815 research outputs found

    The static electric polarizability of a particle bound by a finite potential well

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    In this paper we derive an expression for the static electric polarizability of a particle bound by a finite potential well without the explicit use of the continuum states in our calculations. This will be accomplished by employing the elegant Dalgarno-Lewis perturbative technique.Comment: 14 Pages, 2 Table

    The influence of direct instruction on asynchronous educational discussions

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on May 25, 2012).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Dissertation advisor: Dr. Joi L. MooreVita."December 2011"Ph. D. University of Missouri-Columbia 2011.Online learning is an important and rapidly growing area, and asynchronous discussions are a vital component of online courses. This doctoral study examined the influence of discussion moderator messages, specifically messages with direct instruction content, had on those discussions. This study obtained data from content analysis of course discussions. The subjects for this study were the instructor and all 15 students enrolled in a fully-online graduate course at a large, public university medical center. The study found that the direct instruction content of an instructor message influenced students replying to that instructor message as well as students reading other student replies to that instructor message. The current study found that the direct instruction content of the instructor message may also influence students reading an instructor message and students responding to other replies to that instructor message. Instructors can use these findings to more effectively moderate their online discussions.Includes bibliographical reference

    Density correlations in ultracold atomic Fermi gases

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    We investigate density fluctuations in a coherent ensemble of interacting fermionic atoms. Adapting the concept of full counting statistics, well-known from quantum optics and mesoscopic electron transport, we study second-order as well as higher-order correlators of density fluctuations. Using the mean-field BCS state to describe the whole interval between the BCS limit and the BEC limit, we obtain an exact expression for the cumulant-generating function of the density fluctuations of an atomic cloud. In the two-dimensional case, we obtain a closed analytical expression. Poissonian fluctuations of a molecular condensate on the BEC side are strongly suppressed on the BCS side. The size of the fluctuations in the BCS limit is a direct measure of the pairing potential. We also discuss the BEC-BCS crossover of the third cumulant and the temperature dependence of the second cumulant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. A. New calculation of the bin statistics of a free Bose gas; updated and extended bibliograph

    Supporting translation of research evidence into practice—the use of Normalisation Process Theory to assess and inform implementation within randomised controlled trials: a systematic review

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    Background: The status of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) as the ‘gold standard’ for evaluating efficacy in healthcare interventions is increasingly debated among the research community, due to often insufficient consideration for implementation. Normalisation Process Theory (NPT), which focuses on the work required to embed processes into practice, offers a potentially useful framework for addressing these concerns. While the theory has been deployed in numerous RCTs to date, more work is needed to consolidate understanding of if, and how, NPT may aid implementation planning and processes within RCTs. Therefore, this review seeks to understand how NPT contributes to understanding the dynamics of implementation processes within RCTs. Specifically, this review will identify and characterise NPT operationalisation, benefits and reported challenges and limitations in RCTs. Methods: A qualitative systematic review with narrative synthesis of peer-reviewed journal articles from eight databases was conducted. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported sufficient detail on the use of NPT within RCTs in a healthcare domain. A pre-specified data extraction template was developed based on the research questions of this review. A narrative synthesis was performed to identify recurrent findings. Results: Searches identified 48 articles reporting 42 studies eligible for inclusion. Findings suggest that NPT is primarily operationalised prospectively during the data collection stage, with limited sub-construct utilisation overall. NPT is beneficial in understanding implementation processes by aiding the identification and analysis of key factors, such as understanding intervention fidelity in real-world settings. Nearly three-quarters of studies failed to report the challenges and limitations of utilising NPT, though coding difficulties and data falling outside the NPT framework are most common. Conclusions: NPT appears to be a consistent and generalisable framework for explaining the dynamics of implementation processes within RCTs. However, operationalisation of the theory to its full extent is necessary to improve its use in practice, as it is currently deployed in varying capacities. Recommendations for future research include investigation of NPT alongside other frameworks, as well as earlier operationalisation and greater use of NPT sub-constructs. Trial Registration: The protocol for this systematic review was accepted for public registration on PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42022345427) on 26 July 2022

    How do healthcare providers use national audit data for improvement?

