155 research outputs found

    Strangeness, charm and bottom in a chiral quark-meson model

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    In this paper we investigate an SU(3) extension of the chiral quark-meson model. The spectra of baryons with strangeness, charm and bottom are considered within a "rigid oscillator" version of this model. The similarity between the quark part of the Lagrangian in the model and the Wess-Zumino term in the Skyrme model is noted. The binding energies of baryonic systems with baryon number B=2 and 3 possessing strangeness or heavy flavor are estimated. The results obtained are in good qualitative agreement with those obtained previously in the topological soliton (Skyrme) model.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Journal ref: submitted to Nucl.Phys.

    Inter-individual variations of human mercury exposure biomarkers: a cross-sectional assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Biomarkers for mercury (Hg) exposure have frequently been used to assess exposure and risk in various groups of the general population. We have evaluated the most frequently used biomarkers and the physiology on which they are based, to explore the inter-individual variations and their suitability for exposure assessment. METHODS: Concentrations of total Hg (THg), inorganic Hg (IHg) and organic Hg (OHg, assumed to be methylmercury; MeHg) were determined in whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, hair and urine from Swedish men and women. An automated multiple injection cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry analytical system for Hg analysis was developed, which provided high sensitivity, accuracy, and precision. The distribution of the various mercury forms in the different biological media was explored. RESULTS: About 90% of the mercury found in the red blood cells was in the form of MeHg with small inter-individual variations, and part of the IHg found in the red blood cells could be attributed to demethylated MeHg. THg in plasma was associated with both IHg and MeHg, with large inter-individual variations in the distribution between red blood cells and plasma. THg in hair reflects MeHg exposure at all exposure levels, and not IHg exposure. The small fraction of IHg in hair is most probably emanating from demethylated MeHg. The inter-individual variation in the blood to hair ratio was very large. The variability seemed to decrease with increasing OHg in blood, most probably due to more frequent fish consumption and thereby blood concentrations approaching steady state. THg in urine reflected IHg exposure, also at very low IHg exposure levels. CONCLUSION: The use of THg concentration in whole blood as a proxy for MeHg exposure will give rise to an overestimation of the MeHg exposure depending on the degree of IHg exposure, why speciation of mercury forms is needed. THg in RBC and hair are suitable proxies for MeHg exposure. Using THg concentration in plasma as a measure of IHg exposure can lead to significant exposure misclassification. THg in urine is a suitable proxy for IHg exposure

    The dUTPase Enzyme Is Essential in Mycobacterium smegmatis

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    Thymidine biosynthesis is essential in all cells. Inhibitors of the enzymes involved in this pathway (e.g. methotrexate) are thus frequently used as cytostatics. Due to its pivotal role in mycobacterial thymidylate synthesis dUTPase, which hydrolyzes dUTP into the dTTP precursor dUMP, has been suggested as a target for new antitubercular agents. All mycobacterial genomes encode dUTPase with a mycobacteria-specific surface loop absent in the human dUTPase. Using Mycobacterium smegmatis as a fast growing model for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we demonstrate that dUTPase knock-out results in lethality that can be reverted by complementation with wild-type dUTPase. Interestingly, a mutant dUTPase gene lacking the genus-specific loop was unable to complement the knock-out phenotype. We also show that deletion of the mycobacteria-specific loop has no major effect on dUTPase enzymatic properties in vitro and thus a yet to be identified loop-specific function seems to be essential within the bacterial cell context. In addition, here we demonstrated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis dUTPase is fully functional in Mycobacterium smegmatis as it rescues the lethal knock-out phenotype. Our results indicate the potential of dUTPase as a target for antitubercular drugs and identify a genus-specific surface loop on the enzyme as a selective target

    Protective role of sympathetic nerve activity to exercising skeletal muscle in the regulation of capillary pressure and fluid filtration

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    This study describes the integrated sympathetic/metabolic control of capillary pressure (Pc) and filtration in cat skeletal muscle as studied during graded exercise and superimposed graded (2, 6 and 16 Hz) vasoconstrictor nerve excitation. The applied technique permitted simultaneous analysis of the underlying changes of resistance in the whole vascular bed (RT) and in its large-bore arterial resistance vessels (greater than 25 microns), small arterioles (less than 25 microns) and veins. Graded exercise per se caused graded increases in capillary pressure, which at heavy work exceeded the resting control value by 12.2 mmHg, in turn leading to marked loss of plasma fluid by filtration. Sympathetic nerve stimulation was much more efficient in lowering capillary pressure during exercise than at rest, in spite of an exercise-induced marked attenuation of the vasoconstrictor response (RT). The sympathetically evoked capillary pressure fall per unit resistance increase was larger the greater the degree of exercise vasodilation, implying a highly nonlinear relation between capillary pressure and RT and also between the more direct determinant of capillary pressure the post- to precapillary resistance ratio, and RT. Strenuous exercise in vivo is known to be associated with a markedly increased reflex sympathetic discharge to exercising muscle which has been a puzzling feature in view of its untoward restriction of the exercise hyperaemia response. To the extent the present results are representative for this in vivo situation, they suggest that sympathetic discharge to exercising muscle, in spite of some flow restricting effect, might serve a highly beneficial function, causing effective protection against excessive work-induced rise of capillary pressure and harmful plasma fluid loss into the extravascular space of working muscle
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