18 research outputs found

    Gender diversity on boards: Determinants that underlie the proposals for female directors

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    [Abstract] Although the gender composition of corporate boards and the contribution of female directors to corporate governance have been previously analysed, few studies have investigated the factors that may help contribute to increasing the still scarce presence of women on boards. Therefore, using three-stage least squares (3SLS) estimation on a data panel comprising the 100 largest companies in the world according to the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ranking, including data on (re)election proposals for corporate board members, this research aims to analyse the influence of the number of men's nominations, board interlocks, director tenure, geographical area, the sector to which the firms belong, and the relevance of firms on women's nominations for boards of directors. The results show the factors that facilitate the presence of women on boards. In addition, the different influences that remain in the election of female and male directors when considering factors related to the experience, expertise, and networks of directors or the visibility of firms can also be observed. This study contributes to the knowledge of gender diversity on boards, shedding light on the factors that might lead to gender-balanced boards. It could also help companies and policymakers design strategies to build more egalitarian boards

    Reputation, Game Theory and Entrepreneurial Sustainability

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    Abstract: This manuscript provides a novel approach to reputational management as a driver of entrepreneurial sustainability, using game theory to integrate three dimensions of reputation. First, if the entrepreneur perceives reputation as a risk source, the analysis is framed as a prisoner’s dilemma schema that is solved by protecting against reputational threats from entrepreneurial sustainability. Second, if the entrepreneur perceives reputation as a competitive advantage, the analysis is framed as an innovator’s dilemma that is solved by getting reputational opportunities from entrepreneurial sustainability. Third, if reputation is perceived as a strategic asset, the analysis is framed as a coordination game schema that results in the development of a reputational intelligence skill that has the potential to become crucial for success in entrepreneurial sustainability. Consequently, this manuscript provides an original multidisciplinary analysis of reputational management by relating well-known theoretical results from game theory to organizational realities

    Investor sentiment in the theoretical field of behavioural finance

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    Investor sentiment is a research area in the theoretical field of behavioural finance that analyses the sentiment of investors and the way it influences stock market activity. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of publications in this area, which indicates its incremental relevance. To date, there is no consensus on the theoretical structure of behavioural finance nor on the investor sentiment research area. We have used co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence analysis to provide an overview of the structure of investor sentiment. Therefore, this study contributes to defining the theoretical structure of investor sentiment by identifying the foundations of the research area and main journals, references, authors, or keywords, which represent the core of knowledge of this research area. The results obtained suggest that investor sentiment is related to efficient market theory and behavioural finance theories. Furthermore, investor sentiment is a relevant research field, especially since 2014. Advances in computer science or theories based on physics or mathematics can help to better define the influence of investor sentiment on stock markets. This study advances research on investor sentiment within the field of behavioural finance, thus showing its relevance

    Crowdlending: mapping the core literature and research frontiers

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    [EN] Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending uses two-sided platforms to link borrowers with a crowd of lenders. Despite considerable diversity in crowdlending research, studies in this area typically focus on several common research topics, including information asymmetries, social capital, communication channels, and rating-based models. This young research field is still expanding. However, its importance has increased considerably since 2018. This rise in importance suggests that P2P lending may offer a promising new scientific research field. This paper presents a bibliometric study based on keyword co-occurrence, author and reference co-citations, and bibliographic coupling. The paper thus maps the key features of P2P lending research. Although many of the most cited papers are purely financial, some focus on behavioral finance. The trend in this field is toward innovative finance based on new technologies. The conclusions of this study provide valuable insight for researchers, managers, and policymakers to understand the current and future status of this field. The variables that affect new financial contexts and the strategies that promote technology-based financial environments must be investigated in the future.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Ribeiro-Navarrete, S.; Piñeiro-Chousa, J.; López-Cabarcos, MÁ.; Palacios Marqués, D. (2022). Crowdlending: mapping the core literature and research frontiers. Review of Managerial Science. 16(8):2381-2411. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-021-00491-82381241116

    A study of mobbing among the staff in the university of Galicia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es la caracterización de los procesos de acoso psicológico entre el personal de administración y servicios de la universidad pública de Galicia. Para ello, se ha seleccionado una muestra formada por 321 personas, de las cuales un 8,7% manifiestan ser víctimas de mobbing. Los resultados señalan una incidencia semejante entre los hombres y entre las mujeres. Los tipos de comportamientos más frecuentes tienen que ver tanto con la esfera personal como con la profesional, y las atribuciones causales más señaladas por las víctimas se refieren a aspectos relacionados con la organización del centro y el deterioro del clima laboral. Las víctimas señalan como principales consecuencias del mobbing aspectos relacionados con la salud psicológica y emocional, siendo la estrategia más empleada para enfrentarse a estos ataques la pasiva, es decir, no hacer nadaThe aim of this study is the characterization of the processes of mobbing among administration and services staff in the University of Galicia. A sample of 321 subjects was surveyed. Results show that a significant percentage of workers perceive themselves as victims of mobbing regardless the gender. The most frequent types of behaviors have to do with both the personal and the professional spheres. The victim’s causal attributions refer to aspects related to the organization and deterioration of the work climate. As main consequences of mobbing, victims point out aspects related to the psychological and emotional health –being the passive strategy (no reaction) the most used to protect themselves from these attacksS

