3,695 research outputs found

    The neutral heavy scalar productions associated with ZLZ_L in the littlest Higgs model at ILC and CLIC

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    In this work, the production processes of heavy neutral scalar and pseudo scalar associated with standard model gauge boson ZLZ_L at future e+e−e^{+}e^{-} colliders (ILC and CLIC) are examined. The total and differential cross sections are calculated for the processes in the context of the littlest Higgs model. Also dependence of production processes to littlest Higgs model parameters in the range of compatibility with electroweak precision measurements and decays to lepton flavor violating final states are analyzed. We have found that both heavy scalar and pseudoscalar will be produced in e+e−e^+e^- colliders. Also the depending on the model parameters, the neutral heavy scalar can be reconstructed or lepton flavor violating signals can be observed.Comment: 16 pages, version in APP

    Flavor Changing Neutral Currents Transition of the ΣQ\Sigma_{Q} to Nucleon in Full QCD and Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    The loop level flavor changing neutral currents transitions of the Σb→nl+l−\Sigma_{b}\to n l^+l^- and Σc→pl+l−\Sigma_{c}\to p l^+l^- are investigated in full QCD and heavy quark effective theory in the light cone QCD sum rules approach. Using the most general form of the interpolating current for ΣQ\Sigma_{Q}, Q=bQ=b or cc, as members of the recently discovered sextet heavy baryons with spin 1/2 and containing one heavy quark, the transition form factors are calculated using two sets of input parameters entering the nucleon distribution amplitudes, namely, QCD sum rules and lattice QCD inputs. The obtained results are used to estimate the decay rates of the corresponding transitions. Since such type transitions occurred at loop level in the standard model, they can be considered as good candidates to search for the new physics effects beyond the SM.Comment: 18 Pages and 13 Table

    A Study of Inclusive Double-Pomeron-Exchange in p pbar -> p X pbar at root s = 630 GeV

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    We report measurements of the inclusive reaction, p pbar -> p X pbar, in events where either or both the beam-like final-state baryons were detected in Roman-pot spectrometers and the central system was detected in the UA2 calorimeter. A Double-Pomeron-Exchange (DPE) analysis of these data and single diffractive data from the same experiment demonstrates that, for central masses of a few GeV, the extracted Pomeron-Pomeron total cross section exhibits an enhancement which exceeds factorization expectations by an order-of-magnitude. This may be a signature for glueball production. The enhancement is shown to be independent of uncertainties connected with possible non-universality of the Pomeron flux factor. Based on our analysis, we present DPE cross section predictions, for unit (1 mb) Pomeron-Pomeron total cross section, at the Tevatron, LHC and the 920 GeV fixed-target experiment, HERA-B.Comment: 52 pages, 27 Encapsulated Postscript figures, 3 Tables, LaTex, Revised version as it will appear in European Physics Journal

    Cross Section Measurements of Hard Diffraction at the SPS-Collider

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    The UA8 experiment previously reported the observation of jets in diffractive events containing leading protons (``hard diffraction''), which was interpreted as evidence for the partonic structure of an exchanged Reggeon, believed to be the Pomeron . In the present Letter, we report the final UA8 hard-diffractive (jet) cross section results and their interpretation. After corrections, the fraction of single diffractive events with mass from 118 to 189 GeV that have two scattered partons, each with Et_jet > 8 GeV, is in the range 0.002 to 0.003 (depending on x_p). We determine the product, fK, of the fraction by which the Pomeron's momentum sum rule is violated and the normalization constant of the Pomeron-Flux-Factor of the proton. For a pure gluonic- or a pure qqbar-Pomeron , respectively: fK = 0.30 +- 0.05 +- 0.09) and (0.56 +- 0.09 +- 0.17) GeV^-2.Comment: 20 pages, 5 Encapsulated Postscript figures, LaTex, Final Version, Physics Letters B (in Pess 1998

