91 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de formulado para teñido orgánico con añil

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    Una investigación ha sido conducida para el desarrollo de un formulado orgánico en el teñido con añil de telas de fibras naturales, el cual sea amigable al medio ambiente, y con cero impacto en la salud de los y las teñidoras. La investigación acá reportada encontró que es posible teñir telas de fibras 100% de algodón con un proceso enteramente orgánico, en donde los componentes del formulado son productos naturales que no causan ningún impacto negativo al medio ambiente, como se detalla a continuación: Afrecho de trigo y melaza como agentes reductores y cal hidratada como agente de control de la alcalinidad. Como se puede observar a continuación, se establecieron los parámetros ideales en la concentración de cada uno de los componentes: tamaño mínimo del baño, orden de mezcla de los componentes, protocolos de los procesos de fermentación y de teñido. Los resultados de teñido demostraron que con el formulado orgánico establecido se pueden teñir telas de 100% algodón con buena solidez al lavado y al frote, con muy poco sangrado posterior de las telas por excedentes de colorante añil


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    Premenopause adalah fase peralihan dari masa subur menuju masa tidak adanya ovulasi. Premenopause ditandai dengan penurunan sekresi estrogen sehingga menimbulkan perubahan metabolisme profil lipid. Profil lipid pada tubuh juga dipengaruhi oleh asupan makronutrien dan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan asupan makronurien dan aktivitas fisik dengan profil lipid wanita premenopause di Kota Padang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik yang menggunakan desain cross sectional study. Responden merupakan 103 wanita berusia 40-54 tahun. Data asupan makronutrien diambil menggunakan FFQ(Food Frequency Questionnaire) dan data aktivitas fisik diambil menggunakan IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) sedangkan pengukuran profil lipid dilakukan dengan metode CHOD-PAP (Cholesterol Oxidase-Peroxidase Aminoantypirin) dan GPO-PAP (Gliseril Phospo Para Amino Phenazone). Analisis data asupan makronutrien dengan profil lipid menggunakan uji korelasi bivariat dan analisis data aktivitas fisik dengan profil lipid menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rerata asupan karbohidrat adalah 256,16±90,68 mg/dl, protein 83,98±33,53 mg/dl, dan lemak 62,43±22,67 mg/dl.Umumnya responden memiliki aktivitas fisik sedang (45,6%). Responden juga memiliki kadar profil lipid kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL, dan HDL secara berurutan sebagai berikut 195,40±42,53 mg/dl, 119,67±58,27 mg/dl, 119,68±46,70 mg/dl, dan 54,86±20,69 mg/dl. Hubungan yang bermakna hanya ditemukan pada rerata asupan lemak dengan trigliserida (p=0,023) dan aktivitas fisik dengan kadar HDL (p=0,02). Kata kunci : Premenopause, asupan makronutrien, aktivitas fisik, profil lipid

    Desarrollo de Formulado para Teñido Orgánico con Añil

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    An investigation has been conducted for the development of an organic formulated in the indigo dyeing of natural fibers, which is friendly to the environment, and with zero impact on health and dyers. The research reported here found that it is possible to dye fiber fabrics 100% cotton with entirely organic process, where the components of the formulation are natural products that cause no adverse impact to the environment, as follows: wheat bran and reducing agents molasses and hydrated lime agent alkalinity control. As seen below, the ideal parameters were established in the concentration of each of the components: minimum size of the bath, by mixing the components, protocols fermentation processes and dyeing. The results showed that dyeing with established organic formulated dyed fabrics are 100% cotton with good fastness to washing and rubbing, with very little bleeding after overage fabrics indigo dye.Realidad y Reflexión Year 12, No.36, September-December 2012: 43-67Una investigación ha sido conducida para el desarrollo de un formulado orgánico en el teñido con añil de telas de fibras naturales, el cual sea amigable al medio ambiente, y con cero impacto en la salud de los y las teñidoras. La investigación acá reportada encontró que es posible teñir telas de fibras 100% de algodón con un proceso enteramente orgánico, en donde los componentes del formulado son productos naturales que no causan ningún impacto negativo al medio ambiente, como se detalla a continuación: Afrecho de trigo y melaza como agentes reductores y cal hidratada como agente de control de la alcalinidad. Como se puede observar a continuación, se establecieron los parámetros ideales en la concentración de cada uno de los componentes: tamaño mínimo del baño, orden de mezcla de los componentes, protocolos de los procesos de fermentación y de teñido. Los resultados de teñido demostraron que con el formulado orgánico establecido se pueden teñir telas de 100% algodón con buena solidez al lavado y al frote, con muy poco sangrado posterior de las telas por excedentes de colorante añil.Realidad y Reflexión Año 12, N° 36, Septiembre-Diciembre 2012: 41-6

