10 research outputs found

    On robust mean-variance portfolios

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    We derive closed-form portfolio rules for robust mean–variance portfolio optimization where the return vector is uncertain or the mean return vector is subject to estimation errors, both uncertainties being confined to an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. We consider different mean–variance formulations allowing short sales, and derive closed-form optimal portfolio rules in static and dynamic settings. © 2016 Taylor & Francis

    The robust Merton problem of an ambiguity averse investor

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    We derive a closed form portfolio optimization rule for an investor who is diffident about mean return and volatility estimates, and has a CRRA utility. Confidence is here represented using ellipsoidal uncertainty sets for the drift, given a (compact valued) volatility realization. This specification affords a simple and concise analysis, as the agent becomes observationally equivalent to one with constant, worst case parameters. The result is based on a max–min Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman–Isaacs PDE, which extends the classical Merton problem and reverts to it for an ambiguity-neutral investor. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Robust screening under ambiguity

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    We consider the problem of screening where a seller puts up for sale an indivisible good, and a buyer with a valuation unknown to the seller wishes to acquire the good. We assume that the buyer valuations are represented as discrete types drawn from some distribution, which is also unknown to the seller. The seller is averse to possible mis-specification of types distribution, and considers the unknown type density as member of an ambiguity set and seeks an optimal pricing mechanism in a worst case sense. We specify four choices for the ambiguity set and derive the optimal mechanism in each case. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Mathematical Optimization Society

    Optimal allocation with costly inspection and discrete types under ambiguity

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    We consider the following problem: a principal has a good to allocate among a collection of agents who attach a private value to receiving the good. The principal, instead of using monetary transfers (i.e. charging the agents) to allocate the good, can check the truthfulness of the agents' value declaration at a cost. Under the assumption that the agents' valuations are drawn from a discrete set of values at random, we characterize the class of optimal Bayesian mechanisms which are symmetric, direct and maximizing the expected value of assigning the good to the principal minus the cost of verification using such standard finite-dimensional optimization tools as linear programming and submodular functions, thus extending the work of [R.V. Vohra, Optimization and mechanism design, Math. Program. 134 (2012), pp. 283–303]. Our results are discrete-type analogs of those of [E. Ben-Porath, E. Dekel, and B.L. LipmanBen-Porath, Optimal allocation with costly verification, Amer. Econ. Rev. 104 (2014), pp. 3779–3813]. When the distribution of valuations is not known but can be one of a set of distributions (the case referred to as ambiguity), we compute a robust allocation mechanism by maximizing the worst-case expected value of the principal in two cases amenable to solution with two suitable assumptions on the set of distributions. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Grou

    A hybrid polyhedral uncertainty model for the robust network loading problem

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    The parallel surrogate constraint approach to the linear feasibility problem

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    The linear feasibility problem arises in several areas of applied mathematics and medical science, in several forms of image reconstruction problems. The surrogate constraint algorithm of Yang and Murty for the linear feasibility problem is implemented and analyzed. The sequential approach considers projections one at a time. In the parallel approach, several projections are made simultaneously and their convex combination is taken to be used at the next iteration. The sequential method is compared with the parallel method for varied numbers of processors. Two improvement schemes for the parallel method are proposed and tested. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996

    Pricing multiple exercise American options by linear programming

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    We consider the problem of computing the lower hedging price of American options of the call and put type written on a non-dividend paying stock in a non-recombinant tree model with multiple exercise rights. We prove using a simple argument that an optimal exercise policy for an option with h exercise rights is to delay exercise until the last h periods. The result implies that the mixedinteger programming model for computing the lower hedging price and the optimal exercise and hedging policy has a linear programming relaxation that is exact, i.e., the relaxation admits an optimal solution where all variables required to be integral have integer values. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

    Robust trading mechanisms over 0/1 polytopes

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    The problem of designing a trade mechanism (for an indivisible good) between a seller and a buyer is studied in the setting of discrete valuations of both parties using tools of finite-dimensional optimization. A robust trade design is defined as one which allows both traders a dominant strategy implementation independent of other traders’ valuations with participation incentive and no intermediary (i.e., under budget balance). The design problem which is initially formulated as a mixed-integer non-linear non-convex feasibility problem is transformed into a linear integer feasibility problem by duality arguments, and its explicit solution corresponding to posted price optimal mechanisms is derived along with full characterization of the convex hull of integer solutions. A further robustness concept is then introduced for a central planner unsure about the buyer or seller valuation distribution, a corresponding worst-case design problem over a set of possible distributions is formulated as an integer linear programming problem, and a polynomial solution procedure is given. When budget balance requirement is relaxed to feasibility only, i.e., when one allows an intermediary maximizing the expected surplus from trade, a characterization of the optimal robust trade as the solution of a simple linear program is given. A modified VCG mechanism turns out to be optimal. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media, LL

    On robust portfolio and naïve diversification: mixing ambiguous and unambiguous assets

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    Effect of the availability of a riskless asset on the performance of naïve diversification strategies has been a controversial issue. Defining an investment environment containing both ambiguous and unambiguous assets, we investigate the performance of naïve diversification over ambiguous assets. For the ambiguous assets, returns follow a multivariate distribution involving distributional uncertainty. A nominal distribution estimate is assumed to exist, and the actual distribution is considered to be within a ball around this nominal distribution. Complete information is assumed for the return distribution of unambiguous assets. As the radius of uncertainty increases, the optimal choice on ambiguous assets is shown to converge to the uniform portfolio with equal weights on each asset. The tendency of the investor to avoid ambiguous assets in response to increasing uncertainty is proven, with a shift towards unambiguous assets. With an application on the (Formula presented.) risk measure, we derive rules for optimally combining uniform ambiguous portfolio with the unambiguous assets. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media, LL