195 research outputs found

    Creating a Prototype of the Information-Analytical System of Rating Countries in the Field of AML/CFT for Compliance with 40 FATF Recommendations

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    The article provides an example of implementing the cluster analysis algorithm for an information and analytical system in order to identify various patterns in the participating countries, basing on the process of assessing the effectiveness and technical compliance of the FATF member countries and FATF-style regional groups.Keywords: FATF, information and analytical system, FATF recommendations, efficiency evaluation, technical conformity assessment, cluster analysis, data mining

    Antibacterial and fungicidal activities of ethanol extracts of 38 species of plants

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    Galenic preparations are broadly used against microorganisms pathogenic to humans, thought their poteintial in this aspect is not studied completely. In our in vitro experiment we studied the influence of alcohol tinctures from 38 species of plants on 15 species of bacteria and one species of fungus. Zones of growth inhibition of colonies measuring over 8 mm were observed during the use of ethanol extracts of Maclura pomifera against eight species of microorganisms (Escherichia сoli, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella typhimurium, Rhodococcus equi, Campylobacter jejuni and Corynebacterium xerosis), Ginkgo biloba – against eight species (Enterococcus faecalis, S. marcescens, Y. enterocolitica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Listeria іnnocua, L. monocytogenes, Р. аeruginosa and C. jejuni), Genista tinctoria – against seven species (E. coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, K. pneumoniae, S. typhimurium, Р. аeruginosa and Rh. equi), Phellodendron amurense – against seven species (E. faecalis, S. marcescens, S. typhimurium, Rh. equi, C. jejunі, C. xerosis and Candida albicans), Berberis vulgaris – against seven species (P. mirabilis, S. marcescens, K. pneumoniae, S. typhimurium, C. jejuni, Р. аeruginosa and C. xerosis), Vitex negundo – against six species (E. faecalis, E. coli, P. mirabilis, K. pneumoniae, S. typhimurium and Rh. equi), Koelreuteria paniculata – against six species (E. faecalis, P. mirabilis, S. marcescens, S. typhimurium, C. jejunі and E. coli), Magnolia kobus – against six species (E. faecalis, E. coli, P. mirabilis, S. marcescens, S. typhimurium, C. jejunі and C. xerosis), Liriodendron tulipifera – against six species (K. pneumoniae, Listeria іnnocua, Р. аeruginosa, C. jejuni, Rh. equi and C. albicans), Clematis flammula – against six species (E. faecalis, P. mirabilis, L. monocytogenes, Р. аeruginosa, C. jejuni and C. xerosis), Wisteria sinensis – against five species (E. coli, S. typhimurium, L. monocytogenes, Rh. equi and C. albicans), Chimonanthus praecox – against five species (E. faecalis, S. marcescens, L. monocytogenes, C. jejuni and Rh. equi), Colchicum autumnale – against five species (S. marcescens, K. pneumoniae, L. ivanovi, L. monocytogenes and Р. аeruginosa). As a result of the study, these plants were found to be the most promising for further study of in vivo antibacterial activity. In the search of antibacterial and antifungal activities, the following plants were observed to be less promising: Ailanthus altissima, Aristolochia manshuriensis, Artemisia absinthium, Callicarpa bodinieri, Campsis radicans, Catalpa duclouxii, Celastrus scandens, Dictamnus alba, Eucommia ulmoides, Geranium sanguineum, Laburnum anagyroides, Nepeta racemosa, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Polygonatum multiflorum, Prunus dulcis, P. laurocerasus, Ptelea trifoliata, Pteridium aquilinum, Quercus castaneifolia, Q. petraea iberica, Salvia officinalis, Securigera varia, Styphnolobium japonicum, Tamarix elongata and Vitex agnus-castus

    Evaluation of contamination of cow milk with various conditionally pathogenic microflora for mastitis: genera Staphylococcus

