48 research outputs found

    Reaching, engaging and bonding with voters on social media: the case of 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections

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    This paper examines the ways in which presidential candidates use social media in their election campaigns to democratise politics and political representation. The study is based on content analysis of statements which candidates in 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections published on their official Facebook and Twitter accounts. The results show that candidates did not use social media to reach, engage and form stronger bonds with potential voters. By failing to do so, they have missed the opportunity to bring disenchanted voters back into the political arena and potentially increase the legitimacy of the democratic processes

    Political impression management through direct and mediated communication: The 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections

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    This paper examines similarities and differences between direct and mediated political candidates' communication during electoral campaigns, and answers the question: How, if at all, do candidates' techniques of impression management differ in their direct and mediated communication. The study is based on content analysis of major daily newspapers, and statements published by candidates in the 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections on their official Facebook and Twitter accounts. The results show that candidates did not use social media to portray their personal side, humanise their image and create their image of a leader through references to their skills and qualities. Rather, this research shows that in spite of the growing importance of social media, and the willingness and skill of the politicians in employing social media, traditional media, such as newspapers, remain indispensable for providing information about political issues to citizens in this new democracy during presidential elections

    Effects of real welding parameters of high-strength S1100QL steel on hardness and impact energy properties

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    The research objective was to test the parameters of real welding of the high-strength micro-alloyed S1100QL steel against the hardness and impact energy. The samples were welded at different welding parameters. Results of measuring the HV10 hardness and of experimental Charpy V-notch test performed at different temperatures are presented in tables and diagrams. This paper presents also the welding parameters, which provides a high quality welded joint without cold cracks

    Povezanost polimorfizama gena za glutation transferaze A1, M1, P1 i T1 sa rizikom za nastanak i progresijom karcinoma bubrežnog parenhima

