686 research outputs found

    Transformation of the monetary sphere and issues of financial inclusiveness

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    The ongoing transformation of the monetary sphere, affecting its fundamental, organizational, institutional and legal segments, cannot but have a significant impact on the financial behavior of market entities, primarily the population and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. And the matter is not only in the digitalization of the financial market recognized and generally accepted by all market participants, in the use of digital technologies in the monetary sphere, but also in the growth of geopolitical, informational, behavioral and communication risks. In this regard, the “new realities of the new world” reinforce the relevance of the stated topic, as they add new aspects to the study of financial inclusion. Based on the analysis of the theoretical provisions reflected in the works of modern foreign and Russian researchers of the monetary sphere, the practice of financial regulators in the context of increasing the level of financial inclusiveness, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that in modern realities, not only study, but also risk-oriented regulation of human involvement in economic processes, in particular, regulation of financial inclusion adequate to the “new realities of the new world”. The financial affordability achieved as a result of such regulation provides an opportunity to attract resources for their subsequent use, to optimize financial flows, and to possibly reduce the level of poverty. And, at the same time, financial inclusiveness is the basis for the inclusion of market entities in the formal economy, preventing a possible “leaving” for the informal, “shadow” sphere of life. The theoretical and empirical basis of the study were the results of the works of domestic and foreign authors, legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, foreign countries, analytical data of central banks, analytical and information materials of Russian and foreign periodicals, Internet networks, revealing the foundations of the transformation of the monetary sphere, assessing its trends in the context of their impact on financial inclusion. At the theoretical level, the study used such methods as terminological analysis of concepts, aggregation and abstraction, induction and deduction, comparative analysis and synthesis, at the empirical level — statistical and correlation. The conclusions drawn by the author can serve as the basis for the recommendations being developed by the Bank of Russia to maintain and increase the achieved level of financial inclusion in the context of the “new realities of the new world”


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    The analysis of the status of bank lending in the real sector is carried out.  The scope of credits for financing of subjects of the real economy are estimated. In order to determine the impact of bank lending on the state of the real economy, the relationship between the volume of loans provided by banks to the country's economy, assets of the banking industry and the main macroeconomic indicator - GDP have been established.The application of economic-mathematical modeling in the study of the banking sector's activity enabled the collection and streamlining of statistical information on the main parameters of the development of the banking system; using the least squares method, to construct a six-factor linear regression model of the influence of the factors of the banking system on GDP on a matrix basis;  the correlation between the indicators of the NBU discount rate, the exchange rate, inflation, return on assets and capital of the banking system, the interest rate on loans are investigated.It is determined that the lending  of the real economy sector in Ukraine needs a substantial rethinking in the direction of orientation of banking institutions to lends of priority activities in the national economy.The practical application of the calculations enables to increase the level of the National Bank's management in order to ensure the efficient functioning of both individual banking institutions and the banking system as a whole since the further growth of Ukraine depends on the stable development of the banking system, the possibility of entering the international financial markets and active participation in the globalization processes. A reliable and developed banking sector plays an extremely important role in stabilizing the country's economy.Проведен анализ банковского кредитования реального сектора. Оценены масштабы объемов кредитов для финансирования субъектов реальной экономики. С целью определения влияния банковского кредитования на состояние реальной экономики установлена зависимость между объемом кредитов, предоставленных банками в экономику страны, активами банковской отрасли и основным макроэкономическим показателем - ВВП. Проведен факторный анализ влияния банковского кредитования на состояние реального сектора экономики в условиях экономической нестабильности. Определено, что система кредитования реального сектора экономики в Украине требует существенного переосмысления в направлении ориентации банковских учреждений на первоочередное кредитование приоритетных в национальной экономике видов деятельности.Проведено аналіз стану банківського кредитування реального сектору. Оцінено масштаби обсягів кредитів для фінансування суб’єктів реальної економіки. З метою визначення впливу банківського кредитування на стан реальної економіки встановлено залежність між обсягом кредитів, наданими банками в економіку країни, активами банківської галузі та основним макроекономічним показником – ВВП.  Проведено факторний аналіз впливу кредитоутворюючих чинників на стан розвитку реального сектора економіки в умовах економічної нестабільності. Визначено, що система кредитування реального сектору економіки в Україні потребує суттєвого переосмислення в напрямі орієнтації банківських установ на першочергове кредитування пріоритетних у національній економіці видів діяльності