    A model for reactive porous transport during re-wetting of hardened concrete

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    A mathematical model is developed that captures the transport of liquid water in hardened concrete, as well as the chemical reactions that occur between the imbibed water and the residual calcium silicate compounds residing in the porous concrete matrix. The main hypothesis in this model is that the reaction product -- calcium silicate hydrate gel -- clogs the pores within the concrete thereby hindering water transport. Numerical simulations are employed to determine the sensitivity of the model solution to changes in various physical parameters, and compare to experimental results available in the literature.Comment: 30 page

    Non-operative management of posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction: design of a randomized clinical trial [NCT00279630]

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    BACKGROUND: Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a common cause of foot pain and dysfunction in adults. Clinical observations strongly suggest that the condition is progressive. There are currently no controlled studies evaluating the effectiveness of exercise, orthoses, or orthoses and exercise on Stage I or IIA PTTD. Our study will explore the effectiveness of an eccentric versus concentric strengthening intervention to results obtained with the use of orthoses alone. Findings from this study will guide the development of more efficacious PTTD intervention programs and contribute to enhanced function and quality of life in persons with posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction. METHODS/DESIGN: This paper presents the rationale and design for a randomized clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment regime for the non-operative management of Stage I or IIA PTTD. DISCUSSION: We have presented the rationale and design for an RCT evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment regimen for the non-operative management of Stage I or IIA PTTD. The results of this trial will be presented as soon as they are available

    Foot and ankle injuries during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Major, rare and complex incidents can occur at any mass-gathering sporting event and team medical staff should be appropriately prepared for these. One such event, the Athens Olympic Games in 2004, presented a significant sporting and medical challenge. This study concerns an epidemiological analysis of foot and ankle injuries during the Games.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational, epidemiological survey was used to analyse injuries in all sport tournaments (men's and women's) over the period of the Games.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 624 injuries (525 soft tissue injuries and 99 bony injuries) were reported. The most frequent diagnoses were contusions, sprains, fractures, dislocations and lacerations. Significantly more injuries in male (58%) versus female athletes (42%) were recorded. The incidence, diagnosis and cause of injuries differed substantially between the team sports.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our experience from the Athens Olympic Games will inform the development of public health surveillance systems for future Olympic Games, as well as other similar mass events.</p

    Individual nutrition therapy and exercise regime: A controlled trial of injured, vulnerable elderly (INTERACTIVE trial)

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    © 2008 Thomas et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background Proximal femoral fractures are amongst the most devastating consequences of osteoporosis and injurious accidental falls with 25–35% of patients dying in the first year post-fracture. Effective rehabilitation strategies are evolving however, despite established associations between nutrition, mobility, strength and strength-related functional outcomes; there has been only one small study with older adults immediately following fragility fracture where a combination of both exercise and nutrition have been provided. The aim of the INTERACTIVE trial is to establish whether a six month, individualised exercise and nutrition program commencing within fourteen days of surgery for proximal femur fracture, results in clinically and statistically significant improvements in physical function, body composition and quality of life at an acceptable level of cost and resource use and without increasing the burden of caregivers. Methods and Design This randomised controlled trial will be performed across two sites, a 500 bed acute hospital in Adelaide, South Australia and a 250 bed acute hospital in Sydney, New South Wales. Four hundred and sixty community-dwelling older adults aged > 70 will be recruited after suffering a proximal femoral fracture and followed into the community over a 12-month period. Participants allocated to the intervention group will receive a six month individualised care plan combining resistance training and nutrition therapy commencing within 14 days post-surgery. Outcomes will be assessed by an individual masked to treatment allocation at six and 12 months. To determine differences between the groups at the primary end-point (six months), ANCOVA or logistic regression will be used with models adjusted according to potential confounders. Discussion The INTERACTIVE trial is among the first to combine nutrition and exercise therapy as an early intervention to address the serious consequence of rapid deconditioning and weight loss and subsequent ability to regain pre-morbid function in older patients post proximal femoral fracture. The results of this trial will guide the development of more effective rehabilitation programs, which may ultimately lead to reduced health care costs, and improvements in mobility, independence and quality of life for proximal femoral fracture sufferers. Trial registration Australian Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12607000017426

    Le pied diabétique

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