566 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to compare the physical activity levels of middle school and high school students in Çanakkale province. The study included 426 female and 417 male students aged 10-17 years who voluntarily participated. The PAQ survey developed by Kowalski et al. was used to determine physical activity levels of students participating in the study. The responses of students to the survey questions had mean and standard deviation calculated and the T test used for analysis with SPSS. For middle school students, the mean age of female students was 12.16±1.23 and the mean age of male students was 12.23±1.24 years. For high school, the mean age of female students was 16.31±1.17 and the mean age of male students was 16.32±1.29 years. In terms of BMI, the value for female middle school students was 18.95±3.13 and for male middle school students was 19.18±3.78, while for female high school students it was 20.92±3.31 and for male high school students it was 22.21±5.36. The physical activity scores for female and male middle school students were 2.71±0.79 and 2.93±0.77, respectively. The physical activity scores for female and male high school students were 1.88±0.61 and 2.36±0.73, respectively. For middle school students the physical activity scores were found to be high for both genders compared to high school students. Physical activity scores for female students were lower compared to males in both school types.  Article visualizations

    Evaluation of Mold and Termite Resistance of Included Sapwood in Eastern Redcedar

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    The heartwood of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) frequently contains areas of light-colored wood. This "included sapwood" is considered to be a defect by some manufacturers. In this study, sapwood, included sapwood, and heartwood samples from five eastern redcedar trees were exposed to mold fungi or subterranean termites in a no-choice feeding test. Specific gravity, extractives content, and total volumetric shrinkage were also measured. The extractive content, specific gravity, and volumetric shrinkage values of sapwood and included sapwood were equivalent. Greater extractive content in heartwood blocks was associated with less volumetric shrinkage and greater specific gravity. Included sapwood showed the same resistance to mold growth as heartwood, which was more mold-resistant that the sapwood. Included sapwood, heartwood, and sapwood of redcedar all exhibited resistance to termite attack compared with pine wood controls

    The Importance of Vocabulary Conceptualization in Digital Dictionary Software Development

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    AbstractWhile the world is becoming global, one language is rapidly spreading all over the world. Determiners of the answers to these questions will be software engineers and software specialists working on language. If the specialists working on informatics are encouraged to work on language and effective software are developed in this field, then, mastering the mother tongue will be enough to be an effective citizen in the global world. If we look through the existing software, we can see that search engines on the internet are started to be designed to translate a text written in a foreign language into one's mother tongue. Moreover, the digital dictionaries on the internet are developing rapidly. However, in these dictionaries, the main focus is on the meanings of the words. But this is not enough and works should be performed on the conceptualization of the word. It is very common in our language for words to be used with their connotative meanings. Accordingly, dictionaries should help to sort out the main and connotative meanings of the words because languages were born out of the necessities to express the existence of objects. Moreover, there are dialectical differences among the speakers of the same language. Within the same nation, the same word may convey different meanings. Overlooking the cultural differences and using general words to express objects in one language will restrict the power of the language and make the communication superficial. Yet, the software engineers and specialists who will develop such software should be knowledgeable about the characteristics of our language. Therefore, software to be developed in the field of digital dictionary preparation should be projected and encouraged. In this paper, we want to draw the attention to the importance of informing software designers who will develop dictionary software to make translation from Turkish to Turkish or to another language about the conceptual meaning of the words apart from their meanings and to the importance of supporting research into this field

    Age-related changes of nasal cavity and conchae volumes and volume fractions in children: a stereological study

