72 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Activity of Garlic Derivatives on Common Causative Microorganisms of the External Ear Canal and Chronic Middle Ear Infections

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    Objective:Today, antibiotic resistance is increasing and evolving into an important health problem. Therefore, it is important to research on alternative therapies to antibiotics. This study aimed to investigate the inhibitory effect of four garlic derivatives on microorganisms commonly isolated in ear infections.Methods:The antimicrobial activities of allicin, s-allyl cysteine (SAC), diallyl disulfide (DADS), and s-allyl mercaptocysteine (SAMC) were investigated on standard strains of commonly isolated microorganisms using the broth microdilution method. The test strains were selected among the microorganisms responsible for chronic suppurative otitis media and otitis externa. These microorganisms were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Candida albicans, and Candida tropicalis.Results:Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of allicin and SAC ranged from 0.125 to 20 μg/ mL for fermentative bacteria (E. coli and K. pneumoniae), 20 to 80 μg/mL for non-fermentative bacteria (P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii), 5 to 10 μg/mL for gram-positive cocci (S. aureus and E. faecium), and 40 to 80 μg/mL for yeasts (C. albicans and C. tropicalis). MIC values of DADS ranged from 40 to 80 μg/mL for fermentative bacteria, 40 to 160 μg/mL for non-fermentative bacteria, 40 to 80 μg/mL for gram-positive cocci, and 20 to 40 μg/mL for yeasts. The MICs of SAMC were >640 μg/mL for the tested bacteria and yeasts.Conclusion:Both allicin and SAC showed antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms, even at low concentrations. These two derivatives may be used to treat infections in the future

    Inspired or foolhardy: sensemaking, confidence and entrepreneurs' decision-making.

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of confidence in how both new and experienced entrepreneurs interpret and make sense of their business environment to inform decision-making. We illustrate our conceptual arguments with descriptive results from a large-scale (n = 6289) survey on entrepreneurs' perception of business performance and their decisions taken at a time of uncertainty in an economic downturn. Quantitative findings are stratified along experiential lines to explore heterogeneity in entrepreneurial decision-making and directly inform our conceptual arguments, while qualitative data from open questions are used to explain the role of confidence. Newer entrepreneurs are found to be more optimistic in the face of environmental risk, which impacts on their decision-making and innovative capabilities. However, the more experienced entrepreneurs warily maintain margin and restructure to adapt to environmental changes. Instead of looking directly at the confidence of individuals, we show how confidence impacts sensemaking, and ultimately, decision-making. These insights inform research on the behaviour of novice and experienced entrepreneurs in relation to innovative business activities. Specifically, blanket assumptions on the role of confidence may be misplaced as its impact changes with experience to alter how entrepreneurs make sense of their environment

    De-centring the securitization of asylum and migration in the European Union: Securitization, vulnerability and the role of Turkey

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    This article contributes to the debates on de-centring the analysis of migration governance in Europe by focusing on the potential role of external actors in the securitisation of asylum and migration in the European Union (EU). Although there has been a growing amount of literature on the securitisation of asylum and migration in the EU, the role possibly played by external actors in this securitisation process has not been considered to date. This article addresses this gap using the case of Turkey. Theoretically, it contributes to the development of the securitisation framework by de-centring the study of securitisation processes. It argues that, from the vantage point of an external actor, a securitisation process highlights the existence of a vulnerability to a specific phenomenon that is perceived to be threatening. An external actor can then decide to exploit this vulnerability for its own gain, notably by making threats that play on the fears of the other political actor. Empirically, the article demonstrates how the Turkish government has been able to exploit the vulnerability of European countries to migration flows, which had been highlighted by the social construction of asylum and migration as security issues. By repeatedly threatening to send more asylum-seekers and migrants Europe’s way, the Turkish authorities have managed to secure some significant financial and political benefits for themselves in the last few years

    External ventricular drainage in hydrocephalus due to spontaneus intracerebral haemorrhage

