939 research outputs found

    The invasion of plant communities following extreme weather events under ambient and elevated temperature

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Although the problem of plant invasions is expected to increase with climate change, there is as yet little experimental evidence, in particular, for the effects of extreme weather events. We established communities of European meadow species, which were subjected to warming and extreme event (drought and deluge) treatments in a factorial design at an experimental garden in Zurich, Switzerland. Phylogenetically matched pairs of native and alien species (Bromus erectus, B. inermis, Trifolium pratense, T. hybridum, Lactuca serriola, and Conyza canadensis) were introduced into the communities to test if invader performance is favored by warming and extreme events, and if alien invaders perform better than native colonizers. With a warming of on average 0.3°C, a higher cover of native plant communities was observed, while drought decreased cover in the short-term and lowered biomass. Germination, survival, and growth of the introduced species were lower under elevated temperature. Survival of all pairs and growth of Trifolium was greater in drought pots, while deluge had no effect. While the alien species showed a faster rate of increase in the number of leaves, mortality of alien species was greater than of native species. Overall, the performance of the focal species varied much more among taxonomic groups than native/alien provenances. The results suggest that with climate change, different types of extreme events will differ in the severity of their effects on native plant communities. Meanwhile, the effects of climate change on plant invasions are more likely to operate indirectly through the impacts on native vegetation

    Serial lactate and admission SOFA scores in trauma: an analysis of predictive value in 724 patients with and without traumatic brain injury

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    Objective: Arterial lactate, base excess (BE), lactate clearance, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score have been shown to correlate with outcome in severely injured patients. The goal of the present study was to separately assess their predictive value in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) as opposed to patients suffering from injuries not related to the brain. Materials and methods: A total of 724 adult trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS)≥16 were grouped into patients without TBI (non-TBI), patients with isolated TBI (isolated TBI), and patients with a combination of TBI and non-TBI injuries (combined injuries). The predictive value of the above parameters was then analyzed using both uni- and multivariate analyses. Results: The mean age of the patients was 39years (77% males), with a mean ISS of 32 (range 16-75). Mortality ranged from 14% (non-TBI) to 24% (combined injuries). Admission and serial lactate/BE values were higher in non-survivors of all groups (all p<0.01), but not in patients with isolated TBI. Admission SOFA scores were highest in non-survivors of all groups (p=0.023); subsequently septic patients also showed elevated SOFA scores (p<0.01), except those with isolated TBI. In this group, SOFA score was the only parameter which showed significant differences between survivors and non-survivors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed lactate to be the best overall predictor for increased mortality and further septic complications, irrespective of the leading injury. Conclusion: Lactate showed the best performance in predicting sepsis or death in all trauma patients except those with isolated TBI, and the differences were greatest in patients with substantial bleeding. Following isolated TBI, SOFA score was the only parameter which could differentiate survivors from non-survivors on admission, although the SOFA score, too, was not an independent predictor of death following multivariate analysi

    Defect configurations and dynamical behavior in a Gay-Berne nematic emulsion

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    To model a nematic emulsion consisting of a surfactant-coated water droplet dispersed in a nematic host, we performed a molecular dynamics simulation of a droplet immersed in a system of 2048 Gay-Berne ellipsoids in a nematic phase. Strong radial anchoring at the surface of the droplet induced a Saturn ring defect configuration, consistent with theoretical predictions for very small droplets. A surface ring configuration was observed for lower radial anchoring strengths, and a pair of point defects was found near the poles of the droplet for tangential anchoring. We also simulated the falling ball experiment and measured the drag force anisotropy, in the presence of strong radial anchoring as well as zero anchoring strength.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    The 2+1 flavor topological susceptibility from the asqtad action at 0.06 fm

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    We report new data for the topological susceptibility computed on 2+1 flavor dynamical configurations with lattice spacing 0.06 fm, generated with the asqtad action. The topological susceptibility is computed by HYP smearing and compared with rooted staggered chiral perturbation theory as the pion mass goes to zero. At 0.06 fm, the raw data is already quite close to the continuum extrapolated values obtained from coarser lattices. These results provide a further test of the asqtad action with rooted staggered flavors.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4, 2007, Regensburg, German

    Stereo-consistent screen-space ambient occlusion

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    Screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) shows high efficiency and is widely used in real-time 3D applications. However, using SSAO algorithms in stereo rendering can lead to inconsistencies due to the differences in the screen-space information captured by the left and right eye. This will affect the perception of the scene and may be a source of viewer discomfort. In this paper, we show that the raw obscurance estimation part and subsequent filtering are both sources of inconsistencies. We developed a screen-space method involving both views in conjunction, leading to a stereo-aware raw obscurance estimation method and a stereo-aware bilateral filter. The results show that our method reduces stereo inconsistencies to a level comparable to geometry-based AO solutions, while maintaining the performance benefits of a screen-space approach

