395 research outputs found

    Birlashgan Arab Amirligi hamda Misr davlatlarida ta’lim tizimi

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    Maqolada Birlashgan Arab Amirligi va Misr davlatlarining ta’lim tizimi, ushbu davlatlardagi ta’lim tizimidagi islohohlar yoritilgan. Amirlikda olib borilgan islohotlarini o’rganish, o’quvchilarga bilim berish va oliy ta’lim darajalari yoritilgan

    The peculiarities of recognition and enforcement of court decisions made in a foreign civil procedure

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    in this article the author analyzes the recognition and the procedure for the enforcement of court decisions made in a foreign civil procedure, the basis, as well as the solution of existing problems

    Modern view on the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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    The article illustrates modern aspects of the etiology, microbiology, clinical features, diagnostic modalities and treatment approaches for the management of odontogenic maxillary sinusitisВ статье рассмотрены современные аспекты этиологии, микробиологии, особенности клинических проявлений, методы диагностики и подходы к лечению одонтогенного верхнечелюстного синусит


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    verifies the term of “nomination” in relation to poetic images-symbols. The interconnection of literary and cultural linguistics methods of analysis through the concept of nominations to the images-symbols made it possible to apply a new theoretical approach to the study of the symbolic system. Methodology: in our study, we rely on the methodology of considering the symbol in the aspect of a system of nominations, which, in our opinion, expands the views on the process of symbolization. Result: Thus, symbols characterize the national peculiarities of poets’ creativity and the artistic world of poetic works, the principles of organizing the subject level and the ideological and semantic potential of works. As a result, symbols have become a kind of “codes” that defines the unique and universal features of Tatar poetry. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of The Symbolic System in Tatar Poetry of the First Half of the Twentieth Century: The Transformation of Nominative Meanings is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Desenvolvimento gramatical e funcionamento das formas verbais árabes na antiga língua tártara do século XIX

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    This article is devoted to the research of problems of grammatical development of the Arab verbal forms – names of actions and participles – in the old Tatar language of the 19th century. During the analysis functional patterns of masdars and participles of Arabic in the structure of art texts of this period reveal. In the article the scientific technique of the analysis of the Arab grammatical elements in the language of Tatar poetry of this period is offered; mechanisms of adaptation of the borrowed grammatical elements in grammatical aspect are defined; features of development of arabisms at the grammatical level are revealed.The conclusion is made that the majority of the Arab verbal forms are substantivized under the influence of grammatical standards of the Tatar language and accept all paradigms of names. It is proved that the considerable part of masdars and participles don't lose the verbal values and act coupled with auxiliary verbs of Turkic origin, and a certain part of participles of Arabic in language of the studied texts act in the meaning of participles.Este artículo está dedicado a la investigación de problemas de desarrollo gramatical de las formas verbales árabes - nombres de acciones y participios - en el antiguo idioma tártaro del siglo XIX. Durante el análisis revelan los patrones funcionales de los masdars y los participios del árabe en la estructura de los textos artísticos de este período. En el artículo se ofrece la técnica científica del análisis de los elementos gramaticales árabes en el lenguaje de la poesía tártara de este período; se definen los mecanismos de adaptación de los elementos gramaticales prestados en el aspecto gramatical; se revelan las características del desarrollo de los arabismos en el nivel gramatical.Se llega a la conclusión de que la mayoría de las formas verbales árabes están substantivizadas bajo la influencia de los estándares gramaticales de la lengua tártara y aceptan todos los paradigmas de los nombres. Está demostrado que la parte considerable de los masdars y participios no pierde los valores verbales y actúa junto con los verbos auxiliares de origen túrquico, y una cierta parte de los participios del árabe en el lenguaje de los textos estudiados actúa en el significado de los participiosEste artigo é dedicado à investigação de problemas de desenvolvimento gramatical de formas verbais árabes - nomes de ações e particípios - na antiga língua tártara do século XIX. Durante a análise, eles revelam os padrões funcionais dos mascarares e os particípios do árabe na estrutura dos textos artísticos desse período. No artigo é oferecida a técnica científica da análise dos elementos gramaticais árabes na linguagem da poesia tártara deste período; são definidos os mecanismos de adaptação dos elementos gramaticais emprestados no aspecto gramatical; As características do desenvolvimento dos arabismos no nível gramatical são reveladas.Conclui-se que a maioria das formas verbais árabes são substantivadas sob a influência dos padrões gramaticais da língua tártara e aceitam todos os paradigmas dos nomes. Mostra-se que parte considerável dos masdars e particípios não perdem valores verbais e atua em conjunto com verbos auxiliares de origem turca, e alguma parte de particípios de árabe na língua dos textos estudou interpretação no sentido de particípio