    Constraints on Non-Commutative Physics Scale with Neutrino-Electron Scattering

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    Neutrino-electron scatterings (ν−e\nu - e) are purely leptonic processes with robust Standard Model (SM) predictions. Their measurements can therefore provide constraints to physics beyond SM. Non-commutative (NC) field theories modify space-time commutation relations, and allow neutrino electromagnetic couplings at the tree level. Their contribution to neutrino-electron scattering cross-section was derived. Constraints were placed on the NC scale parameter ΛNC\Lambda_{NC} from ν−e\nu - e experiments with reactor and accelerator neutrinos. The most stringent limit of ΛNC>3.3TeV\Lambda_{NC} > 3.3 TeV at 95% confidence level improves over the direct bounds from collider experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, V2: minor revisions to match published versio

    Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson in CMS via Vector Boson Fusion in the H->WW->l\nu l\nu Channel

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    We present the potential for discovering the Standard Model Higgs boson produced by the vector-boson fusion mechanism. We considered the decay of Higgs bosons into the W+W- final state, with both W-bosons subsequently decaying leptonically. The main background is ttbar with one or more jets produced. This study is based on a full simulation of the CMS detector, and up-to-date reconstruction codes. The result is that a signal of 5 sigma significance can be obtained with an integrated luminosity of 12-72 1/fb for Higgs boson masses between 130-200 GeV. In addition, the major background can be measured directly to 7% from the data with an integrated luminosity of 30 1/fb. In this study, we also suggested a method to obtain information in Higgs mass using the transverse mass distributions.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figure

    The Semileptonic BB to K1(1270,1400)K_1(1270,1400) Decays in QCD Sum Rules

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    We analyze the semileptonic rare decays of BB meson to K1(1270)K_{1} (1270) and K1(1400)K_{1} (1400) axial vector mesons. The B→K1(1270,1400)ℓ+ℓ−B\to K_{1} (1270,1400) \ell^+ \ell^- decays are significant flavor changing neutral current decays of the BB meson. These decays are sensitive to the new physics beyond SM, since these processes are forbidden at tree level at SM. These decays occurring at the quark level via b→sℓ+ℓ−b\to s \ell^+ \ell^- transition, also provide new opportunities for calculating the CKM matrix elements VbtV_{bt} and VtsV_{ts}. In this study, the transition form factors of the B→K1(1270,1400)ℓ+ℓ−B\to K_{1} (1270,1400) \ell^+ \ell^- decays are calculated using three-point QCD sum rules approach. The resulting form factors are used to estimate the branching fractions of these decays.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in JP

    The Double Gaussian Distribution of Inhomogeneous Barrier Heights in Al/GaN/p-GaAs (MIS) Schottky Diodes in Wide Temperature Range

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    The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of metal-insulator-semiconductor (Al/GaN/p-GaAs) Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were investigated over a wide temperature range of 80-380 K. By using the thermionic emission (TE) theory, the zero bias barrier height Φ B0 calculated from I-V characteristics was found to increase with increasing temperature as the ideality factor n decreases with increasing temperature, and especially the activation energy plot is nonlinear at low temperatures. The observed variation in the Φ B0 and n is attributed to the spatial barrier inhomogeneities in SBD by assuming a Gaussian distribution (GD) of barrier heights (BHs). The experimental I-V-T characteristics of the SBDs have shown a double Gaussian distribution having mean barrier heightsΦ B of 0.854 eV and 0.395 eV and standard deviations σ s for 0.142 V and 0.059 V, respectively. The modified ln(I o /T 2 )-q 2 σ 2 o /2(kT) 2 vs q/kT plot gives Φ B0 and Richardson constant A * as 0.858 eV and 0.364 eV, and 78.5 and 128 A/cm 2 K 2 , respectively, without using the temperature coefficient of the barrier height. Hence, the results have shown that the I-V-T characteristics of the Al/GaN/p-GaAs SBDs can be successfully explained on the basis of TE mechanism with a double Gaussian distribution of the barrier heights
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