183 research outputs found

    Theoretical basis for reducing time-lines to the determination of positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultures using thymidylate kinase (TMK) assays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>culture of pathogens on growth media forms a "pillar" for both infectious disease diagnosis and drug sensitivity profiling. Conventional cultures of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>(M.<it>tb</it>) on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium, however, take over two months to yield observable growth, thereby delaying diagnosis and appropriate intervention. Since DNA duplication during interphase precedes microbial division, "para-DNA synthesis assays" could be used to predict impending microbial growth. Mycobacterial thymidylate kinase (TMKmyc) is a phosphotransferase critical for the synthesis of the thymidine triphosphate precursor necessary for M.<it>tb </it>DNA synthesis. Assays based on high-affinity detection of secretory TMKmyc levels in culture using specific antibodies are considered. The aim of this study was to define algorithms for predicting positive TB cultures using antibody-based assays of TMKmyc levels <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods and results</p> <p>Systems and chemical biology were used to derive parallel correlation of "M.<it>tb </it>growth curves" with "TMKmyc curves" theoretically in four different scenarios, showing that changes in TMKmyc levels in culture would in each case be predictive of M.<it>tb </it>growth through a simple quadratic curvature, |tmk| = at<sup>2</sup>+ bt + c, consistent with the "S" pattern of microbial growth curves. Two drug resistance profiling scenarios are offered: isoniazid (INH) resistance and sensitivity. In the INH resistance scenario, it is shown that despite the presence of optimal doses of INH in LJ to stop M.<it>tb </it>proliferation, bacilli grow and the resulting phenotypic growth changes in colonies/units are predictable through the TMKmyc assay. According to our current model, the areas under TMKmyc curves (AUC, calculated as the integral ∫(at<sup>2</sup>+ bt + c)dt or ~1/3 at<sup>3</sup>+ 1/2 bt<sup>2</sup>+ct) could directly reveal the extent of prevailing drug resistance and thereby aid decisions about the usefulness of a resisted drug in devising "salvage combinations" within resource-limited settings, where second line TB chemotherapy options are limited.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TMKmyc assays may be useful for reducing the time-lines to positive identification of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>(M.<it>tb</it>) cultures, thereby accelerating disease diagnosis and drug resistance profiling. Incorporating "chemiluminiscent or fluorescent" strategies may enable "photo-detection of TMKmyc changes" and hence automation of the entire assay.</p

    Priming with recombinant auxotrophic BCG expressing HIV-1 Gag, RT and Gp120 and boosting with recombinant MVA induces a robust T cell response in mice

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    In previous studies we have shown that a pantothenate auxotroph of Myocbacterium bovis BCG (BCGΔ panCD ) expressing HIV-1 subtype C Gag induced Gag-specific immune responses in mice and Chacma baboons after prime-boost immunization in combination with matched rMVA and VLP vaccines respectively. In this study recombinant BCG (rBCG) expressing HIV-1 subtype C reverse transcriptase and a truncated envelope were constructed using both the wild type BCG Pasteur strain as a vector and the pantothenate auxotroph. Mice were primed with rBCG expressing Gag and RT and boosted with a recombinant MVA, expressing a polyprotein of Gag, RT, Tat and Nef (SAAVI MVA-C). Priming with rBCGΔ panCD expressing Gag or RT rather than the wild type rBCG expressing Gag or RT resulted in higher frequencies of total HIV-specific CD8 + T cells and increased numbers of T cells specific to the subdominant Gag and RT epitopes. Increasing the dose of rBCG from 10 5 cfu to 10 7 cfu also led to an increase in the frequency of responses to subdominant HIV epitopes. A mix of the individual rBCGΔ panCD vaccines expressing either Gag, RT or the truncated Env primed the immune system for a boost with SAAVI MVA-C and generated five-fold higher numbers of HIV-specific IFN-γ-spot forming cells than mice primed with rBCGΔ panCD containing an empty vector control. Priming with the individual rBCGΔ panCD vaccines or the mix and boosting with SAAVI MVA-C also resulted in the generation of HIV-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T cells producing IFN-γ and TNF-α and CD4 + cells producing IL-2. The rBCG vaccines tested in this study were able to prime the immune system for a boost with rMVA expressing matching antigens, inducing robust, HIV-specific T cell responses to both dominant and subdominant epitopes in the individual proteins when used as individual vaccines or in a mix

