144 research outputs found

    Interplay of structure and spin-orbit strength in magnetism of metal-benzene sandwiches: from single molecules to infinite wires

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    Based on first-principles density functional theory calculations we explore electronic and magnetic properties of experimentally producible sandwiches and infinite wires made of repeating benzene molecules and transition-metal atoms of V, Nb, and Ta. We describe the bonding mechanism in the molecules and in particular concentrate on the origin of magnetism in these structures. We find that all the considered systems have sizable magnetic moments and ferromagnetic spin-ordering, with the single exception of the V3-Bz4 molecule. By including the spin-orbit coupling into our calculations we determine the easy and hard axes of the magnetic moment, the strength of the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE), relevant for the thermal stability of magnetic orientation, and the change of the electronic structure with respect to the direction of the magnetic moment, important for spin-transport properties. While for the V-based compounds the values of the MAE are only of the order of 0.05-0.5 meV per metal atom, increasing the spin-orbit strength by substituting V with heavier Nb and Ta allows to achieve an increase in anisotropy values by one to two orders of magnitude. The rigid stability of magnetism in these compounds together with the strong ferromagnetic ordering makes them attractive candidates for spin-polarized transport applications. For a Nb-benzene infinite wire the occurrence of ballistic anisotropic magnetoresistance is demonstrated.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    The mechanism of caesium intercalation of graphene

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    Properties of many layered materials, including copper- and iron-based superconductors, topological insulators, graphite and epitaxial graphene can be manipulated by inclusion of different atomic and molecular species between the layers via a process known as intercalation. For example, intercalation in graphite can lead to superconductivity and is crucial in the working cycle of modern batteries and supercapacitors. Intercalation involves complex diffusion processes along and across the layers, but the microscopic mechanisms and dynamics of these processes are not well understood. Here we report on a novel mechanism for intercalation and entrapment of alkali-atoms under epitaxial graphene. We find that the intercalation is adjusted by the van der Waals interaction, with the dynamics governed by defects anchored to graphene wrinkles. Our findings are relevant for the future design and application of graphene-based nano-structures. Similar mechanisms can also play a role for intercalation of layered materials.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures in published form, supplementary information availabl

    Enantioselective adsorption on magnetic surfaces

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    From the beginning of molecular theory, the interplay of chirality and magnetism has intrigued scientists. There is still the question if enantiospecific adsorption of chiral molecules occurs on magnetic surfaces. Enantiomer discrimination was conjectured to arise from chirality-induced spin separation within the molecules and exchange interaction with the substrate's magnetization. Here we show that single helical aromatic hydrocarbons undergo enantioselective adsorption on ferromagnetic cobalt surfaces. Spin and chirality sensitive scanning tunneling microscopy reveals that molecules of opposite handedness prefer adsorption onto cobalt islands with opposite out-of-plane magnetization. As mobility ceases in the final chemisorbed state, it is concluded that enantioselection must occur in a physisorbed transient precursor state. State-of-the-art spin-resolved ab initio simulations support this scenario by refuting enantio-dependent chemisorption energies. These findings demonstrate that van der Waals interaction should also include spin-fluctuations which are crucial for molecular magnetochiral processes