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    The expanding of banking services spectrum allows the redistributing of financial risks, the reduce of their negative impact on the efficiency of the commercial bank and creating of new revenue channels. According to this process, the issues of increasing the volume of provision and growth of commission receipts proportion in the general structure of revenues of banking institutions are actualized. In addition, commission receipts more stable than interest, but their not associated with the risk of losing the value of invested assets (except for the guarantee operations). That is why the article is devoted to determination of the effect of impact the volume of commission of banks on the total amount of their income. The research is based on the study of the relationship between the indicators in deal with cubic one-factor regression model.  It would be the basic for a diversification of the portfolio of banking services to protect the bank from crises at the financial market and for adoption of effective management decisions. As a result, the significant influence of the growth of commission receipts on the general level of income of commercial banks. This is evidenced by the computed the correlation coefficient (its value is 0.96 and shows the close relationship between the volume of revenues and volumes of their commission receipts), coefficient of determìnacìï, which is 0.91 (that is change the bank`s income on 91.0% depends on  the change in the volume of commission receipts of commercial banks) and strong elasticity ECI(I > 1 (the increase of commission receipts of banks in Ukraine has a significant impact on the growth of their  total). According that it is possible to conclude that the role of commissions in the general process of generating revenues of the bank is increased.Розширення спектра банківських послуг, що надаються клієнтам, дозволяє перерозподілити фінансові ризики, знижуючи рівень їхнього негативного впливу на ефективність роботи банку, сформувати нові канали надходження доходів. За таких умов актуалізуються питання підвищення обсягів надання і зростання питомої ваги комісійних надходжень у загальній структурі доходів банківських установ. Крім того, комісійні надходження стабільніші, ніж процентні, а їх отримання майже не пов’язане з ризиком втрати вартості вкладених активів (крім гарантійних операцій). Досліджено вплив зміни обсягу комісійних надходжень банків на загальний рівень доходів на основі вивчення зв’язку між зазначеними показниками через використання однофакторної регресійної моделі, що в подальшому надасть можливість диверсифікації портфеля банківських послуг для захисту банків від кризових явищ на фінансовому ринку й ухвалення ефективних управлінських рішень. У результаті виявлено наявність значного впливу зростання обсягу комісійних надходжень на загальний рівень доходів комерційних банків. Про це свідчить розраховані коефіцієнт кореляції (його значення дорівнює 0,96 і показує тісний зв’язок між обсягом доходів банків та обсягами їхніх комісійних надходжень), коефіцієнт детермінації, що становить 0,91 (тобто зміна доходів банків на 91,0 % залежить від зміни обсягів комісійних надходжень комерційних банків) і висока еластичність ECI(I) > 1 (приріст комісійних надходжень банків в Україні має значний вплив на зростання загального рівня дохідності). Це дало змогу зробити висновок про підвищення ролі комісійних надходжень у загальному процесі формування доходів банку

    Light-Induced Atomic Desorption for loading a Sodium Magneto-Optical Trap

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    We report studies of photon-stimulated desorption (PSD), also known as light-induced atomic desorption(LIAD), of sodium atoms from a vacuum cell glass surface used for loading a magneto-optical trap (MOT). Fluorescence detection was used to record the trapped atom number and the desorption rate. We observed a steep wavelength dependence of the desorption process above 2.6 eV photon energy, a result significant for estimations of sodium vapor density in the lunar atmosphere. Our data fit well to a simple model for the loading of the MOT dependent only on the sodium desorption rate and residual gas density. Up to 3.7x10^7 Na atoms were confined under ultra-high vacuum conditions, creating promising loading conditions for a vapor cell based atomic Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium.Comment: Sodium LIAD loaded MOT, 7 pages, 5 figures. Revised submitted manuscript with minor corrections, new data presented, Fig.5 change

    Radial HI Profiles at the Periphery of Galactic Disks: The Role of Ionizing Background Radiation