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    Background: Cytosolic glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) might affect both the development and the progression of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) due to their dual functionality. The aim of this study was to evaluate specific role of GST gene variants (GSTA1, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) as determinants of risk in patients with renal cell carcinoma, independently or simultaneously with recognized RCC risk factors, as well as to discern whether phenotype changes reflect genotype-associated risk. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of GST gene variants on postoperative prognosis in RCC patients. Special attention was paid to the most frequent type of RCC, clear renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Methods: GST genotypes were determined in 305 RCC patients and 326 matched-controls in whom overall survival was evaluated as well. The levels of benzo(a)pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE)-DNA adducts and 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) were determined by ELISA method. The expression of GSTM1 and GSTP1 protein level, as well as the level of regulatory (ASK1, JNK1/2) and executor (Caspase-3) apoptotic molecules in ccRCC tissue samples were analyzed by method of immuniblot. The presence of GSTM1:ASK1/ GSTP1:JNK1/2 protein:protein interactions was determined by means of immunoprecipitation. Results: Significant association between GST genotype and risk of overall RCC and ccRCC development was found for GSTM1-null and GSTP1-variant genotypes, independently (p<0.05). Furthermore, 22% of all recruited ccRCC patients were carriers of combined GSTM1-null/GSTT1-active/GSTA1-low activity/GSTP1-variant genotype, exhibiting 9.32-fold elevated ccRCC risk compared to the reference genotype combination (p=0.041). Significant association between GST genotype and ccRCC risk in smokers was found only for the GSTP1 genotype, while GSTM1-null/GSTP1-variant/GSTA1 low-activity genotype combination was present in 94% of smokers with ccRCC, increasing the risk of ccRCC up to 7.57 (p=0.026)...Uvod: Zbog uloga koje poseduju, citosolne glutation S-transferaze (GST) mogu biti značajne kako u nastanku, tako i u progresiji karcinoma bubrežnog parenhima (KBP). U ovoj studiji je ispitivana uloga pojedinih GST genskih varijanti (GSTA1, GSTM1, GSTT1 i GSTP1) u nastanku KBP, nezavisno ili udruženo sa poznatim faktorima rizika za nastanak ovog karcinoma, kao i moguća povezanost fenotipskih karakteristika tumora sa odgovarajućim genotipom. Pored toga, ispitivan je i potencijalni prognostički značaj polimorfne ekspresije GST proteina kod bolesnika sa KBP. Posebna pažnja je posvećena najučestalijem podtipu KBP, svetloćelijskom karcinomu bubrežnog parenhima (sKBP). Materijal i Metode: Polimorfizam GSTa je određivan kod 305 pacijenata sa KBP i kod 326 kontrola, uparenih po godinama i polu. Pored fenotipskih karakteristika tumora, u grupi pacijenata sa KPB je praćeno i preživljavanje. Nivoi benzo(a)piren diolepoksid (BPDE)-DNK-konjugata, kao i nivoi 8-hidroksi-2-deoksiguanozina (8-OHdG) su određivani ELISA metodom. Ekspresija GSTM1 i GSTP1 proteina, kao i ekspresija regulatornih (ASK1, JNK1/2) i egzekutornih (Caspaza 3) apoptotskih molekula u uzorcima tumorskog tkiva je analizirana metodom imunoblota. Prisustvo GSTM1:ASK1, odnosno GSTP1:JNK1/2 protein:proteinske interakcije je ispitivano metodom imunoprecipitacije. Rezultati: Uočen je značajan efekat GSTM1-nultog i GSTP1-varijantnog genotipa na rizik za nastanak KBP (p<0.05). Pored toga, 22% svih pacijenata sa sKBP su bili nosioci kombinovanog GSTM1-nultog/GSTT1-aktivnog/GSTA1-genotipa smanjene aktivnosti/GSTP1-varijantnog genotipa i bili su u 9.32 - puta većem riziku za nastanak sKBP u poređenju sa nosiocima referentnog genotipa (GSTM1-aktivni/GSTT1-nulti/GSTA1-aktivni/GSTP1-referentni genotip) (p=0.041). Uočen je efekat GSTP1-varijantnog genotipa na rizik za nastanak KBP kod pušača, dok je kombinacija GSTM1-nulti/GSTP1-varijantni/GSTA1-genotip smanjene aktivnosti bila prisutna u 94% pušača sa sKBP, povećavajući rizik od nastanka sKBP na 7.57 puta (p=0.026)..

    Revision of the Cretaceous shark Protoxynotus (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes) and early evolution of somniosid sharks

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    Due to the peculiar combination of dental features characteristic for different squaliform families, the position of the Late Cretaceous genera Protoxynotus and Paraphorosoides within Squaliformes has long been controversial. In this study, we revise these genera based on previously known fossil teeth and new dental material. The phylogenetic placement of Protoxynotus and Paraphorosoides among other extant and extinct squaliforms is discussed based on morphological characters combined with DNA sequence data of extant species. Our results suggest that Protoxynotus and Paraphorosoides should be included in the Somniosidae and that Paraphorosoides is a junior synonym of Protoxynotus. New dental material from the Campanian of Germany and the Maastrichtian of Austria enabled the description of a new species Protoxynotus mayrmelnhofi sp. nov. In addition, the evolution and origin of the characteristic squaliform tooth morphology are discussed, indicating that the elongated lower jaw teeth with erected cusp and distinct dignathic heterodonty of Protoxynotus represents a novel functional adaptation in its cutting-clutching type dentition among early squaliform sharks. Furthermore, the depositional environment of the tooth bearing horizons allows for an interpretation of the preferred habitat of this extinct dogfish shark, which exclusively occupied shelf environments of the Boreal- and northern Tethyan realms during the Late Cretaceous.publishedVersio

    Srednjoeocenska starost navodnih oligocenskih sedimenata u flišu Pazinskoga bazena (Istra, Vanjski Dinaridi)

