64 research outputs found

    The interactive role of predation, competition and habitat conditions in structuring an intertidal bivalve population

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    Habitat characteristics, predation and competition are known to interactively drive population dynamics. Highly complex habitats, for example, may reduce predation and competition, allowing more individuals living together in a certain area. However, the strength and direction of such interactions can differ strongly and are context dependent. Furthermore, as habitat characteristics are rapidly changing due to anthropogenic impacts, it becomes increasingly important to understand such interactions. Here, we studied the interactive effects of predation and competition on common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) recruitment, growth and survival under different habitat characteristics in the Wadden Sea, one of the world's largest intertidal ecosystems. In a predator-exclosure experiment, we manipulated cockle densities (100 vs. 1000 individuals m-2) and shorebird predation at two sites differing in habitat characteristics, namely at the wake of a blue mussel bed (Mytilus edulis) and at an adjacent sandy site. We found that recruitment was higher in the mussel-modified habitat, most likely due to reduction of hydrodynamic stress. Although bird predation strongly reduced recruit density, the combined effects still yielded more recruitment at the vicinity of the mussel bed compared to the sandy area. Furthermore, we found that high cockle densities combined with high densities of other potential prey (i.e. mussels) at the mussel-modified site, mitigated predation effects for adult cockles. Apart from these positive effects on adults, mussel-modified habitat reduced cockle growth, most likely by reducing hydrodynamics in the wake of the mussel bed and by increasing inter-specific competition for food. Our study experimentally underpins the importance of habitat characteristics, competition and predation in interactively structuring intertidal communities

    Body shrinkage due to Arctic warming reduces red knot fitness in tropical wintering range

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    Reductions in body size are increasingly being identified as a response to climatewarming. Here we present evidence for a case of such body shrinkage, potentially dueto malnutrition in early life. We show that an avian long-distance migrant (red knot,Calidris canutus canutus), which is experiencing globally unrivaled warming rates at itshigh-Arctic breeding grounds, produces smaller offspring with shorter bills duringsummers with early snowmelt. This has consequences half a world away at their tropicalwintering grounds, where shorter-billed individuals have reduced survival rates. This isassociated with these molluscivores eating fewer deeply buried bivalve prey and moreshallowly buried seagrass rhizomes. We suggest that seasonal migrants can experiencereduced fitness at one end of their range as a result of a changing climate at theother end

    Evidence for 'critical slowing down' in seagrass:a stress gradient experiment at the southern limit of its range

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    The theory of critical slowing down, i.e. the increasing recovery times of complex systems close to tipping points, has been proposed as an early warning signal for collapse. Empirical evidence for the reality of such warning signals is still rare in ecology. We studied this on Zostera noltii intertidal seagrass meadows at their southern range limit, the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. We analyse the environmental covariates of recovery rates using structural equation modelling (SEM), based on an experiment in which we assessed whether recovery after disturbances (i.e. seagrass & infauna removal) depends on stress intensity (increasing with elevation) and disturbance patch size (1 m(2) vs. 9 m(2)). The SEM analyses revealed that higher biofilm density and sediment accretion best explained seagrass recovery rates. Experimental disturbances were followed by slow rates of recovery, regrowth occurring mainly in the coolest months of the year. Macrofauna recolonisation lagged behind seagrass recovery. Overall, the recovery rate was six times slower in the high intertidal zone than in the low zone. The large disturbances in the low zone recovered faster than the small ones in the high zone. This provides empirical evidence for critical slowing down with increasing desiccation stress in an intertidal seagrass system

    Drought, mutualism breakdown, and landscape-scale degradation of seagrass beds

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    In many marine ecosystems, biodiversity critically depends on foundation species such as corals and seagrasses that engage in mutualistic interactions [1-3]. Concerns grow that environmental disruption of marine mutualisms exacerbates ecosystem degradation, with breakdown of the obligate coral mutualism ("coral bleaching") being an iconic example [2, 4, 5]. However, as these mutualisms are mostly facultative rather than obligate, it remains unclear whether mutualism breakdown is a common risk in marine ecosystems, and thus a potential accelerator of ecosystem degradation. Here, we provide evidence that drought triggered landscape-scale seagrass degradation and show the consequent failure of a facultative mutualistic feedback between seagrass and sulfide-consuming lucinid bivalves that in turn appeared to exacerbate the observed collapse. Local climate and remote sensing analyses revealed seagrass collapse after a summer with intense low-tide drought stress. Potential analysis-a novel approach to detect feedback-mediated state shifts-revealed two attractors (healthy and degraded states) during the collapse, suggesting that the drought disrupted internal feedbacks to cause abrupt, patch-wise degradation. Field measurements comparing degraded patches that were healthy before the collapse with patches that remained healthy demonstrated that bivalves declined dramatically in degrading patches with associated high sediment sulfide concentrations, confirming the breakdown of the mutualistic seagrass-lucinid feedback. Our findings indicate that drought triggered mutualism breakdown, resulting in toxic sulfide concentrations that aggravated seagrass degradation. We conclude that external disturbances can cause sudden breakdown of facultative marine mutualistic feedbacks. As this may amplify ecosystem degradation, we suggest including mutualisms in marine conservation and restoration approaches

