4 research outputs found

    Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits' resilience

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    [EN] Resilience is the ability of an animal to return soon to its initial productivity after facing diverse environmental challenges. This trait is directly related to animal welfare and it plays a key role in fluctuations of livestock productivity. A divergent selection experiment for environmental variance of litter size has been performed successfully in rabbits over ten generations. The objective of this study was to analyse resilience indicators of stress and disease in the divergent lines of this experiment. The high line showed a lower survival rate at birth than the low line (-4.1%). After correcting by litter size, the difference was -3.2%. Involuntary culling rate was higher in the high than in the low line (+12.4%). Before vaccination against viral haemorrhagic disease or myxomatosis, concentration of lymphocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), complement C3, serum bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol were higher in the high line than in the low line (difference between lines +4.5%, +5.6 mu g/ml, +4.6 mg/ml, +7.9 mmol/l, +0.3 mmol/l and +0.4 mmol/l). Immunological and biochemical responses to the two vaccines were similar. After vaccination, the percentage of lymphocytes and CRP concentration were higher in the low line than in the high one (difference between lines +4.0% and +13.1 mu g/ml). The low line also showed a higher increment in bilirubin and triglycerides than the high line (+14.2 v. +8.7 mmol/l for bilirubin and +0.11 v. +0.01 mmol/l for triglycerides); these results would agree with the protective role of bilirubin and triglycerides against the larger inflammatory response found in this line. In relation to stress, the high line had higher basal concentration of cortisol than the low line (+0.2ng/ml); the difference between lines increased more than threefold after the injection of ACTH 1 to 24, the increase being greater in the high line (+0.9 ng/ml) than in the low line (+0.4 ng/ml). Selection for divergent environmental variability of litter size leads to dams with different culling rate for reproductive causes and different kits' neonatal survival. These associations suggest that the observed fitness differences are related to differences in the inflammatory response and the corticotrope response to stress, which are two important components of physiological adaptation to environmental aggressions.This study is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) with the Projects AGL2014-55921, C2-1-P and C2-2-P, and AGL2017-86083, C2-1-P and C2-2-P.Argente, M.; Garcia, M.; Zbynovska, K.; Petruska, P.; Capcarova, M.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2019). Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits' resilience. Animal. 13(10):2348-2355. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119000302S234823551310Glaser, R., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2005). Stress-induced immune dysfunction: implications for health. Nature Reviews Immunology, 5(3), 243-251. doi:10.1038/nri1571Markanday, A. (2015). Acute Phase Reactants in Infections: Evidence-Based Review and a Guide for Clinicians. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2(3). doi:10.1093/ofid/ofv098Rauw, W. ., Kanis, E., Noordhuizen-Stassen, E. ., & Grommers, F. . (1998). Undesirable side effects of selection for high production efficiency in farm animals: a review. Livestock Production Science, 56(1), 15-33. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(98)00147-xPiles, M., García, M. L., Rafel, O., Ramon, J., & Baselga, M. (2006). Genetics of litter size in three maternal lines of rabbits: Repeatability versus multiple-trait models. 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    Quality Soil as a Pathway to Healthy Food in the EU: challenges to 2030 : FOODIE

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    Soil quality is directly linked to food quality and quantity. However the globalisation and the pressure to increase the agricultural production results to deterioration of the environment, climate change and a serious threat to human and animal health. Soil contamination effected by the environmental pollution is one of the most pressing issues in the political and expertise debate on food safety within the related EU policies as Common agricultural policy, EU agri-environmental, EU food policy and EU health policy. Numerous studies have shown that heavy metals can accumulate in tissues, subsequently affect organ functions, and disrupt the reproductive, nervous or endocrine system. Therefore, the health status in relation to xenobiotics should be monitored and explored. The international scientific conference „Quality Soil as a Pathway to Healthy Food in the EU- Challenges to 2030“ aimed to highlight challenges of the food and feed management on the EU until 2030, including identification of risk factors for food and feed production, food chain, and sustainable agriculture. At the conference experts from 9 EU countires presented their latest research results related to soil and food quality and their visions and proposals how to decrease the negative effects of contamination of soil and food