276 research outputs found

    Burung Strata Bawah (Undestory) Di Hutan Pegunungan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Tnks) Kerinci Jambi

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    Birds are one of the biological wealth owned by Indonesia. The structure of the lower strata of bird communities in tropical areas represent a very good system to see the difference in sensitivity between species for habitat variation in different scales. This study was conducted in January 2013 using the method of net Mist (mist nets) in the Kerinci National Park (TNKS). Birds that are found as many as 21 species to 83 people only order passerines with six families. The diversity of birds affected by many factors diantarannya abundance of epiphytes, an abundance of fruits, the openness of the forest floor and tree species composition. Generally mountainous forest area will have a relatively high number of species ang

    Indonesia Governance Index 2012: Towards a Well-informed Society and Responsive Government

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    Regional autonomy aims not only to increase welfare through provision of quality public services, but also to allow regions to determine their own development priorities. As a result, there is a range of different capacities and standards between local administrations and other stakeholders, leading to widening gaps in development between regions. Efforts to improve are limited by the analytical capacity and the quality of governance in each location. Because of this we need an objective assessment of governance and Kemitraan has adressed this need with the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI). This book examines the national findings of the 2012 IGI research, and offers concrete suggestions to solve current problems. It also elaborates on the results in key areas like gender, investment friendliness, and environmental management

    Keragaman Genetik Rizobakteri Penghasil Asam Indol Asetat Berdasarkan 16S RRNA dan Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis

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    Asam indol asetat (AIA) dapat dihasilkan oleh bakteri rizosfer/rizobakteri pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (PPT). Keragaman genetik isolat bakteri PPT indigenous Indonesia perlu diinvestigasi untuk mencari sumber potensial agen PPT dengan informasi kekerabatan intra dan interspesies yang jelas. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik rizobakteri penghasil AIA indigenous Indonesia dengan gen 16S rRNA, dilengkapi dengan ARDRA. Koleksi isolat bakteri BB Biogen diidentifikasi kandungan AIA-nya, morfologi secara makroskopis dan sekuensing pada sekuen 16S rRNA dan ARDRA. Total empat belas isolat rizobakteri memiliki kandungan AIA dalam kisaran 5,24-37,69 µg/ml dan tertinggi pada SM1. Karakteristik morfologi koloni rizobakteri mendukung variasi strain bakteri penghasil AIA. Delapan isolat terpilih diidentifikasi sebagai spesies Bacillus dengan homologi 96-99%. Lima isolat (SM1, JP4, KP3, MB2, dan CP3) diidentifikasikan sebagai B. subtilis, SC2 sebagai B. amyloliquefaciens, BL2 dekat dengan B. velezensis, dan JP3 memiliki homologi tinggi dengan Brevundimonas olei. Delapan isolat rizobakteri tersebut berkerabat dekat dengan strain bakteri referensi yang memiliki kesamaan spesies. Analisis ARDRA-RsaI menghasilkan lima filotipe dengan keunikan pola sidik jari. Isolat CP3, MB 2, dan KP 3 berada dalam satu filotipe. Kedekatan isolat dalam Bacillus sp. digambarkan oleh filotipe 5 (B. subtilis SM1 dan B. velezensis BL2) yang diduga jauh dari B. amyloliquefaciens SC2 (filotipe 4) dan JP 3 pada genus Brevundimonas (filotipe 3). Keragaman genetik isolat rizobakteri penghasil AIA terhitung rendah berdasarkan 16S-rRNA dan ARDRA-RsaI

    Heroes and villains of world history across cultures

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    © 2015 Hanke et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedEmergent properties of global political culture were examined using data from the World History Survey (WHS) involving 6,902 university students in 37 countries evaluating 40 figures from world history. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis techniques found only limited forms of universality in evaluations across Western, Catholic/Orthodox, Muslim, and Asian country clusters. The highest consensus across cultures involved scientific innovators, with Einstein having the most positive evaluation overall. Peaceful humanitarians like Mother Theresa and Gandhi followed. There was much less cross-cultural consistency in the evaluation of negative figures, led by Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. After more traditional empirical methods (e.g., factor analysis) failed to identify meaningful cross-cultural patterns, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify four global representational profiles: Secular and Religious Idealists were overwhelmingly prevalent in Christian countries, and Political Realists were common in Muslim and Asian countries. We discuss possible consequences and interpretations of these different representational profiles.This research was supported by grant RG016-P-10 from the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (http://www.cckf.org.tw/). Religion Culture Entropy China Democracy Economic histor

    Expresión del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular en carcinomas renales y su relación con la microdensidad vascular, la embolia tumoral y las metástasis a distancia