    Local community networks in the fight against cervical cancer: the role of coffee ceremonies in the uptake of screening in Ethiopia

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    Community mobilisation is an essential part of cervical cancer screening programmes to increase demand for screening services. While there are different methods of community mobilisation, in Ethiopia community conversations during traditional coffee ceremonies appear to be a context appropriate and effective method. Linkage of community mobilisation with existing community networks can increase uptake of cervical cancer screening and improve continuous support and care among community members.Research into fetal development and medicin

    Sulfur in lucinid bivalves inhibits intake rates of a molluscivore shorebird

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    Sulfur in lucinid bivalves inhibits intake rates of a molluscivore shorebird

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    A forager's energy intake rate is usually constrained by a combination of handling time, encounter rate and digestion rate. On top of that, food intake may be constrained when a forager can only process a maximum amount of certain toxic compounds. The latter constraint is well described for herbivores with a limited tolerance to plant secondary metabolites. In sulfidic marine ecosystems, many animals host chemoautotrophic endosymbionts, which store sulfur compounds as an energy resource, potentially making their hosts toxic to predators. The red knot Calidris canutus canutus is a molluscivore shorebird that winters on the mudflats of Banc d'Arguin, where the most abundant bivalve prey Loripes orbiculatus hosts sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. In this system, we studied the potential effect of sulfur on the red knots' intake rates, by offering Loripes with various sulfur content to captive birds. To manipulate toxicity, we starved Loripes for 10 days by removing them from their symbiont's energy source sulfide. As predicted, we found lower sulfur concentrations in starved Loripes. We also included natural variation in sulfur concentrations by offering Loripes collected at two different locations. In both cases lower sulfur levels in Loripes resulted in higher consumption rates in red knots. Over time the red knots increased their intake rates on Loripes, showing their ability to adjust to a higher intake of sulfur

    Palliative care needs and preferences of female patients and their caregivers in Ethiopia: A rapid program evaluation in Addis Ababa and Sidama zone

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    IntroductionIn Ethiopia there is an extensive unmet need for palliative care, while the burden of non-communicable diseases and cancer is increasing. This study aimed to explore palliative care needs and preferences of patients, their caregivers, and the perspective of stakeholders on service provision in palliative programs for women, mostly affected by cervical cancer and breast cancer.MethodsA rapid program evaluation using a qualitative study approach was conducted in three home-based palliative care programs in Addis Ababa and Yirgalem town, Ethiopia. Female patients enrolled in the programs, and their primary caregivers were interviewed on palliative care needs, preferences and service provision. We explored the views of purposely selected stakeholders on the organization of palliative care and its challenges. Audio-taped data was transcribed verbatim and translated into English and an inductive thematic analysis was applied. Descriptive analyses were used to label physical signs and symptoms using palliative outcome scale score.ResultsA total of 77 interviews (34 patients, 12 primary caregivers, 15 voluntary caregivers, 16 stakeholders) were conducted. The main physical complaints were moderate to severe pain (70.6%), followed by anorexia (50.0%), insomnia, nausea and vomiting (41.2%). Social interaction and daily activities were hampered by the patients' condition. Both patients and caregivers reported that programs focus most on treatment of symptoms, with limited psychosocial, emotional, spiritual and economic support. Lack of organizational structures and policy directions limit the collaboration between stakeholders and the availability of holistic home-based palliative care services.ConclusionsAlthough female patients and caregivers appreciated the palliative care and support provided, the existing services did not cover all needs. Pain management and all other needed supports were lacking. Multi-sectorial collaboration with active involvement of community-based structures is needed to improve quality of care and access to holistic palliative care services.Cervix cance