49 research outputs found

    Individual characteristics and career exploration in adolescence

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    The effects of gender, age and school grade on several career exploration dimensions measured by the Career Exploration Survey were investigated. Subjects were high school students facing an imminent career decision. Regression analyses indicated that sex and grade-level were the most significant and prevailing individual characteristics related to the adolescents’ career exploration behaviours, reactions and beliefs. Implications for career exploration interventions are discussed.JNICT -Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica(PSU436-92)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudança organizacional na PSP. Obstáculos e resistências ao Modelo Integrado de Policiamento de Proximidade

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    Num mundo moderno, marcado pela globalização e complexidade, o cidadão assume cada vez mais um papel interventivo no direcionamento político. Esta participação subsiste no sentido de pressionar e exigir do Estado respostas e soluções eficazes que vão ao encontro das suas necessidades e preocupações, entre as quais, a Segurança. A Segurança é prioridade da Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) que, como outras organizações públicas, tem vindo, ao longo dos anos, a ser objeto de mudanças, influenciadas não só por fatores de natureza política, mas também de natureza social e organizacional. É neste contexto que surge, na PSP, um programa inovador e reformador da atuação policial, o Modelo Integrado de Policiamento de Proximidade (MIPP). As linhas mestras que orientam a feitura deste trabalho residem no facto de o MIPP ser uma nova filosofia e estratégia organizacional, sendo vital que o seu conceito permeabilize todos os níveis organizacionais, de forma a envolver todas as pessoas na mudança. Neste âmbito, pretende-se analisar a mudança, ou seja, o impacto do MIPP a nível organizacional, em especial ao nível dos obstáculos e resistências à sua implementação. Para cumprimento deste objetivo, foram aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos elementos do Comando Distrital de Faro da PSP, sendo que os resultados obtidos permitiram a apresentação de propostas/sugestões para que a PSP possa agir preventivamente nos fatores de resistência à mudança; Abstract: Organizational Change on the PSP. Obstacles and resistance to the Integrated Model of Proximity Policing In a modern world marked by globalization and complexity, citizens take an increasingly active role in political direction. This participation remains in order to press and require the state answers and effective solutions to meet their needs and concerns, including the security. Security is a priority of the Public Security Police (PSP), which, like other public organizations, has been subject to change over the years, influenced not only by political factors, but also social and organizational factors. It is in this context that appears in the PSP, an innovative program and reform of the police action, the Integrated Model of Policing Proximity (MIPP). The guidelines that guide the making of this study are that of the MIPP be a new philosophy and organizational strategy and it is crucial that the concept permeabilize all organizational levels in order to involve all the people in change. In this context, propose to analyze the change, namely the impact of MIPP the organizational level, especially in terms of obstacles and resistance to its implementation. To achieve this objective, surveys were applied a questionnaire to members of the District Command Faro PSP, and the results obtained allowed the proposals / suggestions for the PSP can act preventively in resistance factors to change

    Academic and life satisfaction in Portuguese and Mozambican college students : a comparative study

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    Publicado em "ICERI2010 Proceedings, ISBN 978-84-614-2439-9"The social-cognitive model of well-being [1] has become an important framework to study satisfaction and adjustment in specific life contexts and in overall life [1] [2]. Taking into consideration this integrative perspective, this paper aims to understand and compare the process of academic satisfaction in European and Mozambican Portuguese speaking college students, and to draw implications for psycho educational interventions and research in those contexts. We present and discuss the results of the assessment of self-efficacy, goal progress, environmental supports, academic adjustment, positive affect and overall life satisfaction dimensions (AAQ; Academic Adjustment Questionnaire [1]), conducted with 305 students attending one public university and one public polytechnic institute in Portugal, and with 465 students attending one public university in Mozambique. A first study of the instrument in Portugal with higher education students [3] revealed values of internal consistency for the seven scales ranging between 0,75 and 0,88 (M =0, 84, SD = 5,00). In this study, the range of internal consistency coefficients (Cronbach alpha) were between 0,52 and 0,78 (M =0,67, SD = 9,5) for the Portuguese sample, and between 0,65 and 0,83 (M =0,75, SD = 5,4) for the African Mozambican sample. Moreover, in the Portuguese sample, positive correlations were registered between the dimensions of academic adjustment, positive affect and satisfaction with life in general. In the Mozambican sample, in turn, in general, moderate and positive correlations were obtained, statistically significant between all the dimensions of the academic adjustment that were evaluated. An analysis of the mean tells us that, in both samples, students tend to have moderate values on the dimensions of the academic adjustment model. The comparison test of means reveals significant differences between the two countries in the overall dimensions of academic adjustment, with the exception of the scale factors to stimulate the academic adjustment. Specifically, the Portuguese students obtain the highest values in the dimensions of self-confidence, overall adjustment, and satisfaction with life. The Mozambican students registered higher results on self- confidence to face academic barriers and progress in their academic goals. The results obtained also evidence that students from both countries perceive they have a support system and incentives in the academic and classroom environments. This is a dimension that is directly and indirectly correlated with academic adjustment, in both samples, which suggests the importance of socio-cognitive dimensions of adjustment to college


