1,167 research outputs found

    PDF-Malware Detection: A Survey and Taxonomy of Current Techniques

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    Portable Document Format, more commonly known as PDF, has become, in the last 20 years, a standard for document exchange and dissemination due its portable nature and widespread adoption. The flexibility and power of this format are not only leveraged by benign users, but from hackers as well who have been working to exploit various types of vulnerabilities, overcome security restrictions, and then transform the PDF format in one among the leading malicious code spread vectors. Analyzing the content of malicious PDF files to extract the main features that characterize the malware identity and behavior, is a fundamental task for modern threat intelligence platforms that need to learn how to automatically identify new attacks. This paper surveys existing state of the art about systems for the detection of malicious PDF files and organizes them in a taxonomy that separately considers the used approaches and the data analyzed to detect the presence of malicious code. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Counting Integer flows in Networks

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    This paper discusses new analytic algorithms and software for the enumeration of all integer flows inside a network. Concrete applications abound in graph theory \cite{Jaeger}, representation theory \cite{kirillov}, and statistics \cite{persi}. Our methods clearly surpass traditional exhaustive enumeration and other algorithms and can even yield formulas when the input data contains some parameters. These methods are based on the study of rational functions with poles on arrangements of hyperplanes

    Volume computation for polytopes and partition functions for classical root systems

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    This paper presents an algorithm to compute the value of the inverse Laplace transforms of rational functions with poles on arrangements of hyperplanes. As an application, we present an efficient computation of the partition function for classical root systems.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figures. Maple programs available at http://www.math.polytechnique.fr/~vergne/work/IntegralPoints.htm

    Horn conditions for quiver subrepresentations and the moment map

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    We give inductive conditions that characterize the Schubert positions of subrepresentations of a general quiver representation. Our results generalize Belkale’s criterion for the intersection of Schubert varieties in Grassmannians and refine Schofield’s characterization of the dimension vectors of general subrepresentations. This implies Horn type inequalities for the moment cone associated to the linear representation of the group G = ΠxGL(nx) associated to a quiver and a dimension vector n = (nx)


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    We study intermediate sums, interpolating between integrals and discrete sums, which were introduced by A. Barvi-nok [Computing the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of a rational simplex, Math. Comp. 75 (2006), 1449–1466]. For a given semi-rational polytope p and a rational subspace L, we integrate a given polyno-mial function h over all lattice slices of the polytope p parallel to the subspace L and sum up the integrals. We first develop an al-gorithmic theory of parametric intermediate generating functions. Then we study the Ehrhart theory of these intermediate sums, that is, the dependence of the result as a function of a dilation of the polytope. We provide an algorithm to compute the resulting Ehrhart quasi-polynomials in the form of explicit step polynomi-als. These formulas are naturally valid for real (not just integer) dilations and thus provide a direct approach to real Ehrhart theory

    Ameloblastoma plexiforme del maxilar: manejo quirúrgico y protético. A propósito de un caso

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    El ameloblastoma es un tumor odontógeno benigno de derivación epitelial, de elevada invasión local, crecimiento intermitente y con alta probabilidad de recidiva. Puede dividirse en los siguientes tipos histológicos: folicular, plexiforme, acantomatoso, a células basales y granulares. El ameloblastoma folicular es el subtipo histológico más común. Se manifiesta prevalentemente durante la tercera, cuarta y quinta década de vida, sin predilección para el sexo, aun así se puede encontrar en cualquier grupo de edad incluyendo niños. La mayoría de los ameloblastomas se encuentra sobretodo en mandíbula (al nivel del ángulo y rama). Las características clínicas, incluso si complementadas con radiografías y muestras histológicas, no son útiles a la hora de predeterminar el comportamiento biológico y por lo tanto el pronóstico de un ameloblastoma individual. Los autores presentan un caso localizado de ameloblastoma plexiforme localizado en la parte posterior del maxilar de un hombre de 30 años; el término "plexiforme" se refiere al aspecto de anastomosis de los islotes del epitelio odontógeno, en contraste con el tipo «folicular». En este artículo se discuten importantes aspectos de la patología, del tratamiento quirúrgico y protésico. En conclusión, es necesaria una cooperación estricta a largo plazo de un grupo de clínicos, patólogos, cirujanos y prostodoncistas, para ofrecer el mejor tratamiento individualizado en cada caso. The ameloblastoma is a clinically persistent benign tumor derived from odontogenic epithelium, locally invasive, intermittent in growth and with high a probability of recurrence. The following histologic patterns may be distinguished: follicular, plexiform, spindle cell, acanthomatous, basal cell type and granular cell. The follicular ameloblastoma is the most common histologic tipe. The majority of patients are in 3th, 4th and 5th decade, but can be found in any age group including children. The majority of ameloblastomas are observed in the mandible (mostly angle or ramus). Clinical features, even if combined with radiology or histology findings, are not useful when trying to determine the biological behaviour and therefore the prognosis of an individual ameloblastoma. The authors report a case of plexiform ameloblastoma in the posterior maxilla, in male 30 year old otherwise healthy; the term "plexiform" refers to the appearance of anastomosing islands of odontogenic epithelium in contrast to a follicular pattern. Important questions on pathology, surgical and prosthetic therapy are discussed in this paper. In conclusion, a close cooperation of clinicians, pathologists, surgeons and prosthesists is necessary and very important over a long period of time for the best management of each individual case
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