1,857 research outputs found

    Local dynamics and gravitational collapse of a self-gravitating magnetized Fermi gas

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    We use the Bianchi-I spacetime to study the local dynamics of a magnetized self-gravitating Fermi gas. The set of Einstein-Maxwell field equations for this gas becomes a dynamical system in a 4-dimensional phase space. We consider a qualitative study and examine numeric solutions for the degenerate zero temperature case. All dynamic quantities exhibit similar qualitative behavior in the 3-dimensional sections of the phase space, with all trajectories reaching a stable attractor whenever the initial expansion scalar H_{0} is negative. If H_{0} is positive, and depending on initial conditions, the trajectories end up in a curvature singularity that could be isotropic(singular "point") or anisotropic (singular "line"). In particular, for a sufficiently large initial value of the magnetic field it is always possible to obtain an anisotropic type of singularity in which the "line" points in the same direction of the field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (accepted in General Relativity and Gravitation

    Propriedades químicas e farmacológicas de mangiferina: um composto bioativo de manga (Mangifera indica L.)

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    Introdução; Estrutura e propriedades químicas; Teores de mangiferina; Atividades farmacológicas; Produtos baseados em mangiferina.bitstream/CPATSA-2009-09/40766/1/SDC218.pd

    White dwarf envelopes: further results of a non-local model of convection

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    We present results of a fully non-local model of convection for white dwarf envelopes. We show that this model is able to reproduce the results of numerical simulations for convective efficiencies ranging from very inefficient to moderately efficient; this agreement is made more impressive given that no closure parameters have been adjusted in going from the previously reported case of A-stars to the present case of white dwarfs; for comparison, in order to match the peak convective flux found in numerical simulations for both the white dwarf envelopes discussed in this paper and the A-star envelopes discussed in our previous work requires changing the mixing length parameter of commonly used local models by a factor of 4. We also examine in detail the overshooting at the base of the convection zone, both in terms of the convective flux and in terms of the velocity field: we find that the flux overshoots by approximately 1.25 H_P and the velocity by approximately 2.5 H_P. Due to the large amount of overshooting found at the base of the convection zone the new model predicts the mixed region of white dwarf envelopes to contain at least 10 times more mass than local mixing length theory (MLT) models having similar photospheric temperature structures. This result is consistent with the upper limit given by numerical simulations which predict an even larger amount of mass to be mixed by convective overshooting. Finally, we attempt to parametrise some of our results in terms of local MLT-based models, insofar as is possible given the limitations of MLTComment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Cooling of pulsars

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    Cooling rates are calculated for superfluid neutron stars of about one solar mass and 10 km radius, with magnetic fields from zero to about 10 to the 14th power Gauss, when possible internal friction effects are neglected. The results show that most old pulsars are so cold that thermal ionization of surface atoms would be negligible. At an age of a million years and with canonical magnetic fields of 10 to the 12th power Gauss, the estimated stellar surface temperature is several thousand to a hundred thousand degrees. However, if we neglect magnetic fields and superfluid states of nucleons, the same surfaces would be about a million degrees

    Multilevel Preconditioning of Discontinuous-Galerkin Spectral Element Methods, Part I: Geometrically Conforming Meshes

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    This paper is concerned with the design, analysis and implementation of preconditioning concepts for spectral Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems. While presently known techniques realize a growth of the condition numbers that is logarithmic in the polynomial degrees when all degrees are equal and quadratic otherwise, our main objective is to realize full robustness with respect to arbitrarily large locally varying polynomial degrees degrees, i.e., under mild grading constraints condition numbers stay uniformly bounded with respect to the mesh size and variable degrees. The conceptual foundation of the envisaged preconditioners is the auxiliary space method. The main conceptual ingredients that will be shown in this framework to yield "optimal" preconditioners in the above sense are Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto grids in connection with certain associated anisotropic nested dyadic grids as well as specially adapted wavelet preconditioners for the resulting low order auxiliary problems. Moreover, the preconditioners have a modular form that facilitates somewhat simplified partial realizations. One of the components can, for instance, be conveniently combined with domain decomposition, at the expense though of a logarithmic growth of condition numbers. Our analysis is complemented by quantitative experimental studies of the main components.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures; Major revision: rearrangement of the contents for better readability, part on wavelet preconditioner adde

    Turbulence characteristics of the B\"{o}dewadt layer in a large enclosed rotor-stator system

