23 research outputs found

    Analisis Fiqh Siyasah Dusturiyah dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Tentang Trading in Influence dalam Hukum Positif di Indonesia

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    The mode of corruption and crime from time to time has undergone a significant change. This can be seen from the various corruption cases managed by law enforcers, both by the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Police and the Attorney General's Office. Influence trading in reality in the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) has been categorized as a form of corruption. This is regulated in article 18 of the convention. As a country that has ratified the UNCAC, Indonesia still has not regulated this trade of influence. However, if we examine a number of cases handled by law enforcers such as the KPK (Anti-Corruption Comission), it clearly has this dimension of influence. Such as the chairman of a political party and the family of a public official who takes advantage of their position and closeness to public officials. From this influence there is an undue advantage (undue advantage). In the view of Islam, this is one of the deviant behaviors that will result in a poor work ethic because it tends to give an affair or case that is not the expert. The authorship uses the method of research in a normative juridical manner, where the author uses laws, journal articles, books and documents that support in analyzing the interpretation of fiqh siyasah dusturiyah in the formation of regulations on Trading in Influence (trading influence) in positive law, its formation or by updating existing laws by accommodating the delik trading in influence contained in the UNCAC into Law No.31 of 1999 jo Law No.20 of 2001 on Corruption Crimes , with Ijtihad (ra'yu) from the role of Ahlu al halliwal Aqdhi he has the right to form and revise the rule of law in force, Consequently ratified united nation convention against corruption (UNCAC) by Indonesia through Law No. 7 of 2006 on Ratification of UNCAC is a necessity to adopt norms that are considered important into positive law in Indonesia


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    Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan yang diajarkan di sekolah memiliki peranan yang sangat penting, antara lain memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam berbagai pengalaman belajar melalui aktivitas jasmani, olahraga, dan kesehatan yang terpilih yang dilakukan secara sistematis. Pemilihan jenis instrumen disesuaikan dengan permasalahan dan data yang akan dikumpul. Dalam penelitian ini instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup. Angket ini ditujukan untuk menjaring data Minat  Belajar Siswa di SMK Desa dan SMK Kota Dalam Mengikuti Mata pelajaran Penjas. Data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai yang diperoleh dari angket Minat  Belajar Siswa di SMK Negeri 4 dan SMK Negeri 1 Dalam Mengikuti Mata pelajaran Penjaskes di Kota Langsa Nilai tersebut diuji dengan menggunakan rumus persentase. Jadi data yang diperoleh merupakan hasil angket Survei Minat  Belajar Siswa di SMK Negeri 4 dan SMK Negeri 1 Dalam Mengikuti Mata pelajaran Penjaskes di Kota Langsa. Sebelum dilakukan analisa data maka dilakukan uji keabsahan data (validitas dan reabilitas)

    Green Synthesis Nanopartikel Perak (AgNPs) Menggunakan Bioreduktor Alami Ekstrak Daun Ilalang (Imperata cylindrica L)

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    Ilalang (Imperata cylindrica L) merupakan tumbuhan liar yang jarang dimanfaatkan. Daun ilalang mengandung senyawa bioaktif seperti alkaloid dan flavonoid. Senyawa flavonoid dapat digunakan sebagai zat reduktor alami dalam sintesis nanopartikel perak (AgNPs). Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah sintesis nanopartikel perak menggunakan bioreduktor alami dari ekstrak daun ilalang. Sintesis nanopartikel perak menggunakan metode green synthesis (reduktor alam). Terbentuknya koloid nanopartikel perak terlihat secara visual ditandai dengan perubahan warna koloid menjadi coklat setelah penambahan ekstrak daun ilalang. Hasil UV-Vis menunjukkan nanopartikel perak memiliki puncak serapan pada panjang gelombang 420 nm dengan nilai absorbansi 1,9. FTIR memperlihatkan spektrum pengurangan puncak serapan nanopartikel perak pada bilangan gelombang 3356 cm-1. Hasil XRD dan PSA menunjukkan nanopartikel perak memiliki rata-rata ukuran kristal 19 nm dan distribusi ukuran partikel sebesar 1160 nm. Nanopartikel perak memiliki bentuk bulat dengan ukuran partikel 20 nm yang terlihat pada morfologi hasil TE