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    Background Substantial resources are invested by Health Departments worldwide in introducing National Clinical Audits (NCAs). Yet, there is variable evidence on the NCAs’ effectiveness and little is known on factors underlying the successful use of NCAs to improve local practice. This study will focus on a single NCA (the National Audit of Inpatient Falls -NAIF 2017) to explore: (i) participants’ perspectives on the NCA reports, local feedback characteristics and actions undertaken following the feedback underpinning the effective use of the NCA feedback to improve local practice; (ii) reported changes in local practice following the NCA feedback in England and Wales. Methods Front-line staff perspectives were gathered through interviews. An inductive qualitative approach was used. Eighteen participants were purposefully sampled from 7 of the 85 participating hospitals in England and Wales. Analysis was guided by constant comparative techniques. Results Regarding the NAIF annual report, interviewees valued performance benchmarking with other hospitals, the use of visual representations and the inclusion of case studies and recommendations. Participants stated that feedback should target front-line healthcare professionals, be straightforward and focused, and be delivered through an encouraging and honest discussion. Interviewees highlighted the value of using other relevant data sources alongside NAIF feedback and the importance of continuous data monitoring. Participants reported that engagement of front-line staff in the NAIF and following improvement activities was critical. Leadership, ownership, management support and communication at different organisational levels were perceived as enablers, while staffing level and turnover, and poor quality improvement (QI) skills, were perceived as barriers to improvement. Reported changes in practice included increased awareness and attention to patient safety issues and greater involvement of patients and staff in falls prevention activities. Conclusions There is scope to improve the use of NCAs by front-line staff. NCAs should not be seen as isolated interventions but should be fully embedded and integrated into the QI strategic and operational plans of NHS trusts. The use of NCAs could be optimised, but knowledge of them is poor and distributed unevenly across different disciplines. More research is needed to provide guidance on key elements to consider throughout the whole improvement process at different organisational levels

    Learning from the universal, proactive outreach of the Brazilian Community Health Worker model: impact of a Community Health and Wellbeing Worker initiative on vaccination, cancer screening and NHS health check uptake in a deprived community in the UK

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    Background Delays in preventative service uptake are increasing in the UK. Universal, comprehensive monthly outreach by Community Health and Wellbeing Workers (CHW), who are integrated at the GP practice and local authority, offer a promising alternative to general public health campaigns as it personalises health promotion and prevention of disease holistically at the household level. We sought to test the ability of this model, which is based on the Brazilian Family Health Strategy, to increase prevention uptake in the UK. Methods Analysis of primary care patient records for 662 households that were allocated to five CHWWs from July 2021. Primary outcome was the Composite Referral Completion Indicator (CRCI), a measure of how many health promotion activities were received by members of a household relative to the ones that they were eligible for during the period July 2021-April 2022. The CRCI was compared between the intervention group (those who had received at least one visit) and the control group (allocated households that were yet to receive a visit). A secondary outcome was the number of GP visits in the intervention and control groups during the study period and compared to a year prior. Results Intervention and control groups were largely comparable in terms of household occupancy and service eligibilities. A total of 2251 patients in 662 corresponding households were allocated to 5 CHWs and 160 households had received at least one visit during the intervention period. The remaining households were included in the control group. Overall service uptake was 40% higher in the intervention group compared to control group (CRCI: 0.21 ± 0.15 and 0.15 ± 0.19 respectively). Likelihood of immunisation uptake specifically was 47% higher and cancer screening and NHS Health Checks was 82% higher. The average number of GP consultations per household decreased by 7.4% in the intervention group over the first 10 months of the pilot compared to the 10 months preceding its start, compared with a 0.6% decrease in the control group. Conclusions Despite the short study period these are promising findings in this deprived, traditionally hard to reach community and demonstrates potential for the Brazilian community health worker model to be impactful in the UK. Further analysis is needed to examine if this approach can reduce health inequalities and increase cost effectiveness of health promotion approaches