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    Spontan intraserebral hemoraji sık görülen ve kalıcı hasarlar bırakabilen bir hastalıktır. Ventriküle yakın kanamalarda intraventriküler kanama ve hidrosefali sıktır. Bu çalışmada kliniğimize spontan intraserebral hemoraji ile başvuran 47 hastanın klinik, radyolojik bulguları ve sonuç skorlarını araştırdık. Kırkyedi hastanın 6'sında hidrosefali gelişti (%12.9). Altı hastanın 4'ünde talamik, ikisinde serebellar hematom vardı ve birisi dışında tamamında intraventriküler kanama vardı. Hidrosefali gelişen hastalarda intraventriküler kanama daha sıktı (%83'e karşın %12; p<0.05) ve tüm hastaların lezyonları ventriküler sistem komşuluğunda idi. Altı hastanın tümüne eksternal ventriküler drenaj uygulandı, bir hastada serebellar geniş hematom nedeni ile ek olarak lezyon çıkartıldı. Hastane mortalitesi hidrosefali gelişen hastalarda hafifçe yüksekti (%16'ya karşın %12) ve fonksiyonel sonuç hidrosefali gelişmeyen hastalarda daha iyi idi ancak sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı. Eksternal ventriküler drenaj spontan intraserebral hemoraji sonrası hidrosefali gelişen hastalarda geridönüşümsüz beyin hasarı ortaya çıkmadan önce yapılması gereken hayat kurtarıcı ve etkin bir işlemdir.Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage is a common and devastating disease. in hematomas that occur close to the ventricles intraventricular haemorrhage and hydrocephalus are common. in this study we investigated clinical, radiological findings and outcome scores of 47 patients admitted to our clinic with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. Of the 47 patients in 6 patients hydrocephalus was observed (%12.9). Four of them had thalamic, 2 had cerebellar hematomas and all but one had intraventricular haemorrhage. Those patients with hydrocephalus were more likely to have intraventricular haemorrhage (%83 versus %12,p<0.05) and close localisation to ventricular system. External ventricular drainage was performed to all six patients and one had additional evacuation of large cerebellar hematoma. Hospital mortality was only slightly higher in patients with hydrocephalus (%16 versus %12) and functional outcome was better in patients without hydrocephalus but the results were not statistically significant External ventricular drainage is a life saving and effective procedure and has to be performed in spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage patients with hydrocephalus before irreversible brain damage occurs

    An holistic policy in fight against poverty: centre of human Development and welfare

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    Bu bildiri, Elazıg’da Mamüret’ül Aziz Yardımlasma ve Dayanısma Vakfı'nın 2007 yılında hazırladıgı ve AB tarafından desteklenen “Yoksulluk Haritası” adlı projeyi konu edinmektedir. “Elazıg Yoksulluk Haritası” ülkemizdeki yoksullukla ilgili taramalarda hem derinlik hem de kapsam açısından önemli bir örnek teskil etmektedir. Yaklasık 15 bin yoksul aileye ulasan bu veri tabanı Türkiye’deki yoksullukla mücadele çalısmalarında önemli bir pilot uygulama niteliginde düsünülebilir. Yoksullugu objektif kriterlere göre ölçülebilir bir sekilde ele almaya çalısan bu proje yoksulları kendi içinde sınıflandırılabilir, kıyaslanabilir ve kolay ulasılabilir hale getirmek için hazırlandı. Ayrıca, bu çalısma temelde yoksullara fayda üretmek amacıyla kurumlar arası isbirligini içeren genis bir proje tabanı olarak tasarlandı. Yaklasık 1 yıldır Elazıg’da uygulanmaya çalısılan projemiz Elazıg Sosyal Yardımlasma ve Dayanısma Vakfı’nın yoksullukla mücadele çalısmalarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu bildiride ülkemizdeki yardım anlayısındaki sorunlarla projemizin uygulamada karsılastıgı sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri üzerinde durulacaktır. Yoksullukla mücadeleye katkı sunmayı hedefleyen bu bildiri Türkiye’deki yoksulluk politikalarına yeni bir perspektif sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.-The Poverty Map Project-, which was financed by EU and was prepared after two years of field study in Elazıg, can be taken as an important experience in the fight against poverty. This project, which aimed at making poverty measurable according to objective criteria, was done so as to classify poor people according to the level of their poverty and thus make them comparable and accessible. Originally, the Poverty Map Project was designed as a large project base that comprised cooperation between various institutions. The project has been applied in Elazıg for about one year. The data base that has accessed to 15,000 poor families can be taken as a pilot study for the fight against poverty in Turkey. This presentation discusses the problems of general aids in Turkey and reports encountered during the application of the project and recommended solutions. It aims at contributing to fight against poverty and provide a new perspective for poverty-related policies in Turkey

    Getting the phase consistent: The importance of phase description in balanced steady-state free precession MRI of multi-compartment systems.

