77 research outputs found

    Contaminação de aflatoxinas em castanha-do-brasil com casca em sistemas extrativista e de plantio.

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    Diante de problemas de contaminação por aflatoxinas enfrentados na cadeia produtiva da castanha-do-brasil, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o teor de aflatoxinas em castanhas com casca em diferentes etapas dos sistemas de produção: extrativista e de plantio. A produção extrativista consiste na coleta de ouriços recém caídos das árvores e permanecidos no solo por vários dias, empilhamento na floresta, abertura e seleção de castanhas com casca, seguida de armazenamento/secagem sob ventilação durante vários meses. Contudo, no sistema de plantio somente os ouriços com menos de 5 dias no solo são coletados, em seguida são desinfectados com hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e armazenados sob ventilação até abertura e seleção das castanhas com casca. Sessenta amostras de castanha-do-brasil com casca foram coletadas diretamente ou após abertura dos ouriços na região amazônica do Brasil, provenientes da produção extrativista no Acre e do sistema de plantio no Amazonas. As aflatoxinas (B1, B2, G1, G2) foram determinadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alto Desempenho com detector de fluorescência bem como a atividade de água (aw) nas castanhas descascadas. Nas etapas do sistema extrativista na floresta, dos 33 ouriços coletados, castanhas provenientes de um ouriço com menos de 5 dias de contato com o solo e um ouriço empilhado durante 15 dias apresentaram contaminação por AFB1 inferior a 0,1 µg/kg de matéria fresca (MF). Entretanto o nível de AFB1 variou de 0,6 a 4,4 µg/kg de MF em 3 ouriços com mais de 30 dias em contato com o solo, mais susceptíveis a serem danificados e degradados por condições climáticas e predadores da floresta amazônica. No sistema de plantio, dos 5 ouriços coletados, somente uma amostra proveniente de um ouriço com menos de 5 dias de contato com o solo apresentou contaminação por AFB1, inferior a 0,1 µg/kg de MF. Em armazém ventilado do sistema de plantio, AFB1 foi detectada com teor inferior a 0,1 µg/kg de MF em uma amostra dos 10 ouriços coletados. Todavia no sistema extrativista, os teores de aflatoxinas das castanhas com casca aumentaram e foram superiores ao regulamento europeu (10 µg/kg de MF, UE n°165/2010) ao longo do armazenamento (até 90 dias). A secagem sob ventilação durante o armazenamento não é suficientemente eficaz para atingir rapidamente uma aw inferior a 0,7, evitando o desenvolvimento de fungos aflatoxinogênicos e a produção de aflatoxinas. Resultados sugerem o ouriço como uma barreira de proteção contra estes fungos além de confirmar os estudos anteriores do projeto Safenut que indicam a etapa de secagem sob ventilação e armazenamento das castanhas com casca durante meses no sistema extrativista como etapa crítica na contaminação por aflatoxinas. Portanto, no sistema de plantio, a coleta e o armazenamento após desinfecção com hipoclorito de sódio somente dos ouriços recém caídos das árvores, mesmo por um período de dois meses, permitem evitar a contaminação das castanhas por aflatoxinas

    The human OPA1delTTAG mutation induces premature age-related systemic neurodegeneration in mouse

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    Dominant optic atrophy is a rare inherited optic nerve degeneration caused by mutations in the mitochondrial fusion gene OPA1. Recently, the clinical spectrum of dominant optic atrophy has been extended to frequent syndromic forms, exhibiting various degrees of neurological and muscle impairments frequently found in mitochondrial diseases. Although characterized by a specific loss of retinal ganglion cells, the pathophysiology of dominant optic atrophy is still poorly understood. We generated an Opa1 mouse model carrying the recurrent Opa1(delTTAG) mutation, which is found in 30% of all patients with dominant optic atrophy. We show that this mouse displays a multi-systemic poly-degenerative phenotype, with a presentation associating signs of visual failure, deafness, encephalomyopathy, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia and cardiomyopathy. Moreover, we found premature age-related axonal and myelin degenerations, increased autophagy and mitophagy and mitochondrial supercomplex instability preceding degeneration and cell death. Thus, these results support the concept that Opa1 protects against neuronal degeneration and opens new perspectives for the exploration and the treatment of mitochondrial diseases