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    The dating of the flysch sediments of the coastal Dinarides is critical for considering the evolution of the Dinaric chain. The flysch of the Pazin Basin, Istria has been considered to be Late Lutetian to Late Eocene in age by many workers. The recently reported Late Oligocene age of a part of this flysch (ŠPARICA et al., 2005) is highly relevant when considering the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the area, as well as the western Dinarides in general. The importance of the Late Oligocene dating, and the character of the succession of the area in question, which shows similarities with Middle Eocene sediments in other parts of the basin, provoked the need for a reevaluation of the dating of these specific sediments. The results presented here support the Middle Eocene age of these sediments, which is consistent with the dating proposed by previous workers, and agrees with the character of the relevant sedimentary succession.Dosadašnja istraživanja i shvaćanja, kako o starosti, tako i karakteru slijeda sedimenata fliša Pazinskoga bazena u Istri, upućivala su na ukupnu starost fliša od kasnoga lutecija do starijega priabonija. Međutim, nedavno su prikazani podaci, prema kojima jedan dio tih sedimenata odgovara kasnom oligocenu, što je bitna novost za razmatranje razvitka toga bazena, kao i orogena Dinarida. Ovaj rad odgovara na potrebu dodatne provjere starosti tih sedimenata zbog važnosti odnosnoga datiranja. Prikazani rezultati temelje se na usporedbi karaktera i slijeda sedimenata iz predjela odakle potječu nedavni podaci o oligocenu sa sedimentima drugih dijelova Pazinskoga bazena, te na biostratigrafskom datiranju pomoću planktonskih foraminifera i nanoplanktona. Ustanovljene biozone odgovaraju gornjem luteciju i donjem bartoniju, dakle, donjemu dijelu ukupnoga raspona starosti Pazinskoga fliša

    Energy efficiency of typical Serbian rural houses

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    U ovom radu je prikazano trenutno stanje energetske efikasnosti seoskih kuća u Srbiji. Analizirane su dva tipa kuća iz ruralnih područja putem odgovarajućih merenja, kao i proračunom prema važećim propisima. Prva je tradicionalna vojvođanska kuća koja se nalazi u predgrađu Sremske Mitrovice. Druga je tipična kuća u brdsko-planinskom regionu Srbije i ona se nalazi u opštini Raška. Eksperimentalni podaci za analizu su dobijeni izvršenim merenjima temperature, vlažnosti i tačke rošenja na karakterističnim mestima na objektima. Takođe je obavljeno i snimanje termovizijskom kamerom. Analizom rezultata merenja, može se definisati detaljna slika energetskih karakteristika posmatranih kuća. Proračun godišnje potrebne energije za grejanje je zasnovan na Pravilniku o energetskoj efikasnosti zgrada u Republici Srbiji koji je usvojen 2011. godine. Zaključeno je da godišnja potrošnja energije za grejanje u seoskim kućama znatno prevazilazi utvrđene optimalne granice za objekte te kategorije, tako da posebna pažnja treba da se posveti analizi problema energetske efikasnosti u ruralnim područjima.The energy efficiency of typical rural houses in Serbia is presented in this paper. Typical houses from rural areas were analyzed by proper measurements, and by numerical calculations according to current regulations. The first house is a traditional Vojvodina house and it is situated in the suburban part of municipality of Sremska Mitrovica. The second house is a typical Serbian mountainous house and it is located in the municipality of Ra{ka. Experimental data for the analysis were obtained by performing measurements of temperature, humidity and dew point on the characteristic spots in these houses. Recording with thermal imaging camera were also done. Detailed insight in energy performance of observed houses can be defined by analyzing obtained results. Calculation of the annual energy needs for heating is based on the Regulations on energy efficiency of buildings in the Republic of Serbia, which were adopted in 2011. It was concluded that the annual energy need for heating in rural homes significantly exceeds optimal limits for objects of that category, so the special attention should be devoted to analysis of energy efficiency problems in rural areas