    Latent classes of DSM-5 acute stress disorder symptoms in children after single-incident trauma: findings from an international data archive

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    Background: After a potentially traumatic event (PTE), children often show symptoms of acute stress disorder (ASD), which may evolve into posttraumatic stress (PTS) disorder. A growing body of literature has employed latent class analysis (LCA) to disentangle the complex structure underlying PTS symptomatology, distinguishing between homogeneous subgroups based on PTS presentations. So far, little is known about subgroups or classes of ASD reactions in trauma-exposed children. Objective: Our study aimed to identify latent classes of ASD symptoms in children exposed to a single-incident PTE and to identify predictors of class membership (gender, age, cultural background, parental education, trauma type, and trauma history). Method: A sample of 2287 children and adolescents (5–18 years) was derived from the Prospective studies of Acute Child Trauma and Recovery (PACT/R) Data Archive, an international archive including studies from the USA, UK, Australia, and Switzerland. LCA was used to determine distinct subgroups based on ASD symptoms. Predictors of class membership were examined using a three-step approach. Results: Our LCA yielded a three-class solution: low (42%), intermediate (43%) and high (15%) ASD symptom severity that differed in terms of impairment and number of endorsed ASD symptoms. Compared to the low symptoms class, children in the intermediate or high severity class were more likely to be of female gender, be younger of age, have parents who had not completed secondary education, and be exposed to a road traffic accident or interpersonal violence (vs. an unintentional injury). Conclusions: These findings provide new information on children at risk for ASD after single-incident trauma,

    Neuropathic Pain in Rats with a Partial Sciatic Nerve Ligation Is Alleviated by Intravenous Injection of Monoclonal Antibody to High Mobility Group Box-1

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    High mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is associated with the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. A previous study reported that intravenous injection of anti-HMGB1 monoclonal antibody significantly attenuated brain edema in a rat model of stroke, possibly by attenuating glial activation. Peripheral nerve injury leads to increased activity of glia in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Thus, it is possible that the anti-HMGB1 antibody could also be efficacious in attenuating peripheral nerve injury-induced pain. Following partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL), rats were treated with either anti-HMGB1 or control IgG. Intravenous treatment with anti-HMGB1 monoclonal antibody (2 mg/kg) significantly ameliorated PSNL-induced hind paw tactile hypersensitivity at 7, 14 and 21 days, but not 3 days, after ligation, whereas control IgG had no effect on tactile hypersensitivity. The expression of HMGB1 protein in the spinal dorsal horn was significantly increased 7, 14 and 21 days after PSNL; the efficacy of the anti-HMGB1 antibody is likely related to the presence of HMGB1 protein. Also, the injury-induced translocation of HMGB1 from the nucleus to the cytosol occurred mainly in dorsal horn neurons and not in astrocytes and microglia, indicating a neuronal source of HMGB1. Markers of astrocyte (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)), microglia (ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba1)) and spinal neuron (cFos) activity were greatly increased in the ipsilateral dorsal horn side compared to the sham-operated side 21 days after PSNL. Anti-HMGB1 monoclonal antibody treatment significantly decreased the injury-induced expression of cFos and Iba1, but not GFAP. The results demonstrate that nerve injury evokes the synthesis and release of HMGB1 from spinal neurons, facilitating the activity of both microglia and neurons, which in turn leads to symptoms of neuropathic pain. Thus, the targeting of HMGB1 could be a useful therapeutic strategy in the treatment of chronic pain

    Connective tissue growth factor(CCN2), a pathogenic factor in diabetic nephropathy. What does it do? How does it do it?

