114 research outputs found

    Angka Kejadian Psoriasis Vulgaris di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Periode Agustus 2008–Juni 2012

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    Psoriasis Vulgaris atau yang biasa disebut dengan psoriasis merupakan penyakit kronik rekuren pada kulit dengan gambaran klinis yang bervariasi. Angka kejadian Psoriasis pada populasi sekitar 2%. Belum banyak penelitian tentang Psoriasis dan belum ada data terbaru tentang Psoriasis di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui angka kejadian dan karakteristik psoriasis di RSUP MH periode Agustus 2008 sampai Juni 2012. Penelitian epidemiologi retrospektif yang bersifat deskriptif ini, dilakukan di Poliklinik IKKK dan di Instalasi Rekam Medik RSUP MH, dengan cara melihat data rekam medik pasien Psoriasis vulgaris yang tercatat pada rekam medik pada tanggal Agustus 2008 hingga Juni 2012. Angka kejadian periode Agustus 2008 sampai Agustus 2012 sebesar 1,35% dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 491 kasus. Kejadian tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok usia 51-60 tahun (32,4). Perbandingan antara laki-laki sebanyak 312 orang (74 %), dengan perempuan 179 orang (36 %). Area lesi tersering adalah ekstremitas bawah sebesar (62 %). Pasien dengan letak lesi lebih dari satu area sebesar 80,7 % lebih banyak dari pasien dengan 1 area lesi sebanyak 19,3%. Psoriasis vulgaris paling sering terjadi pada usia 51-60 tahun. Laki-laki lebih sering dibandingkan dengan perempuan. Ekstremitas bawah merupakan area lesi terbanyak pada pasien ini. Lebih dari setengah pasien memiliki lesi lebih dari satu area lesi

    Preliminary Modeling of Characteristics of Current and Batimetry in the Confluence of Mahakam River and Karang Mumus River

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    The movement of currents at the confluence of the Mahakam River and Karang Mumus River is highly influenced by tides and fluvial discharge can result in the movement of mass water. Research at low tide on January 21-22, 2019 at Spring tide. Data used current velocity, current direction, depth and bathymetric map from DISHIDROS of Indonesian Navy. The study aimed to compare the contours of the river measured against bathymetric map from DISHIDROS of Indonesian Navy and the current and vertically and horizontally flow patterns. Research used quantitative methods. Vertically and horizontally current distribution using Surfer software 11. The results of recording bathymetry data compared with bathymetric map from DISHIDROS of Indonesian Navy. the results of the study showed that the vertical velocity from upstream. they were before the confluence of rivers reached 0.11 m/s where the upper layer was down, the middle layer and the bottom layer were horizontal. Meanwhile, the current velocity at the confluence of rivers vertically showed the upper layer and bottom layer towards the middle layer as if it were mixing with its ranging from 0.02 - 0.32 m/s. while, the vertical velocity was larger in the downstream range of 0.04 - 0.38 m/s. the current velocity from upstream reached 1.1 m/s horizontally. they entered confluence of rivers a two-way flow was present. The flow on the right side of the curve was caused by flow output from the Karang Mumus River at a velocity of about 0.8 m/s, the flow on the left side still followed the river flow but the velocity decreased slightly 1 m/s. Then, in the downstream side by side the flow occurred until it merged into the straight part of the river channel from the velocity of 0.8 m/s to 1 m/s. the declining flow velocity at the confluence of the river can occur sediment deposition. It was also seen with bathymetry measured against the DISHIDROS map in 2011 where there was a decrease in depth or deposition along the confluence of rivers

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Media Realistik di Kelas V SD

