338 research outputs found
Asosiasi Cendawan Antagonis Trichoderma Harzianum Rifai Dan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Pada Kedelai
Association of antagonistic fungi Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for controlling the stem rot disease on soybean. The research objective was to study effect of application Trichoderma harzianum and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in controling stem rot disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc on soybean. The research conducted in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with five treatment levels: (1) without T. harzianum, without AMF, and without S. rolfsii [negative control (C-)], (2) without T. harzianum, without AMF, and S. rolfsii [positive control (C +)], (3) T. harzianum + S. rolfsii; (4) AMF + S. rolfsii, and (5) T. harzianum + AMF + S. rolfsii. Parameters observed were basal stem rot disease development and yield components. The results showed that the application of a mixture of T. harzianum and AMF caused a longer disease incubation period (8.29 days) and the severity of stem base rot disease was 11.67% number of pods per plant (62.53 pods), the number of seeds per plant (225.05 seeds), and the weight of seeds per plant (27.73 g) were higher than that of the application of T. harzianum and AMF separately
Directive Utterances In Holy Köran: A Pragmatics Perspective
This research is aiming on 1) describing the sentence types of directive utterances used in English translation of Holy Köran Chapter An-Nisaa’ and 2) describing the intentions of the illocution contained in directive utterances in English translation of Holy Köran Chapter An-Nisaa’.
In this research, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative as the type of the research. The object of the study is directive utterances contained in Holy Köran Chapter An-Nisaa’. The data of the study is English translation of Holy Köran Chapter An-Nisaa’. The researcher uses documentation to collect the data then coding the directive utterances contained in Holy Köran Chapter An-Nisaa’. The techniques of analyzing the data are describing the sentence types contained the directive utterances in Holy Köran Scripture on Chapter An-Nisaa’ by refering to the theory of Yule (1996) based on the theory of classification of sentences by type of Frank (1972) and describing the illocution meaning of directive utterances in Holy Köran Scripture on Chapter An-Nisaa’ verses 1-176 by referring to the theory of Levinson (1983) and describing the intention contained in the illocution meaning of directive utterances by referring to the theory of Kreidler (1996) which is based on the speech context by refering to the theory of Hymes (1972).
The result of this study shows that 1) there are two sentence types of directive utterances used in Holy Koran Chapter An-Nisaa’ namely: declarative sentence and imperative sentence. There are actually three sentence types of directive utterances based on theory Yule’s theory. However the writer does not find interrogative sentences. The sentence type of declarative has 6 data (11, 32%) and imperative has 47 data (88, 67%). 2). There are three categories of intention of directive utterance used in Holy Koran Chapter An-Nisaa’ namely: commanding, prohibiting, and ordering. There are actually five intentions of directive utterances based on the Kreidler’s theory (1996). The intention of commanding has 27 data (50, 94%), prohibiting has 21 (39, 62%), and ordering has 5 data (9, 43%)
Perumahan dan permukiman merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia dalam rangka
peningkatan dan pemerataan kesejahteraan rakyat. Mengingat pentingnya fungsi rumah tersebut, maka hampir
setiap keluarga baru akan mendambakan rumah sendiri. Kota Semarang sebagai kota besar belum dapat benarbenar
mengakomodir kebutuhan papan masyarakatnya. Pola pembangunan perumahan yang dilakukan oleh
pihak pemerintah dan pengembang swasta adalah skema pengadaan perumahan yang ditawarkan melalui
mekanisme pasar formal dengan fasilitas kredit. Tapi ternyata pada realisasinya, hal tersebut tidak dapat
dijangkau oleh sebagian besar masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah yang menghuni permukiman informal.
Masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah mengandalkan sumber pembiayaan informal untuk membangun/memperbaiki
rumah. Untuk menjembatani permasalahan tersebut Pemerintah mengeluarkan stimulan perumahan swadaya
dengan salah satu programmya yaitu Kredit Perbaikan Rumah Swadaya (KPRS) Mikro Syariah Bersubsidi
The Implementation of Kahoot! Application as a Hots-Based Evaluation Media for Elementary School Students
The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) states that students in Indonesia have low-level thinking skills in the international education arena. Certainly, this poses a significant challenge for the government and educators to improve the quality of education. One of the programs undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Culture is the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) based learning program. Alongside the development of technology and information, this also impacts the education sector, which must adapt to technological advancements. Continuous innovations in teaching and learning, including innovations in assessment methods, are emerging. One way of evaluating learning that teachers can use is the Kahoot application. This research aims to demonstrate how the utilization of the Kahoot application serves as a learning evaluation tool in elementary schools. The research method used is qualitative description with data collection through interviews and questionnaires. The subjects of this research are sixth-grade teachers and students in Public Elementary Schools in East OKU District. The results of the research indicate that the utilization of the Kahoot application represents a new innovation in the field of education. The Kahoot application makes it easier for teachers to assess students' problem-solving performance and creates an enjoyable learning process that encourages students to think critically
Radioisotope Production Process Optimization Mo99
One of the utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes is in medicine,namely the use of radioisotopes that have short half-life as a medium to detect thecondition of the patient. from various short-lived radioisotopes, so the currentradioisotope Mo99, it needs to be done by considering various factors influencing theproduction process such radioisotopes. for it, has obtained results of the optimizationof production processes with the addition of service facilities in accordance with thedesired end result
The paper intends to enquire about the effectiveness of paraphrasing in evolving the EFL students' writing ability for Indonesian Higher Education. The study was quasi-experimental research, and it was conducted in the 4th semester of the English students at Universitas Sulawesi Barat. The research instrument was a writing test, and the student’s scores were gathered through paraphrasing rubric scores. Statistical inferential analysis was performed on the data. It is possible to conclude that The Ha (Alternative) Hypothesis was established hence the paired samples test result carried out with SPSS performed that the sig. rating on the value obtained from the T-test was lower than Sig. value, so theory Y assumptions (Ha) were approved, and both the pilot testing and post-intervention results of the study demonstrated Sig. (2-tailed = 0.000) has been less than 0.05. In other words, this indicates that there is a consequence. The research finishes with pedagogical recommendations for trying to better the paraphrasing skills of novice student writers, and paraphrasing has a medium effect on the EFL students’ writing ability in Indonesian higher education
Penguatan Keterampilan Computational Thinking Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Berbasis Kearifan Lokal
Kualitas pembelajaran tematik di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) sangat ditentukan oleh kompetensi guru sebagai ujung tombaknya. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam pembelajaran tematik harus terus diupayakan. Atas dasar tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas guru MI dalam implementasi pembelajaran tematik yang berbasis kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan computational thinking (CT). Metode pengabdian dengan pendekatan ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) dimana guru menjadi aset utamanya. Teknik pengabdian melalui pembelajaran dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mengajar tematik berbasis kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan CT. Hasilnya sebanyak 80% atau 26 peserta pelatihan mampu menerapkan CT dengan baik, sedangkan 20% atau 6 peserta mendapat skor cukup baik. Guru yang mengikuti pelatihan semakin meningkat kompetensi mengajarnya karena mampu menerapkan pembelajaran tematik dengan pendekatan CT. Sebelumnya guru yang mengikuti pelatihan belum menerapkan pembelajaran tematik dengan pendekatan CT tetapi setelah mengikuti pelatihan para guru memahami dan mampu menerapkan pembelajaran tematik dengan pendekatan CT
Afghanistan Under The Four Regimes Reflected in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns Novel (2007): A Sociological Approach
The research discusses the Afghanistan‟s socio-political phenomenon during four decades under the four different regimes in Khaled Hosseini‟sA Thousand Splendid Suns novel. The purpose of this study is to understand phenomenon of the Afghanistan regimes reflected in the novel using the sociological approach. Khaled Hosseini used the novel as a tool to show the world that Afghanistan needed the aid and Hosseini wanted deliver reflection of Afghanistan country in the past. This study is a qualitative research. The primary data were taken from A Thousand Splendid Suns novel; the secondary data were obtained from some sources like literature book, virtual sources, and some related source. The conclusion of the study: (1) The difference characteristics between the Daoud Khan regime, Soviets Union regime, the Mujahideen regime, and Taliban regime. Each regime was explained through some aspects namely political aspect, women aspect, culture aspect, education aspect, and health aspect; (2) The four regimes were depicted through the characters of the regimes, the settings of the novel, the important events and the styles used in each regime; (3) The reason of Khaled Hosseini writing the novel was due to the result of his care towards Afghan society
In Shrimp Processing Factory Sorting Frozen Shrimp Using Queue Model
Frozen shrimp processing system is a complex activity, because this activity is influenced by many factors in an effort to produce good quality frozen shrimp. One such factor is the existence of frozen shrimp processing delays. This delay occurs because the rate of service of a particular process step is smaller than the rate of arrival, as in the sorting stage. With the delay in this process, it can cause a decrease in the quality of shrimp and ultimately will affect their economic value. Queuing model contained in the sorting system is double track queue model - single phase service and control based on the notation can be formulated into (GI/GI/15): (FCFS / F / I). This formulation explains that the arrival rate of spread of shrimp basin in particular (GI), service time sorting shrimp also spread in particular (GI), the number of service facilities have 15 units, which applies FCFS queue discipline, which allowed the long queues formed as a limited (F), It is consist of 60 tanks of shrimp (24 tons of shrimp) and the source of the shrimp populations are assumed to come from an infinite population (I). To take the right policy to tackle this queue, then use sensitivity simulations (that include some amount of time between arrival of input factors and the number of facilities in different services). Appropriate policies and beneficial in overcoming the problem by increasing the number of queues is the sort of service facilities as much as 2 units taken from the lower level of service resort arrival (λ) approaches the service rate (μ) is new. Created computer program that can be used to solve the queuing problem sorting shrimp in shrimp processing factories of other frozen, provided that the multiple- channel models - single phase
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