133 research outputs found

    Thinning of beech forests stocking on shallow calcareous soil maintains soil C and N stocks in the long run

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    Sustainable forest management should avoid disturbance and volatilization of the soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks both under present and projected future climate. Earlier studies have shown that thinning of European beech forests induces a strong initial perturbation of the soil C and N cycles in shallow Rendzic Leptosol, which consists of lower soil N retention and strongly enhanced gaseous losses observed over several years. Persistence of these effects could decrease soil organic matter (SOM) levels and associated soil functions such as erosion protection, nutrient retention, and fertility. Therefore, we resampled untreated control and thinned stands a decade after thinning at sites representing both typical present day and projected future climatic conditions for European beech forests. We determined soil organic C and total N stocks, as well as ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N as integrators of changes in soil C and N cycles. Thinning did not alter these parameters at any of the sampled sites, indicating that initial effects on soil C and N cycles constitute short-term perturbations. Consequently, thinning may be considered a sustainable beech forest management strategy with regard to the maintenance of soil organic C and total N stocks both under present and future climat

    N2O, NO, N2, and CO2 emissions from tropical savanna and grassland of Northern Australia: an incubation experiment with intact soil cores

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    Strong seasonal variability of hygric and thermal soil conditions are a defining environmental feature in northern Australia. However, how such changes affect the soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and dinitrogen (N2) is still not well explored. By incubating intact soil cores from four sites (three savanna, one pasture) under controlled soil temperatures (ST) and soil moisture (SM) we investigated the release of the trace gas fluxes of N2O, NO and carbon dioxide (CO2). Furthermore, the release of N2 due to denitrification was measured using the helium gas flow soil core technique. Under dry pre-incubation conditions NO and N2O emissions were very low (<7.0 ± 5.0 mĂŒg NO-N m-2 h-1; <0.0 ± 1.4 mĂŒg N2O-N m-2 h-1) or in the case of N2O, even a net soil uptake was observed. Substantial NO (max: 306.5 mĂŒg N m-2 h-1) and relatively small N2O pulse emissions (max: 5.8 ± 5.0 &mĂŒg N m-2 h-1) were recorded following soil wetting, but these pulses were short lived, lasting only up to 3 days. The total atmospheric loss of nitrogen was generally dominated by N2 emissions (82.4-99.3% of total N lost), although NO emissions contributed almost 43.2% to the total atmospheric nitrogen loss at 50% SM and 30 °C ST incubation settings (the contribution of N2 at these soil conditions was only 53.2%). N2O emissions were systematically higher for 3 of 12 sample locations, which indicates substantial spatial variability at site level, but on average soils acted as weak N2O sources or even sinks. By using a conservative upscale approach we estimate total annual emissions from savanna soils to average 0.12 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N2O), 0.68 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (NO) and 6.65 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N2). The analysis of long-term SM and ST records makes it clear that extreme soil saturation that can lead to high N2O and N2 emissions only occurs a few days per year and thus has little impact on the annual total. The potential contribution of nitrogen released due to pulse events compared to the total annual emissions was found to be of importance for NO emissions (contribution to total: 5-22%), but not for N2O emissions. Our results indicate that the total gaseous release of nitrogen from these soils is low and clearly dominated by loss in the form of inert nitrogen. Effects of seasonally varying soil temperature and moisture were detected, but were found to be low due to the small amounts of available nitrogen in the soils (total nitrogen <0.1%)

    Measuring denitrification and the N2_{2}O:(N2_{2}O + N2_{2}) emission ratio from terrestrial soils

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    Denitrification, a significant pathway of reactive N-loss from terrestrial soils, impacts on agricultural production and the environment. Net production and emission of the denitrification product nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) is readily quantifiable, but measuring denitrification\u27s final product, dinitrogen (N2_{2}), against a high atmospheric background remains challenging. This review examines methods quantifying both N2_{2} and N2_{2}O emissions, based on inhibitors, helium/O2_{2} atmosphere exchange, and isotopes. These methods are evaluated regarding their capability to account for pathways of N2_{2} and N2_{2}O production and we suggest quality parameters for measuring denitrification from controlled environments to the field scale. Our appraisal shows that method combinations, together with real-time monitoring and soil-gas diffusivity modelling, have the potential to significantly improve our quantitative understanding for denitrification from upland soils. Requirements for instrumentation and experimental setups however highlight the need to develop more mobile and easily accessible field methods to constrain denitrification from terrestrial soils across scales

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes: evaluation of DailyDayCent and COUP models

