459 research outputs found


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    The focus of the Information Systems (IS) research on trust has been on the perception of trust and explaining the concept in terms of its antecedents. The merits of this descriptive and explanatory knowledge notwithstanding, the usefulness and applicability of this knowledge for organizations that aim at actively influencing their trust position is limited. In light of recent public scandals in areas such as social media, car manufacturing or financial services, organizations require an understanding of how customer trust can be managed using contemporary information systems solutions. In this paper we propose trust management as an IS theme of increasing relevance and draw upon extant research in IS, psychology, and marketing to bridge the gap between topics such as risk management, compliance management and governance on the one hand and trust management on the other. We utilize Botsman’s concept of uncertainty as a proxy for customer trust to bring together organizational approaches that can objectively reduce uncertainty linked to an organization, its processes, products, and services with the customer’s perception of this uncertainty. We contribute to the further maturity of trust management by providing new foundations and providing explicit advice on how to improve trust in organizations

    The development of visual attention in deaf children in relation to mother's hearing status

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    Patterns of visual attention during free-play in deaf children with deaf (Dd) and hearing mothers (Dh) were compared at 9, 12 and 18 months. Dd children were more likely to look at their mother's face spontaneously than Dh children at all ages although spontaneous looking increased significantly at 18 months for both groups. The proportion of responsive looks declined at 12 months for the Dd group but not until 18 months for the Dh group. Elicited looking was more common in the Dd group and, at 12 months, a greater proportion of these looks were to the mother's face. Overall the results suggest that Dd children show greater sensitivity to the communicative significance of their mother's face in the second year of life

    'Asexual isn't who I am': the politics of asexuality

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    Some literature on asexuality has claimed that it is inherently radical and contains the potential for resistance. Unfortunately, this literature has tended to be unempirical, has imagined asexuality as a disembodied entity, and has marginalised the multiple identities held by asexual people. This article, inspired by Plummer’s critical humanist approach, seeks to explore how individuals understand their asexuality to encourage forms of political action in the areas of identity, activism, online spaces, and LGBT politics. What we found was a plurality of experiences and attitudes with most adopting a pragmatic position in response to their social situation which saw large-scale political action as irrelevant. We conclude by reflecting on what these results mean for those who see asexuality as potentially radical

    Aspects of the methodology validation for light filth in fruit pulp

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    Methodology validation is an important tool to support the activities of metrology in the quantification analysis. Extraneous materials may be present in the pulps due to the conditions or the practices of production, storage and distribution. Since there is no specific methodology for fruit pulp light filth quantification a research has been carried out to test two methods for isolation of light filth in mango, strawberry, tomato and guava pulps. For guava, mango and tomato pulps the AOAC Official Method 964.23 was used, and for strawberry pulp AOAC Official Method 950.89, with adaptations. The micro-analytic standard for insect fragment and rodent hair was prepared in the laboratory. The study has been conducted on 63 samples of 100 g of pulp analyzed in duplicate after contamination with 5, 15, 30 insect fragments (IF) per 100 g and 5, 10, 15 rodent hair (RH) per 100 g, with blank samples as a control. The validation parameters used were precision and accuracy. Recovery of insect fragment was considered stisfactory in mango, tomato, guava pulps, and the average recovery ranged from 87 to 96%. For strawberry pulp, the recovery rate ranged from 68 to 80%. For rodent hairs, the best recovery rate was observed in mango pulp ranging from 73 to 81%, followed by guava pulp ranging from 65 to 76%, tomato pulp ranging from 50 to 67%, and strawberry pulp ranging from 33 to 35%. It was concluded that the methodologies used to detect light filth in guava, mango, tomato and strawberry pulps can be adopted in the monitoring routine of fruit pulp extraneous material contamination even though they were found not very efficient for rodent hairs. Keywords: Insect fragment, Rodent hair, AOAC determination method, Recovery rate, Fruit pulp

    The politics of in/visibility: carving out queer space in Ul'yanovsk

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    <p>In spite of a growing interest within sexualities studies in the concept of queer space (Oswin 2008), existing literature focuses almost exclusively on its most visible and territorialised forms, such as the gay scene, thus privileging Western metropolitan areas as hubs of queer consumer culture (Binnie 2004). While the literature has emphasised the political significance of queer space as a site of resistance to hegemonic gender and sexual norms, it has again predominantly focused on overt claims to public space embodied in Pride events, neglecting other less open forms of resistance.</p><p> This article contributes new insights to current debates about the construction and meaning of queer space by considering how city space is appropriated by an informal queer network in Ul’ianovsk. The group routinely occupied very public locations meeting and socialising on the street or in mainstream cafés in central Ul’ianovsk, although claims to these spaces as queer were mostly contingent, precarious or invisible to outsiders. The article considers how provincial location affects tactics used to carve out communal space, foregrounding the importance of local context and collective agency in shaping specific forms of resistance, and questioning ethnocentric assumptions about the empowering potential of visibility.</p&gt

