1,307 research outputs found

    Particle-in-cell simulation of a mildly relativistic collision of an electron-ion plasma carrying a quasi-parallel magnetic field: Electron acceleration and magnetic field amplification at supernova shocks

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    Plasma processes close to SNR shocks result in the amplification of magnetic fields and in the acceleration of electrons, injecting them into the diffusive acceleration mechanism. The acceleration of electrons and the B field amplification by the collision of two plasma clouds, each consisting of electrons and ions, at a speed of 0.5c is investigated. A quasi-parallel guiding magnetic field, a cloud density ratio of 10 and a plasma temperature of 25 keV are considered. A quasi-planar shock forms at the front of the dense plasma cloud. It is mediated by a circularly left-hand polarized electromagnetic wave with an electric field component along the guiding magnetic field. Its propagation direction is close to that of the guiding field and orthogonal to the collision boundary. It has a low frequency and a wavelength that equals several times the ion inertial length, which would be indicative of a dispersive Alfven wave close to the ion cyclotron resonance frequency of the left-handed mode (ion whistler), provided that the frequency is appropriate. However, it moves with the super-alfvenic plasma collision speed, suggesting that it is an Alfven precursor or a nonlinear MHD wave such as a Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structure (SLAMS). The growth of the magnetic amplitude of this wave to values well in excess of those of the quasi-parallel guiding field and of the filamentation modes results in a quasi-perpendicular shock. We present evidence for the instability of this mode to a four wave interaction. The waves developing upstream of the dense cloud give rise to electron acceleration ahead of the collision boundary. Energy equipartition between the ions and the electrons is established at the shock and the electrons are accelerated to relativistic speeds.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication by Astron & Astrophy

    Peranan Guru dalam Mengatasi Anak Pemalu di Raudhatul Athfal Dharma Wanita Kementerian Agama

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    : This research aims to describe the teacher's role to overcoming the shyness children. The method of this research is descriptive. After researching, it can be concluded that; (1) Teachers know the definition, characteristics, who are the shyness children in this group, and what is the teacher's role to overcoming the shyness children. (2) Teachers overcome the shyness children by guiding the children to perform themselves in front of the class, helping the children who have a difficulty of doing the activities, get the children to perform in front of the class, giving advices, being a role model, motivating (give a reward), make a conversation with parents to get information about the child's behavior in their house, discussing with colleagues to overcoming the shyness children. (3) The obstacle of teachers to overcoming the shyness children comes from the children who keep themselves with do not nothing, difficult of communication, do not want to ask when do not understand, do not answer any question from the teachers, and difficult to perform in front of the class so that makes the teachers are difficult to see the potentials of the children, hard to transferring the knowledge (especially in the developments of language) eventually, teachers are hard to determining the value of the end of the semester

    Implementasi Nilai Kearifan Lokal dalam Proses Upacara Pernikahan Adat Lampung Saibatin

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    This purpose of this research was to describe Implementation of Local Wisdom in the Process of Traditional Wedding Ceremony in Lampung Saibatin Village Umbul Buah District Kota Agung East. this research method was descriptive qualitative with research subject that is the society of Lampung Saibatin tribe that exist in village Umbul Buah.. Data collection using interview technique, observation and documentation.The result of this research is part of Lampung Saibatin society that exist in Umbul Buah village of Lampung traditional ceremony still done by some society and there are a value of the value which is enclosed in a traditional ceremony that is religious value, beauty value of kinship value and unity value. The obstacles in the implementation of this ceremony is the problem of cost, lack of understanding, a very long time sera requires a lot of energy in the implementation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan adat pernikahan Lampung Saibatin di Desa Umbul Buah Kecamatan Kota Agung Timur. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian yaitu masyarakat Lampung Saibatin yang ada di Desa Umbul Buah Kecamatan Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagian masyarakat Lampung Sai Batin yang ada di Desa Umbul Buah masih melakukan pernikahan adat Lampung Saibatin dan paham mengenai nilai dan makna ,namun sebagian masyarakat dalam melaksanakan upacara adat sudah disederhanakan tidak menggunakan upacara adat secara lengkap, adapun kendala dalam pelaksanaan ini adalah masalah biaya, tidak mengatahui rangkaian prosesi adat serta waktu yang panjang dan tenaga

    Does Ménière's Disease in the Elderly Present Some Peculiar Features?

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    Object. Aim of our study was to establish some peculiar features of Ménière's Disease (MD) in a group of elderly MD patients, in which the first vertigo spell happened when over 65 years old. Material and Methods. We analyzed a group of 73 younger than 65-years-old and a group of 30 elderly MD patients. All patients underwent a neurotological evaluation, an anamnestic evaluation including a lifetime history of migraine, and blood withdrawal for autoantibody screening. Results. Some differences were found between elderly and younger MD patients. Elderly MD patients presented a higher prevalence of Tumarkin attacks and a lower prevalence of lifetime history of migraine; moreover, they presented a faster develop of hearing loss and vertigo spells than a subgroup of 32 younger patients matched for the duration of illness. Conclusions. Some clinical features of MD in elderly have been pointed out. Particularly, the lower rate of migrainous history and positivity for autoantibodies often associated with MD, in our opinion, support the hypothesis of a vascular disorder acting as a predisposing factor for MD in elderly

    Magnetic Field Generation in Core-Sheath Jets via the Kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability

