447 research outputs found

    Dynamic Visual Attention: competitive versus motion priority scheme

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    Defined as attentive process in presence of visual sequences, dynamic visual attention responds to static and motion features as well. For a computer model, a straightforward way to integrate these features is to combine all features in a competitive scheme: the saliency map contains a contribution of each feature, static and motion. Another way of integration is to combine the features in a motion priority scheme: in presence of motion, the saliency map is computed as the motion map, and in absence of motion, as the static map. In this paper, four models are considered: two models based on a competitive scheme and two models based on a motion priority scheme. The models are evaluated experimentally by comparing them with respect to the eye movement patterns of human subjects, while viewing a set of video sequences. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations, performed in the context of simple synthetic video sequences, show the highest performance of the motion priority scheme, compared to the competitive scheme

    Gas identification based on bias induced hysteresis of a gas-sensitive SiC field effect transistor

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    In this work dynamic variation of gate bias is used on a gas-sensitive SiC field effect transistor ("GasFET") to optimize its sensitivity and increase its selectivity. Gate bias ramps introduce strong hysteresis in the sensor signal. The shape of this hysteresis is shown to be an appropriate feature both for the discrimination of various gases (ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide and methane) as well as for different gas concentrations (250 and 500 ppm). The shape is very sensitive to ambient conditions as well as to the bias sweep rate. Thus, the influences of oxygen concentration, relative humidity, sensor temperature and cycle duration, i.e., sweep rate, are investigated and reasons for the observed signal changes, most importantly the existence of at least two different and competing processes taking place simultaneously, are discussed. Furthermore, it is shown that even for very fast cycles, in the range of seconds, the gas-induced shape change in the signal is strong enough to achieve a reliable separation of gases using gate bias cycled operation and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) making this approach suitable for practical application

    ‘Dagam’ Kesenian Indang di Desa Mangoe Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    ABSTRAKKesenian indang Pariaman adalah salah satu kesenian tradisi bernafaskan Islam. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan sosial budaya masyarakat pendukungnya, kesenian ini mengalami perkembangan menjadi kesenian rakyat yang tidak lagi dipertunjukan di surau, tetapi diluar surau, seperti di tempat-tempat terbuka, rumah-rumah penduduk, panggung pertunjukan, laga,laga dan sebaginya. Selain itu terjadi juga perkembangan dari segi teks, struktur sajian, bentuk penyajian, dan bahkan sistem pengelolaan. Indang memiliki struktur permainan yang terdiri dari darak panjang, imbauan lagu, darak pendek, nyanyian atau lagu, darak panjang. terdapat beberapa macam darak diantaranya: darak tujuah, darak kupak kapiak, darak tereang ka tereang, yang mana setiap pola awal atau pembuka darak berda-beda, hal ini lah yang menjadi pedoman oleh para anak Indang agar mengetahui darak apa yang akan dimainkan. Karya komposisi musik karawitan yang berjudul “Dagam” ini terinspirasi dari kesenian tradisi indang Pariaman yaitu pada darak tereang ka tereang. Pada darak tereang ka tereang tersebut pengkarya tertarik pada pola awal yang memiliki siklus pola yang lebih panjang dari pada darak yang lain. Dalam pengamatan pengkarya terhadap darak tereang ka tereang yang memiliki siklus pola yang panjang ini, pengkarya juga menemukan berbagai motif ritem yang dapat dikembangkan kembali. Karya komposisi musik “Dagam”  ini digarap dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan tradisi. mewujudkan ide/gagasan yang bersumber dari kesenian Indang Pariaman, yang terinspirasi dari darak tereang ka tereang dengan menggunakan pendekatan tradisi yang berjudul “Dagam” disajikan dalam bentuk pertunjukan secara lansung. Melalui garapan karya komposisi music “Dagam” pengkarya mencoba menghadirkan beberapa bentuk inovasi (kebaruan) dalam berbagai aspek garap sesuai dengan konsep yang ditawarkan. Kata Kunci: Indang Piaman; Darak Tereang ka Teranag; Pendekatan Tradisi    ABSTRACT            Indang is one of the performing arts with Islamic breath in Minangkabau. However, along with the socio-cultural development of the supporting community, This performing art has developed into a folk performing art which is no longer performed in surau, but outside the surau, such as in open places, people's houses, stage performances, fights, matches and so on. In addition, there have also been developments in terms of text, presentation structure, form of presentation, and even management systems. Indang has a game structure consisting of a long darak, an appeal to a song, a short darak, a song or song, a long darak. There are several types of darak including: darak tujuah, darak kupak kapiak, darak tereang ka tereang, where each initial pattern or opening of darak is different, this is the guideline for Indang children to know what darak will be played. This musical composition entitled "Dagam" was inspired by the traditional art of Indang Pariaman, namely darak tereang ka tereang. In the darak tereang ka tereang, the author is interested in the initial pattern which has a longer pattern cycle than the other daraks. In the artist's observation of the darak tereang ka tereang which has a long pattern cycle, the artist also finds various rhythmic motifs that can be redeveloped. The musical composition "Dagam" was worked on using the traditional approach method. realizing ideas/ideas originating from the art of Indang Pariaman, which was inspired by darak tereang ka tereang by using a traditional approach entitled “Dagam” presented in the form of a live performance. Through the work of the musical composition "Dagam" the artist tries to present several forms of innovation (newness) in various aspects of working according to the concept offered. Keywords: Indang Pariaman; Initial Pattern; Darak Tereang ka Tereang; Tradition Approac