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    Background: The anatomy of the human nasal cavity (NC) is complex and its structures are closely related to the functions of the NC. Studies which assessing the mean volumes of NC and conchae are very infrequent. The purpose of current study is to investigate development of NC and conchae according to age and sex by using stereological method. Materials and methods: This retrospective volumetric study was carried out on 342 individuals (166 females and 176 males) between 0 and 18 years old with no pathological conditions or medical procedures that affected the skeletal morphology of the NC. Volumetric estimations were determined on computed tomography (CT) images using point-counting approach of stereological methods. Results: NC, inferior nasal conchae (INC) and middle nasal conchae (MNC) volume measurements that obtained using point-counting method were increased with age in both sexes until 15 years old. Regardless of gender; no significant difference was determined between the left and right values for NC, conchae volumes and choanae measurements. Generally, significant differences were determined in NC and INC volumes according to gender after they reached maximum growth period. According to age the volume ratios of INC to NC and MNC to NC were ranged from 18% to 32% and 9% to15%, respectively. Conclusions: The current study demonstrated that the point-counting method is effective in determining volume estimation of NC and is well suited for CT studies. Our results could provide volumetric indexes for the NC and conchae, which could help the physician for both patient selections for surgery, and for the assessment of any surgical technique used to treatment of nasal obstruction. (

    A Novel Blind Adaptive Beamformer with Robustness against Mutual Coupling and Miscalibration Effects

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    Beamforming techniques utilized either at the transmitter or the receiver terminals have achieved superior quality-of-service performances from both the multi-antenna wireless communications systems, communications intelligence and radar target detection perspectives. Despite the overwhelming advantages in ideal operating conditions, beamforming approaches have been shown to face substantial performance degradations due to unknown mutual coupling effects and miscalibrated array elements. As a promising solution, blind beamformers have been proposed as a class of receiver beamformers that do not require a reference signal to operate. In this paper, a novel gradient-based blind beamformer is introduced with the aim of mitigating the deteriorating effects of unknown mutual coupling or miscalibration effects. The proposed approach is shown to find the optimal weights in different antenna array configurations in the presence of several unknown imperfections (e.g., mutual coupling effects, miscalibration effects due to gain and phase variations, inaccurate antenna positions). By providing numerical results related to the proposed algorithm for different array configurations, and bench-marking with the other existing approaches, the proposed scheme has been shown to achieve superior performance in many aspects. Additionally, a measurement-based analysis has been included with validation purposes.Comment: Presented in EuCAP 2023, Copyright IEE

    Exact Solutions of the Duffin Kemmer Petiau Equation for the Deformed Hulthen Potential

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    Using the Nikiforov Uvarov method, an application of the relativistic Duffin Kemmer Petiau equation in the presence of a deformed Hulthen potential is presented for spin zero particles. We derived the first order coupled differential radial equations which enable the energy eigenvalues as well as the full wavefunctions to be evaluated by using of the Nikiforov Uvarov method that can be written in terms of the hypergeometric polynomials.Comment: 8 pages. submitted to Physica Script

    The determination of some physical properties for machine harvest of different cotton varieties in Aegean region

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    Bu çalışmada, Ege bölgesinde yoğun olarak yetiştiriciliği yapılan Nazilli 84 S, Beyaz Altın 119, Carmen gibi pamuk çeşitlerinin, lüle kopma kuvvetleri ile kopma enerjileri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kopma kuvvetleri, kopma enerjileri ve deformasyon miktarlarının belirlenmesi için pamuk kütlüleri, biri sabit diğeri hareketli olan iki tutucu ile çekilmiştir. Denemeler, X ekseni boyunca, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 mms-1 koparma hızlarında ve doğal nem değerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Pamuk kütlülerinin, çenet açıklığı, çenet derinliği, lülelerdeki tohum sayısı, ağırlık, terminal hızı, deformasyon, kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjileri tespit edilmiştir. Koparma hızı arttıkça pamuk lülerinin kopma kuvvetleri, kopma enerjileri ve deformasyon miktarları da artmıştır. Üç çeşit arasında en yüksek deformasyon, kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjisi, Carmen çeşidinde, 6 mms-1 koparma hızında görülmüştür.In this research, Nazilli 84 S, Beyaz Altın 119 and Carmen variety of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) from Aegean Area were analyzed for some physical properties and relation of between rupture force and rupture energy under co. Cotton balls were pulled between two parallel hugs to determine the deformation, rupture force, and rupture energy. The tests were carried out at three deformation rates of 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 mms-1, naturally harvest moisture and X axis. The average carpel openness, carpel depth, unit mass and terminal velocity, deformation, rupture force, and rupture energy of locks were investigated experimentally. Rupture force, rupture energy, and deformation of the cotton increased in magnitude with an increase in deformation rate. The highest deformation, rupture force and rupture energy among the tree varieties were obtained for Carmen at a deformation rate of 6.0 mms-1

