4 research outputs found

    On the Cohomology of the Noncritical WW-string

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    We investigate the cohomology structure of a general noncritical WNW_N-string. We do this by introducing a new basis in the Hilbert space in which the BRST operator splits into a ``nested'' sum of nilpotent BRST operators. We give explicit details for the case N=3N=3. In that case the BRST operator QQ can be written as the sum of two, mutually anticommuting, nilpotent BRST operators: Q=Q0+Q1Q=Q_0+Q_1. We argue that if one chooses for the Liouville sector a (p,q)(p,q) W3W_3 minimal model then the cohomology of the Q1Q_1 operator is closely related to a (p,q)(p,q) Virasoro minimal model. In particular, the special case of a (4,3) unitary W3W_3 minimal model with central charge c=0c=0 leads to a c=1/2c=1/2 Ising model in the Q1Q_1 cohomology. Despite all this, noncritical W3W_3 strings are not identical to noncritical Virasoro strings.Comment: 38 pages, UG-7/93, ITP-SB-93-7

    A BRST Analysis of WW-symmetries

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    We perform a classical BRST analysis of the symmetries corresponding to a generic wNw_N-algebra. An essential feature of our method is that we write the wNw_N-algebra in a special basis such that the algebra manifestly has a ``nested'' set of subalgebras vNNvNN1vN2wNv_N^N \subset v_N^{N-1} \subset \dots \subset v_N^2 \equiv w_N where the subalgebra vNi (i=2,,N)v_N^i\ (i=2, \dots ,N) consists of generators of spin s={i,i+1,,N}s=\{i,i+1,\dots ,N\}, respectively. In the new basis the BRST charge can be written as a ``nested'' sum of N1N-1 nilpotent BRST charges. In view of potential applications to (critical and/or non-critical) WW-string theories we discuss the quantum extension of our results. In particular, we present the quantum BRST-operator for the W4W_4-algebra in the new basis. For both critical and non-critical WW-strings we apply our results to discuss the relation with minimal models.Comment: 32 pages, UG-4/9


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    The geometric structure of theories with gauge fields of spins two and higher should involve a higher spin generalisation of Riemannian geometry. Such geometries are discussed and the case of WW_\infty-gravity is analysed in detail. While the gauge group for gravity in dd dimensions is the diffeomorphism group of the space-time, the gauge group for a certain WW-gravity theory (which is WW_\infty-gravity in the case d=2d=2) is the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms of the cotangent bundle of the space-time. Gauge transformations for WW-gravity gauge fields are given by requiring the invariance of a generalised line element. Densities exist and can be constructed from the line element (generalising detgμν\sqrt { \det g_{\mu \nu}}) only if d=1d=1 or d=2d=2, so that only for d=1,2d=1,2 can actions be constructed. These two cases and the corresponding WW-gravity actions are considered in detail. In d=2d=2, the gauge group is effectively only a subgroup of the symplectic diffeomorphism group. Some of the constraints that arise for d=2d=2 are similar to equations arising in the study of self-dual four-dimensional geometries and can be analysed using twistor methods, allowing contact to be made with other formulations of WW-gravity. While the twistor transform for self-dual spaces with one Killing vector reduces to a Legendre transform, that for two Killing vectors gives a generalisation of the Legendre transform.Comment: 49 pages, QMW-92-