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    Observations of neutral hydrogen in spiral galaxies reveal a sharp cutoff in the radial density profile at some distance from the center. Using 22 galaxies with known HI distributions as an example, we discuss the question of whether this effect can be associated exclusively with external ionizing radiation, as is commonly assumed. We show that before the surface density reaches σHI0.5M/pc2\sigma_{\textrm{HI}}\le 0.5 {\cal M}_\odot/{\textrm {pc}}^2(the same for galaxies of different types), it is hard to expect the gas to be fully ionized by background radiation. For two of 13 galaxies with a sharp drop in the HI profile, the "steepening" can actually be caused by ionization. At the same time, for the remaining galaxies, the observed cutoff in the radial HI profile is closer to the center than if it was a consequence of ionization by background radiation and, therefore, it should be caused by other factors.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Conductivity, weak ferromagnetism and charge instability in αMnS\alpha-MnS single crystal

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    The temperature dependence of resistivity, magnetization and electron-spin resonance of the αMnS\alpha- MnS single crystal were measured in temperature range of 5K<T<550K5 K < T < 550 K. Magnetization hysteresis in applied magnetic field up to 0.7 T at T=5K,77K,300KT=5 K, 77 K, 300 K, irreversible temperature behavior of magnetization and resistivity were found . The obtained data were explained in terms of degenerate tight binding model using random phase approximation. The contribution of holes in t2gt_{2g} and ege_g bands of manganese ions to the conductivity, optical absorbtion spectra and charge instability in αMnS\alpha -MnS were studied. Charge susceptibility maxima resulted from the competition of the on-site Coulomb interaction between the holes in different orbitals and small hybridization of sub-bands were calculated at T=160K,250K,475KT=160 K, 250 K, 475 K.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Calculation fusion penetration at welding in CO₂

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    The analysis of data on the change in the penetration welding in CO₂ when the polarity of the arc and the number of heat sources. Obtained longitudinal sections settlement welding baths and cross-sections of the weld on the three options. It was found that the two coaxial heat source normally circular distribution of the heat flow is theoretically provide greater penetration in welding than twice the power of a single source. Predominant role in boil arc reverse polarity plays a power transmitted from the cathode region of the arc.Приводится анализ данных по изменению провара при сварке в СО₂ при изменении полярности дуги и количества источников тепла. Получены продольные профили расчетных сварочных ванн и поперечные сечения сварочного шва по трем вариантам. Установлено, что два соосно расположенных источника тепла с нормально-круговым распределением теплового потока теоретически обеспечивают больший провар при сварке, чем один источник удвоенной мощности. Преобладающую роль в проваре дугой обратной полярности играет мощность, передаваемая от катодной области дуги

    Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the "dislocation-segregation'' interaction

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    We study three structurally different states of nanocrystalline 316 steel and show that the state, where boundaries containing excess concentration of alloying elements are combined with mobile dislocations in grain interiors, allows maintaining extraordinarily high strength and remarkably enhanced plasticity. Underlying mechanisms featuring interaction between the segregations and mobile dislocations are discussed

    The collection of <I>Allium</I> L. at the South-Ural Botanical Garden–Institute

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    The article presents the results of introducing wild species. forms and varieties of Allium L. in the South-Ural Botanical Garden– Institute, Ufa. This genus is known for many useful plants – edible, medicinal and ornamental – and for its rare species requiring protection. The collection contains 111 taxa: 92 species, plus a number of onion cultivars and forms. It includes 7 species listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, 35 rare species from other regions of the ex-USSR, 2 rare species from the Red Book of the Russian Federation, and 19 endemic species.The collection serves as the basis for studying biological characteristics, agronomic and ornamental traits, reproduction and in vitro cultivation features, etc. Biochemical composition of introduced genotypes is also analyzed. Special attention is paid to the cultivation of rare onions as one of the methods of preserving their biodiversity – their reintroduction into natural habitats is possible on this basis. Most of onions introduced into the Bashkir Cis-Urals (65 species, 78 taxa in total) are stable in cultivation and possess valuable food and/or ornamental qualities, which makes it possible to recommend them for wider use in gardening and phytodesign

    The chiral Anomalous Hall effect in re-entrant AuFe alloys

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    The Hall effect has been studied in a series of AuFe samples in the re-entrant concentration range, as well as in part of the spin glass range. An anomalous Hall contribution linked to the tilting of the local spins can be identified, confirming theoretical predictions of a novel topological Hall term induced when chirality is present. This effect can be understood in terms of Aharonov-Bohm-like intrinsic current loops arising from successive scatterings by canted local spins. The experimental measurements indicate that the chiral signal persists, meaning scattering within the nanoscopic loops remains coherent, up to temperatures of the order of 150 K.Comment: 7 pages, 11 eps figures Published version. Minor change