    Acute and Persistent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infections Depend on the Thiol Peroxidase TPX

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    The macrophage is the natural niche of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In order to combat oxidative and nitrosative stresses and persist in macrophages successfully, M. tuberculosis is endowed with a very efficient antioxidant complex. Amongst these antioxidant enzymes, TpX is the only one in M. tuberculosis with sequence homology to thiol peroxidase. Previous reports have demonstrated that the M. tuberculosis TpX protein functions as a peroxidase in vitro. It is the dominant antioxidant which protects M. tuberculosis against oxidative and nitrosative stresses. The level of the protein increases in oxidative stress. To determine the roles of tpx gene in M. tuberculosis survival and virulence in vivo, we constructed an M. tuberculosis strain lacking the gene. The characteristics of the mutant were examined in an in vitro stationary phase model, in response to stresses; in murine bone marrow derived macrophages and in an acute and an immune resistant model of murine tuberculosis. The tpx mutant became sensitive to H2O2 and NO compared to the wild type strain. Enzymatic analysis using bacterial extracts from the WT and the tpx mutant demonstrated that the mutant contains reduced peroxidase activity. As a result of this, the mutant failed to grow and survive in macrophages. The growth deficiency in macrophages became more pronounced after interferon-γ activation. In contrast, its growth was significantly restored in the macrophages of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS or NOS2) knockout mice. Moreover, the tpx mutant was impaired in its ability to initiate an acute infection and to maintain a persistent infection. Its virulence was attenuated. Our results demonstrated that tpx is required for M. tuberculosis to deal with oxidative and nitrosative stresses, to survive in macrophages and to establish acute and persistent infections in animal tuberculosis models

    The Mycobacterial LysR-Type Regulator OxyS Responds to Oxidative Stress and Negatively Regulates Expression of the Catalase-Peroxidase Gene

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    Protection against oxidative stress is one of the primary defense mechanisms contributing to the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the host. In this study, we provide evidence that OxyS, a LysR-type transcriptional regulator functions as an oxidative stress response regulator in mycobacteria. Overexpression of OxyS lowers expression of the catalase-peroxidase (KatG) gene in M. smegmatis. OxyS binds directly with the katG promoter region and a conserved, GC-rich T-N11-A motif for OxyS binding was successfully characterized in the core binding site. Interestingly, the DNA-binding activity of OxyS was inhibited by H2O2, but not by dithiothreitol. Cys25, which is situated at the DNA-binding domain of OxyS, was found to have a regulatory role for the DNA-binding ability of OxyS in response to oxidative stress. In contrast, the other three cysteine residues in OxyS do not appear to have this function. Furthermore, the mycobacterial strain over-expressing OxyS had a higher sensitivity to H2O2.Thus, OxyS responds to oxidative stress through a unique cysteine residue situated in its DNA-binding domain and negatively regulates expression of the katG gene. These findings uncover a specific regulatory mechanism for mycobacterial adaptation to oxidative stress

    Positive feedback and noise activate the stringent response regulator Rel in mycobacteria

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    Phenotypic heterogeneity in an isogenic, microbial population enables a subset of the population to persist under stress. In mycobacteria, stresses like nutrient and oxygen deprivation activate the stress response pathway involving the two-component system MprAB and the sigma factor, SigE. SigE in turn activates the expression of the stringent response regulator, rel. The enzyme polyphosphate kinase 1 (PPK1) regulates this pathway by synthesizing polyphosphate required for the activation of MprB. The precise manner in which only a subpopulation of bacterial cells develops persistence, remains unknown. Rel is required for mycobacterial persistence. Here we show that the distribution of rel expression levels in a growing population of mycobacteria is bimodal with two distinct peaks corresponding to low (L) and high (H) expression states, and further establish that a positive feedback loop involving the mprAB operon along with stochastic gene expression are responsible for the phenotypic heterogeneity. Combining single cell analysis by flow cytometry with theoretical modeling, we observe that during growth, noise-driven transitions take a subpopulation of cells from the L to the H state within a "window of opportunity" in time preceding the stationary phase. We find evidence of hysteresis in the expression of rel in response to changing concentrations of PPK1. Our results provide, for the first time, evidence that bistability and stochastic gene expression could be important for the development of "heterogeneity with an advantage" in mycobacteria.Comment: Accepted for publication in PLoS On