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    A three-dimensional (3D) direct numerical simulation is combined with a laboratory study to describe the turbulent flow in an enclosed annular rotor-stator cavity characterized by a large aspect ratio G=(b-a)/h=18.32 and a small radius ratio a/b=0.152, where a and b are the inner and outer radii of the rotating disk and h is the interdisk spacing. The rotation rate Omega under consideration is equivalent to the rotational Reynolds number Re=Omegab2/nu=9.5 x 104, where nu is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. This corresponds to a value at which an experiment carried out at the laboratory has shown that the stator boundary layer is turbulent, whereas the rotor boundary layer is still laminar. Comparisons of the 3D computed solution with velocity measurements have given good agreement for the mean and turbulent fields. The results enhance evidence of weak turbulence at this Reynolds number, by comparing the turbulence properties with available data in the literature. An approximately self-similar boundary layer behavior is observed along the stator side. The reduction of the structural parameter a1 under the typical value 0.15 and the variation in the wall-normal direction of the different characteristic angles show that this boundary layer is three-dimensional. A quadrant analysis of conditionally averaged velocities is performed to identify the contributions of different events (ejections and sweeps) on the Reynolds shear stress producing vortical structures. The asymmetries observed in the conditionally averaged quadrant analysis are dominated by Reynolds stress-producing events in this B\"{o}dewadt layer. Moreover, case 1 vortices (with a positive wall induced velocity) are found to be the major source of generation of special strong events, in agreement with the conclusions of Lygren and Andersson.Comment: 16 page

    Manifestations of Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives in Decaying, Homogeneous, Isotropic Turbulence

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    The existence of drag reduction by polymer additives, well established for wall-bounded turbulent flows, is controversial in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence. To settle this controversy we carry out a high-resolution direct numerical simulation (DNS) of decaying, homogeneous, isotropic turbulence with polymer additives. Our study reveals clear manifestations of drag-reduction-type phenomena: On the addition of polymers to the turbulent fluid we obtain a reduction in the energy dissipation rate, a significant modification of the fluid energy spectrum especially in the deep-dissipation range, a suppression of small-scale intermittency, and a decrease in small-scale vorticity filaments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A-star envelopes: a test of local and non-local models of convection

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    We present results of a fully non-local, compressible model of convection for A-star envelopes. This model quite naturally reproduces a variety of results from observations and numerical simulations which local models based on a mixing length do not. Our principal results, which are for models with Teff between 7200 K and 8500 K, are the following: First, the photospheric velocities and filling factors are in qualitative agreement with those derived from observations of line profiles of A-type stars. Second, the He II and H I convection zones are separated in terms of convective flux and thermal interaction, but joined in terms of the convective velocity field, in agreement with numerical simulations. In addition, we attempt to quantify the amount of overshooting in our models at the base of the He II convection zone.Comment: 5 pages with 4 figures (1a, 1b, 2 and 3), MNRAS (letter), in prin

    Mixed Layer Sub-Mesoscale Parameterization - Part 1: Derivation and Assessment

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    Several studies have shown that sub-mesoscales (SM 1km horizontal scale) play an important role in mixed layer dynamics. In particular, high resolution simulations have shown that in the case of strong down-front wind, the re-stratification induced by the SM is of the same order of the de-stratification induced by small scale turbulence, as well as of that induced by the Ekman velocity. These studies have further concluded that it has become necessary to include SM in ocean global circulation models (OGCMs), especially those used in climate studies. The goal of our work is to derive and assess an analytic parameterization of the vertical tracer flux under baroclinic instabilities and wind of arbitrary directions and strength. To achieve this goal, we have divided the problem into two parts: first, in this work we derive and assess a parameterization of the SM vertical flux of an arbitrary tracer for ocean codes that resolve mesoscales, M, but not sub-mesoscales, SM. In Part 2, presented elsewhere, we have used the results of this work to derive a parameterization of SM fluxes for ocean codes that do not resolve either M or SM. To carry out the first part of our work, we solve the SM dynamic equations including the non-linear terms for which we employ a closure developed and assessed in previous work. We present a detailed analysis for down-front and up-front winds with the following results: (a) down-front wind (blowing in the direction of the surface geostrophic velocity) is the most favorable condition for generating vigorous SM eddies; the de-stratifying effect of the mean flow and re-stratifying effect of SM almost cancel each other out

    Comparison of Four Mixed Layer Mesoscale Parameterizations and the Equation for an Arbitrary Tracer

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    In this paper we discuss two issues, the inter-comparison of four mixed layer mesoscale parameterizations and the search for the eddy induced velocity for an arbitrary tracer. It must be stressed that our analysis is limited to mixed layer mesoscales since we do not treat sub-mesoscales and small turbulent mixing. As for the first item, since three of the four parameterizations are expressed in terms of a stream function and a residual flux of the RMT formalism (residual mean theory), while the fourth is expressed in terms of vertical and horizontal fluxes, we needed a formalism to connect the two formulations. The standard RMT representation developed for the deep ocean cannot be extended to the mixed layer since its stream function does not vanish at the ocean's surface. We develop a new RMT representation that satisfies the surface boundary condition. As for the general form of the eddy induced velocity for an arbitrary tracer, thus far, it has been assumed that there is only the one that originates from the curl of the stream function. This is because it was assumed that the tracer residual flux is purely diffusive. On the other hand, we show that in the case of an arbitrary tracer, the residual flux has also a skew component that gives rise to an additional bolus velocity. Therefore, instead of only one bolus velocity, there are now two, one coming from the curl of the stream function and other from the skew part of the residual flux. In the buoyancy case, only one bolus velocity contributes to the mean buoyancy equation since the residual flux is indeed only diffusive