    Mobbing en el sistema universitario gallego. El personal de administración y servicios

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    Las Administraciones Públicas se muestran, lamentablemente, como un campo especialmente abonado para el desarrollo de nocivas y gravísimas patologías, vicios y conflictos laborales, contradiciendo de este modo los más elementales principios que, por imperativo, obligación y, sobre todo, lógica, han de inspirar la actividad de la Administración. El acoso psicológico se ha convertido en una lacra laboral que azota con enorme virulencia a la Administración Pública. La Universidad Pública puede convertirse en un entorno laboral altamente tóxico si no se adoptan las medidas para corregir y prevenir este tipo de procesos, lo que obliga necesariamente a identificar el problema, sus causas y sus consecuencias.Regrettably the civil services are particularly prone to the onset of pernicious deficiencies within the working environment that contravene the most fundamental principles governing its procedures. Psychological harassment is a disgrace to the workforce and one that puts enormous pressure on the civil service. The public university will become a noxious environment within which to work unless measures are taken in both the prevention and correction of abuses, all of which necessitates a thorough identification of the problem in question together with its likely causes and consequences

    Tacit knowledge and firm performance relationship. The role of product innovation and the firm level capabilities

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    Based on knowledge-based theory of organizational capabilities and dynamic capabilities theory, this paper tries to establish the linkages between tacit knowledge resources, its integration into firm level capabilities, product innovation and firm performance. In this way, the paper analyses the relationships between some of the most relevant variables to the organizations in order to remain competitive. The conceptual model is tested using a sample of organizations in the industrial sector, using SEM and hierarchical regression analysis. Results show a positive relationship between tacit knowledge and firm performance, tacit knowledge and product innovation, and product innovation and firm performance. A partial mediating effect of product innovation on the tacit knowledge firm performance relationship is established. Also, technical capabilities have a moderator effect on tacit knowledge firm performance relationship. At the end of the paper managerial implications are commented, as well directions for future studies

    How Can Cultural Values and Entrepreneurship Lead to the Consideration of Innovation-Oriented or Non-Innovation-Oriented Countries?

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    This study provides an analysis of the existing relationship between culture, entrepreneurship, and orientation towards innovation at the national level. Drawing on the creation of an Artificial Neural Network, and using a sample of 37 countries, this paper aims to catalogue each country as innovation-oriented or non-innovation-oriented considering the six cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede’s model and the country´s entrepreneurial activity. The results achieved suggest that three of the cultural dimensions—long-term orientation, individualism, and indulgence—are positively associated with the consideration of a country as innovation-oriented, but one of them—uncertainty avoidance—is associated with the consideration of a country as non-innovation-oriented. On the other hand, while power distance and masculinity do not seem to be significant variables in this analysis, the entrepreneurial activity rate is associated with countries classified as non-innovation-oriented. This study aims to shed light on the relationships between cultural values, entrepreneurship, and orientation towards innovation, providing valuable information for stakeholders, mainly those belonging to private sector and governments, when designing strategies aimed at creating favourable environments for the development of a country’s technology, research, and innovation

    New Ways of Working and Public Healthcare Professionals’ Well-Being: The Response to Face the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research proposes analyzing the influence of new ways of working (NWW) on healthcare professional’s well-being and how these may affect work performance and public service motivation. These variables and relationships were important before COVID-19 pandemic, and everything points to the fact that during and after the pandemic their importance will be higher. To buffer the potential negative effects of implementing the NWW, both organizations and employees must identify personal (psychological capital) and job resources (inter-role conflict, psychological empowerment, meaning of work) capable of acting as effective moderators to promote employee well-being and avoid negative experiences at work. This paper aims to shed light on new ways of coping and adapting to uncertain job requirements such as those that have arisen during COVID-19. Moreover, it highlights the great changes that public healthcare needs to face to improve the quality of the service offered to society. It is urgent that public administrators and human resources managers design effective strategies and make effective decisions in which employee well-being and service quality are main priorities

    How to moderate emotional exhaustion among public healthcare professionals?

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    This paper analyzes the mediating role of employees’ emotional exhaustion between laissez-faire leadership and employees’ job attitudes (intrinsic satisfaction and turnover intention), and also the moderating role of influence at work, interactional justice and helping behaviors on employees’ feelings of emotional exhaustion. Structural equation modeling and multigroup analysis were used in a sample of 511 public healthcare professionals. The results show that emotional exhaustion partially mediates the relationships between laissez-faire leadership and both intrinsic satisfaction and turnover intention. Influence at work moderates the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and emotional exhaustion; interactional justice moderates the relationship between emotional exhaustion and intrinsic satisfaction; and extra-role behaviors moderate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and turnover intention. To date, there are few studies analyzing the mediating role of emotional exhaustion in public healthcare, and there are no studies analyzing how its negative effects can be moderated. The conclusions may help human resources managers design new strategies to prevent and mitigate emotional exhaustion and contribute healthcare employees to cope with its serious effects, encouraging a healthy environment that gives priority to workers’ well-being and service quality