    Energy efficiency of typical Serbian rural houses

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    U ovom radu je prikazano trenutno stanje energetske efikasnosti seoskih kuća u Srbiji. Analizirane su dva tipa kuća iz ruralnih područja putem odgovarajućih merenja, kao i proračunom prema važećim propisima. Prva je tradicionalna vojvođanska kuća koja se nalazi u predgrađu Sremske Mitrovice. Druga je tipična kuća u brdsko-planinskom regionu Srbije i ona se nalazi u opštini Raška. Eksperimentalni podaci za analizu su dobijeni izvršenim merenjima temperature, vlažnosti i tačke rošenja na karakterističnim mestima na objektima. Takođe je obavljeno i snimanje termovizijskom kamerom. Analizom rezultata merenja, može se definisati detaljna slika energetskih karakteristika posmatranih kuća. Proračun godišnje potrebne energije za grejanje je zasnovan na Pravilniku o energetskoj efikasnosti zgrada u Republici Srbiji koji je usvojen 2011. godine. Zaključeno je da godišnja potrošnja energije za grejanje u seoskim kućama znatno prevazilazi utvrđene optimalne granice za objekte te kategorije, tako da posebna pažnja treba da se posveti analizi problema energetske efikasnosti u ruralnim područjima.The energy efficiency of typical rural houses in Serbia is presented in this paper. Typical houses from rural areas were analyzed by proper measurements, and by numerical calculations according to current regulations. The first house is a traditional Vojvodina house and it is situated in the suburban part of municipality of Sremska Mitrovica. The second house is a typical Serbian mountainous house and it is located in the municipality of Ra{ka. Experimental data for the analysis were obtained by performing measurements of temperature, humidity and dew point on the characteristic spots in these houses. Recording with thermal imaging camera were also done. Detailed insight in energy performance of observed houses can be defined by analyzing obtained results. Calculation of the annual energy needs for heating is based on the Regulations on energy efficiency of buildings in the Republic of Serbia, which were adopted in 2011. It was concluded that the annual energy need for heating in rural homes significantly exceeds optimal limits for objects of that category, so the special attention should be devoted to analysis of energy efficiency problems in rural areas

    Paleogeographic evolution of the Southern Pannonian Basin: 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Miocene continental series of notthern Croatia

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    The Pannonian Basin, originating during the Early Miocene, is a large extensional basin incorporated between Alpine, Carpathian and Dinaride fold-thrust belts. Back-arc extensional tectonics triggered deposition of up to 500-m-thick continental fluvio-lacustrine deposits distributed in numerous sub-basins of the Southern Pannonian Basin. Extensive andesitic and dacitic volcanism accompanied the syn-rift deposition and caused a number of pyroclastic intercalations. Here, we analyze two volcanic ash layers located at the base and top of the continental series. The lowermost ash from Mt. Kalnik yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 18.07 ± 0.07 Ma. This indicates that the marine-continental transition in the Slovenia-Zagorje Basin, coinciding with the onset of rifting tectonics in the Southern Pannonian Basin, occurs roughly at the Eggenburgian/ Ottnangian boundary of the regional Paratethys time scale. This age proves the synchronicity of initial rifting in the Southern Pannonian Basin with the beginning of sedimentation in the Dinaride Lake System. Beside geodynamic evolution, the two regions also share a biotic evolutionary history: both belong to the same ecoregion, which we designate here as the Illyrian Bioprovince. The youngest volcanic ash level is sampled at the Glina and Karlovac sub-depressions, and both sites yield the same 40Ar/39Ar age of 15.91 ± 0.06 and 16.03 ± 0.06 Ma, respectively. This indicates that lacustrine sedimentation in the Southern Pannonian Basin continued at least until the earliest Badenian. The present results provide not only important bench marks on duration of initial synrift in the Pannonian Basin System, but also deliver substantial backbone data for paleogeographic reconstructions in Central and Southeastern Europe around the Early–Middle Miocene transition