    SFmap: a web server for motif analysis and prediction of splicing factor binding sites

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    Alternative splicing (AS) is a post-transcriptional process considered to be responsible for the huge diversity of proteins in higher eukaryotes. AS events are regulated by different splicing factors (SFs) that bind to sequence elements on the RNA. SFmap is a web server for predicting putative SF binding sites in genomic data (http://sfmap.technion.ac.il). SFmap implements the COS(WR) algorithm, which computes similarity scores for a given regulatory motif based on information derived from its sequence environment and its evolutionary conservation. Input for SFmap is a human genomic sequence or a list of sequences in FASTA format that can either be uploaded from a file or pasted into a window. SFmap searches within a given sequence for significant hits of binding motifs that are either stored in our database or defined by the user. SFmap results are provided both as a text file and as a graphical web interface

    Nature of orchestral noise

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    Professional orchestral musicians are at risk of exposure to excessive noise when at work. This is an industry-wide problem that threatens not only the hearing of orchestral musicians but also the way orchestras operate. The research described in this paper recorded noise levels within a professional orchestra over three years in order to provide greater insight to the orchestral noise environment; to guide future research into orchestral noise management and hearing conservation strategies; and to provide a basis for the future education of musicians and their managers. Every rehearsal, performance, and recording from May 2004 to May 2007 was monitored, with the woodwind, brass, and percussion sections monitored in greatest detail. The study recorded dBALEQ and dBC peak data, which are presented in graphical form with accompanying summarized data tables. The findings indicate that the principal trumpet, first and third horns, and principal trombone are at greatest risk of exposure to excessive sustained noise levels and that the percussion and timpani are at greatest risk of exposure to excessive peak noise levels. However, the findings also strongly support the notion that the true nature of orchestral noise is a great deal more complex than this simple statement would imply

    Mechanical response of 3D Insert® PCL to compression

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    3D polymeric scaffolds are increasingly used for in vitro experiments aiming to mimic the environment found in vivo, to support for cellular growth and to induce differentiation through the application of external mechanical cues. In research, experimental results must be shown to be reproducible to be claimed as valid and the first clause to ensure consistency is to provide identical initial experimental conditions between trials. As a matter of fact, 3D structures fabricated in batch are supposed to present a highly reproducible geometry and consequently, to give the same bulk response to mechanical forces. This study aims to measure the overall mechanical response to compression of commercially available 3D Insert PCL scaffolds (3D PCL) fabricated in series by fuse deposition and evaluate how small changes in the architecture of scaffolds affect the mechanical response. The apparent elastic modulus (Ea) was evaluated by performing quasi-static mechanical tests at various temperatures showing a decrease in material stiffness from 5 MPa at 25 °C to 2.2 MPa at 37 °C. Then, a variability analysis revealed variations in Ea related to the repositioning of the sample into the testing machine, but also consistent differences comparing different scaffolds. To clarify the source of the differences measured in the mechanical response, the same scaffolds previously undergoing compression, were scanned by micro computed tomography (μCT) to identify any architectural difference. Eventually, to clarify the contribution given by differences in the architecture to the standard deviation of Ea, their mechanical response was qualitatively compared to a compact reference material such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This study links the geometry, architecture and mechanical response to compression of 3D PCL scaffolds and shows the importance of controlling such parameters in the manufacturing process to obtain scaffolds that can be used in vitro or in vivo under reproducible conditions

    Mystify me: Coke, terror and the symbolic immortality boost

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    A panel on “Marketing as Mystification” convened at the 2011 Academy of Marketing conference in Liverpool. Ideas from the Liverpool event were supplemented by commentaries from selected other authors. Each commentary explores the aspects of “mystification” observable in marketing discourses and practices. In what follows, Laufer interprets marketing mystification as modern form of sophism, Dholakia and Firat discuss mystifying ways that inequality is marketed, Varman analyzes the perversion and mystification of “development” via neoliberal marketing of “social entrepreneurship,” Mikkonen explores mystifying marketing representations of gays and lesbians, and Freund and Jacobi present a fascinating interpretation of how Coca-Cola advertising mystically reassures us that our difficult, dangerous lifeworld is actually quite hunky-dory. </jats:p