    Dopaminergic modulation of appetitive trace conditioning: the role of D1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex

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    Rationale: Trace conditioning may provide a behavioural model suitable to examine the maintenance of ‘on line’ information and its underlying neural substrates. Objectives: Experiment la was run to establish trace conditioning in a shortened procedure which would be suitable to test the effects of dopamine (DA) D1 receptor agents administered by microinjection directly into the brain. Experiment lb examined the effects of the DA D1 agonist SKF81297 and the DA D1 antagonist SCH23390 following systemic administration in pre-trained animals. Experiment 2 went on to test the effects of systemically administered SKF81297 on the acquisition of trace conditioning. In experiment 3, SKF81297 was administered directly in prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) sub-regions of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) to compare the role of different mPFC sub-regions. Results: Whilst treatment with SCH23390 impaired motor responding and/or motivation, SKF81297 had relatively little effect in the pre-trained animals tested in experiment 1b. However, systemic SKF81297 depressed the acquisition function at the 2-s trace interval in experiment 2. Similarly, in experiment 3, SKF81297 (0.1 μg in 1.0 μl) microinjected into either PL or IL mPFC impaired appetitive conditioning at the 2-s trace interval. Conclusions: Impaired trace conditioning under SKF81297 is likely to be mediated in part (but not exclusively) within the IL and PL mPFC sub-regions. The finding that trace conditioning was impaired rather than enhanced under SKF81297 provides further evidence for the inverse U-function which has been suggested to be characteristic of mPFC DA function

    The katG mRNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis is processed at its 5' end and is stabilized by both a polypurine sequence and translation initiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>and in <it>Mycobacterium smegmatis </it>the <it>furA</it>-<it>katG </it>loci, encoding the FurA regulatory protein and the KatG catalase-peroxidase, are highly conserved. In <it>M. tuberculosis furA-katG </it>constitute a single operon, whereas in <it>M. smegmatis </it>a single mRNA covering both genes could not be found. In both species, specific 5' ends have been identified: the first one, located upstream of the <it>furA </it>gene, corresponds to transcription initiation from the <it>furA </it>promoter; the second one is the <it>katG </it>mRNA 5' end, located in the terminal part of <it>furA</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we demonstrate by in vitro transcription and by RNA polymerase Chromatin immunoprecipitation that no promoter is present in the <it>M. smegmatis </it>region covering the latter 5' end, suggesting that it is produced by specific processing of longer transcripts. Several DNA fragments of <it>M. tuberculosis </it>and <it>M. smegmatis </it>were inserted in a plasmid between the <it>sigA </it>promoter and the <it>lacZ </it>reporter gene, and expression of the reporter gene was measured. A polypurine sequence, located four bp upstream of the <it>katG </it>translation start codon, increased beta-galactosidase activity and stabilized the <it>lacZ </it>transcript. Mutagenesis of this sequence led to destabilization of the mRNA. Analysis of constructs, in which the polypurine sequence of <it>M. smegmatis </it>was followed by an increasing number of <it>katG </it>codons, demonstrated that mRNA stability requires translation of at least 20 amino acids. In order to define the requirements for the 5' processing of the <it>katG </it>transcript, we created several mutations in this region and analyzed the 5' ends of the transcripts: the distance from the polypurine sequence does not seem to influence the processing, neither the sequence around the cutting point. Only mutations which create a double stranded region around the processing site prevented RNA processing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first reported case in mycobacteria, in which both a polypurine sequence and translation initiation are shown to contribute to mRNA stability. The <it>furA-katG </it>mRNA is transcribed from the <it>furA </it>promoter and immediately processed; this processing is prevented by a double stranded RNA at the cutting site, suggesting that the endoribonuclease responsible for the cleavage cuts single stranded RNA.</p

    Exploring the Zoonotic Potential of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis through Comparative Genomics