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    The food safety issue of livestock products concerning insemination by opportunistic and accompanying microflora has attracted increasing attention from specialists. The ever-increasing trade and export of dairy and meat products from Ukraine to the EU countries requires constant monitoring of inoculation with mesophilic-aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms and psychrophilic microorganisms, in particular the genera Listeria and Yersinia, which survive and multiply at low temperatures and in salted and fermented products and pose a threat to human health. Milk and lactic acid products make up a significant part of the diet of a modern person. Therefore, constant control of raw materials from dairy enterprises for the production of milk and directly at enterprises for its processing is a guarantee of food safety. At the stage of milk production, due to violations of technological cycles of production (mastitis and contamination with antibiotics) and the spread of several diseases in Ukraine (paratuberculosis, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, brucellosis), milk from a herd of dairy cows poses a significant threat to human health due to the danger of mastitis milk and milk containing the causative agents of tuberculosis, brucellosis, leptospirosis, and recently there are more and more reports about the association of bovine paratuberculosis and human short bowel syndrome (Crohn's disease) mainly among the young population of Europe, which may be due to extreme variability and adaptive capacity mycobacteria

    A method for restoration of radio channel transfer function by chirp sounding of the ionosphere

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    [1] Analysis of both in-phase and quadrature components of received frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) signal at the output of intermediate frequency (IF) band-pass filter of the chirp ionosonde demonstrates a new possibility of recovering the transfer function of the HF radio channel within the band of operating frequencies and the interval of time delays that are defined by the IF filter characteristics. The transfer function is determined by the parameters of all parts comprising the radio channel: transmitter, receiving-transmitting antenna-feeder devices, Earth surface, ionosphere, as well as the receiver circuitry participating in the signal processing. However, characteristics of all parts except the ionosphere can be considered stationary and well-known or controlled. It is the ionosphere that displays significant temporal variability. A new technique is proposed for recovering the transfer function of the ionospheric radio channel, together with its implementation as a signal preprocessing circuit containing a correcting digital filter that adapts to the current amplitude frequency and phase frequency characteristics of the channel

    Bactericidal, protistocidal, nematodicidal properties and chemical composition of ethanol extract of Punica granatum peel

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    We have studied the chemical composition and antibacterial profile of ethanolic extract of Punica granatum L. (Lythraceae) on strains of microorganisms in vitro. Analysis using GC-MS showed 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (36.6%), D-sucrose (23.2%), sorbitol (6.7%), palmitic acid β-monoglyceride (5.6%), 2-furancarboxaldehyde (3.5%) and β-D-glucopyranose (3.3%) as the major components of the title extract. The experiment revealed a positive antibacterial effect of extracts obtained from P. granatum on 14 strains specifically Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aegorenеs, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumonia), Listeriaceae (Listeria ivanovi, L. іnnocua, L. monocytogenes) and yeasts from the family Saccharomycetaceae (Candida albicans). Our study showed that in many cases these extracts more intensively affect multi-resistant strains of microorganisms than macrolide antibiotic azithromycin and is therefore a source of molecules to be exploited in medicine or by the pharmaceutical industry. The investigated extracts of P. granatum can be recommended for further in-depth research against poly-resistant strains of the above-mentioned microorganisms. Effective drugs perform a leading role in providing stable veterinary well-being of livestock and healthcare of the population. The present study showed that the studied plant species more intensively affects multi-resistant strains of microorganisms than sodium salt of azithromycin. Lethal concentration (LC50) of ethanol extract from pomegranate for Paramecium caudatum Ehr. equaled 0.3%. Death of 100% of nematode larvae of Strongyloides papillosus (Ihle) was recorded during 24 h exposition in 20% extract of P. granatum peel