    Topological susceptibility with the asqtad action

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    Chiral perturbation theory predicts that in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), light dynamical quarks suppress the gauge-field topological susceptibility of the vacuum. The degree of suppression depends on quark multiplicity and masses. It provides a strong consistency test for fermion formulations in lattice QCD. Such tests are especially important for staggered fermion formulations that lack a full chiral symmetry and use the "fourth-root" procedure to achieve the desired number of sea quarks. Over the past few years we have measured the topological susceptibility on a large database of 18 gauge field ensembles, generated in the presence of 2+1 flavors of dynamical asqtad quarks with up and down quark masses ranging from 0.05 to 1 in units of the strange quark mass and lattice spacings ranging from 0.045 fm to 0.12 fm. Our study also includes three quenched ensembles with lattice spacings ranging from 0.06 to 0.12 fm. We construct the topological susceptibility from the integrated point-to-point correlator of the discretized topological charge density F-Fdual. To reduce its variance, we model the asymptotic tail of the correlator. The continuum extrapolation of our results for the topological susceptibility agrees nicely at small quark mass with the predictions of lowest-order SU(3) chiral perturbation theory, thus lending support to the validity of the fourth-root procedure.Comment: 28 pp, 6 figs. Version 2 corrects some discussion, some numbers, and some figures and adds some reference

    Comorbidities as an Indication for Metabolic Surgery

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    Metabolic diseases, comprising type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), dyslipidemia, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), are rapidly increasing worldwide. Conservative medical therapy, including the newly available drugs, has only limited effects and does neither influence survival or the development of micro- or macrovascular complications, nor the progression of NASH to liver cirrhosis, nor the development of hepatocellular carcinomas in the NASH liver. In contrast, metabolic surgery is very effective independent of the preoperative body mass index (BMI) in reducing overall and cardiovascular mortality in patients with T2DM. Furthermore, metabolic surgery significantly reduces the development of microand macrovascular complications while being the most effective therapy in order to achieve remission of T2DM and to reach the targeted glycemic control. Importantly, even existing diabetic complications such as nephropathy as well as the features of NASH can be reversed by metabolic surgery. Here, we propose indications for metabolic surgery due to T2DM and NASH based on a simple but objective, disease-specific staging system. We outline the use of the Edmonton Obesity Staging System (EOSS) as a clinical staging system independent of the BMI that will identify patients who will benefit the most from metabolic surgery

    Thermosensory perception regulates speed of movement in response to temperature changes in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>

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    Temperature influences physiology and behavior of all organisms. For ectotherms, which lack central temperature regulation, temperature adaptation requires sheltering from or moving to a heat source. As temperature constrains the rate of metabolic reactions, it can directly affect ectotherm physiology and thus behavioral performance. This direct effect is particularly relevant for insects whose small body readily equilibrates with ambient temperature. In fact, models of enzyme kinetics applied to insect behavior predict performance at different temperatures, suggesting that thermal physiology governs behavior. However, insects also possess thermosensory neurons critical for locating preferred temperatures, showing cognitive control. This suggests that temperature-related behavior can emerge directly from a physiological effect, indirectly as consequence of thermosensory processing, or through both. To separate the roles of thermal physiology and cognitive control, we developed an arena that allows fast temperature changes in time and space, and in which animals' movements are automatically quantified. We exposed wild-type and thermosensory receptor mutants Drosophila melanogaster to a dynamic temperature environment and tracked their movements. The locomotor speed of wild-type flies closely matched models of enzyme kinetics, but the behavior of thermosensory mutants did not. Mutations in thermosensory receptor dTrpA1 (Transient receptor potential) expressed in the brain resulted in a complete lack of response to temperature changes, while mutation in peripheral thermosensory receptor Gr28b(D) resulted in diminished response. We conclude that flies react to temperature through cognitive control, informed by interactions between various thermosensory neurons, whose behavioral output resembles that of enzyme kinetics

    An Efficient Dual-Hierarchy t-SNE Minimization

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    t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE) has become a standard for exploratory data analysis, as it is capable of revealing clusters even in complex data while requiring minimal user input. While its run-time complexity limited it to small datasets in the past, recent efforts improved upon the expensive similarity computations and the previously quadratic minimization. Nevertheless, t-SNE still has high runtime and memory costs when operating on millions of points. We present a novel method for executing the t-SNE minimization. While our method overall retains a linear runtime complexity, we obtain a significant performance increase in the most expensive part of the minimization. We achieve a significant improvement without a noticeable decrease in accuracy even when targeting a 3D embedding. Our method constructs a pair of spatial hierarchies over the embedding, which are simultaneously traversed to approximate many N-body interactions at once. We demonstrate an efficient GPGPU implementation and evaluate its performance against state-of-the-art methods on a variety of datasets
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