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    Denitrification is an anaerobic key process by microbes where the NO3- is step-by-step reduced and emitted as NO, N2O and finally N2 gas from the soil. Accurate knowledge on denitrification dynamics is important because the N2O is further reduced to N2 and constitutes the main emission source of this greenhouse gas from agricultural soils. Hence, our understanding and ability to quantify soil denitrification is crucial for mitigating nitrogen fertilizer loss as well as for reducing N2O emissions. Models can be an important tool to predict mitigation effects and help to develop climate smart mitigation strategies. Ideally, commonly used biogeochemical models could provide adequate predictions of denitrification processes of agricultural soils but often simplified process descriptions and inadequate model parameters prevent models from simulating adequate fluxes of N2 and N2O on field scale. Model development and parametrization often suffers from limited availability of empirical data describing denitrification processes in agricultural soils. While in many studies N2O emissions are used to develop and train models, detailed measurements on NO, N2O, N2 fluxes and concentrations and related soil conditions are necessary to develop and test adequate model algorithms. To address this issue the coordinated research unit „Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM)” was initiated to more closely investigate N-fluxes caused by denitrification in response to environmental effects, soil properties and microbial communities. Here, we present how we will use these data to evaluate common biogeochemical process models (DailyDayCent, Coup) with respect to modeled NO, N2O and N2 fluxes from denitrification. The models are used with different settings. The first approximation is the basic “factory” setting of the models. The next step would show the precision in the results of the modeling after adjusting the appropriate parameters from the result of the measurement values and the “factory” results. The better adjustment and the well-controlled input and output measured parameters could provide a better understanding of the probable scantiness of the tested models which will be a basis for future model improvement

    Interactive regulation of root exudation and rhizosphere denitrification by plant metabolite content and soil properties

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    Aims Root exudates are known to shape microbial activities in the rhizosphere and to be of fundamental importance for plant-soil-microbe-carbon–nitrogen interactions. However, it remains unclear how and to what extent the amount and composition of root exudation affects rhizosphere denitrification. Methods In this study root exudation patterns and rhizosphere denitrification enzyme activity of three different grass species grown on two agricultural soils under two different soil water contents were investigated under controlled conditions. Results We found that root exudation of primary metabolites largely depends on plant species, soil type, soil moisture and root exudation medium. In dependence of soil properties and soil moisture levels, plants largely controlled amount and quality of root exudation. Exudates affected denitrification activity and plant–microbe competition for nitrate. Specifically, exudation of organic acids stimulated denitrifying activity while the sugar lyxose exhibited an inhibitory effect. Conclusion We show that interactive effects of physicochemical soil properties and species-specific effects of plant metabolism on root exudation act as a dominant control of rhizosphere denitrification, thereby explaining more than half of its variance

    Dinitrogen emissions: an overlooked key component of the N balance of montane grasslands

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    While emissions of nitric oxide (NO), ammonia (NH₃) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) from grassland soils have been increasingly well constrained, soil dinitrogen (N₂) emissions are poorly understood. However, N₂ losses might dominate total gaseous nitrogen (N) losses. Knowledge on N losses is key for the development of climate-adapted management that balances agronomic and environmental needs. Hence, we quantified all gaseous N losses from a montane grassland in Southern Germany both for ambient climatic conditions and for a climate change treatment (+ 2°C MAT, - 300 mm MAP). Monthly measurements of soil N₂ emissions of intact soil cores revealed that those exceeded by far soil N₂O emissions and averaged at 350 ± 101 (ambient climate) and 738 ± 197 lg N mÂŻÂČhÂŻÂč (climate change). Because these measurements did not allow to quantify emission peaks after fertilization, an additional laboratory experiment was deployed to quantify the response of NH₃, NO, N₂O, and N₂ emissions in sub daily temporal resolution to a typical slurry fertilization event (51 kg N haÂŻÂč). Our results revealed that total N gas losses amounted to roughly half of applied slurry-N. Surprisingly, N₂ but not NH₃ dominated fertilizer N losses, with N₂ emissions accounting for 16–21 kg or 31–42% of the applied slurry-N, while NH₃ volatilization (3.5 kg), N2O (0.2–0.5 kg) and NO losses (0–0.2 kg) were of minor importance. Though constraining annual N₂ loss remained uncertain due to high spatiotemporal variability of fluxes, we show that N₂ losses are a so far overlooked key component of the N balance in montane grasslands, which needs to be considered for developing improved grassland management strategies targeted at increasing N use efficiency