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    We have investigated magnetic field generation in velocity shears via the kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (kKHI) using a relativistic plasma jet core and stationary plasma sheath. Our three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations consider plasma jet cores with Lorentz factors of 1.5, 5, and 15 for both electron-proton and electron-positron plasmas. For electron-proton plasmas we find generation of strong large-scale DC currents and magnetic fields which extend over the entire shear-surface and reach thicknesses of a few tens of electron skin depths. For electron-positron plasmas we find generation of alternating currents and magnetic fields. Jet and sheath plasmas are accelerated across the shear surface in the strong magnetic fields generated by the kKHI. The mixing of jet and sheath plasmas generates transverse structure similar to that produced by the Weibel instability.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, in press, ApJ, September 10, 201

    Energy storage systems to exploit regenerative braking in DC railway systems: Different approaches to improve efficiency of modern high-speed trains

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    The growing attention to environmental sustainability of transport systems made necessary to investigate the possibility of energy optimization even in sectors typically characterised by an already high level of sustainability, as in particular the railway system. One of the most promising opportunity is the optimization of the braking energy recovery, which has been already considered in tramway systems, while it is traditionally overlooked for high-speed railway systems. In this research work, the authors have developed two simulation models able to reproduce the behavior of high-speed trains when entering in a railway node, and to analyze the impact of regenerative braking in DC railway systems, including usage of energy storage systems. These models, developed respectively in the Matlab-Simscape environment and in the open source Modelica language, have been experimentally validated considering an Italian high-speed train. After validation, the authors have performed a feasibility analysis considering the use of stationary and on-board storage systems, also by taking into account capital costs of the investment and annual energy saving, to evaluate cost-effectiveness of the different solutions. The analysis has shown the possibility to improve the efficiency of high-speed railway systems, by improving braking energy recovery through the installation of such storage systems

    Neuroprotection by erythropoietin administration after experimental traumatic brain injury.

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    A large body of evidence indicates that the hormone erythropoietin (EPO) exerts beneficial effects in the central nervous system (CNS). To date, EPO's effect has been assessed in several experimental models of brain and spinal cord injury. This study was conducted to validate whether treatment with recombinant human EPO (rHuEPO) would limit the extent of injury following experimental TBI. Experimental TBI was induced in rats by a cryogenic injury model. rHuEPO or placebo was injected intraperitoneally immediately after the injury and then every 8 h until 2 or 14 days. Forty-eight hours after injury brain water content, an indicator of brain edema, was measured with the wet-dry method and blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown was evaluated by assay of Evans blue extravasation. Furthermore, extent of cerebral damage was assessed. Administration of rHuEPO markedly improved recovery from motor dysfunction compared with placebo group (P < 0.05). Brain edema was significantly reduced in the cortex of the EPO-treated group relative to that in the placebo-treated group (80.6 \ub1 0.3% versus 91.8% \ub1 0.8% respectively, P < 0.05). BBB breakdown was significantly lower in EPO-treated group than in the placebo-treated group (66.2 \ub1 18.7 \u3bcg/g versus 181.3 \ub1 21 \u3bcg/g, respectively, P < 0.05). EPO treatment reduced injury volume significantly compared with placebo group (17.4 \ub1 5.4 mm3 versus 37.1 \ub1 5.3 mm3, P < 0.05). EPO, administered in its recombinant form, affords significant neuroprotection in experimental TBI model and may hold promise for future clinical applications. \ua9 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evolution of Global Relativistic Jets: Collimations and Expansion with kKHI and the Weibel Instability

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    One of the key open questions in the study of relativistic jets is their interaction with the environment. Here, we study the initial evolution of both electron-proton and electron-positron relativistic jets, focusing on their lateral interaction with the ambient plasma. We trace the generation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field generated by both kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz (kKH) and Mushroom instabilities (MI). This magnetic field collimates the jet. We show that in electron-proton jet, electrons are perpendicularly accelerated with jet collimation. The magnetic polarity switches from the clockwise to anti-clockwise in the middle of jet, as the instabilities weaken. For the electron-positron jet, we find strong mixture of electron-positron with the ambient plasma, that results in the creation of a bow shock. Merger of magnetic field current filaments generate density bumps which initiate a forward shock. The strong mixing between jet and ambient particles prevents full development of the jet on the studied scale. Our results therefore provide a direct evidence for both jet collimation and particle acceleration in the created bow shock. Differences in the magnetic field structures generated by electron-proton and electron-positron jets may contribute to observable differences in the polarized properties of emission by electrons.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, ApJ, accepte

    The Role of Nutrition in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Damage in Childhood Cancer Survivors

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    Innovative therapeutic strategies in childhood cancer led to a significant reduction in cancer-related mortality. Cancer survivors are a growing fragile population, at risk of long-term side effects of cancer treatments, thus requiring customized clinical attention. Antineoplastic drugs have a wide toxicity profile that can limit their clinical usage and spoil patients' life, even years after the end of treatment. The cardiovascular system is a well-known target of antineoplastic treatments, including anthracyclines, chest radiotherapy and new molecules, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We investigated nutritional changes in children with cancer from the diagnosis to the end of treatment and dietary habits in cancer survivors. At diagnosis, children with cancer may present variable degrees of malnutrition, potentially affecting drug tolerability and prognosis. During cancer treatment, the usage of corticosteroids can lead to rapid weight gain, exposing children to overweight and obesity. Moreover, dietary habits and lifestyle often dramatically change in cancer survivors, who acquire sedentary behavior and weak adherence to dietary guidelines. Furthermore, we speculated on the role of nutrition in the primary prevention of cardiac damage, investigating the potential cardioprotective role of diet-derived compounds with antioxidative properties. Finally, we summarized practical advice to improve the dietary habits of cancer survivors and their families