    Emergent local initiative and the City: The case of neighbourhood associations of the better-off classes in post-1990 Urban Turkey

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    This article investigates the voluntary local organisations of the better-off classes in the Turkish urban context. Based on empirical research conducted with four neighbourhood associations (NAs), information is provided regarding their process of establishment, leadership, autonomy, goals and projects, resources and obstacles, which points to the significance of context. The research demonstrates that Turkish NAs differ from those in the West in terms of their commitment to ideological as much as pragmatic issues. In their response to the 'Islamist' versus 'secularist' polarisation in society, they seek to create their own localities as the places of secular and cosmopolitan people; and in their response to the increasingly unregulated and poorly serviced city, they struggle to create orderly localities protected from unlawful rent-seeking practices and equipped with adequate amenities. The NAs may be regarded as civic initiatives that empower the locality. Yet, by doing so, they may cause uneven development in urban space

    Kahramanmaraş’ta Organik Pamuk Üretim Olanaklarının Araştırılması

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    Organik pamuk tarımı ile ilgili bazı temel veriler elde etmek amacıyla yapılan bu proje 2001 yılında başlamış 2006 yılında sonuçlandırılmıştır. Yürütülen çalışma ile pamuk bitkisinin yaprak tüylülüğü ile bitki besleme tekniğinin görülen zararlıların yoğunluğunu etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada; zararlılar klasik üretim sisteminin uygulandığı parsellerde diğer sistemlerden daha yüksek yoğunlukta tespit edilirken bunu organik ve kontrol üretim sistemlerinin izlediği belirlenmiştir. Empoasca decipiens, yaprakları tüysüz veya az tüylü olan Erşan-92 pamuk çeşidinde diğerlerine göre daha fazla yoğunlukta görülürken; yaprakları daha tüylü olan Stoneville 453 pamuk çeşidinde daha düşük yoğunlukta tespit edilmiştir. İlimiz pamuk ekim alanlarının önemli problemlerinden biri solgunluk hastalığıdır. Yaprak ve gövde kesitine göre belirlenen hastalık şiddeti organik üretim sistemi parsellerinde daha düşük görülmüş bunu kontrol ve klasik üretim sistemleri izlemiştir. Hastalık şiddeti değerlerine bakıldığında münavebesiz parsellerde münavebe yapılan parsellere göre daha yüksek görülmüştür. Projede yabancı otlar ile ilgili yapılan çalışmada Sorghum halepense (Geliç), Xanthium strumarium L.(Pıtrak), Convolvulus arvensis L.(Tarla Sarmaşığı), Cyperus spp.(Topalak) ve Echinocloa colonum(Benekli Darıcan)’ın klasik parsellerde; Amaranthus retroflexus L.(Horoz İbiği), Solanum nigrum L.(Köpek Üzümü) ve Portulaca oleracea L.(Semiz Otu)’nın ise organik parsellerde daha yoğun olarak görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada ortalama verim değerlerinin münavebe yapılan parsellerde münavebesiz parsellere göre daha yüksek olduğu ayrıca klasik üretimin organik üretim yapılan parsellere göre daha yüksek verim verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın ekonomik analizinde net gelirler ortalamasına bakıldığında münavebeli parsellerin münavebesize göre, klasik parsellerinde organiğe göre daha yüksek net gelir sağladığı tespit edilmiştir