraz przetworzenia uzyskanych płodów na biopaliwa. Następnie obliczono efektywność ekonomiczną i energetyczną produkcji biodiesla z rzepaku ozimego i bioetanolu z pszenicy ozimej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że produkcja biopaliw może być opłacalna pod warunkiem sprzedaży nie tylko biopaliwa, ale także słomy i w przypadku rzepaku - śruty poekstrakcyjnej. Dotyczy to również efektywności energetycznej produkcji biopaliw.The research included an economic and energy analysis and an assessment of winter wheat and winter rape production technologies, and processing of obtained products into biofuels. Then, the researchers calculated economic and energy efficiency for the production of biodiesel based on winter rape, and of - bioethanol - based on winter wheat. The completed studies indicate that production of biofuels may be profitable provided that the resultant sale covers not only biofuel but straw as well, and in case of rape - extracted meal. This also applies to biofuel production energy efficiency

    Economic and energy aspects of soy production in Polish agriculture conditions

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    Przedstawiono analizę i ocenę ekonomiczną i energetyczną technologii produkcji soi w warunkach polskiego rolnictwa. Badania przeprowadzono, w latach 2003/04-2005/06, w gospodarstwach rolnych województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Zakres realizowanych badań obejmował analizę i ocenę stosowanych technologii produkcji soi, określenie rodzaju i liczby wykonywanych zabiegów, analizę struktury kosztów produkcji i energochłonności skumulowanej, kalkulację kosztów bezpośrednich produkcji, obliczenie nakładów pracy, energii skumulowanej oraz efektywności ekonomicznej i energetycznej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w strukturze kosztów produkcji najwyższą wartość stanowiły koszty eksploatacji maszyn i narzędzi, a w strukturze energochłonności skumulowanej maszyny i narzędzia.The paper presents economic and energy analysis and assessment of soy production technology in Polish agriculture conditions. The research was carried out in years 2003/04 - 2005/06 in farms located in West Pomeranian Voivodship. The scope of the completed works included analysis and assessment of employed soy production technologies, determining the type and the number of performed treatments, analysis of production costs structure and cumulated energy consumption, calculation of direct production costs, calculation of labour amount, cumulated energy and economic and energy efficiency. The completed research shows that the operating costs for machines and tools were the highest elements in production costs structure, and machines and tools constituted the highest value in the cumulated energy consumption structure