6,627 research outputs found

    Advancing Dispute Resolution by Unpacking the Sources of Conflict: Toward an Integrated Framework

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    Organizational leaders, public policy makers, dispute resolution professionals, and scholars have developed diverse methods for resolving workplace conflict. But there is inadequate recognition that the effectiveness of a dispute resolution method depends on its fit with the source of a particular conflict. Consequently, it is essential to better understand where conflict comes from and how this affects dispute resolution. To these ends, this paper uniquely integrates scholarship from multiple disciplines to develop a multi-dimensional framework on the sources of conflict. This provides an important foundation for theorizing and identifying effective dispute resolution methods, which are more important than ever as the changing world of work raises new issues, conflicts, and institutions

    Resolving the Axial Mass Anomaly in neutrino Scattering

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    We present a parametrization of the observed enhancement in the transverse electron quasielastic (QE) response function for nucleons bound in carbon as a function of the square of the four momentum transfer (Q2) in terms of a correction to the magnetic form factors of bound nucleons. The parametrization should also be applicable to the transverse cross section in neutrino scattering. If the transverse enhancement originates from meson exchange currents (MEC), then it is theoretically expected that any enhancement in the longitudinal or axial contributions is small. We present the predictions of the "Transverse Enhancement" model (which is based on electron scattering data only) for the neutrino and anti-neutrino differential and total QE cross sections for nucleons bound in carbon. The 2Q2 dependence of the transverse enhancement is observed to resolve much of the long standing discrepancy ("Axial Mass Anomaly}) in the QE total cross sections and differential distributions between low energy and high energy neutrino experiments on nuclear targets.Comment: 3 pages, 3 Figures, Presented by Arie Bodek at the 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, PANIC 2011, MIT, Cambridge, MA July 201

    Arc Phenomena in low-voltage current limiting circuit breakers

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    Circuit breakers are an important safety feature in most electrical circuits, and they act to prevent excessive currents caused by short circuits, for example. Low-voltage current limiting circuit breakers are activated by a trip solenoid when a critical current is exceeded. The solenoid moves two contacts apart to break the circuit. However, as soon as the contacts are separated an electric arc forms between them, ionising the air in the gap, increasing the electrical conductivity of air to that of the hot plasma that forms, and current continues to flow. The currents involved may be as large as 80,000 amperes. Critical to the success of the circuit breaker is that it is designed to cause the arc to move away from the contacts, into a widening wedge-shaped region. This lengthens the arc, and then moves it onto a series of separator plates called an arc divider or splitter. The arc divider raises the voltage required to sustain the arcs across it, above the voltage that is provided across the breaker, so that the circuit is broken and the arcing dies away. This entire process occurs in milliseconds, and is usually associated with a sound like an explosion and a bright ash from the arc. Parts of the contacts and the arc divider may melt and/or vapourise. The question to be addressed by the Study Group was to mathematically model the arc motion and extinction, with the overall aim of an improved understanding that would help the design of a better circuit breaker. Further discussion indicated that two key mechanisms are believed to contribute to the movement of the arc away from the contacts, one being self-magnetism (where the magnetic field associated with the arc and surrounding circuitry acts to push it towards the arc divider), and the other being air flow (where expansion of air combined with the design of the chamber enclosing the arc causes gas flow towards the arc divider). Further discussion also indicated that a key aspect of circuit breaker design was that it is desirable to have as fast a quenching of the arc as possible, that is, the faster the circuit breaker can act to stop current flow, the better. The relative importance of magnetic and air pressure effects on quenching speed is of central interest to circuit design

    Alien Registration- Budd, Flora M. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    A moving mesh method with variable relaxation time

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    We propose a moving mesh adaptive approach for solving time-dependent partial differential equations. The motion of spatial grid points is governed by a moving mesh PDE (MMPDE) in which a mesh relaxation time \tau is employed as a regularization parameter. Previously reported results on MMPDEs have invariably employed a constant value of the parameter \tau. We extend this standard approach by incorporating a variable relaxation time that is calculated adaptively alongside the solution in order to regularize the mesh appropriately throughout a computation. We focus on singular problems involving self-similar blow-up to demonstrate the advantages of using a variable relaxation ime over a fixed one in terms of accuracy, stability and efficiency.Comment: 21 page