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    Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a member of the CCN family of matricellular proteins. Its expression is induced by a number of factors including TGF-β. It has been associated with fibrosis in various tissues including the kidney. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) develops in about 30% of patients with diabetes and is characterized by thickening of renal basement membranes, fibrosis in the glomerulus (glomerulosclerosis), tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis, all of which compromise kidney function. This review examines changes in CTGF expression in the kidney in DN, the effects they have on glomerular mesangial and podocyte cells and the tubulointerstitium, and how these contribute to driving fibrotic changes in the disease. CTGF can bind to several other growth factors modifying their function. CTGF is also able to interact with receptors on cells, including integrins, tyrosine receptor kinase A (TrkA), low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) and heparan sulphate proteoglycans. These interactions, the intracellular signalling pathways they activate, and the cellular responses evoked are reviewed. CTGF also induces the expression of chemokines which themselves have pharmacological actions on cells. CTGF may prompt some responses by acting through several different mechanisms, possibly simultaneously. For example, CTGF is often described as an effector of TGF-β. It can promote TGF-β signalling by binding directly to the growth factor, promoting its interaction with the TGF-β receptor; by triggering intracellular signalling on binding the TrkA receptor, which leads to the transcriptional repression of Smad7, an inhibitor of the TGF-β signalling pathway; and by binding to BMP-7 whose own signalling pathway opposing TGF-β is inhibited, leading to enhanced TGF-β signalling

    Analisis Sebaran Radiasi Hambur Pesawat Sinar X Konvensional di Instalasi Radiologi Rsia Zainab

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    Radiation consists of primary radiation and scattered radiation. Primary radiation is radiation that comes out of the X-ray tube, radiation that comes out of the object and is not in the same direction as the primary beam is called scattering radiation. This scattering radiation will increase the amount of radiation dose received. The closer our bodies to the radiation source, the greater the radiation exposure we receive. Based on the principle of external radiation protection to prevent exposure to radiation we can maintain a safe distance at a safe level and use shielding from radiation sources. This research is a type of descriptive quantitative research with an experimental approach. This research was conducted at RSIA Zainab in June 2021. In this study, an x-ray plane was used as a radiation source, a surveymeter as a scattering radiation detection tool, shielding as a protective device and a meter for distance measurement. Radiation distribution is strongly influenced by distance and the use of shielding, this is in accordance with the inverse square law theory which states that the intensity of light or linear waves emitting from a point source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source or the farther the distance the smaller the radiation exposure, and the use of shielding as a protective barrier at the time of exposure is very effective because x-ray radiation does not penetrate with materials that have a high atomic number such as Pb which is used as a shielding coating

    Green Modifikasi Nanopartikel Au terhadap Permukaan Bentonit Terpilar Cu sebagai Degradasi Zat Warna Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR)

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    Telah dilakukan sintesis bentonit terpilarisasi Cu dan diimmobilisasi nanopartikel Au sebagai katalis degradasi termal RBBR(Remazol Brilliant Blue R) menggunakan H2O2. Karakterisasi Na-bentonit, bentonit terpilarisasi Cu dan immobilisasi naopartikel Au di dalam Cu-bentonit dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan-peralatan FTIR, XRDdan SEM-EDS. Dalam kategori pewarna secara keseluruhan, RBBRadalah pewarna antrakuinon yang digunakan pada industri tekstil. Ini adalah pewarna berbahaya dan dapat merusak kehidupan akuatik dan juga kehidupan vegetatif jika air yang terkontaminasi digunakan untuk irigasi. Karakterisasi degradasi dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menunjukkan pada jumlah katalis 4 mg Cu-bentonit-Au mampu mempercepat reaksi degradasi termal RBBRpada konsentrasi 1,56x10-5M, dengan persentase dye removalmencapai 98,18%. Waktu reaksi dan suhu reaksi optimum adalah 10 menit dan 98 oC, sementara konsentrasi optimum H2O2untuk degradasi RBBRadalah 4,62x10-1M