6 research outputs found

    Constraining a model of punctuated river incision for Quaternary strath terrace formation

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    In the small fraction of Earth's surface with the highest erosion rates such as the Alps and Himalayas quantifying rates of incision, rock uplift and inferring climatic controls on the landscape can be relatively straightforward once the ages of river terraces cut in bedrock (strath terraces) are constrained. However, in many mid to lower relief settings that are more typical of mountain belts worldwide, periods of net river incision and riverbed lowering are relatively short (punctuated), interrupted by long periods of sediment aggradation or stasis. We define a conceptual model of punctuated river incision and strath terrace formation for the calculation of incision and rock uplift rates, and recommend strategies for geochronological sampling and interpretation. An approach using OSL dating of terrace gravels allows us to constrain a detailed ~150 kyr history of punctuated river incision and strath terrace formation spanning two stratigraphic landform levels in the High Atlas Mountains (NW Africa). Extensive preservation and exposure of strath-top gravels, within a post-orogenic setting unaffected by eustatic influences, enables the derivation of rates of base-level fall, integrated over periods of strath-top aggradation and incision, that are consistent with independently constrained regional rock uplift rates. Combining a punctuated river incision model with our well-constrained terrace formation history allows us to demonstrate how assumptions concerning Quaternary river incision and aggradation can lead to the problematic Sadler Effect, an apparent dependence of incision rates on measured time interval. Subsequently, we demonstrate that an approach to reinterpreting previously published data using the punctuated incision model, even when combined with limited terrace age data, results in more consistent conclusions about rates of river incision, rock uplift and base-level lowering across the mountain belt. Our recommendations for sampling strategies to constrain rock uplift rates require samples to be taken just above the strath surface, and in addition towards the top of the deposit for river incision rates. In a setting with punctuated river incision and strath terrace formation, both rock uplift and incision rates require burial dates, as exclusive use of abandonment ages will not yield constraints on accurate rates of rock uplift or incision. Furthermore, we find that only with multiple along-stream locations and multiple burial dates in each terrace deposit, could a reliable climatic signal be extracted: this signal would not have shown up in terrace abandonment ages such as those derived from cosmogenic exposure dates. The demonstrated effects of assumptions about strath terrace formation, and the recommended approaches for sampling and interpretation, have implications for those attempting to constrain palaeoclimatic, tectonic, and geomorphic histories from strath terrace records in regions exhibiting punctuated river incision

    Controls on dryland mountain landscape development along the NW Saharan desert margin: Insights from Quaternary river terrace sequences (Dadès River, south-central High Atlas, Morocco)

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    This study documents river terraces from upstream reaches of the Dad es River, a major fluvial system draining the south-central High Atlas Mountains. Terraces occur as straths with bedrock bases positioned at 10 m altitudinal intervals up to 40 m (T1-T5) above the valley floor, becoming less common between 50 and 140 m. The rock strength, stratigraphy and structure of the mountain belt influences terrace distribution. Terraces are absent in river gorges of structurally thickened limestone; whilst welldeveloped, laterally continuous terraces (T1-T4) form along wide valleys occupying syncline structures dominated by weaker interbedded limestone-mudstone. Terrace staircases develop in confined canyons associated with weaker lithologies and influence from structural dip and stratigraphic configuration. Terraces comprise a bedrock erosion surface overlain by fluvial conglomerates, rare overbank sands and colluvium. This sequence with some OSL/IRSL age control, suggests terrace formation over a 100 ka climate cycle with valley floor aggradation during full glacials and incision during glacial-interglacial transitions. This integrates with other archives (e.g. lakes, glaciers, dunes), appearing typical of landscape development along the NW Saharan margin south of the High Atlas, and similar to patterns in the western-southern Mediterranean. The 100 ka climate cycle relationship suggests that the terrace sequence documents Late-Middle Pleistocene landscape development. Consistent altitudinal spacing of terraces and their distribution throughout the orogen suggests sustained base-level lowering linked to uplift-exhumation of the High Atlas. Low incision rates (<0.2 mm a 1) and general absence of terrace deformation suggests dominance of isostatically driven base-level lowering with relief generation being Early Pleistocene or older.National Geographic research grant (8609-09

    Lithological controls on the timing of strath terrace staircase formation in a collisional mountain belt

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    In mountain belts, strath terrace staircases serve as markers for deriving river incision rates and erosional patterns. Distinguishing between terrace patterns influenced by external perturbations like changes in climate and tectonics and those driven by internal dynamics including feedbacks between topography, erosion and sediment transport remains challenging. We demonstrate that in a collisional mountain belt, lithology can act as a first-order control on the spatial and temporal scales of strath terrace formation. Here, we investigate the role of lithology in modulating internal dynamics and the formation of strath terraces in the Mgoun River catchment of the High Atlas in Morocco, a region characterised by constant low-rate rock uplift, a cyclical cool-warm/arid-humid Quaternary climate history and contrasting bedrock lithologies. By collecting (1) modern river and terrace clast data, (2) bedrock strath and strath-top sediment elevations of four terrace levels, (3) terrace sedimentology and (4) integration with published terrace chronology, we found a dominance of local sediment input from hillslopes, mostly from recycled bedrock conglomerates. Additionally, we found valley width, controlled by the stratigraphic and structural configuration of lithological erodibility, significantly impacts sediment connectivity. The isolation between valleys with varying widths results in varied timescales of river channel response to hillslope coupling, with hillslope-derived stochastic sediment gravity flows preserved in fluvial terraces in some river reaches and not in others. Furthermore, asynchronous terrace formation and abandonment ages result from the low longitudinal river connectivity between multiple valleys formed in erodible rock separated by gorges in high-strength rock. These gorges limit knickpoint migration rates, inhibiting the ability of terraces formed in one valley to spread through the catchment. These findings can inform future research distinguishing between autogenic and external signals in erosional landscapes and help carefully derive river incision rates and climate insights from terraces

    Adaptation of the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) to soil loss modeling in a semi-arid watershed: a case study from western high atlas, Morocco

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    Soil loss called also soil erosion is one of the most irreversible natural phenomena that affect the topsoil of Earth’s surface worldwide, as it causes soil fertility reduction, water availability decrease, and initiation of geo-hazards, which leads to negative repercussions on agricultural production, considered the main source of income for most of the autochthonous in the moroccan High Atlas. Due to its climatic and anthropogenic conditions, this region is considered one of the most vulnerable areas to soil erosion in Morocco, with consequential environmental and socioeconomic concerns. This study assesses soil loss in the upstream part of the High Souss watershed in the moroccan western High Atlas, using an integrated analysis of Remote Sensing, GIS, and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). This assessment is based on the integration of different influencing factors: climate, soil erodibility, topography, vegetation cover, and soil conservation practices. Results reveal that the High Souss watershed is exposed to significant erosion, with an average soil loss of 57.27 t/ha/year and an annual erosion amount of 7.3 million tons. This rate is considered to be intensively high in the moroccan context. Moreover, areas subjected to intensive erosion risk are mainly located in the upstream part of the basin, where moderate to steep slope lands are concentrated. The used methodology and results have been compounded to facilitate the analysis of this risk, providing an important basis for government decision-makers, helping the design of meaningful conservation planning programs to reduce soil erosion and conserve natural resources, thus supporting regional development