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    Los carcinomas renales de células claras derivan de las células epiteliales renales originadas en los túbulos contorneados proximales de las nefronas y se caracterizan por presentar una profusa vascularización. El funcionamiento aberrante del gen del VHL presente en gran parte de estos tumores, se traduce en la liberación de una serie de factores de crecimiento, entre ellos del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular (VEGF), implicado en el crecimiento y proliferación de las células tumorales, así como en el proceso de angiogénesis necesaria para el desarrollo de metástasis por vía hematógena. Varios trabajos han sostenido la hipótesis de que la marcación con VEGF podría ser de importancia como factor pronóstico. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la distribución e intensidad de la inmunomarcación con VEGF en tumores renales de células calaras y su relación con la microdensidad vascular (MDV), la presencia de embolias tumorales y las metástasis a distancia.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Local circuits targeting parvalbumin-containing interneurons in layer IV of rat barrel cortex

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    Interactions between inhibitory interneurons and excitatory spiny neurons and also other inhibitory cells represent fundamental network properties which cause the so-called thalamo-cortical response transformation and account for the well-known receptive field differences of cortical layer IV versus thalamic neurons. We investigated the currently largely unknown morphological basis of these interactions utilizing acute slice preparations of barrel cortex in P19-21 rats. Layer IV spiny (spiny stellate, star pyramidal and pyramidal) neurons or inhibitory (basket and bitufted) interneurons were electrophysiologically characterized and intracellularly biocytin-labeled. In the same slice, we stained parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-ir) interneurons as putative target cells after which the tissue was subjected to confocal image acquisition. Parallel experiments confirmed the existence of synaptic contacts in these types of connection by correlated light and electron microscopy. The axons of the filled neurons differentially targeted barrel PV-ir interneurons: (1) The relative number of all contacted PV-ir cells within the axonal sphere was 5–17% for spiny (n = 10), 32 and 58% for basket (n = 2) and 12 and 13% for bitufted (n = 2) cells. (2) The preferential subcellular site which was contacted on PV-ir target cells was somatic for four and dendritic for five spiny cells; for basket cells, there was a somatic and for bitufted cells a dendritic preference in each examined case. (3) The highest number of contacts on a single PV-ir cell was 9 (4 somatic and 5 dendritic) for spiny neurons, 15 (10 somatic and 5 dendritic) for basket cells and 4 (1 somatic and 3 dendritic) for bitufted cells. These patterns suggest a cell type-dependent communication within layer IV microcircuits in which PV-ir interneurons provide not only feed-forward but also feedback inhibition thus triggering the thalamo-cortical response transformation

    A next-generation sequencing method for overcoming the multiple gene copy problem in polyploid phylogenetics, applied to Poa grasses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polyploidy is important from a phylogenetic perspective because of its immense past impact on evolution and its potential future impact on diversification, survival and adaptation, especially in plants. Molecular population genetics studies of polyploid organisms have been difficult because of problems in sequencing multiple-copy nuclear genes using Sanger sequencing. This paper describes a method for sequencing a barcoded mixture of targeted gene regions using next-generation sequencing methods to overcome these problems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using 64 3-bp barcodes, we successfully sequenced three chloroplast and two nuclear gene regions (each of which contained two gene copies with up to two alleles per individual) in a total of 60 individuals across 11 species of Australian <it>Poa </it>grasses. This method had high replicability, a low sequencing error rate (after appropriate quality control) and a low rate of missing data. Eighty-eight percent of the 320 gene/individual combinations produced sequence reads, and >80% of individuals produced sufficient reads to detect all four possible nuclear alleles of the homeologous nuclear loci with 95% probability.</p> <p>We applied this method to a group of sympatric Australian alpine <it>Poa </it>species, which we discovered to share an allopolyploid ancestor with a group of American <it>Poa </it>species. All markers revealed extensive allele sharing among the Australian species and so we recommend that the current taxonomy be re-examined. We also detected hypermutation in the <it>trn</it>H-<it>psb</it>A marker, suggesting it should not be used as a land plant barcode region. Some markers indicated differentiation between Tasmanian and mainland samples. Significant positive spatial genetic structure was detected at <100 km with chloroplast but not nuclear markers, which may be a result of restricted seed flow and long-distance pollen flow in this wind-pollinated group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that 454 sequencing of barcoded amplicon mixtures can be used to reliably sample all alleles of homeologous loci in polyploid species and successfully investigate phylogenetic relationships among species, as well as to investigate phylogeographic hypotheses. This next-generation sequencing method is more affordable than and at least as reliable as bacterial cloning. It could be applied to any experiment involving sequencing of amplicon mixtures.</p