    Modern Trends of Internet Banking Market in Supply Chain of Russia

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    Nowadays modern economic system and banking system in particular is defined as a globally developed and integrated system. Internet banking gained particular interest as a kind of remote banking, which is the most progressive direction of banking system development. It is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing sectors of the e-Commerce market. The issues of strategic development determine the interest, attracted to the development of internet banking. Practice shows that investments in such projects begin to make a profit only after a certain period of time necessary for training and adapting the system to specific conditions. Investing in software, computer and telecommunications equipment and creating a base for the transition to new computing platforms, provide banks with ability to reduce the cost of services, accelerate the payments transactions through the banking system and reduce the complexity of banking services. The largest banks provide the richest set of internet banking services abroad. Internet banking in supply chain of Russia is at the stage of formation. In order to reach the modern level of development of the banking sector, it is essential for supply chain of Russia to form a national market for internet banking. The development of remote banking services based on Internet banking technology will give a new impetus to the development of electronic banking services in banking

    Directions to improve economic efficiency of regional production

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    The paper provides theoretical grounding and the directions for improving the economic efficiency of the regional feedstuff production. The study develops a conceptual model of distributing management functions of feedstuff production between the regional authorities of state sectoral and economic management and the district level. The authors suggest the methodology for calculating potential capacity of intraregional feedstuff market, considering the demands of all categories of agricultural manufacturers. The study examines possibilities for implementing the strategy of diversified growth and development of the intraregional feedstuff market, including the terms of interaction between the large and micro-business inside the industry and cooperation of micro-business feedstuff manufacturers with agricultural production. The authors have developed the methodology for assessing the efficiency of feedstuff production, based on the aggregate estimation of the management organization, conditions for the development of feedstuff production and changes in the feedstuff production and livestock breeding industry.peer-reviewe

    Semi-structured information in the field of artificial intelligence and information security: processing results

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    This article is devoted to the semantic analysis of weakly structured information in the field of "Artificial intelligence and information security". The methodology of this research included two stages and is based on the meta-analysis of existing studies. The received results allow development of further methodological recommendations on semi-structured information and artificial intelligence

    Theoretical Foundations of Informational Aspect of Intercultural Communication Development

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    Рассмотрены проблемы формирования современной межкультурной коммуникации и роль средств массовой информации в становлении и развитии толерантных отношений в межкультурном пространстве. Проанализированы работы ученых по вопросам межкультурного общения и межкультурной толерантности. Отмечены важность решения этих проблем для подрастающего поколения и значимость средств массовой информации в создании единого мирового культурологического мышления, формировании общественного мнения, развитии мирового межкультурного пространства.The article deals with the problems of the formation of modern intercultural communication and the role of the mass media in the formation and development of tolerant relations in the intercultural space. The authors refer to the works of scientists studying the issues of intercultural communication and intercultural tolerance. The importance of solving these problems among the younger generation is noted. Based on the analysis the significance of the mass media in creating single world culturological thinking is revealed. According to the authors, the mass media influence the formation of public opinion and the development of global intercultural space

    対人関係の光と影 : 「絆」の形成、拒絶、そして崩壊の社会心理学的研究

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The feasibility of applying thermal analysis to study of oil-containing rocks and organic matter is reviewed. Using heavy crudes from the Ashal'cha and Mordovo-Karmal fields, the potential for analysis of the effectiveness of iron-containing precursors of aquathermolysis catalysts is demonstrated with use of data derived from thermal analysis. The thermal effects detected in the presence of the catalyst precursor, as compared with the original sample, reflect decomposition of the catalyst precursor and degradation processes for the components of the crude oil activated by the catalyst. It is shown that use of thermal analysis is feasible for preliminary selection or optimization of catalyst compositions for in-situ upgrading of crude oils, taking into account the activity of the catalyst relative to certain components of the crude in a specific temperature range