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    PURPOSE Determine the correct mathematical phase description for balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) signals in multi-compartment systems. THEORY AND METHODS Based on published bSSFP signal models, different phase descriptions can be formulated: one predicting the presence and the other predicting the absence of destructive interference effects in multi-compartment systems. Numerical simulations of bSSFP signals of water and acetone were performed to evaluate the predictions of these different phase descriptions. For experimental validation, bSSFP profiles were measured at 3T using phase-cycled bSSFP acquisitions performed in a phantom containing mixtures of water and acetone, which replicates a system with two signal components. Localized single voxel MRS was performed at 7T to determine the relative chemical shift of the acetone-water mixtures. RESULTS Based on the choice of phase description, the simulated bSSFP profiles of water-acetone mixtures varied significantly, either displaying or lacking destructive interference effects, as predicted theoretically. In phantom experiments, destructive interference was consistently observed in the measured bSSFP profiles of water-acetone mixtures, supporting the theoretical description that predicts such interference effects. The connection between the choice of phase description and predicted observation enables unambiguous experimental identification of the correct phase description for multi-compartment bSSFP profiles, which is consistent with the Bloch equations. CONCLUSION The study emphasizes that consistent phase descriptions are crucial for accurately describing multi-compartment bSSFP signals, as incorrect phase descriptions result in erroneous predictions

    Humidity sensing mechanism based on the distance dependent interactions between BODIPY dye molecules and gold thin films

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    WOS:000354591000003Radiative decay rate of the Boradiazaindacene (BODIPY) dye molecules in the presence of a gold thin film is analyzed using a conventional time correlated single photon counting technique. The metal thin film and the spacer thickness effects on the fluorescence lifetime of BODIPY molecules are investigated. When the thickness of the gold layer is reduced, the reflectivity of the thin. film decreases; thus, the emission field penetrates the gold and this causes further quenching. As compared to free BODIPY dye molecules, time-resolved experiments show that the fluorescence lifetime of BODIPY which is brought into the proximity of the metal surface exhibit an oscillatory behavior as a function of the thickness spacer between fluorescent dye and the metal surface. This interference effect is employed to build a humidity sensor based on time resolved fluorescence lifetime measurements using a relative humidity sensitive polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymer coating as a spacer material. The swelling characteristic of PEG coating provides nanometer accuracy to control the emitter metal surface distance. Humidity induced change in the thickness of the PEG coating is investigated for a range from 13 to 87% using a single wavelength ellipsometry. It is envisaged that humidity induced changes in the fluorescence lifetime of the dye molecules represent a clear example of the Drexhage interference model. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [106T011]; Karamanoglu Mehmetbey UniversityKaramanoglu Mehmetbey University [01-M-13]; Bogazici UniversityBogazici University [13B03P4]This work was supported by TUBITAK under contract number 106T011, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University and Bogazici University Research Funds under contract numbers 01-M-13 and 13B03P4, respectively

    Kırıkkale il merkezi’nde bulunan sağlık kuruluşları girişlerindeki engelli rampalarının standartlara uygunluğunun değerlendirmesi

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    Aim: Disability is not just a health issue, It is a complex phenomenon that affects deeply the lives of people with disabilities in terms of health, social and psychological. Over 1 billion people globally experience disability at any level. According to data from TÜİK (2002) Turkey’s 12,29% of the population is disabled. Physical barriers to accessing health services is a significant problem. In this study, Handicapped ramps in health care facilities in kırıkkale province, were examined for legal compliance with regulations and standards. Materials and Methods: The study is of descriptive nature. All handicapped ramps in the entrances of all the health institutions were enrolled the study. 37 ramps have been investigated in 26 Health Organization. Evaluations were made on the basis of the Institute of Turkish standards (TS12576 and TS9111 standards). The ramps were evaluated for the following properties: presence and type of the ramps, the suitability of the surface, slope angle, length and height of the ramp, the handrail, the width, the platform presence/absence and suitability of the input and the output of the ramp platform, guide signs, and the warning signs, the stimulant surface. The slopes of the ramps were calculated as the percentage using the ramp’s heights and lengths. Results: In this study, there was no any ramps that conforming to standarts in terms of their all properties and measurements. Three of health institutions did not have any handicapped ramps, although they were necessary. There were no any input and output guide signs and warning signs for the visually impaired person and stimulant surface in any of the ramps. %94 of the ramps did not have drainnage channel. © GATA