    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) originated from ‘Negroamaro’ and ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’

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    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi’ and ‘Malvasia nera di Lecce’ are two of the few Malvasias with black berries and belong to the Apulian ampelographic assortment (South Italy). Their presumed synonymy has been recently ascertained with SSR markers and therefore these two black 'Malvasias' can be considered as an unique variety. We discovered that this cultivar is the cross between ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’ alias ‘Malvasia del Chianti’ and ‘Negroamaro’ by using 42 nuclear SSR. Both parents belong to the Apulian varietal resources, since centuries. So far, ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ origin has been obscure; now we may assert that this cultivar was born right in Apulia. Three sets of chloroplast SSR loci were used to determine the female and the male parent: 6 ccmp loci, already used in previous pedigree studies, 15 ccSSR loci and 2 NTCP loci, derived from tobacco. The second set of loci was sequenced in order to compare the length of the markers with the reference species where they were originally obtained: in 4 cases no microsatellite motives were detected and in other 4 cases the perfect repetition found in tobacco was not maintained in grape. Unfortunately, the three sets of markers failed to show any polymorphism. A detailed comparison of the black Malvasia morphology with its two parents showed a closer similarity to ‘Negroamaro’. Also the anthocyanin profile is in agreement with that of the black parent; its varietal aroma presents interesting levels of free and bound 2-phenylethanol, responsible for rose flavor, and of bound linalool compounds.

    Variational Autoencoders for chord sequence generation conditioned on Western harmonic music complexity

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    In recent years, the adoption of deep learning techniques has allowed to obtain major breakthroughs in the automatic music generation research field, sparking a renewed interest in generative music. A great deal of work has focused on the possibility of conditioning the generation process in order to be able to create music according to human-understandable parameters. In this paper, we propose a technique for generating chord progressions conditioned on harmonic complexity, as grounded in the Western music theory. More specifically, we consider a pre-existing dataset annotated with the related complexity values and we train two variations of Variational Autoencoders (VAE), namely a Conditional-VAE (CVAE) and a Regressor-based VAE (RVAE), in order to condition the latent space depending on the complexity. Through a listening test, we analyze the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Collaborative robotics: Enhance maintenance procedures on primary flight control servo-actuators

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    Electro-Hydraulic Servo-Actuators (EHSAs) are mainly used to command primary flight control surfaces in military and commercial aircraft. Since these devices are crucial for vehicle stability and maneuverability, a correct assessment of their health status is mandatory. Within this framework, a joint research project (HyDiag), held by Politecnico di Torino and Lufthansa Technik AG (LHT), aims to provide a more efficient and reliable procedure to determine the operating conditions of the EHSA. A smart and automatic sequence, able to extract several health features of the Unit Under Test (UUT), has been developed and integrated. The present paper discusses the implementation of a collaborative robot, equipped with a vision system and customized tools, for both health features extraction, and maintenance tasks on unserviceable servo-actuators. The main challenges related to the automation of such complex tasks in a real working environment are highlighted, togetherwith the advantages brought by the proposed approach. The paper also presents the first results of an ongoing experimental campaign. Specifically, it reports the enhancements of the maintenance procedures using collaborative robotics and possible future developments

    Training-based Semantic Descriptors modeling for violin quality sound characterization

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    Violin makers and musicians describe the timbral qualities of violins using semantic terms coming from natural language. In this study we use regression techniques of machine intelligence and audio features to model in a training-based fashion a set of high-level (semantic) descriptors for the automatic annotation of musical instruments. The most relevant semantic descriptors are collected through interviews to violin makers. These descriptors are then correlated with objective features extracted from a set of violins from the historical and contemporary collections of the Museo del Violino and of the International School of Luthiery both in Cremona. As sound description can vary throughout a performance, our approach also enables the modelling of time-varying (evolutive) semantic annotation
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