    Pharmacological manipulation of L-carnitine transport into L6 cells with stable overexpression of human OCTN2

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    Abstract.: The high-affinity Na+-dependent carnitine transporter OCTN2 (SLC22A5) has a high renal expression and reabsorbs most filtered carnitine. To gain more insight into substrate specificity of OCTN2, we overexpressed hOCTN2 in L6 cells and characterized the structural requirements of substances acting as human OCTN2 (hOCTN2) inhibitors. A 1905-bp fragment containing the hOCTN2 complete coding sequence was introduced into the pWpiresGFP vector, and L6 cells were stably transduced using a lentiviral system. The transduced L6 cells revealed increased expression of hOCTN2 on the mRNA, protein and functional levels. Structural requirements for hOCTN2 inhibition were predicted in silico and investigated in vitro. Essential structural requirements for OCTN2 inhibition include a constantly positively charged nitrogen atom and a carboxyl, nitrile or ester group connected by a 2-4-atom linker. Our cell system is suitable for studying in vitro interactions with OCTN2, which can subsequently be investigated in viv

    Effect of dimples on glancing shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions

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    An experimental study has been conducted to examine the control effectiveness of dimples on the glancing shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction produced by a series of hemi-cylindrically blunted fins at Mach numbers 0.8 and 1.4, and at angles of sweep 0°, 15°, 30° and 45°. Schlieren photography, oil flow, pressure sensitive paints, and pressure tappings were employed to examine the characteristics of the induced flow field. The passive control technique used a series of 2 mm diameter, 1 mm deep indents drilled across the hemi-cylindrical leading edge at angles 0°, 45° and 90°. The effects of dimples were highly dependent on their orientation relative to the leading edge apex, and the local boundary layer properties

    Kemampuan Empat Jenis Tanaman Dalam Menyerap Cemaran Merkuri Di Media Tailing

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    This study aims to determine the level of absorption mercury contamination in plants and would like to know which plants are best at absorbing mercury contamination in tailings. plants used were Casuarina junghuniana, Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.), Melastoma affine and Dillenia suffruticosa Griff ex Hook. This study uses RCD (randomized completely design) with 8 treatments on plants and each treatment was repeated 5 times. The analysis showed that the Casuarina junghuniana, Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.), Melastoma affine and Dillenia suffruticosa Griff ex Hook has the ability to absorb mercury contamination in tailing and the tolerance to mercury contamination. The results showed that the higher the growth rate, the higher the mercury is absorbed in plant tissues. The best types of plants to absorb mercury contamination is Melastoma affine and Dillenia suffruticosa Griff ex Hook because this plant is a plant that tolerance and is a pioneer plant that can grow in soil that has a low nutrient content, has rapid growth and are able to grow in the open and logged over . The analysis showed that the levels of mercury in the tissues of plants and media higher than 0.02 ppm. However, the levels of mercury in the media on the treatment of P3, P5, P6, and P7 contains mercury <0.02 ppm. Keywords : Casuarina junghuniana, Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.), Melastoma affine and Dillenia suffruticosa Griff ex Hook, Phytoremediation and Tailings

    Dynamic Visual Attention: competitive versus motion priority scheme

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    Defined as attentive process in presence of visual sequences, dynamic visual attention responds to static and motion features as well. For a computer model, a straightforward way to integrate these features is to combine all features in a competitive scheme: the saliency map contains a contribution of each feature, static and motion. Another way of integration is to combine the features in a motion priority scheme: in presence of motion, the saliency map is computed as the motion map, and in absence of motion, as the static map. In this paper, four models are considered: two models based on a competitive scheme and two models based on a motion priority scheme. The models are evaluated experimentally by comparing them with respect to the eye movement patterns of human subjects, while viewing a set of video sequences. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations, performed in the context of simple synthetic video sequences, show the highest performance of the motion priority scheme, compared to the competitive scheme

    Keberadaan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Jabon Putih Dilahan Gambut

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    Research on the existence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi On the Anthocephalus cadamba at Peat Land Plantation aims to obtain information were of the type AMF. Soil and root samples were taken at 5 points at 0-20 cm depth, using quadrant circle design with 1 to 2 meter radius. Results characterization of AMF found that two genera Glomus, and Acaluspora, there are 8 Glomus sp types spores, and 3 Acaulaspora types spores. The number of spores found 3753 spores / 500 g peat soil with mean 745 spores. The number of spores of the highest in the sample P4 1128 spores / 100 g of peat and lowest sample P1 385 spores / 100 g of peat. The observation of the root Anthocephalus cadamba their association with root the AMF, with ranges infection 30 -46 % in the classification of class 3 ( medium) Keywords: Anthocephalus cadamba, Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fungi, Existence, Peat Land Plantatio