75 research outputs found

    Dos nuevos yacimientos paleolíticos del litoral portugués

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    Contribuição para o conhecimento das indústrias líticas mais antigas do território português: as jazidas com «Pebble Culture» da formação de Belverde - Península de Setúbal (Vilafranquiano médio)

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    Separata de "Setúbal Arqueológica", Vol. V de 1979As peças talhadas descritas neste trabalho fazem parte de um conglomerado constituído por calhaus rolados de quartzito (70%) e quartzo (30%) tendo sido encontradas à superfície do terreno, quando se procedia ao levantamento cartográfico dessa formação e no seu interior, no decorrer das operações necessárias à análise de imbricação, com vista à determinação das paleocorrentes responsáveis pela sua deposição

    A gruta do Correio-Mor (Loures)

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    Neste estudo, publicam-se, com carácter exaustivo e sistemático, os materiais pós-paleolíticos que ainda se mantinham inéditos da gruta do Correio-Mor (Loures). Infelizmente, as condições em que decorreram os trabalhos arqueológicos não favoreceram uma exploração metódica, com o registo rigoroso e adequado tanto da estratigrafia, como das associações artefactuais, com excepção do notável conjunto de ídolos de calcário, já anteriormente publicados (CARDOSO, 1995). Com efeito, boa parte das colheitas efectuaram-se nas terras de escorrência, resultantes do desmonte da galeria posta a descoberto pela frente da pedreira que em 1974 lavrava no local. Infelizmente, a exploração continuou, já depois de iniciados os trabalhos arqueológicos, sobretudo na ausência no local da equipa, o que levou à destruição completa da parte que ainda restava intacta da gruta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Les Hipparion du Portugal

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    This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera)

    Goldra: premier gisement karstique en Algarve, faune et industries

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    A bone breccia from Goldra, near Loulé, is studied. It corresponds to the infilling of a karst depression, consisting of: rather worn and probably transported dolomite pebbles at the bottom; accumulations of frequently burnt bone scraps, much broken and with acute edges (no transport), certainly debris of human food, suggesting habitat level (s); in association with the former, stone (flint, quartz, quartzite, graywacke) rather uncharacteristic artifacts that seem compatible with middle and upper Paleolithic, or with Epipaleolithic; and small mammal teeth and bones. Fauna includes an extinct species, Microtus brecciensis recognized for the first time in Portugal. It is not older than Riss-Wiirm interglacial, and may be of this age or later, maybe that of one of wurm's first interstades. Fauna points out to a varied landscape with open country and woods; and to a rather warm and dry temperate, or dry subtropical mediterranean climate. Climate differences should not be significant in comparison with the extant situation. The presence of the mammal species found so far is consistent with modern distribution

    Paisia, an Early Cretaceous eudicot angiosperm flower with pantoporate pollen from Portugal

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    A new fossil angiosperm, Paisia pantoporata, is described from the Early Cretaceous Catefica mesofossil flora, Portugal, based on coalified floral buds, flowers and isolated floral structures. The flowers are actinomorphic and structurally bisexual with a single whorl of five fleshy tepals, a single whorl of five stamens and a single whorl of five carpels. Tepals, stamens and carpels are opposite, arranged on the same radii and tepals are involute at the base clasping the stamens. Stamens have a massive filament that grades without a joint into the anther. The anthers are dithecate and tetrasporangiate with extensive connective tissue between the tiny pollen sacs. Pollen grains are pantoporate and spiny. The carpels are free, apparently plicate, with many ovules borne in two rows along the ventral margins. Paisia pantoporata is the oldest known flower with pantoporate pollen. Similar pantoporate pollen was also recognised in the associated dispersed palynoflora. Paisia is interpreted as a possibly insect pollinated, herbaceous plant with low pollen production and low dispersal potential of the pollen. The systematic position of Paisia is uncertain and Paisia pantoporata most likely belongs to an extinct lineage. Pantoporate pollen occurs scattered among all major groups of angiosperms and a close match to the fossils has not been identified. The pentamerous floral organisation together with structure of stamen, pollen and carpel suggests a phylogenetic position close to the early diverging eudicot lineages, probably in the Ranunculales.Swiss Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (European Union FP6 projects) [20130185, 20141047]; Swedish Research Council [2014-5228]; Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) [UID/MAR/00350/2013]; CretaCarbo project [PTDC/CTE-GIX/113983/2009

    Inventory and review of the Mio–Pleistocene São Jorge flora (Madeira Island, Portugal): palaeoecological and biogeographical implications

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    The occurrence of plant fossils on Madeira Island has been known since the mid-nineteenth century. Charles Lyell and George Hartung discovered a leaf bed rich in Lauraceae and fern fossils at S~ao Jorge in 1854. The determinations were controversial but a full review was never performed. Here we propose possible geological settings for the fossiliferous outcrop, and present an inventory and a systematic review of the surviving specimens of the S~ao Jorge macroflora. The S~ao Jorge leaf bed no longer outcrops due to a landslide in 1865. It was possible to establish the two alternative volcano stratigraphical settings in the sedimentary intercalations from the Middle Volcanic Complex, ranging in age from 7 to 1.8 Ma. The descriptions of Heer (1857), Bunbury (1859) and Hartung & Mayer (1864) are reviewed based on 82 surviving specimens. From the initial 37 taxa, we recognize only 20: Osmunda sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Asplenium cf. onopteris, aff. Asplenium, cf. Polystichum, cf. Davallia, Woodwardia radicans, Filicopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1 and 2, Ocotea foetens, Salix sp., Erica arborea, cf. Vaccinium, Rubus sp, cf. Myrtus, Magnoliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1 to 3, Liliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 1. Magnoliopsida gen. et sp. indet. 4 is based on one previously undescribed flower or fruit. The floristic composition of the S~ao Jorge fossils resembles the current floristic association of temperate stink laurel (Ocotea foetens) forest, suggesting a warm and humid palaeoclimate and indicating that laurel forests were present in Macaronesia at least since the Gelasian, a time when the palaeotropical geofloral elements were almost extinct in Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shark fossil diversity (Squalomorphii, Squatinomorphii, and Galeomorphii) from the Langhian of Brielas (Lower Tagus Basin, Portugal)

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    The fossiliferous marine Miocene sediments of the Lower Tagus Basin (Portugal) present a great diversity of Chondrichthyes forms. The current study focuses on the fossil sharks from the Langhian Vc unit of the Brielas section, located in the Setúbal Peninsula. A total of 384 isolated fossil teeth were analysed and ascribed to 17 species from the Orders Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes, Squatiniformes, Lamniformes, and Carcharhiniformes. Centrophorus granulosus and Iago angustidens are described for the first time in Portuguese sediments, whereas Pachyscyllium dachiardii and Rhizoprionodon ficheuri represent only their second reported occurrence. Galeorhinus goncalvesi was already known from the Portuguese uppermost Miocene (Alvalade Basin), but it is now recognized in older sediments. Furthermore, the new material seems to include the first reported occurrence of Hexanchus cf. agassizi in Miocene sediments. As a whole, these new findings support the previous palaeoenvironment characterization of a warm infralittoral setting gradually deepening to a circalittoral one, where seasonal upwelling phenomena could have occurred