    Якість і безпечність харчових продуктів – запорука здоров’я майбутніх поколінь

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    The material for the research were publications of scientists, reporting documentation of ZHRSLSPS, RSLSPS, SLVSE of Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr region, food samples. Radiological studies were performed on the device USC Gamma-plus № 0502 BG. The content of radionuclides in mushrooms was determined on RUG-91. In 2020, 210183 samples were tested, including 90 in excess. As in previous years, the excess was found in 19 samples of milk from the Narodytsya district (103–180 Bq/kg). The gifts of the forest remain the most polluted. The specific activity of 3 samples of fresh mushrooms from Novohrad-Volynskyi district was 610 Bq/kg, 642 Bq/kg, and 819 Bq/kg (with DR 500 Bq/kg), 4 samples from Yemilchyn district – 531–761 Bq/kg, 2 samples from Luhyny district – 760 Bq/kg and 827 Bq/kg. The most significant number of exceedances in the level of contamination of fresh mushrooms was found in Narodytsky, Ovruch, Malyn, and Olevsk districts, slightly less – in Luhyny. In particular, of the 25 samples of fresh mushrooms from Narodytsya district, 23 (621–2000 Bq/kg, DR exceeded 1.2–4 times) were detected, 28 % of fresh mushroom samples in Ovruch district were exceeded at 530–916 Bq/kg, of the 48 samples from Olevsk district exceedances were in 3 samples and, accordingly, their specific activity was at the level of 983 Bq/kg, 1994 Bq/kg and 2125 Bq/kg, i.e., 1.1, 3.9 and 4 times higher for DR-2006. In Malyn district, 50 % of samples of fresh mushrooms showed an excess of 631–1450 Bq/kg (1.3–2.9 times). In the Luhyny district, the excess was found in 18 % of samples (760 Bq/kg – 827 Bq/kg). The specific activity of samples of dried mushrooms from Novohrad-Volynskyi district was 2725 and 3018 Bq/kg, respectively, Yemilchynsky – 2608–3080 Bq/kg, Ovruch – 2820 Bq/kg and 2850 Bq/kg, Narodytsky – 3425 Bq/kg. The specific activity of 2 samples of wild animal meat from Narodytskyi district was 800 and 1400 Bq/kg (exceeding 2–3.5 times), 1 sample from Ovruch – 433 Bq/kg. Of the 109 samples of beekeeping products studied during this period, exceedances were detected in 1.8 %, the specific activity was 264 Bq/kg (Narodytskyi district) and 1920 Bq/kg (Ovruch district), respectively. In 2020, no excesses were found in samples of other products. Given that the consumption of food, even with low specific activity, leads to an increase in internal exposure, the research results indicate a threat to the health of present and future generations and the need for decision-making at the state level.Матеріалом для досліджень були публікації науковців, звітна документація ЖРДЛДПСС, РДЛДПСС, ДЛВСЕ м. Житомира та Житомирської області, проби харчових продуктів. Радіологічні дослідження проводили на приладі УСК Гама-плюс № 0502 Б-Г. Вміст радіонуклідів в грибах визначали на РУГ-91. У 2020 році було перевірено 210183 проби, в т. ч. 90 – з перевищенням. Як і в попередні роки, перевищення виявлено в 19 пробах молока з Народицького району (103–180 Бк/кг). Найбільш забрудненими залишаються дари лісу. Питома активність 3 зразків свіжих грибів з Новоград-Волинського району відповідно становила 610 Бк/кг, 642 Бк/кг та 819 Бк/кг (при ДР 500 Бк/кг), 4 проб з Ємільчинського району – 531–761 Бк/кг, 2 проби з Лугинського району – 760 Бк/кг та 827 Бк/кг. Найбільшу кількість перевищень за рівнем забруднення свіжих грибів було виявлено в Народицькому, Овруцькому, Малинському та Олевському районах, дещо менше – в Лугинському. Зокрема, з досліджених 25 зразків свіжих грибів з Народицького району перевищення виявлено в 23 (621– 2000 Бк/кг, перевищення ДР в 1,2–4 рази), 28 % проб свіжих грибів в Овруцькому району були з перевищенням на рівні 530–916 Бк/кг, з 48 зразків з Олевського району перевищення були у 3 пробах і відповідно їх питома активність була на рівні 983Бк/кг, 1994 Бк/кг і 2125 Бк/кг, тобто у 1,1, 3,9 та 4 раза вище за ДР-2006. У Малинському районі 50 % проб свіжих грибів показали перевищення в межах 631–1450 Бк/кг (1,3–2,9 раза). В Лугинському районі перевищення встановлено у 18 % зразків (760 Бк/кг–827 Бк/кг). Питома активність зразків сухих грибів з Новоград-Волинського району відповідно становила 2725 та 3018 Бк/кг, Ємільчинського – 2608–3080 Бк/кг, Овруцького – 2820 Бк/кг і 2850 Бк/кг, Народицького – 3425 Бк/кг. Питома активність 2 зразків м’яса диких тварин з Народицького району становила 800 та 1400 Бк/кг (перевищення у 2–3,5 раза), 1 зразок з Овруцького – 433 Бк/кг. З досліджених за цей період 109 проб продуктів бджільництва перевищення були виявлені у 1,8 %, питома активність становила відповідно 264 Бк/кг (Народицький район) та 1920 Бк/кг (Овруцький район). У 2020 році перевищень у зразках іншої продукції не виявлено. Беручи до уваги те, що споживання харчових продуктів навіть з низькою питомою активністю призводить до збільшення внутрішнього опромінення, наведені результати досліджень свідчать про загрозу здоров’ю сьогоднішніх і майбутніх поколінь та необхідність прийняття рішень на державному рівні