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    RESUMO Objetivo: Conhecer as representações sociais sobre tecnologias assistivas construídas por profissionais de saúde que atendem em Unidades Básicas de Saúde e Centros de Atendimento aos Idosos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório realizado com 245 profissionais de ambos os sexos. Os dados foram obtidos através de uma entrevista semiestruturada e a análise foi realizada com o auxilio do software Alceste: 2010. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram sete classes ou categorias: funcionalidade, mobilidade, visão positiva, inclusão social, tipos de apoio, qualificação profissional e tipos de tecnologias assistivas. Conclusão: Os profissionais representam as tecnologias assistivas centradas em dimensões psicossociológicas com conteúdos positivos e negativos importantes para divulgação e desenvolvimento de estratégias para melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos. Descritores: Saúde, Profissional, Idoso, Tecnologias Assistivas

    Conceptions of career choice and attainment in Portuguese preschool and elementary-school children

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    The Conceptions of Career Choice and Attainment (CCCA) model has been supporting research on children’s career reasoning, particularly in the USA. This study examines the applicability of the CCCA model to Portuguese preschool and elementary-school children. The CCCA interview was answered by 101 children (38.6% preschoolers, 61.4% elementary schoolers; Mage = 6.68). Results indicated that elementary schoolers present signifcantly higher levels of career choice and attainment reasoning than preschoolers. Future studies with middle schoolers are needed to keep investigating the model in Portugal. Studies in other countries would also be useful to encourage collaboration in childhood career development research and practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Career ethical reflexivity in different phases of the life cycle

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    Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. - ISSN 1647-4120. - V. 8, n. 1 (Janeiro-Junho 2017). - p. 81-91.A reflexividade ética na carreira, apesar de ser um conceito relativamente recente na literatura psicológica, tem sido indicado como uma noção importante a considerar nas intervenções de carreira em diferentes fases do ciclo vital. Este trabalho pretende apresentar o Modelo de Reflexividade Ética na Carreira, e sugerir pistas para a sua aplicação na intervenção de carreira em diferentes fases do ciclo vital. Para operacionalizar este conceito na prática é importante atender aos modos como os indivíduos pensam sobre as suas carreiras, em especial, à forma como integram interpessoal e socialmente intenções profissionais e projetos de vida. Conclui-se que intervenções de carreira que procuram contribuir para a exploração de carreira orientada para o meio e para o self, promovendo a abertura à mudança, mas também, uma maior consciência do impacto das suas decisões nos outros e na sociedade, podem contribuir para uma abordagem mais contextualizada da carreira e para a construção de sociedades mais justas e igualitárias.Although relatively recent in the psychological literature, the career ethical reflexivity concept has been increasingly highlighted as an important dimension to cover in career interventions throughout the life span. This work presents the Career Ethical Reflexivity Model and offers suggestions for its application in career interventions at different phases of the life cycle. To practically operationalize this concept, it is important to understand how individuals think about their careers and how they integrate professional intentions and life projects in their interpersonal and social domains. We find career interventions directed to foster self and environment exploration, openness to change as well as the consciousness on the impact of one’s decisions in others and from others in personal career decisions essential to translate a contextual-sensitive approach to careers and to construct fairer and egalitarian societies

    The ethics of taxing sugar-sweetened beverages to improve public health

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    The World Health Organization highlights fiscal policies as priority interventions for the promotion of healthy eating in its Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases. The taxation of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) in particular is noted to be an effective measure, and SSBs taxes have already been implemented in several countries worldwide. However, although the evidence base suggests that this will be effective in helping to combat rising obesity rates, opponents of SSBs taxation argue that it is illiberal and paternalistic, and therefore should be avoided. Bioethical analysis may play an essential role in clarifying whether policymakers should adopt SSBs taxes as part of wider obesity strategy. In this article we argue that no single ethical theory can account for the complexities inherent in obesity prevention strategy, especially the liberal theories relied upon by opponents of SSBs taxation. We contend that a pluralist approach to the ethics of SSBs taxation must be adopted as the only suitable way of accounting for the multiple overlapping, and sometimes, conflicting factors that are relevant to determining the moral acceptability of such an intervention

    First report of the physiological race (XXIV) of Hemileia vastatrix (Coffee Leaf Rust) in Hawaii