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    A common problem in this study is " How Increased Activity of Students in math learning Method Using Realistic In Kelas V SDN 12 Sungai Pinyuh ? " . The purpose of this study is to describe the learning of increased activity Learners Kelas V SDN 12 Sungai Pinyuh in the learning of mathematics by using realistic media , both physically , mentally and emotionally . The method used in this study is a survey method by using a sheet of observation , the nature of the research is qualitative . The subjects in this study were teachers and fifth grade students numbering 23 people . Using observational data collection techniques. Means of data collection in the form of sheets of observations and data analysis techniques using a percentage formula . The results showed an increase in activity of learners from the base line to each cycle , namely , 1 ) the physical activity of students from baseline 17.38 % in the second cycle by 85.85 % increased by 68.47 % to a high category , 2 ) mental activity of learners baseline 12.31 % to 60.86 % in the second cycle increased by 48.55 % to the category of fairly tinggi.3 ) emotional activity learners from baseline 24.63 % to 86.96 % an increase amounted to 62.36 % with the high category . Conclusion that the use of realistic media can increase physical activity , mental and emotional fifth grade students in Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Sungai Pinyuh


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    The Jeneberang River Basin, upstream of Bili-Bili Dam Reservoir is divided into five (5) major sub-basins, named upper and middle main Jeneberang (Bili-Bili Dam Basin : 384.40 km2) , Salo Malino (85.89 km2), Salo Kausisi (37.50 km2), Jene Rakikang (42.2 km2) and Binanga Jajang (22.7 km2). Salo Malino is divided into more two (2) tributaries, named Salo Bulang (23.8km2) and Salo Ahuwa (37.1 km2). Bili-Bili dam is a multipurpose dam for irrigation, electricity, flood mitigation, and raw water. Bili-Bili Irrigation system covering 23,660 Ha of paddy field (Bissua system and Kampili system) of 270 bil.m3, Capacity for flood control 41 bil.m3, capacity for water supply 35 bil.m3, and the total storagevcapacity is 375 bill. M3, ofwhich the effective storage capacity is 346 bi.m3.Bili-Bili dam has been operated since 1999 year, serious sediment issues have been occurred in the Jeneberang river basin. Especially, after gigantic caldera collapse at March,2004, the sediment inflow volume in the reservoir have been reaches totally 49 million m3 as of May 2007. The objective of this study is to analyse the sediment transport at Upper Jeneberang river using HEC-RAS.. Which can be used to perform mobile bed computation. This study covering 32814.80 m length, consist of 80 reach (cross section). Large amount of sediment flowing to the dam could be reduce the capacity of the dam. Consequently the amount of water will reduced.The result is a continuous simulation of the change in cross section as sedimentation processes adjust to the hydraulic condition imposed by the water-sediment hydrograph and the base level control boundary conditions. Based on the analysis which show the erosion area and the sediment accumulated area, the decision maker can make the right choice to construct specific river structures at certain places to prevent sediment flowing to the dam for securing water.Keywords: Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Securing Wate

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Flu Burung pada Peternakan Unggas Rakyat Komersial di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang 2007-2008

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    Bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI) is a contagious disease that can infection all types of birds, humans, pigs, horses and dogs and is caused by Avian Influenza virus type A of the Ortho-myxoviridae family. Bird flu virus is zoonosis and it has a high mutation rate, so that this disease has a social impact, economic and political big enough. This study aims to analyze some of the risk factors bird flu outbreak in commercial layer poultry farm in the District Sidrap years 2007-2008. Research design used was analytical observasional Case Control Study. Research in April - May 2009. Elections sample purposively sampling of 136 poultry farm layer consisting of 68 sample cases as livestock and animal husbandry as 68 control samples. Data analyzed with the test Odds Ratio (OR) and logistic regression with convidence interval 95% (α = 0.05). Results of this research show that the breeder has knowledge OR 4.371 (CI = 2.089 - 9.144); environmental hygiene pen OR 2.460 (CI = 1.128 - 5.366); hygiene personnel cage OR 10.086 (CI = 4.182 - 24.327); interval enclosure OR 4.218 ( CI = 2.042 - 8.713); distance pen OR 2.962 (CI = 1.366 - 6.420) System maintenance is not contemporary OR 8.907 (CI = 3.907 - 18.407) and the existence of wild animals OR 1.436 (CI = 0.621 - 3.320). From the results of the research conclude that the personnel cage, cage environmental hygiene, hygiene of personel cage, cage rest time, distance, and system maintenance shed that is not contemporary risk factors is a bird flu outbreak. Hygiene of personnel is the enclosure of most risk factors for bird flu outbreak. Biosekurity conducted in each period of maintenance to prevent the risk of trans-mission disease agents, and conducted further research on the mechanism for their role factor in the cause of the spread of bird flu virus, and socialization to the farm in order to perform decon-tamination personnel cage at the time of entry and exit enclosure.Key Words : Sex, Knowledge, Under One Roof Contacting, Neighbor Contacting, Densty Of Family Membe