    Revisiting the Importance of Cognition in Information Science

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    DOI: 10.1177/016555150000000For a considerable amount of time the field of information science has employed its own, as well as the knowledge bases and methods of other fields (with productive results). One field that has been appropriated from has been cognitive science. Cognitive science, however, has been in flux over the last few decades, with different conceptual frameworks assuming ascendance at various times. That dynamic implies that information science should pay close attention to what is occurring in cognitive science in order to investigate the most complex of challenges in information retrieval use, behaviour, and other phenomena. This paper includes a review of the frameworks of cognitive science and suggests that some of the most recent work in that field holds promise for development of thought and inquiry in information science. Understanding of the complex individual processes within human brains, the relationships among thinking communicators, and the relationship of brain and mind, is one of the areas where particular attention should be paid

    Interplay of Mre11 Nuclease with Dna2 plus Sgs1 in Rad51-Dependent Recombinational Repair

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    The Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 complex initiates IR repair by binding to the end of a double-strand break, resulting in 5′ to 3′ exonuclease degradation creating a single-stranded 3′ overhang competent for strand invasion into the unbroken chromosome. The nuclease(s) involved are not well understood. Mre11 encodes a nuclease, but it has 3′ to 5′, rather than 5′ to 3′ activity. Furthermore, mutations that inactivate only the nuclease activity of Mre11 but not its other repair functions, mre11-D56N and mre11-H125N, are resistant to IR. This suggests that another nuclease can catalyze 5′ to 3′ degradation. One candidate nuclease that has not been tested to date because it is encoded by an essential gene is the Dna2 helicase/nuclease. We recently reported the ability to suppress the lethality of a dna2Δ with a pif1Δ. The dna2Δ pif1Δ mutant is IR-resistant. We have determined that dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-D56N and dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-H125N strains are equally as sensitive to IR as mre11Δ strains, suggesting that in the absence of Dna2, Mre11 nuclease carries out repair. The dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-D56N triple mutant is complemented by plasmids expressing Mre11, Dna2 or dna2K1080E, a mutant with defective helicase and functional nuclease, demonstrating that the nuclease of Dna2 compensates for the absence of Mre11 nuclease in IR repair, presumably in 5′ to 3′ degradation at DSB ends. We further show that sgs1Δ mre11-H125N, but not sgs1Δ, is very sensitive to IR, implicating the Sgs1 helicase in the Dna2-mediated pathway

    Extensive Genomic Diversity among Bovine-Adapted Staphylococcus aureus: Evidence for a Genomic Rearrangement within CC97

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    peer-reviewedStaphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen associated with both human and veterinary disease and is a common cause of bovine mastitis. Genomic heterogeneity exists between S. aureus strains and has been implicated in the adaptation of specific strains to colonise particular mammalian hosts. Knowledge of the factors required for host specificity and virulence is important for understanding the pathogenesis and management of S. aureus mastitis. In this study, a panel of mastitis-associated S. aureus isolates (n = 126) was tested for resistance to antibiotics commonly used to treat mastitis. Over half of the isolates (52%) demonstrated resistance to penicillin and ampicillin but all were susceptible to the other antibiotics tested. S. aureus isolates were further examined for their clonal diversity by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). In total, 18 different sequence types (STs) were identified and eBURST analysis demonstrated that the majority of isolates grouped into clonal complexes CC97, CC151 or sequence type (ST) 136. Analysis of the role of recombination events in determining S. aureus population structure determined that ST diversification through nucleotide substitutions were more likely to be due to recombination compared to point mutation, with regions of the genome possibly acting as recombination hotspots. DNA microarray analysis revealed a large number of differences amongst S. aureus STs in their variable genome content, including genes associated with capsule and biofilm formation and adhesion factors. Finally, evidence for a genomic arrangement was observed within isolates from CC97 with the ST71-like subgroup showing evidence of an IS431 insertion element having replaced approximately 30 kb of DNA including the ica operon and histidine biosynthesis genes, resulting in histidine auxotrophy. This genomic rearrangement may be responsible for the diversification of ST71 into an emerging bovine adapted subgroup
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