    Феррозонды в бортовых системах взвешивания большегрузных самосвалов

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    The article reviews the results of the authors’ research on the possibility of using the magnetic field strength generated by DC traction motors as a useful signal carrying information about weight of cargo transported by a mining dump truck.The objective of the research was to find a way to determine weight of cargo carried by a mining dump truck. In contrast to the existing onboard weighing systems, it becomes possible to create a compact autonomous device that does not require integration of sensors into the body structure and electrical circuits of the truck.Problems of increasing the efficiency of measuring devices based on fluxgate converters are considered with the view of using them as onboard systems for estimating cargo weight. The sensitivity of the fluxgate sensor can be increased by increasing both the amplitude and the effective value of the voltage applied to its excitation winding. The proposed original circuit for feeding the fluxgate sensor’s excitation winding from a modulated signal generator made on logical elements allows increasing the voltage supplied to the fluxgate sensor’s excitation winding without increasing the supply voltage, and by increasing voltage surges at the fronts of rectangular modulated high-frequency pulses, as well as due to resonant phenomena. The use of such a generator excludes the influence of the fluxgate sensor’s excitation winding on the generator frequency, since the frequency of modulating signals becomes the operating frequency of the fluxgate sensor, and it remains unchanged. The increased sensitivity makes it possible to install the sensor in any convenient place in the dump truck cab, and not in the immediate vicinity of traction motors.Evaluation of cargo weight is carried out during movement of the dump truck along the control section of the road. The readings are taken from an ammeter (milliammeter), the scale of which is pre-calibrated in mass units. Measurements of mass should be carried out under the same modes of dump truck movement and with the same location of the fluxgate sensor as when calibrating the scale of the measuring device. The control section of the route on which the measurements are carried out must be the same or similar to the one on which the measuring device was calibrated.The proposed device is distinguished by ease of use, is characterised by low energy consumption, is compact, does not contain expensive elements and does not require careful maintenance.В статье приводится обзор результатов исследования авторами возможности использования напряжённости магнитного поля, создаваемой тяговыми двигателями постоянного тока, в качестве полезного сигнала, несущего информацию о массе перевозимого карьерным самосвалом груза.Целью исследований являлся поиск способа определить массу груза карьерного самосвала. В отличие от имеющихся бортовых систем взвешивания изучена возможность создания компактного автономного устройства, которое не требует встраивания датчиков в конструкцию и электрические цепи грузовика. Рассматриваются проблемы повышения эффективности измерительных устройств на базе феррозондовых преобразователей с целью использования их в качестве бортовых систем оценки массы груза. Увеличить чувствительность феррозонда можно за счёт увеличения как амплитудного, так и действующего значения напряжения, подаваемого на его обмотку возбуждения. Предлагаемая оригинальная схема запитки обмотки возбуждения феррозонда от генератора модулированных сигналов, выполненного на логических элементах, позволяет повысить напряжение, подаваемое на обмотку возбуждения феррозонда, без увеличения напряжения питания, за счёт увеличения выбросов напряжения на фронтах прямоугольных модулированных импульсов высокой частоты, а также за счёт резонансных явлений. Использование такого генератора исключает влияние обмотки возбуждения феррозонда на частоту генератора, так как рабочей частотой феррозонда становится частота модулирующих сигналов, которая остается неизменной. Повышение чувствительности даёт возможность устанавливать датчик в любом удобном месте кабины самосвала, а не в непосредственной близости от тяговых двигателей.Оценка массы груза осуществляется в процессе движения самосвала по контрольному участку пути. Показания снимаются с амперметра (миллиамперметра), шкала которого предварительно оттарирована в единицах массы. Измерения массы должны производиться при тех же режимах движения самосвала и с тем же расположением феррозонда, что и при тарировании шкалы измерительного прибора.Контрольный участок пути, на котором проводятся измерения, должен быть тем же или аналогичным тому, на котором тарировался измерительный прибор. Предлагаемое устройство отличается простотой использования, характеризуется малым потреблением энергии, компактно, не содержит дорогостоящих элементов и не требует тщательного обслуживания