    Penyelenggaraan Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas) di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan

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    Amkesmas program mangement in Selayar Island District still not optimum yet. This study was done to asses Jamkesmas Program management as exhaustively in Selayar District Island base on organisation aspect, participant, services, financing and monitoring evaluation aspect. This study is qualitative reseach with evaluative approach, use indepth interview, documentary study and obsevation. This research found that in the organizational aspect the performance of the management team wich consist of organizer team, coordinating team, verifivation team and PT. Askes, not satispaction yet. In participant aspect founded par-ticipant data wich not valid, Jamkesmas card still in Villages office, and the sosialitation activity still low and not effektif. In services aspect the patients were griping the service payment, and some medicine not available in the Hospital apotek. In the financing aspect, this research found lack of transparancy, efficiency, effectivity and accuountability of budget Jam-kesmas using. In the Monitoring Evaluation, report and sigh handling aspect, this study found that monitoring and suverfision activity by the district organizer team is still low in quantity and quality as well as, and the quality of report and sigh handling also not satisfy yet. This study concludes that the participant and financing aspect as become two the main problems in Jamkesmas management in Selayar Island District. Suggested to do immediately revalidation of partisipant data and improve the Jamkesmas budget managementKey Words: Jamkesmas, Orgnizational, Partisipants, Services, Financin

    Angka Kejadian dan Faktor Penyebab Eritroderma di Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Periode 2009-2011

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    Latar belakang: Eritroderma (sinonim: dermatitis eksfoliatif, eritroderma eksfoliatif atau red man syndrome) adalah eritema difus dan skuama yang melibatkan 90% atau lebih permukaan kulit tubuh. Eritroderma umumnya disebabkan oleh perluasan penyakit kulit yang ada sebelumnya, penyakit sistemik/keganasan, reaksi obat,dan eritroderma idiopatik. Tujuan: Mengetahui angka kejadian dan mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor penyebab eritroderma di Poliklinik IKKK RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang periode 2009-2011. Metode: penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif retrospektif di Poliklinik IKKK RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Hasil: Angka kejadian kasus eritroderma 52 kasus (0,217%) dari seluruh pasien di Poliklinik IKKK. RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin. Berdasarkan karakteristik sosiodemografi didapatkan pasien dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki paling tinggi yaitn 27 pasien (51,92%). Pada kelompok umur yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah kelompok umur 52-64 tahun sebanyak 13 pasien (25%). Faktor penyebab akibat perluasan penyakit kulit sebagai penyebab terbanyak yaitu 9 pasien (17,3%), diikuti faktor penyebab idiopatik 8 pasien (15,4%)~ dan erupsi obat 3 pasien (5,7%), sedangkan untuk 32 pasien (61,6%) tidak bisa ditemukan data rekam me diknya. :Kesimpulan: selama kurun waktu 2009-2011, didapatkan angka kejadian eritroderma yaitu 0,217% di Poliklinik IKKK RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin dan penyebab terbanyak akibat perluasan penyakit kulit 17,3%
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