8,638 research outputs found

    Quenching of light hadrons at RHIC in a collisional energy loss scenario

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    We evaluate the nuclear suppression factor, RAA(pT)R_{AA}(p_T) for light hadrons by taking into account the collisional energy loss. We show that in the measured pTp_T domain of RHIC the elastic process is the dominant mechanism for the partonic energy loss.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures, Quark Matter 2008 Proceeding

    Mixed topological semimetals driven by orbital complexity in two-dimensional ferromagnets

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    The concepts of Weyl fermions and topological semimetals emerging in three-dimensional momentum space are extensively explored owing to the vast variety of exotic properties that they give rise to. On the other hand, very little is known about semimetallic states emerging in two-dimensional magnetic materials, which present the foundation for both present and future information technology. Here, we demonstrate that including the magnetization direction into the topological analysis allows for a natural classification of topological semimetallic states that manifest in two-dimensional ferromagnets as a result of the interplay between spin-orbit and exchange interactions. We explore the emergence and stability of such mixed topological semimetals in realistic materials, and point out the perspectives of mixed topological states for current-induced orbital magnetism and current-induced domain wall motion. Our findings pave the way to understanding, engineering and utilizing topological semimetallic states in two-dimensional spin-orbit ferromagnets

    Experimental joint signal-idler quasi-distributions and photon-number statistics for mesoscopic twin beams

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    Joint signal-idler photoelectron distributions of twin beams containing several tens of photons per mode have been measured recently. Exploiting a microscopic quantum theory for joint quasi-distributions in parametric down-conversion developed earlier we characterize properties of twin beams in terms of quasi-distributions using experimental data. Negative values as well as oscillating behaviour in quantum region are characteristic for the subsequently determined joint signal-idler quasi-distributions of integrated intensities. Also the conditional and difference photon-number distributions are shown to be sub-Poissonian and sub-shot-noise, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    O(^3P) +CO_2 Collisions at Hyperthermal Energies: Dynamics of Nonreactive Scattering, Oxygen Isotope Exchange, and Oxygen-Atom Abstraction

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    The dynamics of O(^3P) + CO_2 collisions at hyperthermal energies were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Crossed-molecular-beams experiments at Ecoll = 98.8 kcal mol^(–1) were performed with isotopically labeled ^(12)C^(18)O_2 to distinguish products of nonreactive scattering from those of reactive scattering. The following product channels were observed: elastic and inelastic scattering (^(16)O(^3P) + ^(12)C^(18)O^2), isotope exchange (^(18)O + ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O), and oxygen-atom abstraction (^(18)O^(16)O + ^(12)C^(18)O). Stationary points on the two lowest triplet potential energy surfaces of the O(^3P) + CO_2 system were characterized at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory and by means of W4 theory, which represents an approximation to the relativistic basis set limit, full-configuration-interaction (FCI) energy. The calculations predict a planar CO_3(C_(2v),^3A″) intermediate that lies 16.3 kcal mol^(–1) (W4 FCI excluding zero point energy) above reactants and is approached by a C_(2v) transition state with energy 24.08 kcal mol^(–1). Quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations with collision energies in the range 23–150 kcal mol^(–1) were performed at the B3LYP/6-311G(d) and BMK/6-311G(d) levels. Both reactive channels observed in the experiment were predicted by these calculations. In the isotope exchange reaction, the experimental center-of-mass (c.m.) angular distribution, T(θ_(c.m.)), of the ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O products peaked along the initial CO_2 direction (backward relative to the direction of the reagent O atoms), with a smaller isotropic component. The product translational energy distribution, P(E_T), had a relatively low average of E_T = 35 kcal mol^(–1), indicating that the ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O products were formed with substantial internal energy. The QCT calculations give c.m. P(E_T) and T(θ_(c.m.)) distributions and a relative product yield that agree qualitatively with the experimental results, and the trajectories indicate that exchange occurs through a short-lived CO_3^* intermediate. A low yield for the abstraction reaction was seen in both the experiment and the theory. Experimentally, a fast and weak ^(16)O^(18)O product signal from an abstraction reaction was observed, which could only be detected in the forward direction. A small number of QCT trajectories leading to abstraction were observed to occur primarily via a transient CO_3 intermediate, albeit only at high collision energies (149 kcal mol^(–1)). The oxygen isotope exchange mechanism for CO_2 in collisions with ground state O atoms is a newly discovered pathway through which oxygen isotopes may be cycled in the upper atmosphere, where O(^3P) atoms with hyperthermal translational energies can be generated by photodissociation of O_3 and O_2

    Behaviour of traffic on a link with traffic light boundaries

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    This paper considers a single link with traffic light boundary conditions at both ends, and investigates the traffic evolution over time with various signal and system configurations. A hydrodynamic model and a modified stochastic domain wall theory are proposed to describe the local density variation. The Nagel-Schreckenberg model (NaSch), an agent based stochastic model, is used as a benchmark. The hydrodynamic model provides good approximations over short time scales. The domain wall model is found to reproduce the time evolution of local densities, in good agreement with the NaSch simulations for both short and long time scales. A systematic investigation of the impact of network parameters, including system sizes, cycle lengths, phase splits and signal offsets, on traffic flows suggests that the stationary flow is dominated by the boundary with the smaller split. Nevertheless, the signal offset plays an important role in determining the flow. Analytical expressions of the flow in relation to those parameters are obtained for the deterministic domain wall model and match the deterministic NaSch simulations. The analytic results agree qualitatively with the general stochastic models. When the cycle is sufficiently short, the stationary state is governed by effective inflow and outflow rates, and the density profile is approximately linear and independent of time

    Time-Frequency Filter Bank: A Simple Approach for Audio and Music Separation

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    © 2017 IEEE. Blind Source Separation techniques are widely used in the field of wireless communication for a very long time to extract signals of interest from a set of multiple signals without training data. In this paper, we investigate the problem of separation of the human voice from a mixture of human voice and sounds from different musical instruments. The human voice may be a singing voice in a song or may be a part of some news, broadcast by a channel with background music. This paper proposes a generalized Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT)-based technique, combined with filter bank to extract vocals from background music. The main purpose is to design a filter bank and to eliminate background aliasing errors with best reconstruction conditions, having approximated scaling factors. Stereo signals in time-frequency domain are used in experiments. The input stereo signals are processed in the form of frames and passed through the proposed STFT-based technique. The output of the STFT-based technique is passed through the filter bank to minimize the background aliasing errors. For reconstruction, first an inverse STFT is applied and then the signals are reconstructed by the OverLap-Add method to get the final output, containing vocals only. The experiments show that the proposed approach performs better than the other state-of-the-art approaches, in terms of Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) and Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR), respectively
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