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    A comparative genomics approach was utilised to compare the genomes of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) isolated from early onset paediatric Crohn's disease (CD) patients as well as Johne's diseased animals. Draft genome sequences were produced for MAP isolates derived from four CD patients, one ulcerative colitis (UC) patient, and two non-inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) control individuals using Illumina sequencing, complemented by comparative genome hybridisation (CGH). MAP isolates derived from two bovine and one ovine host were also subjected to whole genome sequencing and CGH. All seven human derived MAP isolates were highly genetically similar and clustered together with one bovine type isolate following phylogenetic analysis. Three other sequenced isolates (including the reference bovine derived isolate K10) were genetically distinct. The human isolates contained two large tandem duplications, the organisations of which were confirmed by PCR. Designated vGI-17 and vGI-18 these duplications spanned 63 and 109 open reading frames, respectively. PCR screening of over 30 additional MAP isolates (3 human derived, 27 animal derived and one environmental isolate) confirmed that vGI-17 and vGI-18 are common across many isolates. Quantitative real-time PCR of vGI-17 demonstrated that the proportion of cells containing the vGI-17 duplication varied between 0.01 to 15% amongst isolates with human isolates containing a higher proportion of vGI-17 compared to most animal isolates. These findings suggest these duplications are transient genomic rearrangements. We hypothesise that the over-representation of vGI-17 in human derived MAP strains may enhance their ability to infect or persist within a human host by increasing genome redundancy and conferring crude regulation of protein expression across biologically important regions

    Two-component signal transduction in Corynebacterium glutamicum and other corynebacteria: on the way towards stimuli and targets

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    In bacteria, adaptation to changing environmental conditions is often mediated by two-component signal transduction systems. In the prototypical case, a specific stimulus is sensed by a membrane-bound histidine kinase and triggers autophosphorylation of a histidine residue. Subsequently, the phosphoryl group is transferred to an aspartate residue of the cognate response regulator, which then becomes active and mediates a specific response, usually by activating and/or repressing a set of target genes. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on two-component signal transduction in Corynebacterium glutamicum. This Gram-positive soil bacterium is used for the large-scale biotechnological production of amino acids and can also be applied for the synthesis of a wide variety of other products, such as organic acids, biofuels, or proteins. Therefore, C. glutamicum has become an important model organism in industrial biotechnology and in systems biology. The type strain ATCC 13032 possesses 13 two-component systems and the role of five has been elucidated in recent years. They are involved in citrate utilization (CitAB), osmoregulation and cell wall homeostasis (MtrAB), adaptation to phosphate starvation (PhoSR), adaptation to copper stress (CopSR), and heme homeostasis (HrrSA). As C. glutamicum does not only face changing conditions in its natural environment, but also during cultivation in industrial bioreactors of up to 500 m3 volume, adaptability can also be crucial for good performance in biotechnological production processes. Detailed knowledge on two-component signal transduction and regulatory networks therefore will contribute to both the application and the systemic understanding of C. glutamicum and related species

    Prokayrotic Ubiquitin-Like Protein (Pup) Proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the first known post-translational small protein modifier in prokaryotes, and targets several proteins for degradation by a bacterial proteasome in a manner akin to ubiquitin (Ub) mediated proteolysis in eukaryotes. To determine the extent of pupylation in Mtb, we used tandem affinity purification to identify its “pupylome”. Mass spectrometry identified 55 out of 604 purified proteins with confirmed pupylation sites. Forty-four proteins, including those with and without identified pupylation sites, were tested as substrates of proteolysis in Mtb. Under steady state conditions, the majority of the test proteins did not accumulate in degradation mutants, suggesting not all targets of pupylation are necessarily substrates of the proteasome under steady state conditions. Four proteins implicated in Mtb pathogenesis, Icl (isocitrate lyase), Ino1 (inositol-1-phosphate synthase), MtrA (Mtb response regulator A) and PhoP (phosphate response regulator P), showed altered levels in degradation defective Mtb. Icl, Ino1 and MtrA accumulated in Mtb degradation mutants, suggesting these proteins are targeted to the proteasome. Unexpectedly, PhoP was present in wild type Mtb but undetectable in the degradation mutants. Taken together, these data demonstrate that pupylation regulates numerous proteins in Mtb and may not always lead to degradation