    Peptidomimetic antibiotics disrupt the lipopolysaccharide transport bridge of drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

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    The rise of antimicrobial resistance poses a substantial threat to our health system, and, hence, development of drugs against novel targets is urgently needed. The natural peptide thanatin kills Gram-negative bacteria by targeting proteins of the lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) machinery. Using the thanatin scaffold together with phenotypic medicinal chemistry, structural data, and a target-focused approach, we developed antimicrobial peptides with drug-like properties. They exhibit potent activity against Enterobacteriaceae both in vitro and in vivo while eliciting low frequencies of resistance. We show that the peptides bind LptA of both wild-type and thanatin-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains with low-nanomolar affinities. Mode of action studies revealed that the antimicrobial activity involves the specific disruption of the Lpt periplasmic protein bridge

    Rice grain cadmium concentrations in the global supply-chain

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    One of cadmium’s major exposure routes to humans is through rice consumption. The concentrations of cadmium in the global polished (white), market rice supply-chain were assessed in 2270 samples, purchased from retailers across 32 countries, encompassing 6 continents. It was found on a global basis that East Africa had the lowest cadmium with a median for both Malawi and Tanzania at 4.9 μg/kg, an order of magnitude lower than the highest country, China with a median at 69.3 μg/kg. The Americas were typically low in cadmium, but the Indian sub-continent was universally elevated. In particular certain regions of Bangladesh had high cadmium, that when combined with the high daily consumption rate of rice of that country, leads to high cadmium exposures. Concentrations of cadmium were compared to the European Standard for polished rice of 200 μg/kg and 5% of the global supply-chain exceeded this threshold. For the stricter standard of 40 μg/kg for processed infant foods, for which rice can comprise up to 100% by composition (such as rice porridges, puffed rice cereal and cakes), 25% of rice would not be suitable for making pure rice baby foods. Given that rice is also elevated in inorganic arsenic, the only region of the world where both inorganic arsenic and cadmium were low in grain was East Africa

    G protein-coupled receptor-mediated calcium signaling in astrocytes

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    Astrocytes express a large variety of G~protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) which mediate the transduction of extracellular signals into intracellular calcium responses. This transduction is provided by a complex network of biochemical reactions which mobilizes a wealth of possible calcium-mobilizing second messenger molecules. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate is probably the best known of these molecules whose enzymes for its production and degradation are nonetheless calcium-dependent. We present a biophysical modeling approach based on the assumption of Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics, to effectively describe GPCR-mediated astrocytic calcium signals. Our model is then used to study different mechanisms at play in stimulus encoding by shape and frequency of calcium oscillations in astrocytes.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 3 appendices (book chapter

    Structure and chromosomal localization of the human antidiuretic hormone receptor gene

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    Applying a genomic DNA-expression approach, we cloned the gene and cDNA coding for the human anti-diuretic hormone receptor, also called "vasopressin V2 receptor" (V2R). The nucleotide sequence of both cloned DNAs provided the information to elucidate the structure of the isolated transcriptional unit. The structure of this gene is unusual in that it is the first G protein-coupled receptor gene that contains two very small intervening sequences, the second of which separates the region encoding the seventh transmembrane region from the rest of the open reading frame. The sequence information was used to synthesize appropriate oligonucleotides to be used as primers in the PCR. The V2R gene was localized by PCR using DNA from hybrid cells as template. The gene was found to reside in the q28-qter portion of the human X chromosome, a region identified as the locus for congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

    Improving cassava sour starch quality in Colombia

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