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    This research was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) UNIT (UID/AGR/04129/2020) of LEAF- -Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food, Research Unit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Protecção biológica de conservação e gestão de largadas de auxiliares

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    Os complexos de espécies de parasitóides e predadores que limitam as populações das principais pragas de culturas hortícolas protegidas, mosquinhas brancas, larvas mineiras, lagartas, afídeos e tripes, têm vindo a ser estudados na região Oeste desde há mais de 25 anos. A riqueza específica encontrada nestes complexos é elevada. Algumas das espécies identificadas são comercializadas para largadas. Estas largadas podem afectar as populações dos agentes de luta biológica presentes nas culturas, ao nível da composição específica dos complexos, da abundância populacional de cada espécie e na proporção relativa dos vários genótipos presentes nas populações. Está a decorrer uma operação/projecto ProDeR, medida 4.1, promovida por duas empresas agrícolas e três instituições de ensino superior público, que pretende definir regras de actuação no combate às pragas destas culturas face à intensidade de ataque observada e aos auxiliares autóctones presentes e sua abundância, com o objectivo de definir regras para eventuais tratamentos biológicos e analisar as consequências destes, de forma a melhor adequar as estratégias de protecção a adoptar.-------The species complexes of parasitoids and predators which control populations of the main pests of vegetable protected crops have been studied for the last 25 years in the Oeste region. Species richness found in the complexes which prey or parasitize the main pests found in these crops, such as whiteflies, leafminers, caterpillars, aphids and thrips is high. Some of the identified species are commercialized for biological control releases. These releases can affect populations of the naturally occurring biological control agents, regarding species composition of the complexes, species abundance and representativeness of the genotypes present in the populations. A ProDeR - measure 4.1 operation/project promoted by two enterprises and three higher education institutions is ongoing. The aim of this project is to define decision rules to control pests of protected crops taking into account pest attack severity, beneficial arthropod species present and their abundance, and through this to define rules for eventual commercial releases of beneficial arthropods and to analyse their consequences. This will lead to the adoption of more adequate plant protection control measures

    Exploración vocacional en adolescentes: evaluación de una intervención en clase

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    Analisa-se o impacto de uma intervenção psicológica na exploração e tomada de decisão vocacional em adolescentes portugueses. Em contexto curricular e de classe, desenvolveram-se actividades de exploração do meio e do Eu com 39 alunos e 43 alunas do 9o ano, entre 13 e 17 anos (M=14,4, DP=0,95). Em um design pré/pós-teste, aplicaram-se o Career Exploration Survey (CES) e o Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). Os resultados do teste do sinal evidenciaram ganhos significativos (p<0,01) nas dimensões de exploração e diminuição significativa da falta de informação profissional (p<0,01) e do total das dificuldades de decisão (p<0,05). Observou-se um padrão de correlações negativas (ró de Spearman) entre as duas medidas vocacionais, evidenciando uma relação entre a informação explorada na intervenção e a diminuição das dificuldades de decisão por falta de motivação. Em geral, os resultados suportam a importância do papel da exploração da carreira na diminuição das dificuldades de tomada de decisão.This study analyses the impact of a psychological intervention to promote vocational exploration and decisionmaking in Portuguese adolescents. Activities to foster exploration of self and environment were developed in a classroom program with 39 boys and 43 girls, all 9th grade students, between 13 and 17 years of age (M=14,4, SD=0.95). Following a pre/post-test design, the Career Exploration Survey (CES), and the Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) were administered. Results of sign-test showed significant increments (p<0.01) in all of the exploration dimensions, significant reduction of lack of occupational information (p<0.01) and of the total of career decision-making difficulties (p<0.05). Negative correlations (Spearman’s rho) between the two career measures was observed, evidencing a relationship between information explored during intervention and decreased difficulty with decision-making due to lack of motivation. In general, results support the importance of career exploration on diminishing decision-making difficulties.Evalúa-se el impacto de una intervención psicológica que fomenta la exploración y la decisión vocacional en adolescentes portugueses. Fueran efectuadas actividades de exploración del medio ambiente y del yo en contexto curricular de clase con 39 alumnos y 43 alumnas del curso 3º ESO, 13 hasta 17 años (M=14,4, DP=0,95). Utilizó-se un diseño pre/posteste, con aplicación del Career Exploration Survey (CES) y Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). Resultados del test del señal evidencian beneficios significativos (p<0,01) en las dimensiones de la exploración, reducción significativa de ausencia de información ocupacional (p<0,01) y total de dificultades de decisión (p<0,05). Ha sido observado un patrón de correlaciones negativas (ró de Spearman) entre las dos medidas vocacionales, mostrando relación entre la información explorada e la disminución de las dificultades de decisión por falta de motivación. En general, resultados sostienen la importancia de la exploración de carrera en la disminución de las dificultades de decisió