    Interface-engineered templates for molecular spin memory devices

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    The use of molecular spin state as a quantum of information for storage, sensing and computing has generated considerable interest in the context of next-generation data storage and communication devices(1, 2), opening avenues for developing multifunctional molecular spintronics(3). Such ideas have been researched extensively, using single-molecule magnets(4, 5) and molecules with a metal ion(6) or nitrogen vacancy(7) as localized spin-carrying centres for storage and for realizing logic operations(8). However, the electronic coupling between the spin centres of these molecules is rather weak, which makes construction of quantum memory registers a challenging task(9). In this regard, delocalized carbon-based radical species with unpaired spin, such as phenalenyl(10), have shown promise. These phenalenyl moieties, which can be regarded as graphene fragments, are formed by the fusion of three benzene rings and belong to the class of open-shell systems. The spin structure of these molecules responds to external stimuli(11, 12) (such as light, and electric and magnetic fields), which provides novel schemes for performing spin memory and logic operations. Here we construct a molecular device using such molecules as templates to engineer interfacial spin transfer resulting from hybridization and magnetic exchange interaction with the surface of a ferromagnet ; the device shows an unexpected interfacial magnetoresistance of more than 20 per cent near room temperature. Moreover, we successfully demonstrate the formation of a nanoscale magnetic molecule with a well-defined magnetic hysteresis on ferromagnetic surfaces. Owing to strong magnetic coupling with the ferromagnet, such independent switching of an adsorbed magnetic molecule has been unsuccessful with single-molecule magnets(13). Our findings suggest the use of chemically amenable phenalenyl-based molecules as a viable and scalable platform for building molecular-scale quantum spin memory and processors for technological development

    Magnetoresistance through a single molecule

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    The use of single molecules to design electronic devices is an extremely challenging and fundamentally different approach to further downsizing electronic circuits. Two-terminal molecular devices such as diodes were first predicted [1] and, more recently, measured experimentally [2]. The addition of a gate then enabled the study of molecular transistors [3-5]. In general terms, in order to increase data processing capabilities, one may not only consider the electron's charge but also its spin [6,7]. This concept has been pioneered in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) junctions that consist of thin metallic films [8,9]. Spin transport across molecules, i.e. Molecular Spintronics remains, however, a challenging endeavor. As an important first step in this field, we have performed an experimental and theoretical study on spin transport across a molecular GMR junction consisting of two ferromagnetic electrodes bridged by a single hydrogen phthalocyanine (H2Pc) molecule. We observe that even though H2Pc in itself is nonmagnetic, incorporating it into a molecular junction can enhance the magnetoresistance by one order of magnitude to 52%.Comment: To appear in Nature Nanotechnology. Present version is the first submission to Nature Nanotechnology, from May 18th, 201

    Temperature Dependence of the Dynamics of Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect in Al-2.5%Mg alloy

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    Tensile tests were carried out by deforming polycrystalline samples of Al-2.5%Mg alloy at four different temperatures in an intermediate strain rate regime of 2x10-4s-1 to 2x10-3s-1. The Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect was observed throughout the strain rate and temperature region. The mean cumulative stress drop magnitude and the mean reloading time exhibit an increasing trend with temperature which is attributed to the enhanced solute diffusion at higher temperature. The observed stress-time series data were analyzed using the nonlinear dynamical methods. From the analyses, we could establish the presence of deterministic chaos in the PLC effect throughout the temperature regime. The dynamics goes to higher dimension at a sufficiently high temperature of 425K but the complexity of the dynamics is not affected by the temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; accepted in Met. Mater. Trans.

    Adsorption structure determination of a large polyaromatic trithiolate on Cu(111): Combination of LEED-I(V) and DFT-vdW

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    The adsorption geometry of 1,3,5-tris(4-mercaptophenyl)benzene (TMB) on Cu(111) is determined with high precision using two independent methods, experimentally by quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED-I(V)) and theoretically by dispersion corrected density functional theory (DFT-vdW). Structural refinement using both methods consistently results in similar adsorption sites and geometries. Thereby a level of confidence is reached that allows deduction of subtle structural details such as molecular deformations or relaxations of copper substrate atoms

    Electrons, Photons, and Force: Quantitative Single-Molecule Measurements from Physics to Biology

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    Single-molecule measurement techniques have illuminated unprecedented details of chemical behavior, including observations of the motion of a single molecule on a surface, and even the vibration of a single bond within a molecule. Such measurements are critical to our understanding of entities ranging from single atoms to the most complex protein assemblies. We provide an overview of the strikingly diverse classes of measurements that can be used to quantify single-molecule properties, including those of single macromolecules and single molecular assemblies, and discuss the quantitative insights they provide. Examples are drawn from across the single-molecule literature, ranging from ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy studies of adsorbate diffusion on surfaces to fluorescence studies of protein conformational changes in solution