107 research outputs found

    Kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran matematik

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    Ramai pelajar yang bermasalah dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan. Ini kerana pelajar sukar untuk membayangkan objek yang tersembunyi melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) secara konvensional. Penyelidik telah membangunkan satu koswer multimedia animasi visual dalam topik Pelan dan Dongakan dengan menerapkan kesemua elemen-elemen yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemahiran visual iaitu elemen animasi, video, audio, grafik dan teks. Seterusnya, kajian kuasi eksperimental ini turut dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual terhadap pencapaian pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Matematik di sekolah menengah. Ujian Pra dan Ujian Pos digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan pencapaian yang signifikan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual yang menggunakan teori Kognitif Visual Wiley. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini ialah seramai 40 orang pelajar Tingkatan Lima yang dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan yang dipilih daripada sebuah sekolah di daerah Batu Pahat, Johor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan skor min markah bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan. Hasil analisis ujian-t (paired-sample-t-test) membuktikan bahawa wujudnya perbezaan skor min markah yang signifikan di antara markah ujian pra dan markah ujian pos bagi kumpulan rawatan. Oleh itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara skor min markah ujian pra dan ujian pos bagi pelajar kumpulan rawatan selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual. Manakala instrumen soal selidik yang digunakan untuk melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar selepas menggunakan koswer multimedia animasi visual berdasarkan tiga aspek iaitu aspek isi kandungan, aspek interaksi dan aspek persembahan telah memeperolehi skor min yang tinggi bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Dapatan kajian ini menggambarkan penggunaan koswer multimedia animasi visual dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian Matematik di dalam bilik darjah terutama yang tidak melibatkan pengiraan

    A novel green antenna phase-shift system with data acquisition boards

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    A novel green phase shifter system is proposed in this research. The system is developed by a combination of reconfigurable beam steering antennas and data acquisition (DAQ) boards. A combination of two reconfigurable beam steering antennas, located side-by-side, forms a spatial configuration structure with a fabricated ‘green’ element plank of rice husk placed in between. The concept of a spatial configuration technique has been ‘mutated’ by shifting the structure of spiral feed line and aperture slots of first beam steering antenna by as much as 45 ◦ . The PIN diode switches connected to the DAQ boards enable the intelligent capability of the spatial antennas. The activation of certain degree radiation patterns of either the first beam steering antenna or the second beam steering antenna depends on the memory of the DAQ boards — Beam Manager. When an intruder comes from the cardinal angles of 0◦/ 360◦, 90◦, 180◦, or 270◦, its range and angles’ location will be automatically detected by the first antenna through the output ports of the 1st DAQ: P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, and P1.3. The second antenna is then activated by the output ports of the 2nd DAQ: P2.0 up to P2.3, to adaptively maneuver the beam towards four different ordinal directions of 45◦, 135◦, 225◦, and 315◦

    Effect of Spiral Split Ring Resonator (S-SRR)structure on Truncated Pyramidal Microwave Absorber Design

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    This paper discusses on the effect of the spiral split ring resonator on the truncated pyramidal microwave absorber. Split ring resonator (SRR) structure can potentially be incorporated onto the truncated pyramidal microwave absorber to increase the reflection loss performance. There are many ways to increase the pyramidal microwave absorber performance. The ways are focusing the new hybrid shapes, using high carbon material, and adding the left handed material structure on the pyramid microwave absorber. Left handed material or metamaterial is an artificial material that does not exist in the real nature like FR4, Taconic, Rogers or RT Duriod.There are many types of left handed material that had been used by several researchers such as split ring resonator (SRR), and photonic band gap (PBG), electromagnetic band gap (EBG) and artificial magnetic conductor (AMC). In this research, spiral split ring resonator (S-SRR) is used to increase the microwave absorber performance. It has the potential to increase the reflection loss or 811 results of the microwave absorber at the several frequencies

    Pembangunan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan projek origami

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    Kemahiran penyelesaian masalah merupakan salah satu kaedah pengajaran yang digunakan di dalam kelas. Ia merupakan satu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berasaskan pengalaman dan memerlukan pelajar berfikir secara aktif. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan persepsi pelajar terhadap kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah tugasan folio dengan berlandaskan seni lipatan kertas. Ini bagi membantu pelajar meningkatkan elemen kemahiran penyelesaian masalah seperti mengenalpasti masalah, merancang dan melaksanakan strategi serta dapat menyelesaikan apa jua sebarang masalah. Kajian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk eks pos fakto yang menggunakan instrumen soal selidik secara tinjauan awal dan tinjauan akhir seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 21. Setiap keputusan dapatan ditunjukkan dalam bentuk min, peratus dan ujian T. Sampel kajian adalah terdiri 30 orang pelajar tahun 2 semester 3 jurusan Pemesinan Industri. Dapatan keseluruhan min sebelum aktiviti bengkel ialah 3.43 manakala selepas aktiviti bengkel min ialah 4.03. Keputusan hasil kajian ini mendapati kemahiran penyelesaian masalah selepas menjalani aktiviti origami, berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Oleh yang demikian, cadangan penyelidik untuk mengemukakan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan kaedah origami di terima baik dan bagi membantu pihak tertentu terutamanya Pihak Kolej Vokasional Melaka Tengah dalam menyelesaikan masalah tugasan folio di kalangan pelaja

    Energy efficient partition-lightpath scheme for IP over WDM core networks

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    In this paper, the research focus on the development of energy saving schemes with roots in sleep modes that support the evolution of greener core optical IP networks. The cornerstone of the adopted strategy is partition-lightpath schemes underpinned by the hibernation state implemented through a modification of the intelligent control plane, in particular for transparent network architectures under different scenarios. An enhanced multi-level operational hibernation mode through partition-lightpath was defined including functionality, structure considering its implementation issues. Through the use of appropriate design parameters the impact on blocking probability, wavelengths assignment, LSP connection requests, degree of node connectivity and network utilization can be minimized while also achieving energy savings. Evaluation of this scheme indicates potential reduction in power consumption from 9% up to 17% at the expense of reduced network performance

    A Patternless Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Ultra Low Frequency Applications

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    This paper presents a pattern less piezoelectric harvester for ultra low power energy applications. Usually patterned cantilevers are used as vibration energy harvester which results additional fabrication process. Hence, to reduce the process, a four layer cantilever configuration is used to design the harvester with Aluminum, Silicon and Zinc Oxide. The device dimension is settled to 12×10×≈0.5009 mm3 with ≈300 nm deposition thickness for each layer. The modeling and fabrication processes are demonstrated in detail. The induced voltage by the cantilever is obtained through the analytical and practical measurements. From the measurements, it is found that, the maximum induced voltage is 91.2 mV from practical measurement with voltage density of 1.517 mV/mm3. It is evident from the results that, this pattern less model can be useful for next generation vibration energy harvester with simpler technology

    Effect of an in-situ thermal annealing on the structural properties of self-assembled GaSb/GaAs quantum dots

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    In this work, the effect of the application of a thermal annealing on the structural properties of GaSb/GaAs quantum dots (QDs)1 is analyzed by aberration corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM)2 and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)3. Our results show that the GaSb/GaAs QDs are more elongated after the annealing, and that the interfaces are less abrupt due to the Sb diffusion. We have also found a strong reduction in the misfit dislocation density with the annealing. The analysis by EELS of a threading dislocation has shown that the dislocation core is rich in Sb. In addition, the region of the GaAs substrate delimited by the threading dislocation is shown to be Sb-rich as well. An enhanced diffusion of Sb due to a mechanism assisted by the dislocation movement is discussed